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    高一英语下册 Unit16 Scientists at work备课资料教案 大纲人教版第一册.docx

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    高一英语下册 Unit16 Scientists at work备课资料教案 大纲人教版第一册.docx

    1、高一英语下册 Unit16 Scientists at work备课资料教案 大纲人教版第一册2019-2020年高一英语下册 Unit16 Scientists at work(备课资料)教案 大纲人教版第一册一、异域风情1.Alexander Bells Great InventionMost people know that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.But not many know about accother talking device he invented just four years later,in 188

    2、0.He called the device the photophone.Photophonees from the Greek words for lightand sound.The photophone did not use electricity to carry sound over wires between two people.Thats what a telephone does.Instead,the photophone used a beam of sunlight travelling through the air.With his invention,Bell

    3、 could actually transmit human speech on a beam of light.To do so,he spoke close to a thin mirror that was reflecting sunlight.The vibrations of his voice caused the mirror to vibrate,and the vibrating mirror caused the light to vibrate.The vibrating light hit a light-sensitive cell in a receiver pl

    4、aced some distance away.The cell changed the light patterns into electrical signals.Earphones changed the signals back into sounds.Bell believed that his idea of talking on a beam of light would prove to be important.He often called the photophone his greatest invention.Even though the photophone de

    5、pended on a source of energy that was not constantthe sunBell wasnt a bit discouraged.He felt sure that people would one day talk using beams of light.Two much more recent developments made Bells dream e true.In 1960,a scientist built the laser.A laser produces a highly concentrated beam of light.Sh

    6、ortly afterward,other scientists developed a new kind of optical fibre.The optical fibre is a glass thread.The new fibre could carry light beams long distancesas far as several miles.2.Who Invented Motion Pictures?The pleasures which a movie film offters to our eyes have been paid for with the loss

    7、of sight of a man whose name is hardly known outside the annals of scienceJoseph Plateau,a Belgian professor born in Brussels in 1801.He studied the mechanism of sight,beginning a series of most dangerous experiments at the age of 28 by staring into the sun for 25 seconds to see what the effect on h

    8、is eyes would be.He was blind for nearly a month.But he went on experimenting,increasing the length of time during which he looked into the sun,knowing that in the end this would cost him his sight.At the age of 42 he was pletely and incurably blind;the sun had destroyed the retina of his eyes.But h

    9、e continued to work as well as he could until he died at the age of 82.Science profited enormously from his research.He studied the socalled inertia of the eye,which makes a picture remain on the retina for about one-sixth of a second after it has disappeared from our vision.This means that,if we se

    10、e a succession of individual pictures each of which appears only for a fraction of a second,they “overlap”one another in our brain;and if they show consecutive phases of movement,that movement will appear to us continuous.二、知识归纳(一)prove的用法1.用作及物动词,表示“证实,证明”(give proof to,show to be true)后接名词、代词、复合宾语

    11、、宾语从句等,可用于被动语态。Who can prove it?谁能证实这一点?The soldiers have proved their courage in battle.在战斗中,士兵们证实了他们的勇气。Can you prove where you were on May Day?你能证明五一那天你在什么地方吗?Look at these documents.They will prove that we are telling the truth.看看这些文件,它们可以证明我们讲的都是事实。We proved him(to be)wrong.我们证明他错了。The book was

    12、 proved to be very useful.这本书被证实是有用的。2.作连系动词,意思是“(后来)被证明是或表明是”(be found to be,turn out to be)接形容词、名词、不定式to be 以及of短语。The theory proved correct.这个理论被证明是对的。The plan proved a great success.这个计划结果非常成功。The experiment proved to be a failure.实验最终失败了。The book will prove of little use to you.这本书会证明对你没有什么用。(二

