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    1、大英选择题大学英语(3)选择题1.As peoples living standards improve, the health and beauty business is withmore sophisticated products than ever before.A.astonishingB.flourishingC.exaggeratingD.diminishing2.The of older persons is relatively low in developing countries, but it is growingmuch faster than in the wes

    2、t.A.additionB.majorityC.percentageD.statistic2Makers of consumer electronics will pay for environmental sanitation services to collect and used refrigerators, computers and televisions under the new rules.A.dischargeB.distributeC.Dispose ofD.deal with3.As some of the rules concerning foreign trade r

    3、an contrary to the principles of the WTO,the government decided to them as soon as possible.A.AbolishB.AccomplishC.DistinguishD.Establish4.As the semester is drawing to an end, the student union is calling on all the students to the temptation to cheat on exams.A.refuseB.rejectC.resistD.resolve5.In

    4、the last few years, the Internet and the World Wide Web have become words;almost everyone has heard of them.A.familyB.homeC.houseD.household6.Vicki never worried or hesitated about anything, she just it and almost alwaysgot whatever she wanted.A.went byB.went forC.went overD.went with7.The reason 80

    5、0 million people go hungry today is not that there isn enough food in the world, that these people cannot get the food anyway.A.butB.despiteC.evenD.except8.As she matured as an artist, she realize that all artists are a product of theirculture ”.A.came toB.kept toC.took toD.went to9.My son failed to

    6、 come back home last night. This morning the police came to our house and my worst fears that he was injured in a car accident.A.advocatedB.confirmedC.insuredD.promised10.Because of the mad cow disease, the European Union _ a worldwide Ban on British beef and beef product exports.A.challengedB.charg

    7、edC.forgedD.imposed11.The exhibition at the Shanghai Science and Technology Center such endangeredanimals as the giant panda and the Siberian tiger and describes the work being done to protect them.A.detectsB.exploitsC.featuresD.demonstrates12.A computer file is a collection of data, used to organiz

    8、e the storage andprocessing of data by computer.A.electricalB.artificialC.electronicD.genuine13.To protect the environment, scientists and engineers are researching ways to electricity more cheaply from such renewable energy sources as the wind and sun.A.generateB.manufactureC.constructD.transform14

    9、.In social dancing, the participants dance for their own pleasure rather than for the of an audience.A.appreciationB.entertainmentC.leisureD.temptation15.Wireless waste from cell phones, pocket PCs, and music players special problemsbecause they have toxic chemicals in batteries and other components

    10、.A.exposeB.commitC.poseD.transport16.Scientists have discovered many planets orbiting distant stars, all are to life.A.unlikelyB.unfriendlyC.forbiddenD.vulnerable17.A healthy and better-educated new generation is a for sustainable economic andsocial development of all countries.A.guaranteeB.security

    11、C.demandD.target18.Parks and open spaces are essential to the quality of life in dense areas such asNew York City.A.agriculturalB.ruralC.suburbanD.urban19.My trip to the small village under the control of the enemy fire was full of delays anddifficulties, but I eventually .A.got byB.turned it overC.

    12、hit the sackD.made it20.For traditional Chinese painters, fame and fortune come late, and it is for artiststo hold their first exhibitions when they are over seventy years old.A.hardly commonB.less frequentC.not unheard ofD.just usual21.A remote-controlled bomb exploded outside a hotel near the town

    13、 square yesterday, at least 12 people.A.having been injuredB.having injuredC.injuredD.injuring22.When energy is converted from one form to another, some energy is always lost as heat. , no energy conversion is ever 100% efficient.A.In other termsB.In other wordsC.In another wayD.In some way23.While

    14、freshmen are considered part of the academic elite, some of them appear to lackcommon sense following traffic regulations.A.coming toB.when coming toC.when it comes toD.when they come to24.A man who is good enough to shed his blood for his country is good enough afair deal afterwards.A.being givenB.

