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    1、财政与金融作业答案财政与金融作业答案财政与金融形成性考核答案 杨万林整理 财政与金融第一次作业 一、名词解释 1、答:财政是国家凭借政治权力集中分配一部分社会产品用于满足社会公共需要而形成的分配活动和分配关系。P2 2、答:是指财政在社会经济生活中所有的职责和功能,它是财政这一经济范畴本质的反映,具有客观必然性。P5 3、答:指国家预算收入,包括中央及地方务级政权的预算内收入及部分预算外收入,是国家集中一部分社会产品的货币价值形态。P11 4、答:是国家规定的税收法令。条例和征收办法的总称。P23 5、答:是应纳税额与课税对象数额之间的比例。P24 6、答:是税法规定的课税对象开始征税时应达到

    2、的一定数额,课税对象未达到起征点的,不征税。P25 7、答:是课税对象中免于征税的数额,对有免征额规定的课税对象,只就其超过免征额的部分征税。P25 8、答:税负不易转嫁的税种。P27 9、答:税负能够转嫁的税种。P27 10、答:即国家公债,是指国家为维持其存在和满足其履行职能的需要,采取有偿方式,筹集财政资金时形成的国家债务。P43 二、填空题 1、经济、社会 2、国家 3、剩余产品 4、资源配置、收入分配、经济稳定 5、税收、非税收 6、经济数据、要素分析法 7、强制性、无偿性、固定性 8、纳税人 9、税源 10、10 11、增值、消费、营业、关税 12、生产型、收入型、消费型 13、从

    3、价、从量 14、一般、级差 15、有偿 16、有偿性、自愿性、灵活性 17、平价、折价、溢价值 18、公募法、承受法、出卖法、支付发行、强制摊派 19、分期逐步、抽签轮次、市场购销、到期一次性 20、金融市场利率、国家信用环境、银行利率水平、社会资金供给状况。 三、单项选择题 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 B B D C B C B A A D 四、多项选择题 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 ACE ACD ABC ACD BDE ADE ABCD ABCDE ABCDE ABCE 6.2.6 establishing construction s

    4、ite welding secondary, secondary electrode consisted of Rod piled up, welding rod ovens, incubators, thermometers, hygrometers and backing of electrodes, receiving, payment and recovery system. And person responsible for the secondary database. 6.2.7 construction welding machines, grinding machines,

    5、 plasma cutting machine tool experience is qualified. 6.2.8 welding electrodes, welding wire selection in line with national and industry standards requirements, welding material welding materials quality manual should be provided, its chemical composition, mechanical properties and other indicators

    6、 should conform to the requirements of the relevant standards, appearance may not have defects such as corrosion, unqualified products cannot be used. 6.2.9 electrode, flux drying before use according to the regulations, and should be kept dry during use, wires should be removed before using the sur

    7、face oil, rust, etc. Electrodes must not fall off, no rust spots and obvious cracks. 6.3 6.3.1 electrode electrode selection and management list trumpeter argon arc welding electrode arc welding of steel 10# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA 20# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA Q235-A E4303 J422, H08Mn2SiA 304 E308 A102 H0C

    8、r21Ni10 316L E00-19 A002 H00Cr21Ni10 321 E347 A137 H0Cr21Ni10Ti 1 5Cr . (2) the purity of argon carbon steel and alloy steel pipe shall not be less than 99.9%. (3) the welding field wind-proof, rain-proof measures must be taken, when the relative humidity is greater than 90%, when the wind speed is

    9、greater than 2m/s, do not allow application of argon arc welding, when the wind speed is greater than 8M/s, do not allow the application of arc welding. Welding shall not be less than 0 ? ambient temperature. (4) prior to welding, you should review the lip size, meet the requirements before they 五、判

    10、断题 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 答案 错 错 对 错 对 错 错 对 错 错 错 对 错 对 错 六、计算题 1、答:10000*150=1500000元; 1500000/(1+17%)-110000元=107948.70元。 不含税销售额=含税/(1+税率)。 2、工资部分:(1500-800)*10%-25=45元; 劳务报酬部分:收入在4000元以上的,5000*(1-20%)*20%=800元; 股息部分:500*20%=100元; 合计:45+800+100=945元。 第二次作业答案 一、名词解释 1、P58 2、P67 3 P

