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    1、如何阅读新闻和具体新闻如何阅读英文报刊中的新闻报道目前,越来越多的英语学习者认识到阅读英文报刊是很好的学习英语的途径。英文报刊不仅能使英语学习者开拓眼界,与时俱进,更重要的是它给我们提供了一个多种多样的“习得”英语的环境。 那么,新闻报道作为报刊的“主打”,我们应该怎样去阅读和利用它呢? 一、新闻报道的构成要素及特点 1. 标题( Headline ) 标题是一篇新闻报道内容的关键,是读者对阅读内容的第一印象。它必须立意新颖,生动醒目,不拘一格,而由于报刊版面的局限,标题又必须简明扼要,一语言中。一般来说,标题具有以下几方面的特点: ( 1 )时态和语态的变化 a. 新闻报道是新近发生的事实,

    2、也有已经发生或刚刚发生的,为了给读者以新鲜生动的现实感,常采用一般现在时。如: Muslim festival is struck by tragedy ONeal proves his star value b. 用现在分词来表示现在进行时态,使语言更加简洁。如: Jiang: Macao running smoothly Hi-tech breeding c. 用不定式表示将来时态。如: Beijing to host more talks Palestine, US to hold peace talks d. 用过去分词表示被动语态,即省略被动结构中的 be 动词。如: Biggest

    3、 zoo planned Two foreign languages taught to kids in junior schools ( 2 )词语的省略 标题常省去某些语法成分或词语,主要是只有语法功能的虚词,如冠词、代词、系动词、助动词、连词等。如: 省略系动词、冠词: China (is) in (a) flu fight 省略代词、系动词: (Its) Hard to break drinking habit 省略连词: (There was a ) Storm in a teacup ( 3 )使用缩略词 国家、机构、职务及一些大家公认的事物名称常用缩略词表示。如: PRC ( T

    4、he Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国) EU ( European Union 欧盟) PM ( Prime Minister 首相) UFO ( Unidentified Flying Object 不明飞行物) 2. 导语( Lead ) 一般来讲,导语即新闻报道的第一段,通常是对标题所表明的中心内容进行的一句话阐示。句子往往为主谓宾结构,而且具有简短精练的特点,因此导语常常突出一个新闻要素。如:人物要素导语突出新闻中的人物;事件要素导语突出事件;地点要素导语突出地点;时间要素导语突出时间;还有原因要素导语等。导语乃新闻的 main idea ,新闻中某

    5、一要素的重要性亦可显示在导语中。如: The 9th China International Education Exhibition Tour started in Beijing last weekend. Twice as many Senior 3 students can go to university in Hong Kong this year, after universities decided to take more students from the Chinese mainland. 3. 正文( Body ) 由于新闻报道在写法上是“倒金字塔”式,即新闻中以最重要

    6、的事实开始,随之加上次要的事实,再以最次要的事实结尾。因此导语后的正文着重细节,并按事件发生的顺序描述何人,何时,何地,何事,何故,如何。通常它由两部分组成,即与相关事件相关的人员的评论以及相关背景信息。 二、词汇的处理 英语学习过程中的词汇积累是基本功,且泛读中的词汇积累相当重要。报刊中的词语鲜活、实用,具有大众化、通俗化的特色,现代气息浓厚,更应予以重视。可遵循以下原则处理文中的词汇: 1. 不必要求每一句话都懂,不必每个生词都查字典。 2. 若某些词汇多次出现,仍不解其意,这时可查字典。 3. 若读者具备一定的背景知识,某些词即可通过上下文猜出词义。如: A total of 37 pe

    7、ople were killed and 15 injured at a Lantern Festival gathering last Thursday night in Miyun County, 65km northeast of downtown Beijing. (county 县 ) 4. 遇到好词句可适当摘抄。如上句中“总数为”的表达: a total of 同学们若能养成常读难易适中的英文报刊的好习惯,相信英语学习一定会有显著的成效。 Wen sets out agendaUpdated: 2012-03-15 08:03By Zhu Zhe (China Daily)Prem

    8、ier highlights the challenges and opportunities at final NPC news conferencePremier Wen Jiabao, at his final National Peoples Congress (NPC) news conference on Wednesday, called for reforms and set a path of both opportunity and challenge for his successor.The Fifth Session of the 11th NPC closed on

    9、 Wednesday. At the session, the NPC adopted a number of important documents, including the government work report, the central budget and the national economic and social development plan for 2012, as well as the amendment to the Criminal Procedure Law.It also adopted decisions on deputy election fo

    10、r the 12th NPC and methods for the election of deputies to the 12th NPC from Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions as well as the work reports of the NPC Standing Committee, the Supreme Peoples Court and the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate.Addressing a range of issues, Wen said that curre

    11、ncy reform will remain on the agenda, housing prices will be reined in and debts racked up by local governments will be dealt with. He also said that private capital would be allowed in the financial sector, and political reform would be pushed forward.As the economy continues to develop, problems h

