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    1、新编实用英语电子教案UnitPunctuality and CultureUnit Goals Linguistic Realization What You Should Learn to Do1. Make/keep/postpone an appointment according to a work timetable Useful SentencesTalking Face to Face and Being All EarsA. Making and keeping an appointment1. Would you like to reschedule the appointm

    2、ent?2. Our manager is available from 1:30 to 3:00 . every Monday.3. Could I have an appointment to see you?/Could I make an appointment with you?4. Id like to make an appointment to see yourmanager.5. Will this afternoon be all right? But I can only spare you an hour and a half today, from 4 oclock.

    3、6. Shall we meet at 9 a.m. at your office the day after tomorrow?7. We can make it at 2:00 if it is convenient for you.8. Is 10 oclock OK / any good?9. If you are free, Ill come to see you this weekend.10. Ive got an appointment at 8:30 with Mr. Anderson, the bank manager.B. Postponing an appointmen

    4、t1. I wonder if we could postpone/put off the appointment to tomorrow afternoon.2. Im afraid the manager is all booked up thisweek. How about next week?3. The dinner appointment has been canceled.4. Dr. Cook wont be able to see you at the time suggested.5. I wonder if its convenient to change our ap

    5、pointment from tomorrow to next Wednesday, still at the same time.6. Mr. Smith has to cancel all his appointments becausehes got something urgent to attend to.7. Anytime except today. Please give him a call before you come.8. Sorry, the whole afternoon is filled up here.Will tomorrow do?2. Make rese

    6、rvations according to the timetables of flights and trainsTalking Face to Face and Being All Ears1. Is there a flight to Hong Kong on Tuesday, the 16th?2. Is that a direct flight?3. Whats the departure time?4. Miss Wang, is there a direct train from here to Chengde?5. How many trains are there for B

    7、eijing every day?6. What time does the next train to Guangzhou leave?7. Do I have to change trains anywhere?8. Excuse me, is the 5:30 flight from Hong Kong on time?9. When do you have flights for/to Macao?10. When does it arrive in Macao?11. Id like to get two tickets to Beijing at 9:00 this morning

    8、.12. Can I have a seat on Flight 455 to New York tomorrow afternoon, please?3. Understand and make up schedules for different purposesTalking Face to Face and Being All Ears1. I have a busy schedule this week.2. Whats your schedule for tomorrow?3. Ill be having a good time in Hong Kong at the weeken

    9、d.4. What are your plans for this weekend?5. I need to write a business report this morning.6. The conference is on Thursday, right?7. Ill take the 2:15 flight back on Friday afternoon.8. The office hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 .9. Lunch begins at 1 . and lasts one hour.10. Shall we meet at 9 a.m. at

    10、your office the day after tomorrow?11. Could you please be here at 5:30 this afternoon?12. Our manager is available from 1:30 to 3:00 . every Monday.13. You can make it 2:00 if that is convenient for you.14. Is 10 oclock OK/any good?15. If you are free, Ill come to see you this weekend.4. Write a ti

    11、metable/ scheduleTrying Your Hand1 Format2 Language features What You Should Know About1. Punctuality in social activities2. Planning a work day/week3. Use of verb tenses Unit Sections InvolvedTrying Your HandSentence Writing and Grammar Reviewing Maintaining a Sharp EyePassages I & IIKey and Transl

    12、ationSECTION ITalking Face to FaceThe topic area of Talking Face to Face in this unit is to make a timetable or a schedule. The focus of functions is on the patterns that are appropriate for making appointments and arranging activities in different situations.Imitating Mini-Talks1 Work in pairs. Loo

    13、k at the pictures and practice the following mini-talks about schedules and timetables.Acting out the Tasks2 Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks. Key for reference:1) Task: Look at the flight table in Exercise 3. Ask about the departure and arrival time.A: Would you

    14、 please tell me the departure time of the direct flight for Hong Kong?B: The departure time is 8:45 a. m.A: What about the arrival time?B: The arrival time is 11:45 a. m.2) Task: Look at the flight table in Exercise 3. Ask about the Tuesday flight for Hong Kong.A: Do you have flights for Hong Kong o

    15、n Tuesday?B: Yes, we have one that leaves at 9:20 a.m. It is not a direct flight. You need to stop in Guangzhou, from 11:50 to 12:50 a.m.A: When does it arrive in Hong Kong?B: It arrives in Hong Kong at 1:55 .3) Task: Look at Marks schedule in Exercise 3. Call to ask Mark for a change of an appointm

    16、ent.A: Mark, sorry I wont be able to meet you at 3 Tuesday afternoon. Something unexpected has come up.B: Well, thats all right.C: Is it possible to change the Tuesday appointment to Thursday? The same time? B: Sorry, I will be in Hong Kong Thursday. I will call you when I come back. 4) Task: Look a

