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    1、大英教案32Unit 6 Genetic Technology Background information: Unit duration: 6 hours Students: Freshmen of non-English majors in the first semesterTeaching Objectives: 1. To learn about genetic technology and genetically modified food;2. To master the vocabulary related to genetic engineering;3. To master

    2、 the use of the passive voice; 4. To learn how to talk about the benefits and problems of human cloning;5. To master the methods of writing a letter of invitation. 6. To improve the integrated skills of English.Teaching contents: Vocabulary, text, and exercisesTeaching aids: Tapes, blackboard, chalk

    3、, and PPTTeaching methods: Presentation, discussion, and practice Key and check points: New words and phrases Teaching procedures: I. Text AStage 1. Pre-reading activities 1. To lead in the class To ask: Have you heard of cloning? Would you like to have a clone of yourself? 2. To introduce the backg

    4、round information 1) Dolly with her three lambs Dolly, the first mammal to be cloned from adult DNA, died on Feb. 14, 2003 at the age of six. Prior to her death, Dolly had been suffering from lung cancer and arthritis(关节炎). Although most Finn Dorset sheep live to be 11 to 12 years of age, an examina

    5、tion of Dolly after her death seemed to indicate that, other than her cancer and arthritis, she appeared to be quite normal. The unnamed sheep from which Dolly was cloned had died several years prior to her creation. Dolly was a mother to six lambs, all bred the old-fashioned way.2) Human Cloning Th

    6、ere are different views towards human cloning. Briefly, supporters of this technology argue of the potential medical benefits that will break new grounds and relieve the suffering of many around the world who may be able to use this technology to improve their quality of life by improved medical tre

    7、atment including reproductive solutions and disease prevention. Their opponents, however, criticize human cloning on a wide range of ethical and religious grounds that undermine the dignity and integrity of human beings and violate the natural rights of humans. 3. To learn the new words 1) To read t

    8、he new words 2) To explain some wordsa) divide v. 1) “分开” A fertilized cell divides into two and continues to multiply. 2) 以来除 When you divide ten by two, you get five. 3) 使有分歧 No quarrels can divide us. n. 分界线;分水岭 There is a huge divide between those who believe in cyber love and those who dont. Pa

    9、tterns: divide sth. (up / out) divide sth. between / among sb. divide sth. from sb.e.g. We divided (up / out) the money equally. The country was divided between / among Germany and Russia. A busy highway divides one half of the town from the other. Useful Expression: divide into 分成若干较小部分 Derivatives

    10、:division n. 分开;划分;除;除法 Divisible adj. (数学)可除尽的b) stimulate v. 刺激;激励;鼓励;促进思想或感觉 e.g. Exercise stimulates the flow of blood. Rising prices will stimulate demands for higher incomes Patterns: stimulate sb. to / into sth.stimulate sb. to do sth. e.g. The company tried to stimulate those employees to gr

    11、eater efforts. Praise stimulates the child to study harder. Derivatives: stimulation n. 刺激,激励,鼓励stimulus n. 刺激物,鼓励(物),激励(物)stimulating adj. 有刺激性的,令人兴奋的c) identical adj. 同一的;完全相同的;完全一样的 e.g. This knife is identical to / with the one with which the murder was committed. Comparison:identify & recognize

    12、两者都有“认出,识别”之意,但 identify 更强调身份上的确定。如:“Lisa! Im sorry I cannot recognize you you have had your hair cut!” I cant remember how the tune goes but I will recognize it when I hear it. The airline hopes that most of those who died in the crash will be identified by their families. Derivatives: identify v.

    13、 认出;认明;鉴定; 把和看成一样identification n. 认出;认定;鉴定;身份证明(常略称ID)identity n. 身份 d) progress n. / v. 进步;进展;改进;发展 e.g. The patient is making good progress. Construction of the new stadium is progressing according to the schedule.Collocations:in progress 进行中;在举行make progress 取得进展;(术后)恢复健康 e.g. Repair work is in

    14、progress on the highway. Linda made rapid progress with her spoken English.Derivatives:progressive adj. 前进的;递增的;循序渐进的;进步的progression n. 进步;前进;行进e) copy n. 复制品;副本 e.g.: I have requested a copy of my insurance copy. v. 抄写;复印;模仿;仿效 e.g. Tom is copying something down from the blackboard. You should copy

    15、 his good points. She discovered that another scientist had copied her ideas. Useful Expressions: copy down 记下来copy out 抄(或打印)一份 e.g. I looked at the theatre poster and copied down the dates of the play I wanted to see. At school we often had to copy out whole chapters from the Bible Collocations: f

    16、air copy清样hard copy打印件(稿)rough copy草稿;草图Derivative:copyist n.(古旧文件等之)誊写者;抄写者;模仿者f) authority n. 权力;权威e.g. The authorities are trying to prevent illegal immigrants in this country. Cheating is one of the most serious problems facing the school authorities. Collocations: under the authority of / under

    17、 sbs authority 对负责;受管理in authority 当局e.g.These boys are under the authority of their teacher.These boys are under his authority. He has problems dealing with people in authority. Derivatives:authorize v. 授权;委托代理;批准;许可authorization n. 授权;委托authoritative ad . 有权力的;有权威的g) imagine v. 想象;认为(某事物)可能发生或存在 e

