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    1、English Class,Boys and Girls,attention please!,九年级英语复习课,常见介词,one sentence a week,The most important key to achieving great success is to decide upon your goal and get started,take action move.,要达成伟大的成就,最重要的秘诀在于确定你的目标,然后开始干,采取行动,朝着目标前进,民间自有高手在,在桌子上方悬挂着,小猫在大猫肚子里,在盘子上,above,in,on,Where is the snail?,Gr

    2、oup discussing,tell me the answers.,next,between,behind,before,group discussion,方位介词或短语:在上面:_在下面:_在后面:_在前面:_在旁边:_在里面:_在外面:_在中间:_穿过:_,on,over,above,under,below,behind,at the back of,before;in front of;in the front of,besides,near,by,Inside,in,into,outside,out,between,among,across;through,思考:方式介词和原因介词

    3、有哪些?,时间介词:in:年、月、周、季节、季度、世纪on:具体某一天和具体某天的早、中、晚at:具体时间点,介词,一、中考对介词的考查主要集中在:1、掌握常用介词及其词组的主要用法和意义;2、掌握常用动词、形容词与介词、副词的固定搭配及其意义。,中 考 链 接,1-Jim,when were you born?-I was born _ October,1998.A.in B.at C.on2.Tom usually goes fishing _ Sunday morning.A.at B.on C.for3.Linda was born _ July 2,and my birthday i

    4、s also _ that month.A.in,on B.in,at C.on,in D.on,at4.Linda has bought a large house _ a swimming pool.A with B.in C.on D.from5.6.Its a top secret.Yes,I see.I will keep the secret you and me.A.with B.among C.between,A,B,C,A,D,C,介 词,介词不能单独使用,1at,on,inat“在某一时刻、某一_”,表示“在岁”时用_ 表示地点时,后加小地点,常用arrive at(2)o

    5、n表示“在_或某天的上、下午”。(3)in表示“在_”以及泛指的上、下午、晚上夜间用in the morning/afternoon/evening,表示地点时,加大地点,常用arrive inat sunrise 日出时at lunch午饭时 at noon正午时 at night夜间on Monday on April 1st on the afternoon of May 23 in September in winter in 1999 in the 20th century,表示时间的介词,时间点,at用于表示小地点 in用于表示大地点on表示在物体接触表面上,at the age

    6、of,具体某天,年、月、周、季节、季度、世纪,2for,during,through(1)for表示“一段时间”,后接与数词连用的时间名词多与_连用(2)during表示“_”(3)through表示“一直,自始至终”_后面跟“数字+时间名词”,_后决不可接数字 Ive been a soldier for 5 years.我入伍已5年了。What did you do during the summer vacation?你在暑假做了什么?They worked hard through the winter.整个冬天他们都在努力工作 She_ me _ her brother throug

    7、h these years.这些年来她始终把我当哥哥对待。,在期间,补充:in+一段时间:在之后,用在将来时,完成时,表示时间的介词,for,during,treated like,3from,since(1)from 作“从”解,多用于“_”中。(2)since表示“自从以来(直到现在)”,用在_时态,与_相对应for与since表示一段时间,但for与时间段连用,而since与时间点连用。You can come anytime from Monday to Friday.周一至周五你什么时间来都行He has been away from home since 1973.他自从1973年

    8、就离开了家乡。We have known _ _ since ten years ago.我们十年前就认识了4before,by,till,until(1)before“在之前”(2)till(until)“直到为止”(3)by指“不迟于,_,在以前”Please come before ten oclock.请10点以前来。How many models had you made_ _ _ _last month?截至上月底你做了多少个模型?,at the end of:在的末尾/尽头,完成时,Since后加过去时间或是过去式的句子(过去事件),fromto,表示时间的介词,for,each

    9、 other,到为止,by the end of,5after,in,within after表示“在之后”,是_的反义词。within“在时间之内”,后面跟时间段,in“在时间之后”,后面跟时间段,用在_,for+时间段,一般用在_ Well _ a party after dinner.晚餐后我们将举办晚会 Ill phone you after I arrive.到达后我给你打电话。(after作连词)I can finish it within an hour.我不需一小时就可把它做完。Ill arrive in an hour.我一小时后到达。,during,在期间+时间段,befo

    10、re,将来时,表示时间的介词,完成时,hold,after作介词,后加时间点;作连词,后加句子,Hold on常用语打电话,不要挂,请稍等=wait(for)a moment,1in,outside,between,amongin表示“在里面”,outside指“在外面”_在之间(指二者)_在之间(指三者以上)常见用法:betweenand,between+n复数;She put her book in the desk.她把书放进了书桌。There are many people outside the room.房间外有很多人。There is a hospital _the hotel

    11、_ the post office.在宾馆与邮局之间有所医院。The building stands between the park and the small river.那栋建筑位于公园和小河之间。He found his place _ the crowd.他在人群中找到了他的位置。,表示“地点、方向”的介词,between,among,between and,among,the+形容词.表示一类人,2on,above,over,below,under(1)on在上面,表面相互接触。(2)above只表示“在上方或位置高出”,与_相对。(3)over“在正上方”,与_相对。There

    12、is an apple on the table.桌上有一个苹果。_ the hill,there is a flag.山顶有一面旗子。_ _ live above us.怀特一家人住在我们的上面 There is a bridge over the river.河上有一座桥。Her skirt reaches just below her knees.她的裙子刚到膝盖下。3near,by,beside(1)near在附近,与_相对(2)by=beside,靠近,在旁边,比near距离更近 A hospital was built near the railway station.在火车站附近

    13、建了一所医院。He just sat by/beside me in the cinema.在电影院他就坐在我旁边。,below,under,The+姓氏:某人一家,On the top of,be far(away)from:离远,表示“地点、方向”的介词,The white,far,by the window靠窗,by the door靠门by还可用于表示方式:by bike/bus/train/plane/air,4in front of,behind,around(1)in front of在前面 _(2)behind在后面(3)around在周围,围绕A river flows in

    14、 front of the house.房子前有一条河They put a bunch of flowers in front of the door.他们在门前放了一束花。in the front of表示“在前部”,指里面。There is a red chair _ the room.在房间前半部有把红椅子。A high building stands behind the village.The cat lies behind the door.猫躺在门后面。There are many trees around the village.村子周围有很多树围绕。,lie lied lie

    15、d lying撒谎lie lay lain lying躺lay laid laid laying下蛋,表示“地点、方向”的介词,in the front of,在后面:at the back of,in the front of,我记不住啊,5from,to,for,into,out of(1)from从(2)to到(目的地)去,向(3)for向,表目的方向,_启程去(4)into进入(5)out of从出来 The train started from Paris.火车发自巴黎。They got to the town very late.他们很晚才到那个镇。He left for Tian

    16、jin on business yesterday.他昨天出差去天津了。The train for Shanghai has been away.去往上海的火车已经开走了。The teacher came into the classroom with a smile.老师微笑着走进了教室。A beautiful girl _ _ went out of the shop.一个穿红衣服的漂亮女孩从商店里走了出来。,表示“地点、方向”的介词,leave for,towards:去(表朝向),in red,with表伴随,带着,in+颜色;put on穿上;be dressed in穿着=wear;dress sb./oneself给穿衣服dress up盛装打扮,用装扮have on穿着,多用于口语,表示穿着,6along,across,through(1)along沿着(2)across横穿,介词,cross动词(3)through穿过,从中间穿过或是贯穿He likes to drive along the river.他喜欢沿着河开车。There are _ beautiful f


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