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    1、高职国际英语教案book1Unit4Unit 4. RelationshipsLesson 11. This unit is aboutTopics: Relationships in different situations Single child versus many children The One-Child Policy Problems with having siblings Interfering parentsSkills:Making up dialogues for particular situations Arguing for or against an iss

    2、ue Making appointments and apologizing Speaking: Role-play Making appointmentsWriting: Design a T-shirt with excuses for not going to school Write your own email and answer anotherProject: A family tree Top excuses for not going to the dentistsGrammar:Adverbs: Comparison of adverbs2. Focus2.1 Match

    3、dialogues af to the situations 16. First, take a look at all the 6 situations. a. A: Why do we always have to watch what my brother and sister want to?B: Because you chose yesterday and now it is somebody elses turn.b.A: Is this your first time here?B: No, I am a regular customer. I come every six w

    4、eeks. But I had to postpone my last appointment because my sister was ill.c. A: Where were you yesterday, Brian?B: Im sorry that I couldnt come to school but I was ill and had to stay in bed.d. A: Why did you cancel that dentists appointment?B: Because I hate dentists. And I thought my toothache wou

    5、ld go away.e. A: Why do you always make dentists appointments for me?B: Because you never have time; when you make an appointment you forget to go.f. A: What is the problem with being an only child?B: You never have anybody to talk to or share your problems with.2.3 Now create dialogues for these th

    6、ree situations: 1. Your friend has just cancelled a visit to the cinema with you (for the second time!). Example:A: Why have you cancelled our visit to the cinema again?B: Im sorry. I forgot that I had to go to my grandmothers tonight.A: But that is what you always say when you do not want to do som

    7、ething with me.B: Thats not true. I only say that when I want to cancel a visit to the cinema.2. Your grandfather has just told you he will give you the money for driving lessons. However, he says that you will have to drive him to the doctors once a week. Example:A: Okay, I will give you the money

    8、for driving lessons but you will have to drive me to the doctors once a week.B: Thats okay. But I cant go on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.A: And what is the problem on those days?B: In the mornings I have school and in the afternoons I have a part-time job in a supermarket.3. You are c

    9、omplaining in a shop that your MP3 player that you bought last week does not record. Unfortunately you have lost the receipt. Example:A: I bought this MP3 player last week and it doesnt record.B: Can you show me your receipt, please?A: I seem to have lost my receipt.B: Im very sorry but we cannot he

    10、lp you unless you show us the receipt.3. Text Study (Passage A)3.1 Background InformationOne-Child Policy Officially the Family Planning Policy, it is thepopulation controlpolicy of thePeoples Republic of China. Key words:population growth rateethnic minoritiesrural familiesexceptionsiblingsan only

    11、childexempt fromNow, since the One-Child Policy was introduced, people have been able to and required to save money more easily.:After the One-Child Policy was issued and implemented, gradually people found that they could save up some money much more easily than before. At the same time, people als

    12、o found that they had to save more money for their unknown future because of the One-Child Policy. 3.2Words and Expressionscampaign n. 运动One-Child Policy 独生子女政策delegate n. 代表 do away with remove 废除sibling n. 兄弟(或姊妹)give birth to have a baby 生孩子 octuplets n. 八胞胎3.3Text Different countries, different

    13、families but which is better?3.3.1Explanation of important words in details1.campaign n. a systematic course of aggressive activities for some specific purpose (社会、政治)运动,活动 e.g. The candidate kicked off his campaign with a speech on television.该候选人由电视演讲开始了他的竞选活动。Despite fierce opposition, the govern

    14、ment is pressing on with its campaign to eliminate corruption.尽管遭到了强烈的反对,政府还是在推动根除腐败的运动。2.delegate n. somebody speaking for the people 代表e.g. The delegate moved for a reconsideration of the suggestion. 这位代表提议重新考虑这一建议。They drafted her to serve as their delegate. 他们选她当代表。 3.delegate v. 授(权);把(职责、责任等)委

    15、托(给)e.g. The Chinese people delegate their power to the Peoples Congress. 中国人民授权于人民代表大会。4.delegation n. 代表(团);委派;授权e.g. The statement of our delegation was singularly appropriate to the occasion. 我们代表团的声明非常适合时宜。A key factor in running a business is the delegation of responsibility. 公司经营中的一个重点就是职责的分派