    18、.g. Can you imagine life without electricity and other modern conveniences? Pattern:imagine doing e.g. I cant imagine marrying a girl of that sort. Derivatives: imaginable adj. 可想象的 imagination n. 想象;认为(某事物)可能发生或存在 imaginative adj. 有想象力的 imaginary adj. 想象中的;虚构的h) end up with 结局,告终, end up其后常跟介词短语,也可

    19、以接动名词,表示“以而结局/告终”。如: He ended up as head of the firm. Wasteful people usually end up in debt. Somewhat to his own surprise he ended up designing the whole car and putting it into production. Useful Expressions with “End”: in the end 最后;终于on end 连续地;竖着at the end of 在的尽头by the end of 到为止come to an end

    20、 结束;终了make (both) ends meet 使收支相抵,量入为出;勉强维持生计4. To discuss1) In what way is genetic technology good for human beings?2) What kinds of social problems does human cloning possibly bring about?Stage 2. While reading activities 1. To let students have the silent reading to finish the pair work on the pa

    21、ge 104 and to tick out the difficult points;2. To check the answers;3. The teacher reads the text with the students together and explains some difficult points: 1) Scientists called the sheep“science fiction coming true.” Sentence Translation: 科学家们把这头羊称为“成为现实的科幻小说”。 Sentence Paraphrase: Scientists c

    22、alled the sheep “science fiction that came true.”Structural Analysis: 在引号中的science fiction coming true中,coming true是现在分词短语作后置定语修饰science fiction。现在分词由动词原形(如clean)加ing构成(cleaning)。现在分词具有形容词和副词的功能,可在句中作多种句子成分。 a)定语:可置于名词前,此时多不带附加成分,大多无行为意义;也可置于名词后,此时多带附加成分,表示一个正在进行的行为。如: He is a young man with pleasin

    23、g manners. He lived in a room overlooking the square.b)表语:已完全形容词化,可被 very, rather 等修饰。如: The story of his life sounds very interesting. c)宾语补足语:用于感官、使役等动词(如 see, watch, hear, feel, smell, notice, observe, find, discover, have, get, leave, keep, set 等)后。如: They kept the lights burning all night long.

    24、 d)状语:可表示多种语义,有时可带相应的连词。如: (When) Working in the open air, he often sings songs. (时间) Working in the open air, he had to put on warmer clothes.(原因)(If) Working in the open air, he will have to put on warmer clothes.(条件)(Though) Working in the open air, he didnt feel cold at all.(让步)现在分词的否定形式:在其前加否定词

    25、 not 构成。如:Not knowing anything about her death, he went on writing to her every month. 过去分词多由动词原形(如clean)加ed构成(如cleaned), 但不规则变化动词的过去分词除外。过去分词可在句中作多种句子成分。 a)定语:可置于名词之前,此时多不带附加成分,可表示性质或行为所造成的结果或状态;也可置于名词之后,此时多带附加成分,表示被动的行为。如: The excited children were shouting and jumping. The time allowed was quite

    26、enough. b)表语:已完全形容词化,多表心理状态,可被very, too等修饰,表示被动的行为。如: He looked more worried than others. c)宾语补足语:用于感官、使役等动词(如see, watch, hear, feel, smell, notice, observe, find, discover, have, get, leave, keep, set等)后。如: They found the house burned down to the ground. d)状语:可表示多种语义,有时可带相应的连词。如:(When) Seen from a

    27、plane, the park looks beautiful.(时间) (If) Seen from a plane, the park will look more beautiful.(条件) (Though) Seen from a plane, the park can still be seen clearly.(让步)2) A cow that produced a lot of milk? Same thing. Sentence Translation:如果某头奶牛能生产大量牛奶,农民同样就会想要一头或几头同样的奶牛。 Sentence Paraphrase: If a co

    28、w could produce a lot of milk, the farmer would want another or several cows that were exactly the same with that cow, too. Stage 3. Post-reading activities 1. To analyze the structure of the text:The text can be divided into three parts: Part 1 (Paragraphs 1-5): With the birth of Dolly, cloning bec

    29、omes possible. Part 2 (Paragraphs 6-8): The pros and cons of cloning. Part 3 (Paragraphs 9-12): Human beings are faced with a hard decision: whether or not to make a human clone.2. To finish other exercises following text A;3. To assign “Grammar Tips” as homework. II. Grammar tips Step 1. T explains

    30、: 1. 被动语态的主要句型: 1) 主语(动作承受着)+被动语态的谓语+by +动作的执行者 This play was written by Shakespeare. 2)主语(动作承受着)+被动语态的谓语+状语(介词短语) The mountain is covered with snow. 3)主语(动作承受着)+被动语态的谓语+不定式 He was asked to sing a song. 4)主语(动作承受着)+被动语态的谓语+补语 She was elected monitor of the class. 5)主语(动作承受着)+被动语态的谓语+宾语 We were told

    31、many interesting stories. 2. 不能使用被动语态的情况 1)不及物动词和系动词一般不用于被动 2)某些及物动词在表示某种状态或性质时不用被动,如“have”当作“有”解释时,不用被动。如: I have a dictionary. The hall holds about 200 people. 3) 某些动词的主动语态具有被动意义,也不用被动 This product sells well. Nylon dries easily. 3. 需要使用被动语态的一些情况 1) 不知道动作的执行者或没有必要提到动作的执行者 The meeting is scheduled for March 3. He is said to be a foreign spy. 2) 强调动作的承受着 A second subway line will be built in city. Step 2. Ss finish the exercises by discussion Step 3. T checks the answersIIIText BS


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