    17、t Marks schedule in Exercise 3. Ask to make an appointment to see Mark on Wednesday.A: Hello, Mark. Do you have time Wednesday morning?B: Im afraid not. I have an appointment with Mr. Anderson.A: What about Wednesday afternoon?B: Sorry, I have to catch the 4:45 flight to Macao.5) Task: Look at Marks

    18、 schedule in Exercise 3. An old friend in Hong Kong asks to see Mark on Thursday. A: Hello, Mark. Ive heard youve come to Hong Kong. Shall we meet on Thursday?B: Hello, Tom. Im afraid I cant make it Thursday. I have to attend a conference. A: Oh. Do you have time for going around Hong Kong?B: Yes. L

    19、ets meet Friday morning and travel around the city.Studying Timetables and Schedules3 Timetables and schedules are important in planning our activities. Now lets read the following timetable and schedule.马克的时间表(2011年6月)Following Sample Dialogues 4 Read the following sample dialogues and try to perfo

    20、rm your own tasks.Putting Language to Use5 6 SECTION II Being All EarsLearning Sentences for Workplace Communication1 Listen to 10 sentences for workplace communication cross-referenced with their Chinese translations.Script:1) Would you please arrange a meeting for me with Dr. Johnson?2) Id like to

    21、 make an appointment to see Mr. Black.3) Id like to confirm our meeting tomorrow afternoon.4) The train is due to arrive at 9 oclock, but it has been delayed for one hour.5) Id like to see you tomorrow if you have time. 6) Im wondering if youd like to come and discuss the new plan in my office.7) Id

    22、 like to change the appointment from Tuesday to Wednesday. 8) Could we put it off to next week? 9) Lets say 3:30 Friday afternoon. 10) Please tell me the departure and arrival time.2 Listen to the following sentences for workplace communication in Column A and match each one with its Chinese version

    23、 in Column B.Script:1) We can make it 2:00 . if that is convenient for you.2) Our manager is available every Monday afternoon.3) Shall we say 8:30 tomorrow morning at my office? 4) Id like to take the 12:15 flight for Beijing.5) The flight leaves at 3:50, but you must check in one hour before depart

    24、ure.6) I plan to leave for Shanghai on an early morning flight.7) Theres a flight to Dalian at 7:50 a.m. tomorrow.8) My flight leaves at 11:15 a.m. and due to arrive at about 3:30 . local time.9) Im fully occupied this week.10) Eight oclock next Monday morning would be great.Key: 1-i, 2-j, 3-d, 4-c,

    25、 5-f, 6-e, 7-h, 8-g, 9-a, 10-b3 Listen to 6 sentences for workplace communication and choose their right responses.Script:1. Im afraid we have to change the appointment. I have something important to do.2. I just called to confirm our appointment at 10 a.m. tomorrow.3. Can you make it Monday next we

    26、ek?4. When does the flight arrive in London?5. Is the flight from Shanghai on time?6. Ill be free from 2:00 tomorrow afternoon. Do you think its convenient for you? Key: 1. A 2. A 4. B 6. DHandling a Dialogue4 Listen to a dialogue and supply the information by filling in Susans schedule.key:Susans S

    27、cheduleMarch 11, Mondayhave a meetingMarch 12, Tuesdayhave dinner with friendsMarch 13, Wednesdayan appointment with Mr. PetersonMarch 14, Thursdayextra work in the officeMarch 15, Fridaygo to evening classesUnderstanding a Short Speech/Talk5 Now listen to a short tour guide speech and fill up the b

    28、lanks according to what you have heard. The words in brackets will give you some hints.Script:Hello, everyone. Im Lily, your tour guide. Im sure you are excited about todays tour. The first place we will be visiting is Yonghe Temple. The one-hour temple tour finishes at about 11. Before having lunch

    29、 at 12, we will pay a short visit to a Tea House to enjoy the tea ceremony. In the afternoon, we will see the old Beijing lanes by taking rickshaws. After that, we will have a one-hour tour of the Beijing Olympic Stadium. You can take pictures at the Birds Nest and Water Cube. We will enjoy a Kongfu

    30、 evening show before coming back to our hotel.Key:1. todays tour2. visiting3. 11 4. pay a short visit5. taking 6. Beijing Olympic stadium7. take pictures8. before coming back6 Listen to the speech again and complete the information in Column A with the right choices in Column B.Key: 1. a 2. b 3. b 4

    31、. c 5. b SECTION III Trying Your HandPracticing Applied Writing 1 Fill in the office hours by making use of the information in the passage that follows.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar 3. He told us he (had) joined the Party in 2010. 10. He lived in London until 2010.SECTION IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Punctuality Pays!Information related to the reading passageAmericans and Europeans consider time to be an asset that can be spent and saved; therefore, proper scheduling of time and its appropriate allocation


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