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    1、中石油晋级考试英语句子快速查找总结4索引 句 子 课/段/句30sm 30 St Mary Axe, for example, could not have been built without a computer model to specify the exact shape of every one of its 5,500 glass panels, or to model the airflow in and around it. 60/15/23sma 30 St Mary Axe, designed by Foster and Partners, does so by usin

    2、g natural lighting and ventilation wherever possible 60/7/2a$21 A $210,000 WALLET1 价值21万美元的钱包 42a2yo After 22 years of marriage,Ive discovered the secret to keeping love and intimacy alive in my relationship with my wife,Peggy: I started dating another woman. 28/1aaao Americans are always on the mov

    3、e. 30/9/1aaba And as bad as this quake was,many have been worse. 34/4/2aaca About a century and a half later,in 1564,a high wind blew over a heavy oak tree near Cumberland,England. 44/10/1aada Alcoholics and drug addicts who are not yet rich are unlikely candidates for becoming so. 45/8/2aaft Ads ar

    4、e following the eyeballs to where they make transactional decisions. Fine recently forecast that newspapers profit margins are set to enter a long period of decline. 19/2/3aait Act as if that werent so. 58/19/5aako Attracting and keeping older workers take some creativity. 50/7/1aale As a life envir

    5、onment,the sea is a kind of land turned upside down. 55/4/1aalp Ask a local person for advice. 4/11/1aama Ancient and medieval authors knew all about unicorns and salamanders; not one of them thought it necessary to avoid dogmatic statements about them because he had never seen one of them 36/2/7aam

    6、o As a matter of fact,Charles Babbage,over one hundred years ago,felt that assurance was a better term. 35/2/3aani After all,nothing is better than a virus at evading the bodys immune defenses and breaking into a cell. 39/3/3aaot Again,at one time or another,you may have found that all such animals

    7、hear. 15/5/1aaot All at once,the three childrens faces lit up,and they began to bounce around in the back seat,laughing and chattering. 52/16aapc All around,people cried. 47/9/1aapm Alberta also produces more coal than any other province. 13/4/6aart As a result,their spoken English might not improve

    8、. 23/3/4aasp An air ship powered by energy from the sun has been suggested. 14/5/7aass And as she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school,she told the children a lie. 40/1/3aate As a typical example of green architecture, what is most remarkable about the building is it

    9、s energy-efficiency. 60/1/3aatr After all, the race of men has only just started. 29/3/2aatr Almost always the remains of shells,and other proofs of sea life,are found close to the oil. 46/2/11aaym As a young man in the Pigeon Creek Valley of Indiana,he not only criticized but he wrote letters and p

    10、oems ridiculing people and dropped these letters on the country roads where they were sure to be found. 43/3/6abim A book is more like the score of a piece of music than it is like a painting. 53/8/2abta A building that achieves a score of 39 points earns a gold rating; 52 points earns a platinum ra

    11、ting. A gold-rated building is estimated to have reduced its environmental impact by 50% compared with an equivalent conventional building, and a platinum-rated building by over 70%. 60/5/2abtt A belief that there are better days ahead. 59/10/3acca America currently consumes about 7 billion bbl.这个没查

    12、到什么意思 of oil a year. 38/8/1accl And classified-ad categories like real estate and automotive may not be exempt from such trends, the report warned. 19/5/3acdb A common dream,born of two continents. 59/3/2acei A command economy is one in which all economic decisions are planned by a central governmen

    13、t. 48/8/5acha Aristotle could have avoided the mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth than men,by the simple device of asking Mrs. Aristotle to keep her mouth open while he counted. 36/2/2acit A canal in the north joins the Mississippi to the five Great Lakes-the worlds largest inland water

    14、 transportation route and the biggest body of fresh water in the world. 30/3/3acmt After children marry,their parents do not owe them a down payment on a house or money for the furniture. 33/4/1acot A combination of these can be used and sometimes is used in the same campaign. 51/2/3acpi A carpenter

    15、s pencil is usually finished in bright red 44/18/3acro A cheap reproduction of Rosa Bonheurs famous painting The Horse Fair hung above the bed,and a dismal gas jet flickered yellow light. 43/1/3acsa A cancer specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,Minnesota,Russell does everything he can to aid a

    16、nd abet those viral bandits. 39/2/2acwi A child who is lied to will lie. 33/11/4acws A child who sees hisparents steal tools from the factory or towels from a hotel will think thai it is allright to steal. 33/11/5acyt And can you think of anything more infuriating than to be given the same treatment