    12、ave arisen such as income disparity and corruption, and only economic and political reform can resolve these issues, Wen said.Reforms in China have come to a critical stage, he told about 1,000 reporters from domestic and international media organizations after the conclusion of this years meeting o

    13、f the NPC.Reform can only go forward and must not stand still or go backward because that offers no way out.Wen mentioned the need for political reform. Without successful political reform, its impossible for China to fully institute economic reform and the gains we have made in these areas may be l

    14、ost.Wen has addressed the urgency of reform on many occasions over the past few years. On Wednesday, he said that his long interest comes from a strong sense of responsibility.Even with a single breath, Im still prepared to dedicate myself fully to advancing Chinas reform and the cause of opening-up

    15、, he said.However, Wen made it clear that reforms should be gradual and prudent, as people must take into consideration national circumstances and the population of 1.3 billion.And I know, very well, that reform will not be easy and it cannot succeed without the consciousness, the support, the enthu

    16、siasm and creativity of our people, Wen said.Ma Huaide, vice-president of the China University of Political Science and Law, said Wens words showed great determination.Hes trying to inspire the people and the society to bring in changes, he said.Lau Nai-keung, a political commentator in Hong Kong, s

    17、aid continued reform and opening-up has been the general consensus as well as national policy.If we decide to push ahead in this direction, we will succeed provided the moves are supported by the people and are grounded in our socio-political and cultural reality, Lau said.While looking back on his

    18、nine-year tenure on Wednesday, which is expected to end next March, Wen appeared emotional and said he should assume responsibility for problems that had occurred in the economy and society during his term of office.I feel truly sorry, Wen said. Due to various factors, there is still much room for i

    19、mprovement in my work.In the last year in office, Wen said, he would be as committed as ever and continue his best efforts to serve the people, to make up for the shortfall in his work with new achievements, and to win the peoples understanding and forgiveness.The government will formulate a plan th

    20、is year for income distribution reform, he said. It will also introduce a land requisition regulation to better protect farmers property rights, ensure the promised input in education matches 4 percent of GDP, expand coverage of the pension system and improve poverty alleviation.Were determined to a

    21、ccomplish these tasks rather than pass on the problems to the next government, he said.He placed hope in the next generation and had full confidence that they would better his achievements, he said.In his 45 years of service he had always strived with passion and energy to serve the country and the

    22、people and had never pursued personal gain, he said.I have the courage to face the people, and to face history, Wen said.There are people who will appreciate what I have done but there are also people who will criticize me, he said. Ultimately, history will have the final say.Wang Huazhong in Beijin

    23、g and Bob Lee in Hong Kong contributed to this story.zhuzhe(China Daily 03/15/2012 page1)Yuans value unlikely to rise much soonUpdated: 2012-03-15 08:05By Ding Qingfen in Beijing and Cecily Liu in London (China Daily)PrintMailLarge MediumSmall0 Cooperation between China and US healthy for both, prem

    24、ier saysPremier Wen Jiabao said on Wednesday that China will intensify its currency regime reform and the foreign exchange rate has possibly reached equilibrium, a signal that there is little room for the renminbi to appreciate soon.In the Hong Kong market, the non-deliverable forwards (a type of fu

    25、tures contract) have started to fluctuate in both directions. And this tells us that the exchange rate of the renminbi has possibly reached equilibrium, Premier Wen Jiabao said at a news conference at the end of the National Peoples Congress session.China will go on intensifying foreign exchange ref

    26、orm, especially to allow relatively wider, two-way fluctuation.The yuan has gained 30 percent in real terms since 2005. But it dropped by 0.7 percent against the dollar this year after surging by 4.7 percent in 2011, while Chinas exports have been hurt by the slackened global demand, especially beca

    27、use of the European debt crisis.In February, Chinas imports gained by 39.6 percent from a year earlier, and exports grew by 18.4 percent, causing a $31.5 billion trade deficit in February, the biggest since 1990. Experts said this will slow the pace of gains in the Chinese currency in the coming mon

    28、ths.The premiers remark on equilibrium means China will not allow its currency to rise by much in the short term, or say this year, said Li Wei, an economist at Standard Chartered Shanghai.And it also shows the nation is not optimistic about Chinas economy and the exports dragged down by the Europea

    29、n debt crisis, he added.In the annual Government Work Report last week, Wen cut Chinas expected economic growth rate this year to 7.5 percent.China aims for quality growth in the economy, and we want to solve the problem that Chinas economy is unbalanced, uncoordinated, and unsustainable, Wen said.S

    30、ome countries, including the United States, have been pressuring China to allow its currency to rise further, saying its trade surplus demonstrates the need.But Wen said Chinas foreign trade is basically balanced, and the surplus dropped to 2.8 percent of the gross domestic product last year.During

    31、this years NPC and CPPCC sessions, Peoples Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said China may appropriately widen the yuans trading band.Premier Wens remarks that China will continue to push for relatively big-scale and two-way fluctuation in the currency is excellent because it takes us a lot closer to the point that the renminbi can be freely traded, said Simon Derrick, head of currency strategy at BNY Mellon, an investment management and s


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