    13、)doubt的用法归纳1.用作动词(1)怀疑;不相信a.跟名词或代词I doubt the truth of this report.我怀疑这报告的真实性。I doubt his honesty.我怀疑他的诚实。You can write to him if you doubt my words.如果你不相信我的话,你可以给他写信。Im sorry I doubted you before.对不起,我以前怀疑过你。b.跟从句注意:在肯定句中跟if或whether引导的从句;在否定句或疑问句中跟that引导的从句。在肯定句中偶尔跟that引导的从句表示“恐怕不会”。I doubt whether

    14、/if he will e.我怀疑他是否会来。I dont doubt that you are honest.我不怀疑你是诚实的。Nobody can possibly doubt what he says.没人会怀疑他说的话。I doubt that John will e.恐怕约翰不会来了。c.可跟动名词Nor do we doubt being able to finish in time.我们也不怀疑是否有能力及时完了。(2)用作不及物动词What made you doubt?什么使你怀疑?用doubt of表“对(抱)怀疑或悲观(态度)”They have never doubt

    15、ed of success.他们从没有对成功怀疑过。2.用作名词,表“怀疑;疑惑;疑问(多用作不可数名词)”I have no doubt about his success.=I have no doubt that he will succeed.我对他的成功毫不怀疑。There is no room for doubt.没有怀疑的余地。(1)在there is no doubt 后常可跟that从句。There is no doubt that we should be able to do something for you.我相信我们能为你做点什么。(2)在肯定句中doubt后有时也

    16、可跟whether引导的从句。There is some doubt whether John will e on time.约翰是否会按时到还有疑问。(3)短语a.beyond(all)doubt 毫无疑问;无疑地The truth of the story is beyond all (the) doubt.这个故事的真实性是毫无疑问的。b.in doubt怀疑;不肯定;拿不准His age is in doubt.他的年龄叫人怀疑。We are in doubt what to do.我们拿不定主意该怎么做。c.no doubt 肯定地;想必;十之八九You know him by na

    17、me,no doubt?想必你知道他的名字吧?No doubt I learned a lot from that lecture.我肯定从那次演讲中学了不少东西。d.without(a) doubt 毫无疑问;一定地Without a doubt these theories were all wrong.毫无疑问,这些理论全是错误的。Dont worry,hell e back without doubt.别担心,他一定会回来的。(三)pick的用法归纳1.pick常用作及物动词,“摘;捡;拾”He picked her a rose.他为她摘了朵玫瑰花。The little birds

    18、were picking the grain.小鸟在啄食粮食。2.作及物动词“挑选”Please pick a good book for me.请为我选本好书。3.pick out,“选好、选出;认出;看清楚”Pick out those books that youd like to read.把你喜欢看的书选出来。We could pick out different places in the city from the airplane.我们能从飞机上把城里的各个地方认出来。4.pick up拾起、拿起;(非正规地)学会、学到;取(某物);接(某人)上车He picked up Fr

    19、ench while he was staying in Paris.他在巴黎逗留期间学会了法语。The bus stopped and picked up three people.公共汽车停住,上来了三个人。三、同义词语辨析(一)a great deal,a great deal of1.a great deal通常作状语,意思相当于a lot/much often等修饰动词或用来强调比较级,有时可看成名词词组,作宾语。I see her a great deal.我常常见到她。He has a great deal to do today.他今天有许多事要做。2.a great deal

    20、 of“许多的,大量的”,作定语,修饰不可数名词,相当于much。He spent a great deal of money on books.他买书花了很多钱。Floods caused a great deal of damage to the villagers.洪水给村民带来了很大的损害。(二)electric,electrical这两个词都是“电的”意思。不同的是:electric指“由电产生的”或“带电的装置”;而“electrical”指“有关电学方面的”。an electric clock/light/iron/wire电子钟/电灯/电熨斗/电线electrical engi