    17、? 57/13/5adcc Ants dont carry calendars around with them any more than fiddler crabs possess real wrist watches. 54/9/1adef Afrikaans,Dutch,English,Flemish,and German are the more important languages within the West Germanic grouping. 16/3/4adjs And Dr. Johnson said: God himself,sir,does not propose

    18、 to judge man until the end of his days. 43/12/2adly A drawn looking young woman with honey-colored hair opened the door. 21/43/3adom A dozen or more campers along the river were buried deep beneath the great landslide. 34/3/1ae3p At exactly 3:15 p.m. New York time - a precise 24 hours after having

    19、been fed in Paris - the bees swarmed out of their hive. 54/3/3aeag As English and German speakers constitute the majorities in several of the worlds most economically,militarily,and technologically developed countries,it is important to be familiar with this particular language grouping. 16/2/4aeij

    20、An earthquake in Japan in 1923 took 160,000 lives. 34/4/6aesw Americas early settlers were attracted by the fertile land and varied climates it offered for farming. 30/4/1aewk Almost everything we know or think we know-about the sea is open? at both ends. 55/15/1afad And fellow Americans,Democrats,R

    21、epublicans,Independents,I say to you tonight: 59/6/2afah As far as hes concerned,those viruses are the good guys,since the cells they are attacking and destroying are cancer cells in a fast-growing tumor. 39/2/4afal And for a long time it was used without any covering. 44/9/4afam Assume for a moment

    22、 that youre a manager going to work for a branch of a global organization in a foreign country. 48/1/1afbo A fast-growing body of research-104 studies so far,involving some 15,000 people-is proving that optimism can help you to be happier,healthier and more successful. 58/2/1afcc Any fool can critic

    23、ize,condemn and complain-and most fools do. 43/11/1afis At first it stood for the rich traders who found and sold such gems. 27/4/4afme A friend might even arrange a blind date for you with someone you dont know. 6/3/2afod Apparently few others did,because insurance has stayed with us until today. 3

    24、5/2/4afot A few of the men hold onto their composure by gripping armrests and clenching teeth,but their fear was written all over them. 47/9/3afpl As fewer people live on South Island than on North Island,those who crave solitude and pristine beaches will be amazed at their luck here. 18/4/3afpt As

    25、further proof,the experiment was repeated-only this time the same hive of bees had its alarm set in New York and was flown to Paris. 54/4/1afsf And from San Francisco to New York,in cheap or medium-priced restaurants,hamburgers will be on all the menus,in company with steaks,fried chicken and seafoo

    26、d. 17/4/3afsr A few simple rules will keep you,not from all error,but from silly error. 36/1/2aftf And for those few minutes,I heard the voice of courage. 47/16/5aftm At first they might have group dates with several boys and girls together. 6/2/3afts Apart from the scientific statistics,it might be

    27、 helpful to look at what smoking tobacco actually does to the human body. 11/5/1afts As for the stock tip,Buffett said there might be a little mention of a company Berkshire bought that wasnt public knowledge yet. 42/3/3aftt And from that time on,he almost never criticized anybody for anything 43/6/

    28、5afya A few years ago divers,working in a wreck under the Red Sea,several times sighted a wrasse 20 feet long. 55/12/4afzp A French zoologist,Professor Brouardel,has preliminary evidence that some marine animals of the abyss thrive in the blackness without any discernible action of photosynthesis. 5

    29、5/16/1agam As green architecture moves into the mainstream, more green buildings came up. 60/6/1agfa A gift from a child with sea-blue eyes and hair the color sand-who taught me the gift of love. 21/54/3agfp A global firms profits can vary dramatically depending on the strength ofits home currency a

    30、nd the currencies of the countries in which it operates. 48/9/1agkt And God knows that 1 have seen big ones. 31/8/5agms A great man shows his greatness, said Carlyle,by the way he treats little men. 43/12/1agwo A good way of ridding yourself of certain kinds of dogmatism is to become aware of opinio

    31、ns held in social circles different from your own. 36/4/1ah Another Happiness 另一种快乐 52ahkt And he knows that its not enough for just some of us to prosper-for alongside our famous individualism,theres another ingredient in the American saga,a belief that were all connected as one people. 59/8/2ahlb

    32、America has long been known as a melting pot, for it is a nation of immigrants from all over the world. 30/6/1ahpa Against her protests about being a poor writer,he made her promise to complete the assignment. 12/15/1ahpa At Hewlett-Packard,a cross-global team of U.S. and French engineers were assigned to work together on a software project. 48/14/1ahwa acaulay had wealth and fame,rank and power,and yet he tells us in his biography that he owed the happiest ho


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