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    1、词汇学教案18章实用英语词汇教案Teaching Contents : Chapter 1Lexicology and basic concepts of words and vocabular:授课顺序: A. do warming-up discussion B. answer some questions and learn some concepts C. quickly go through the whole text D. get help E. conclude main points for todays learning F. group work G. assign ho

    2、mework or exerciseStep 1 Pre-learning Activities Check Students Preparation (检查预习情况)Step 2Warming-up discussion Discussion 1 : What is a word? Page 3 Word can be defined as a meaningful group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper. The definition of a word will cover the

    3、following points: a) a minimal free form of a language b) a sound unity c) a unit of meaning d) a form that can function alone in a sentence Discussion 2 What is vocabulary? Page 3 All the words in a language make up what is generally known as its vocabulary. Vocabulary is most commonly used to refe

    4、r to the sum total of all the words of a language. Step 3 Answer some questions and learn some concepts Questions to think over: 1. Explain briefly the two methods of the study of lexicology. Page 2 2. Explain briefly transparent words and opaque words. Page 4 3. How do you account for the role of n

    5、ative words in English in relation to loan-words? page 4 and page 133 Questions to think over: 4. What are the classifications of words?(如何分类单词) Page 3-4 1) full words and form words 2) popular word and learned word 3) abstract word and concrete word 4) transparent word and opaque words 5) polysemic

    6、 word and monosemic word 6) native word and loan word Concepts to learn: Lexicology Page 1 Lexicology, as the science of words, is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words. English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English

    7、words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation, and usages. 2. word (We learned just now!) 3. vocabulary (We also learned just now!)Step 4 Go through the whole text 1.1 The definition of lexicology 1.1.1 The domains of English lexicology FirstSeco

    8、ndly ThirdlyLastly 1.1.2 Methods of study of lexicology 1.2 The definition of word 1.3 The definition of vocabulary 1.4 Classification of wordsStep 5Helping time for solving problems.Put up your hand and let me know if you still dont understand the text. I will come to help !Step 6 Conclude main poi

    9、nts for todays learning Main points for today 1. the definition of English lexicology Page 1 2. the domains of English lexicology Page 1 3. methods of study of lexicology Page 2 4. the definition of word Page 35. the definition of vocabulary Page 3 6. Classification of words Page 3-4 Step 7Group wor

    10、k Discussing, writing and speaking : Work in groups of threes or fours and think over and write on the topic Why Should a Chinese Student of English Study English Lexicology? When the group is ready, please choose one student to represent the group to make a presentation in front of the class.(先进行小组

    11、讨论,然后选一位代表来到台前陈述小组的想法和讨论结果。)Step 8Homework /Assignment 1. Work on all the exercises on page 5 2 Prepare for Chapter 2.Teaching Contents : Chapter 2The development of the English vocabularyPart A Lecturing on exercises(讲解前一课练习)Part B Lecturing on the text(授课)授课顺序: A. do warming-up discussion B. answe

    12、r some questions and learn some concepts C. quickly go through the whole text D. get help E. conclude main points for todays learning F. group work G. assign homework or exerciseStep 1 Pre-learning Activities Check Students Preparation (检查预习、作业情况)Step 2Warming-up discussion Discussion 1 : How many l

    13、anguages are there in the world? How many languages families can they be grouped into? Page 6 It is assumed that the world has 5,000 languages, which can be grouped into roughly 25 language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and brammar. They are Sino-Tibetan Family; Ind

    14、o-European Family, and other 23 ones. The Indo-European language family is made up of most languages of Europe, the Near East, and India. The English language is not the language of the early inhabitants of the British Isles. The early history of English belongs to the Indo-European language family.

    15、 Discussion 2 What are the two kinds of mehtods to classify the world languages? Page 6 One kind is morphological classification, and the other is structural classification. (说明:有两种方法可对世界上的所有语言进行分类,一种是形态划分,即根据语言的语法形态,对语言进行划分,通俗地说就是根据词的外形对语言进行划分;另一种是结构划分,即根据句法结构对语言进行划分)Step 3 Answer some questions an

    16、d learn some concepts Questions to think over: 1. Why do we say “English is a heavy borrower?” Page 14 and Page 135 English owes 80% of its vecabulary to other languages. That is to say English has borrowed 80 percent of its vocabulary from other languages. In fact, the English vocabulary contains w