    11、72 4 P82 5 P93 6 P93 7 P100 8 P107 9 P112 10 P112 11 P115 12 P127 13 P127 14 P129 15 P129 二、填空题 1、量入为出 统筹兼顾 全面安排 2、老年保险 失业保险 医疗保险 疾病、生育、工伤、残疾人 3、现收现付制 完全基金制 部分基金制 4、高度集中 分散管理 统分结合 5、现金补贴 实物补贴 6、财政措施 财政信用 7、赤字预算 三、单项选择题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A D C D A A A A B D 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C C C C C

    12、C C A A C 四、多项选择题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AB ACD ABCD ABCDE CD ABCD ABCDE ABCD ABCDE ABD 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ABCDE BCDE ABDE BCDE ABCE ABCD ACE ABCDE ACDE AB 五、判断题 6.2.6 establishing construction site welding secondary, secondary electrode consisted of Rod piled up, welding rod ovens, incubat

    13、ors, thermometers, hygrometers and backing of electrodes, receiving, payment and recovery system. And person responsible for the secondary database. 6.2.7 construction welding machines, grinding machines, plasma cutting machine tool experience is qualified. 6.2.8 welding electrodes, welding wire sel

    14、ection in line with national and industry standards requirements, welding material welding materials quality manual should be provided, its chemical composition, mechanical properties and other indicators should conform to the requirements of the relevant standards, appearance may not have defects s

    15、uch as corrosion, unqualified products cannot be used. 6.2.9 electrode, flux drying before use according to the regulations, and should be kept dry during use, wires should be removed before using the surface oil, rust, etc. Electrodes must not fall off, no rust spots and obvious cracks. 6.3 6.3.1 e

    16、lectrode electrode selection and management list trumpeter argon arc welding electrode arc welding of steel 10# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA 20# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA Q235-A E4303 J422, H08Mn2SiA 304 E308 A102 H0Cr21Ni10 316L E00-19 A002 H00Cr21Ni10 321 E347 A137 H0Cr21Ni10Ti 1 5Cr . (2) the purity of argon

    17、carbon steel and alloy steel pipe shall not be less than 99.9%. (3) the welding field wind-proof, rain-proof measures must be taken, when the relative humidity is greater than 90%, when the wind speed is greater than 2m/s, do not allow application of argon arc welding, when the wind speed is greater

    18、 than 8M/s, do not allow the application of arc welding. Welding shall not be less than 0 ? ambient temperature. (4) prior to welding, you should review the lip size, meet the requirements before they 2、7、11是对的 ,其余的题 都是错的 第三次作业答案 一、名词解释 ,P133 2 P134 3 P137 4 P137 5 P139 6 P140 7 P142 8 P142 9 P165 1

    19、0 P177 11 P180 12 P184 二、填空题 ,、商业 银行 国家 消费 民间 ,、企业 政府 金融 ,、单利 复利 ,、平均基本利率 信贷市场中资金供求对比状况 ,、货币供应量 ,、货币供应量、 货币流通速度 ,、金属货币需要量 ,、中央 商业 三、单项选择题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B C B B A A B B A D 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 D B B C B D D B A A 四、多项选择题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BD AC BD BD BC ACDE ABD ABC ABCDE CDE 11 1

    20、2 13 14 15 CDE ABE ABCD AB AC 五、判断题 只有第,小题是对的,其余各题均是错的 六、计算题 (1) 存款乘数,/法定存款准备金率,/,%, (2) 派生存款扩大倍数,/法定存款准备金率,/20%-1=5-1=5 (3) 银行体系的存款扩大倍数,原始存款*,/法定存款准备金率,200*,/20%=100万 (4) 派生存款总量,存款扩大总额,原始存款,1000,200,800万 6.2.6 establishing construction site welding secondary, secondary electrode consisted of Rod pi

    21、led up, welding rod ovens, incubators, thermometers, hygrometers and backing of electrodes, receiving, payment and recovery system. And person responsible for the secondary database. 6.2.7 construction welding machines, grinding machines, plasma cutting machine tool experience is qualified. 6.2.8 we

    22、lding electrodes, welding wire selection in line with national and industry standards requirements, welding material welding materials quality manual should be provided, its chemical composition, mechanical properties and other indicators should conform to the requirements of the relevant standards,

