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    1、小学教育最新八年级英语下学期入学测试试题答案不全仁爱版教学资料参考参考范本【小学教育】最新八年级英语下学期入学测试试题(答案不全)仁爱版_年_月_日_部门一、单项选择(15分)( ) 1。 I dont know how to keep healthy, can you give me_? A。 an advice B。 lots of advices C。 a few advices D。 some advice( ) 2。 Alice is old enough to look after_。 A。 she B。 her C。 hers D。 herself( )3。 I have a f

    2、ever。 I am feeling terrible。 -_ Your temperature is not high。 A。 Serious nothing B。 Nothing serious C。 Serious something D。 Serious anything( )4。 Carl has_ headache and has to stay in_ bed。 A。 a; a B。 the; the C。 a; / D。 /; the( )5。 Every year_ people come to visit Meizhou Island in Putain。 A。 thous

    3、and of B。 many thousands C。 thousands of D。 a few thousands( )6。 -You should share your happiness_ your friends。 -Its important_ them。 A。 with; of B。 with; to C。 to; with D。 and; for( )7。 I think you can be_ at the _news。 A。 surprised; surprised B。 surprising; surprising C。 surprised; surprising D。

    4、surprising; surprised( )8。 He asked me_ it secret。 A。 keeping B。 to keep C。 kept D。 keeps( )9。 Its too late。 Dont keep him_ for you so long。 A。 wait B。 waits C。 to wait D。 waiting( )10。 They spend much time_ television last year。A。 watches B。 watched C。 watching D。 to watch( )11。 My bike is broken。

    5、Can you_ me your bike ?A。 lend B。 borrow C。 keep D。 lent( )12。 Theres too much traffic in the street。 You _ play football there。 A。 must B。 neednt C。 mustnt D。 keeps( )13。 I m going to Hawaii with my parents this month for my holiday。 -_。 A。 Have a good time B。 Best wishes to you C。 Congratulations

    6、D。 Please go( )14。 Did you get a ticket _Love Me Once More, Mom yesterday? -No, I didnt。 Now I still cant get one。 A。 to B。 about C。 with D。 0f( )15。 Mrs。 Green is a kind teacher and she often helps students to_ their problems。 A。 talk with B。 worried C。 begin with D。 deal with二、完形填空(10分)Everyone in

    7、 our school loves sports。 Every morning _16_ we get up, we do morning exercises。 After the second class we do exercises again。 We only have _17_ classes twice a week, but we do physical training(锻炼) at five every afternoon。 The most popular sports is basketball。 The _18_ enjoy playing it and many of

    8、 the girls like it, too。 _19_ popular sports is football and in every class there _20_ a lot of football fans。 We often played volleyball when the weather is _21_ 。 We have school teams in basketball, football and volleyball。 Our teams often _22_ friendship matches with teams from other schools。 Whe

    9、n there is a match, _23_ of us go to watch it and 24 our team on。Besides ball games, some of us like track-and-field events(田径项目), _25_ we often practice running, jumping and throwing。 Every team we have tests in these events and once a year we hold a sports meeting。Sports help us to keep healthy an

    10、d happy() 16。 A。 while() 17。 A。 English() 18。 A。 teacher() 19。 A。 Some other() 20。 A。 are () 21。 A。 shining () 22。 A。 see () 23。 A。 much () 24。 A。 cheer () 25。 A。 becauseB。 whenB。 Chinese B。 boys B。 Other B。 is B。 rainy B。 have B。 few B。 to cheer B。 butC。 beforeC。 P。E。 C。 studentsC。 AnotherC。 wereC。

    11、 fineC。 look atC。 a littleC。 welcome C。 orD。 afterD。 musicD。 peopleD。 The otherD。 wasD。 wetD。 watchD。 manyD。 to welcomeD。 and三、阅读理解(40分)(A)Mr。 Black, a worker from America, went to Beijing for his holiday with his family。 One day, he had a bad cold and coughed day and night, so he went to see a doct

    12、or。 After the doctor examined(检查) him, he said, “Here are two bottles of medicine for you。 The big, two pills a day。 The small, one pill a day。” Mr。 Black called his sons to come back at once。 He told them, “The old, two pills a day。 The young, one pill a day。”“Who told you to do that?”His wife aske

    13、d in surprise(吃惊地)。 “The doctor。” answered Mr。 Black。 ( )26。 Where did Mr。 Black go?A。 England B。 America C。 China D。 Japan( )27。 Who had a cold?A。 Mr。 Black B。 Mrs。 Black C。 The son D。 The doctor( )28。 Mr。 Black is _。A。 a Chinese B。 an English C。 a Japanese D。 an American( )29。 The doctor gave Mr。