    17、ords from all the major languages of the world. No other language of the world has borrowed so heavily. Therefore, the name “ heavy borrower” best describes the characteristic of the the English vocabulary. 2. Enumerate the major modes of modern vocabulary development.(说出英语词汇发展的三种主要模式) Page 14 Moder

    18、n English vocabulary develops through three channels: creation, semantic change, and borrowing. For details see page14 and page 136. Concepts to learn: 1. Isolating language Page 7 Isolating language is a language in which each word form consists typically of a single morpheme. Examples are Classica

    19、l Chinese and Vietnamese. An isolating language tends also to be an analytic language.(孤立语往往也是分析性语言 analytic language,孤立语的特点就是每一个词就是一个独立的词素,没有词尾变化) 2. Inflected language Page 7 Inflected language is a language whose nouns show their grammatical fucntion in the sentence by changes in the noun itself,

    20、 and not by position. (通过词尾变化来实现语法功能的语言叫屈折语,英语可以作为其代表,屈折语也是综合性语言 synthetic language。) 3. synthetic language Page 7 Synthetic language refers to any language in which syntactic relations within sentences are expressed by inflection or by aggulutination(黏着). (综合性语言主要通过词尾的格、时态、语态、性、数、词素等的变化来实现句法功能。其代表有

    21、拉丁语、英语。综合性语言也可看成屈折语) 4. analytic language Page 8 Analytic language refers to any language that uses specific grammatical words, or particles, rather than inflection, to express syntactic relations within sentences. (分析性语言主要通过具体的语法词、或小品词来实现句法功能,而不是通过单词本身的词尾变化。其代表有古汉语、越南语。可把分析性语看成孤立语。) Step 4 Go throu

    22、gh the whole text 2.1 The world languages (Key words : 5000, 25, Sino-Tibetan Family, Indo-European Family) Page 6-8 2.1 Language classifications 2.2.1 Morphological classification .Isolating language Inflected language Agglutinative language .Ploysynthetic language 2.2.2 Structural classification .

    23、Synthetic language .Analytic language 2.3 The Indo-European language family See the tree diagram on page 8 ! 2.4 The historical overview of English vocabulary 2.4.1 Old English (450-1150) Page 9-11 Key words: Celtsthe Romans Latin Angles, Saxons, and Jutes Angles landEngland English the Roman missin

    24、ariesNorwegian and Danish Vikings Scandinavian wordspronunciation Vocabulary 2.4.2 Middle English (1150-1500) Page 11 Key words: 1066 NormansNorman French characteristics (9000 French words, many inflections retained, spelling and pronunciation) 2.4.3 Modern English(1500-up to now) Page 12 Key words

    25、: the Renaisssancethe Bourgeois Revolution Industrial Revolution thousands of new words were created or translated into Englishcharacteristics( word endings were lost, rapid expansion of English vocabulary) 2.5 Three main sources of new words of the present-day English vocabulary Page 13 2.5.1 The r

    26、apid development of modern science and technology(software, input, etc.) 2.5.2 Social, economic, and political changes (credit card, sexism etc.) 2.5.3 The influence of other cultures and languages 2.6 Modes of the development of the English vocabulary Page 14 2.6.1 Creation 2.6.2 Semantic change 2.

    27、6.3 BorrowingStep 5 Helping time for solving problems.Put up your hand and let me know if you still dont understand the text. I will come to help !Step 6 Conclude main points for todays learning 1. the definition of isolating language Page 7 2. the definition of inflected language Page 7 3. the defi

    28、nition of synthetic language Page 7 4. the definition of analytic language Page 85. the tree diagram for the Indo-European language family Page 8 6. The historical overview of English vocabulary Page 9-12 Old English (450-1150) Middle English(1150-1500) Modern English(1500-up to now)7. Three main so

    29、urces of new words of the present-day English vocabulary-The rapid development of modern science and technology-Social, economic, and political changes-The influence of other cultures and languages 8. Modes of the development of the English vocabulary-Creation-Semantic change-Borrowing Step 7Group w

    30、ork Discussing, writing and speaking : Work in groups of threes or fours and think over and write on the topic Why should a Student of English Lexicology Study the Knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family? When the group is ready, please choose one student to represent the group to make a pres

    31、entation in front of the class.(先进行小组讨论,然后选一位代表来到台前陈述小组的想法和讨论结果。)Step 8Homework /Assignment 1. Work on all the exercises on page 15-16 2 Prepare for Chapter 3.Teaching Contents : Chapter 3The structure of English words and word-formation in EnglishPart A Lecturing on exercises(讲解前一课练习)Part B Lecturing on the te


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