    23、 appearance may not have defects such as corrosion, unqualified products cannot be used. 6.2.9 electrode, flux drying before use according to the regulations, and should be kept dry during use, wires should be removed before using the surface oil, rust, etc. Electrodes must not fall off, no rust spo

    24、ts and obvious cracks. 6.3 6.3.1 electrode electrode selection and management list trumpeter argon arc welding electrode arc welding of steel 10# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA 20# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA Q235-A E4303 J422, H08Mn2SiA 304 E308 A102 H0Cr21Ni10 316L E00-19 A002 H00Cr21Ni10 321 E347 A137 H0Cr21Ni10T

    25、i 1 5Cr . (2) the purity of argon carbon steel and alloy steel pipe shall not be less than 99.9%. (3) the welding field wind-proof, rain-proof measures must be taken, when the relative humidity is greater than 90%, when the wind speed is greater than 2m/s, do not allow application of argon arc weldi

    26、ng, when the wind speed is greater than 8M/s, do not allow the application of arc welding. Welding shall not be less than 0 ? ambient temperature. (4) prior to welding, you should review the lip size, meet the requirements before they 财政与金融第四次作业 一、名词解释 1、答:指中央银行执行货币政策时所采取的措施和手段。P204 2、答:是中央银行在金融市场上直

    27、接参与有价证券买卖影响和控制市场货币供给量和利率的一种操作方法。P205 3、答:是社会公众的手持现金和商业银行的准备金之和。P208 4、答:指财产的所有者,为了达到一定的目的,通过签订合同,将其指定的财产委托信托机构,全权代为经营、管理或处理。P214 5、答:一方面,保险是一种经济补偿制度,主要是对意外灾害事故造成的损失进行补偿;另一方面,也是一种因为合同而产生的法律关系。P222 6、答:是指以财产及其有关利益为保险标的的一种保险。P225 7、答:指以人的生命或者身体作为保险标的的一种保险。P225 8、答:指保险基金完全通过保险人收取投保人的保险费而组织起来的保险。P225 9、答

    28、:由国家补贴保险基金的保险种类。P225 10、答:又叫金融商品是指金融市场上交易的对象,如各种票据、有价证券等。P234 11、答:是由出票人签发的,委托自己的开户银行在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或持票人的一种票据。P239 12、答:是股份公司发给股东的所有权凭证,代表持有人入股的份数和对企业的所有权。P243 13、答:是外汇经营机构、中央银行以及个人等从事买卖和调剂外汇的场所。P248 14、答:指货币供给过多,超过经济发展对货币的客观需要量,从而出现货币贬值、物价上涨的经济现象。P253 15、答:又称国际汇兑,是以外国货币表示的,可以用于国际支付和消偿国际债务的支付手段和金

    29、融资产。P268 16、答:指一个国家的货币折算成另一个国家货币的比率,也就是在外汇市场上用一个国家的货币兑换成另一个国家货币的价格。P269 17、答:是系统地记录一个国家在一定时期内全部对外经济交易的统计报表。P273 6.2.6 establishing construction site welding secondary, secondary electrode consisted of Rod piled up, welding rod ovens, incubators, thermometers, hygrometers and backing of electrodes, r

    30、eceiving, payment and recovery system. And person responsible for the secondary database. 6.2.7 construction welding machines, grinding machines, plasma cutting machine tool experience is qualified. 6.2.8 welding electrodes, welding wire selection in line with national and industry standards require

    31、ments, welding material welding materials quality manual should be provided, its chemical composition, mechanical properties and other indicators should conform to the requirements of the relevant standards, appearance may not have defects such as corrosion, unqualified products cannot be used. 6.2.

    32、9 electrode, flux drying before use according to the regulations, and should be kept dry during use, wires should be removed before using the surface oil, rust, etc. Electrodes must not fall off, no rust spots and obvious cracks. 6.3 6.3.1 electrode electrode selection and management list trumpeter argon arc welding electrode arc welding of steel 10# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA 20# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA Q235-A E4303 J422, H08Mn2SiA 304 E308 A102 H0Cr21Ni10 316L E00-19 A002 H00Cr21Ni10 321 E347 A137 H0Cr21Ni10Ti 1 5Cr . (2) the purit


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