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    1、员工手册中英文版 深圳市XXXX科技有限公司LIGHTNING OPTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY (SZ) Co., LTD. 员工手册Employee handbook编号:Lightning/HR-001Serial number: Lightning/HR-001 版次:A/1Edition: A/1审核:xxxReviewed by:xxx批准:xxxApproved by:xxx生效日期:2014年1月1日Effective date: Jan 1,2014员工手册Employee manual员工代表确认签名(Signature of employee repre

    2、sentative) 421.人力资源部致辞Address by the human resource department 各位亲爱的员工:To each dear employee: 首先,对你们的加入表示最热烈的欢迎。相信你们会在XX取得成功,也希望我们能够一起努力共筑美好未来。First of all, we would like to express our warmest welcome for your joining in the company. We believe that you will succeed in Lightning, and I also hope th

    3、at we could make joint efforts to build a bright future. XX成立于2004年,公司专注于照明级大功率LED器件封装,为客户提供LED照明光源、LED照 明模组、LED灯具解决方案。是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的高新技术企业,并且凝聚了一 批具有多年LED封装从业经验的专业技术人才,打造了一支具有丰富管理经验的核心经营团队。 Lightening was founded in 2004, the company focused on high-power LED lighting class device package, provid

    4、ing customers with LED illumination. Source, LED lighting modules, LED lighting solutions, we are high-tech Enterprise with R&D, manufacturing, sales function. 此翻译比原来的更好? 是,提交翻译感谢您提交的内容。Please help Google Translate improve quality for your language here.人才是XX最宝贵的财富,因此,我们致力于为各位提供绝佳的职业发展机会,并向员工传达公司的文化

    5、。我们拥有完备的人才发展机制,帮助大家与XX一起成长、共同飞跃。Talents are the most valuable assets in Lightening, therefore, we devote ourselves to providing each of you with excellent career development opportunity, and pass the company culture to the employees. We have complete talents development system to help everyone grow

    6、and develop with Lightening. 员工手册旨在帮助您更好地了解XX,该手册将向您介绍公司背景、价值理念、人力资源政策和员工福利计划等各类信息。The “Employee handbook” is designed to help you better understand Lightening, this manual will introduce to you the companys background, value idea, human resource policy, employee welfare plan and other various infor

    7、mation. 希望通过了解公司文化,您能尽快适应在XX的工作。We hope that you can adapt to the work in Lightening as soon as possible by understanding the company culture. 祝各位在XX大家庭中工作得愉快、充实、有意义!We wish everyone of you having delightful, substantial and meaningful work in the big family of Lightening! 谢谢!Thanks!人力资源部Human resou

    8、rce department深圳市XXXX科技有限公司Lightning optoelectronic technology(SZ)Co., LTD 2.公司简介Company introduction 深圳市XXXX科技有限公司成立于2004年,公司专注于照明级大功率LED器件封装,为客户提供LED照明光源、LED照明模组、LED灯具解决方案。是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的高新技术企业。Founded in 2004, Lightning is a high-tech company which is dedicated to LED research and development, a

    9、s well as production and sales. It focuses on mid-power and high-power LEDs which are used in lighting applications, providing a series of LED light source, LED light modules, and LED lighting fixture solutions.XXXX凝聚了一批具有多年LED封装从业经验的专业技术人才,打造了一支具有丰富管理经验的核心经营团队,拥有12500余平方米的厂房和5000余平方米的超洁净、防静电的现代化无尘车

    10、间,引进日本、德国等国际知名品牌设备制造商的最先进全自动化封装设备和完善的检测设备,产品质量符合美国“能源之星”认证标准,所有产品通过RoHS检测。;As a world-renowned LED company, Lightning, run by a well-experienced team, is a great team composed by LED professionals who devote themselves on LED packaging developments. It occupies a 12500 square-meter plant accompanied

    11、 with a 500 square-meter anti-static clean room. Lighting continues to introduce state-of-the-art facilities from reputable Japanese and German companies for production and inspection. Therefore, there is no doubt that Lightnings products are Energy-Star and RoHS compliant.公司特别注重产品的自主研发与创新,目前拥有数十项发明

    12、和实用新型专利。多项专利已获授权。且通过了ISO9001:2008质量管理体系、ISO 14001:2004、TS16949:2009认证。面对蓬勃发展的LED产业,XXXX将不断加强与上下游合作伙伴的合作,不断提升产品的竞争力。XX人将不断吸纳LED行业精英人才,持续改进产品和服务,不断创新,精益生产,使公司成为全球LED照明领域最具影响力的公司之一。 Lightning is focused on product invention and innovation, possessing dozens of invention and utility model patents respec

    13、tively which several of them are already authorized. Meanwhile, Lightning is also ISO9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, TS16949:20009 certified. As a pioneer in EMC LED manufacturing, Lightning will keep recruiting talented and experienced employees, and build closer relationships with upstream and downstre

    14、am partners to enhance our core competence. Its commitment in continuous improvement of quality and service is the key to make Lightning an influential LED provider worldwide.公司发展历程:2004年 公司创立;2004, The company founded; 2005年 量产大功率LED白光产品;2005, High power LED light products in production; 2007年 大功率L

    15、ED自动线建成投产;2007, High power LED automatic line in operation;2008年 TOP LED自动线建成投产ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证通过;2008, TOP LED automatic line in operation; ISO9001:2000 quality management system certified;2009年 公司CRM、ERP系统建成投入使用,通过ISO14001:2004、TS16949:2009认证;2009, CRM, ERP system established; ISO14001:2004, T