    16、。5.do away with remove 废除,消灭,去掉 e.g. Do away with the bad habits that might damage your health.改掉那些可能有害健康的坏习惯。This will help do away with heavy manual labor and raise productivity.这可以帮助消除繁重的体力劳动,提高劳动生产率。6.sibling n. brothers and sisters 兄弟姐妹 e.g. His siblings are mostly in their early twenties.他的兄弟姐

    17、妹大多二十出头。Theres a friendly sibling rivalry between my sister and me. 我和姐姐之间有一种良性的手足之间的竞争。7.give birth to have a baby 生(孩子),生育e.g. Mother koalas give birth to babies only every other year. 母考拉每两年才产一次崽。She gave birth to a fine healthy baby. 她生了一个健康可爱的婴儿。3.4 Reading comprehensionAssignments: P.51 Ex. 2U

    18、nit 4. relationshipsLesson 21. Have a Review for Exercises in Lesson 1-Working with words1.1Directions: Look up in a dictionary what these verbs mean.look after look around look at look back look for look forward to look into look out look over look to look through look up tolook after 照料,照顾look aro

    19、und 环顾,往四下看look at 看;朝看look back 记起,回忆起look for 寻找look forward to盼望,期待look into 朝里面看;调查look out 朝外看;注意,留神look over 从上方看过去;察看look to 盼望,展望look through 看穿,识破;(从头至尾)详尽查阅look up to 尊敬,钦佩1.2Directions: Now use these phrasal verbs to complete the sentences. Make changes if necessary.1.Bob is looking forwa

    20、rd to his holiday next month.2.The police are looking into the robbery at the bank and have four witnesses.3. Mary hates looking after her three little brothers on Friday nights.4. You have to look out when you go into town with little children you can lose them.5. The teacher looked through all the

    21、 tests at the weekend and marked most of them.6. Jack looked up to his grandfather and missed him when he died.7. The young girl was very nervous when she walked home in the dark and looked over her shoulder all the time.1.3 Directions: Make gap sentences to explain the five verbs that are left, and

    22、 give them to a partner to fill in.The verbs that have not been used are:look around look at look back look for look toExample sentences:1. Tom always looks around and waves when he leaves the house.2. Look at me when Im talking. I need to know you are listening to me.3. Mary looked back on her time

    23、 at school and remembered her friends and the fun they had then. 4. My mother is always looking for her keys.5. I look to the future with excitement as we are moving to a new city next week.2. Coming into Lesson 22.1 Listening 1: Single child vs. many children2.1.1 Directions: Listen to May Wong and

    24、 Annie talking about brothers and sisters. Find out who has got siblings and who thinks that a noisy dinnertime is terrible.2.1.2 Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).True False F 1. May Wong is happy to be an only child. F 2. Annie doesnt want to be an only

    25、child. F 3. Annie has four siblings. T 4. May Wong wants siblings. T 5. May Wong finds her parents questions terrible. F 6. Annie is better at school than her sister.2.1.2 Single child vs. many children Directions: Work with a partner. Listen again and find the answers to these questions.1. What are

    26、 Annies two main reasons for wanting to be an only child? She doesnt like waiting to use the bathroom in the morning and it is always noisy at meals.2. What are May Wongs two main reasons for wanting siblings? She would have somebody to talk to and her parents wouldnt concentrate on her too much.2.1

    27、.3What makes an unhappy home life?Directions: Listen to this expert talking on a radio show and find out what he says makes an unhappy home life. What makes an unhappy home life is sibling rivalry.2.1.4 Directions: List the problems that there can be in a family with more than one child. Brothers an

    28、d sisters borrow things. They dont always return them in good condition. Younger children sometimes feel that their older brothers and sisters can do whatever they want. Older brothers and sisters think that the baby of the family gets more attention. Sometimes brothers and sisters are jealous of on

    29、e another.2.1.5 Directions: Now work in a group of four or five students. Discuss the problems mentioned and try to find a solution. Questionnaire relationship between you and your parents2.1.6 Directions: Listen to the recording and write down the number of times your answer is YES. Be honest. Now

    30、find out your relationship with your parents.1-2 YES answers: You have a good relationship with your parents.3-5 YES answers: Try to see things from your parents perspective.6-10 YES answers: You probably have a love-hate relationship with your parents.Unit 4. RelationshipsLesson 3Text Study (Passag

    31、e B)1.Background InformationFacebook a social networking site, created in 2004 byMark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris. Headquartered in Menlo Park, California, it is the largest social network in the world, with more than one billion users as of 2012.Key words:open membershipcolloquial nameuser profileuser groups 2. Words and Expressions1.training n. practice 训


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