    21、neering 电工学an electrical engineer 电力工程师(三)prevent sb./sth.from doing sth.,stop sb./sth.from doing sth.,keep sb./sth.from doing sth.,protectfrom/against1.prevent/stop/keep sb./sth.from doing sth.表示“制止(阻止、防止)某人或某物做某事”的意思,它们常可以互换。但要注意:现代英语中,prevent sb./sth.from doing sth.和stop sb./sth.from doing sth.中的

    22、from常可省略,但用被动语态时,from 不能省略。keep sb./sth.from doing sth.中的from不可省略。The rain prevented us(from)ing in time.下雨使我们没及时赶到。We were prevented by the heavy rain from getting there in time.这场大雨使我们未能及时赶到那里。Nothing will keep us from ing here.什么也阻止不了我们到这里来。2.protect意为保护(不受伤害),后接较大的事情,如天灾、战争、重税等多用against;接较小的事情如h

    23、arm,danger,catching a cold等时用from。I was wearing a fur coat to protect myself from the cold.我穿着一件皮大衣,免得受凉。(四)pull,draw,drag1.pull是个普通用语,意为“用力拉”,指使物体朝着发出力的方向移动,不强调移动的方式。Mother pulled me by the hand.妈妈拉着我的手。They pulled up the boat out of the river.他们把那只木船从河里拖了上来。Pull the door open.Dont push it.把门拉开,别推。

    24、2.draw与pull意思接近,通常指“拖、拉”的动作比pull更均匀、平稳、从容。Out of the package he drew a paper and gave it to my father.他从小包里抽出一份文件递给我父亲。After some time,he began to draw the net in.过了一些时候,他开始收网。3.drag指艰难而缓慢地“拖、拉”较笨重的东西,含“费力和用劲”之意。He dragged himself along the street.他拖着沉重的脚步沿街走着。四、能力训练(一)根据汉语意思完成下列句子1.If people_(违背)na

    25、ture and disturb its balance,nature will punish them sooner or later.答案:go against2.The puter_(组成)thousands of parts.答案:is made up of3.You can wait at the hotel.Ill_(接)you_in the evening.答案:pick,up4.Some steps have been taken_(保护)the forest from being destroyed.答案:to protect5.These wine bottles_(制造)

    26、glass.答案:are made of6.This kind of wine_(制造)grapes.答案:is made from(二)完形填空Albert Einstein always liked to ask questions when he was a boy.When his teacher 1 him a question,he would think 2 another question to ask her.And often she would get red in the face and be angry 3 him 4 asking questions she co

    27、uldnt answer.The more Albert learned,the 5 he found to think about.The more he thought about,the more questions he wanted 6 .He knew 7 the earth,the moon,the other stars,and the sun are just part of 8 we call the universe.He also knew that the universe is made 9 all the stars we can see 10 our eyes,

    28、and the ones that are too far to be 11 .And he discovered that all these stars ,our own bodies and 12 else are made up of atoms.He thought there 13 be some rules to explain why everything in the universe,big and small,acts 14 it does.Why dont the stars 15 around in the sky bump(撞击)into each other? 1

    29、6 makes atoms stick together to 17 different things?Albert Einstein always thought hard 18 he believed he had some answers to his questions.People often asked him questions because he 19 answer many of them.In fact,he solved quite a few problems that scientists had been trying to 20 for many,many ye

    30、ars.1.A.asked B.answeredC.introduced D.invited2.A.of B.aboutC.over D.with3.A.at B.toC.with D.about4.A.as B.forC.with D.of5.A.many B.lessC.much D.more6.A.ask B.to askC.asking D.to be asked7.A.what B.whenC.whether D.that8.A.which B.howC.what D.that9.A.with B.up ofC.from D.in10.A.from B.inC.with D.off11.A.see B.seeingC.saw D.seen12.A.something B.everythingC.anything D.nothing13.A.can B.mayC.must D.need14.A.about B.forC.what D.as15.A.moved B.movingC.move D.to be moving16.A.Who B.WhatC.Which D.Whose17.A.be B.haveC.form D.do18.A.before


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