    16、S16949:2009 certified;2010年 陶瓷基板SMD大功率LED全自动线投产成功;2010, ceramic substrate high-power SMD LED automatic line in operation;2011年 超薄、超小中功率SMD全自动生产线投产;2011, ultra-slim, low/mid power SMD automatic line in operation;2012年 中大功率量SMD量产能力 拓展国际业务;2012, high-power SMD automatic line in operation; extending to

    17、international business field; 我们的使命:通过科技创新令LED光源改善人们的生活Our Mission: Focus on improving peoples lives through LED lighting innovations.我们的愿景:通过科技创新将XX建设成为全球LED光源领域的领军企业,为我们的客户创造最大的价值,将XX打造成为与我们志同道合之专业人士施展才华的最佳平台。Our Vision: Become the global LED light source leader through scientific and technologica

    18、l innovation, deliver superior value to our customers and provide a great career platform for people who share our passion.我们的价值观:以客户为中心,以创新求发展,以专业造品牌Our Value: Driven by customers demand; Development through innovations; Branding with professionalism.我们的产品: 公司主要专注于LED 封装领域研发与生产,面向全球客户提供LED封装产品及解决方案

    19、。Our products: Mainly focus on LED packaging research, development, and production for global customers with high-quality products and solutions;3. 适用范围Scope of application 本员工手册(“本手册”)适用于所有深圳市XXXX科技有限公司(“公司”)的员工。The employee manual (“this manual”) shall be applicable to all the employees in Lightni

    20、ng optoelectronic technology(SZ)Co., LTD (“company”). 4.员工聘用政策Employee recruitment policy 4.1职级制度Job grade systemXX职级制度共有9个级别, 具体如下:Lightening has 9 grades in the job grade system, which are as follows: 90级 - 高级管理层90 grade - Senior management 80 级80 grade 70 级 - 管理层/专家70 grade - Management/experts 6

    21、0 级60 grade 50 级50 grade 40 级 - 主管层/专业人士40 grade - Supervisor/professionals 30 级30 grade 20 级 - 基层管理人员、技工、文员20 grade - Junior management, technicians and staffs 10级 - 普通员工10 grade - Normal Worker 4.2工作时间Working time标准工作时间(即每天工作8小时、每周工作40小时)如下:The standard working time (8 hours per day and 40 hours p

    22、er week) is as follows: 星期一至星期五作息时间:Work and rest time from Monday to Friday: 直接生产人员(早班):上午8:0012:00 下午13:3017:30 Morning 8:0012:00 Afternoon 13:3017:30 (中班):下午13:3017:30 晚上19:3023:30 Afternoon 13:3017:30 night 19:3023:30 非直接生产人员:上午8:3012:00 下午13:0017:30 Morning 8:3012:00 Afternoon 13:0017:30 特殊情况下根

    23、据实际需要,公司会作出特殊安排,具体则按公司发布的时间执行In case of special circumstances, the company will make special arrangement based on actual demand, and the details of which shall be implemented according to the timetable issued by the company. 公司对某些特定岗位实行不定时工作制,经劳动部门批准且受限于中华人民共和国适用法律法规的规定,该等员工的工作时间安排可不同于上述标准工作时间。The c

    24、ompany will implement flexible working hour system on certain special positions, as approved by the labor department and the applicable law and regulation of the Peoples Republic of China, the working hours arrangement of such employees may differ from the foresaid standard working hours. 4.3 合同期及试用

    25、期Contract period and probation period员工在上班的第一天办妥一切报到手续后,由人力资源部门代表公司与其签订劳动合同。除非法律另有规定,所有的合同均为固定期限合同。合同期限一般为3年,也可以由公司和员工自行约定其他期限。After employees settle all the report-to-duty procedures on the first day of working, the human resource department will sign labor contract with them on behalf of the compa

    26、ny. Unless otherwise regulated by law, all the contracts shall be fixed-term contracts. The period of contract is normally 3 years, or other periods agreed between the company and the employees. 劳动合同到期时,经公司和员工协商一致,可续签合同。When labor contracts expires, it may be renewed after the company and employees

    27、reach an agreement through negotiation. 任何首次受雇于公司的员工都应在其劳动合同期限开始之日起的不超过3个月期间为试用期(直接工人试用期可为2个月)。试用期结束后,除非公司认为员工不符合录用条件,员工将继续为公司工作。Any employee employed by the company shall have a probation period no more than 3 months after the beginning date of his/her labor contract.(Direct labor probation period

    28、can be 2 months), After the probation period expires, unless the company believes that the employee doesnt meet the recruitment condition, the employee will continue to work for the company. 公司在试用期内或结束之时可对员工的工作表现进行评估。员工不符合录用条件的情况包括但不限于:During or after the probation period, the company may evaluate t

    29、he work performance of employees. The circumstances that employees dont meet recruitment conditions include but not limited to: 员工提供或要求第三方为其提供虚假的个人信息或文件或与雇佣有关其他信息或文件。Employees provide or require any third party to provide false personal information or document or other information or document relati

    30、ng to employment. 员工未能通过公司所指定的医院的健康体检。Employees fail to pass the health examination at the hospital designated by the company. 员工对其前雇主负有未了结的债务,且公司认为该等债务可能会对员工在公司的工作带来不利的影响。Employees have unsettled debt with former employer, and the company believes that such debt will bring negative influence to the

    31、 employees work in the company. 员工对其前雇主负有竞业限制义务。Employees have competitive restriction obligation to their former employers. 员工不能胜任公司的工作任务。Employees are not capable of work tasks in the company. 员工未能通过公司的工作表现评估。Employees fail to pass the work performance assessment in the company. 员工的身体条件不符合其工作岗位的岗位要求(例如特殊岗位的要求)。Employees physical conditions dont meet the position requirements of their work positions (such as requirements for special positions). 4.


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