    14、Black_ bottles of medicine。A。 one B。 two C。 three D。 four( )30。“The big, two pills a day。” “The big” means_。A。 Mr。 Blacks older son B。 Mr。 Blacks wife C。 the medicine in the small bottle D。 the medicine in the big bottle(B)Our legs are important parts of our body。 We use them to walk, run, kick and

    15、jump。 Just think what life would be like with only one leg! Kevin was a boy who has only one leg。 When he has 10 years old, he caught cancer。(癌症) The doctor had to cut off his left leg to save(挽救) his life。 Kevin felt very sad。 Life was changed。 He had a man-made leg later。 With the help of his pare

    16、nts and friends, he learned to do many things: he could swim, play volleyball and run。 When he has 20 years old, Kevin traveled all over England。 He stopped in every city。 In each city, people learned his story and gave him money。 The money was not for Kevin himself。 It was for a cancer society。(协会)

    17、。 The cancer society used the money for cancer research。(研究) Kevin often talked to people about cancer。 He said,“ I want people to know that, though I have only one leg, I can do what other people can。 I work not only for myself, but for my parents, and all of the people who help others or need othe

    18、rs help。”( )31。 This passage is about_。 A。 the importance of the leg B。 traveling around C。 a boy called Kevin who had only one leg D。 the cancer society( )32。 When Kevin was ten years old, _。 A。 he had to cut his right leg B。 he had a cancer C。 he will have one leg D。 the doctor had to cut off his

    19、right leg ( )33。 Kevin learned to do many things_。 A。 all by himself B。 with the help of his parents C。 with the help of his friends D。 both A and B( )34。 Kevin traveled around the world to_。 A。 learn about every city B。 collect money for a cancer research C。 collect money for himself D。 treat his l

    20、egs( )35。 Kevin worked for_。A. Himself B. his parents and his friends C. his doctor D. his parents and all the people who help others or need others help(C) Why do plants grow in some places and not in others? Why does some land have so much growing on it, while other land has almost no plants growi

    21、ng on it at all?To grow, plants need several things。 One is warmth。 In very cold places almost nothing grows。 Plants also need water。 In very dry parts of the earth only a few unusual plants can grow。 Thats why dry deserts everywhere are almost not covered by trees or grass。Plants must also have a p

    22、lace in which to put down their roots and grow。 They find it difficult to grow on hard land。 The town is built on hard land。 The plants here have only the soil found between the cracks of the stones to grow in。Another thing plants must have before they can grow is food。 What will happen if we try to

    23、 make things grow on the sandy beach? A few plants, such as beach grass, will grow in sand, but most plants wont。 Even if the weather is warm enough and we water the plants each day, many of them will die because the sand on this beach has almost no food for plants。( )36。 According to the passage pl

    24、ants need_things to grow well?Atwo Bthree Cfour D。 five ( )37。 What does the underlined word “cracks” mean in the passage?A缝隙 B表面 C夹层 D。 底部 ( )38。 From the passage, we know that it is for plants to grow in dry places。Aeasy Bdifficult Cimpossible D。 important( )39。 The reason why most plants cant gro

    25、w on the sandy beach is that 。Athere isnt enough sunlight Bthere is too much waterCit is too crowded there D。it has little food for plants( )40。The passage can most probably be found in a book。Ascience Bhistory Ctravel D。math (D)Four girls were at the same school。 They were good friends, so they oft

    26、en studied and played together。_41_One day one of the girls said, There is a test this morning。 Lets go to school late。 Then we wont have to take the test。 What can we tell the teacher? One of the girls said。 Hell be angry。 _42_The girls thought for several moments, then one of them said, Lets tell

    27、him that our taxi had a flat tire (爆胎)。_43_ the other girls said。 Well tell him that。_44_The test was finished。” Why are you late? the teacher asked。 You miss the test。 Our taxi had a flat tire, one of the girls said。The teacher thought for a moment, then he said, Sit down, one of you in each corner

    28、 of the room。 “The four girls did this。 Then the teacher said, Write the answer to this question on a piece of paper: _45_A。 Well need a good excuse。B。 Which tire was flat?C。 Thats a good ideaD。 They arrived at school an hour later。E。 They went to school every day by taxi。41。_ 42。_ 43。_ 44。_ 45。_四、词

    29、语运用(10分) 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,每词限用一次。Make, more and more, bring, be, many, try, change, be, without, dry Scientists 46 to make the deserts(沙漠) into good land again。 They want _47_water to the deserts, so people can live and grow food。 They are learning a lot about the deserts。 But land _48_is be

    30、coming desert all the time。 Scientists may not be able to_49_ the desert 。 They think that people _50_ deserts。 People are doing bad things to the earth。 Some places on the earth dont get_51_ rain。 But they still dont become deserts。 This is because some green plants _52_ there。 Small green plants and grass _53_


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