    15、been givenC.givenD.to be given25.NASA Mars program was set back when two spacecraft failed up reaching Mars, one up in the planet atmosphere and the other after a software failure.A.burned; disappearedB.burned; disappearingC.burning; disappearingD.burning; disappeared26.After a very busy schedule in

    16、 the past two months, Kenneth plans to take things for a while.A.at easeB.easilyC.easyD.with ease27.I just wonder if ever that you could have your own enterprise and run ityourself when you were still a student.B.youoccurred to itC.it occurred to youD.youoccurred28.Bicycle riders want the city gover

    17、nment to set aside special lanes for bicycles on some ofthe main streets, but though they have got some supporters, like the idea.A.everyoneB.not everyoneC.no oneD.someone29.It can be said without exaggeration that no part of the United States is not easilyaccessible by car, by train, or by air, and

    18、 by all the three of them.A.More often thanB.More often than notC.No more often thanD.Less often than30.This report offered the most and accurate information on the possible defectsresulting from cloning.A.specificB.particularC.trivialD.wicked31.The worsening of the country economy could mean public

    19、 support for theruling party.A.CrippledB.SubtractedC.FlutteredD.Diminished32.Henry stood by me when I most needed it. I always that.A.impressB.registerC.pledgeD.appreciate33.Grandma always paid attention to the needs, wishes and feelings of those around her.She was the most woman I e ever known.B.me

    20、rryC.considerateD.brilliant34.Certainly in our society teachers don enjoy the respect that is to doctors andlawyers.A.rewardedB.accordedC.designatedD.transferred35.The changes our city in the past few years are little short of miracles.A.cataloguedB.underwentC.inheritedD.furnished36.He the problem i

    21、n his mind for a whole week before he did anything aboutit.A.switched onB.kickedupC.turned overD.took on37.Their heavy commitments do not allow them to themselves current affairsas fully as they might wish.A.put throughB.immerse inC.switch onD.settlein38.Japans productivity has overtaken America in

    22、some manufacturing industries, butelsewhere the United States has its lead.A.taken upB.brought backC.rested onD.clung to39.For conveniences sake, most couples in America have a bank account instead ofseparate accounts.A.twinB.handyC.dualD.joint40.The woman is a offender and has been arrested five ti

    23、mes this year forshoplifting.A.persistentB.inevitableC.bluntD.dreary41.Any excitement you have at starting a new job is always with a certain amount offear.A.mingledB.dottedC.joinedD.scarred42.The problem of poverty is particularly in rural areas where one in three adults isunemployed.A.offensiveB.s

    24、ignificantC.AcuteD.Frail43.If your monthly salary exceeds 10,000, you have to 20% tax from the sum youreceive.A.designateB.repayC.subtractD.snatch44.We can do without carpets. I prefer wooden floors throughout the house.A.emptyB.bareC.lean45.Three people were killed in the bomb explosion, but police

    25、 have not yet identified theA.representativesB.statisticsC.victimsD.circumstances46.He was ashamed. That feeling , and he was never comfortable in church after that.A.lingeredB.stalkedC.saturatedD.flourished47.The increased volume of scheduled flights during the weeklong holiday is the airtraffic co

    26、ntrol system.A.tiltingB.streamingC.strainingD.abolishing48.In some areas China is the developed countries, but it will take some years beforewe can catch up with them.A.growing intoB.whipping upC.gaining onD.heading for49.I made use of my spare time, mixing with a lot of different people and practic

    27、ingmy English.A.mobileB.fierceC.profitableD.swift50.The meeting was successful and ended with a(n) to set up cooperation betweenthe six states of the region.A.testimonyB.pledgeD.signature51.We think it is wrong to single out any of society for Aids testing.A.spectrumB.sectionC.mixtureD.locality52.Th

    28、e chances of the disease being to humans are extremely remote.A.exposedB.commutedC.migratedD.transferred53.The child has a(n) disease which attacks the immune system.A.imposedB.inheritedC.disguisedD.captured54.It seems these creatures can temperature which would kill other species.A.tolerateB.compro

    29、miseC.mockD.undergo55.History, and modern, has taught these people an intense distrust of theirneighbors.A.primitiveB.ancientC.religiousD.urban56.Hi, John, could you show me how to graphics with text on the same screen?”A.fuseB.cloneC.mergeD.mingle57.What they have done is two different types of ent

    30、ertainment, the circus and therock concert.A.disposeB.accordC.adoptD.fuse58.The school strives to treat pupils as individuals and to help each one to achieve their fullA.curiosityB.geniusC.advantageD.potential59.The thought of dying slowly and painfully me. I really can understand why somany people are opposed to euthanasia.A.terrifiesB.cursesC.puzzlesD.injures


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