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    1、外文翻译品牌延伸反馈效应一个整体框架标题:Brand extension feedback effects: A holistic framework 原文:The brand extension literature has developed from evaluation of the brand extension per se to also considering the impact of the brand extensions on the parent brand, also known as the feedback effect. Feedback effects ar

    2、e the reciprocal impact of the brand extension on the parent brand, which can be either positive or negative. Despite substantial investigation into brand extensions, a major gap in the literature is that it is very fragmented and investigates feedback effects in a rather piecemeal fashion. This is

    3、partly attributable to the adoption of experimental designs in the majority of the feedback literature. Consequently, there remains a dearth of empirical studies that simultaneously model the impact of key variables on parent brands. This study addresses this gap by proposing and testing a holistic

    4、model of brand extension feedback process, as well as illuminating major effects that have previously been considered mostly in isolation.The study is positioned around this holistic approach, which has enabled four new major contributions to the feedback literature. First, a comprehensive model is

    5、presented that also explains the interrelationships among the major determinants of feedback. Prior literature has failed to take these relationships into account. Second, a clear rank-order of major determinants of feedback is established. Third, the study revisits the importance and role of fit fr

    6、om a new perspective. Fourth, the study models the impact of major determinants directly on the change in the outcome variable. This approach to analysis is novel in the feedback literature. A further contribution has been a first-of-its-kind application in the Indian context.MODEL DEVELOPMENTThe pr

    7、oposed model is derived from the current theory on brand extension feedback.Essentially, from a consumer perspective, the existing framework of feedback consists of two processes, that is, process one , involving evaluation of the brand extension, and process two , involving re-evaluation of the par

    8、ent brand, post-extension launch.Prior investigations into the evaluation of brand extensions and the subsequent feedback to the parent brand assume that a brand is a network of knowledge structures consisting of attributes, benefits and attitudes held by consumers. Whenever a brand extension is lau

    9、nched, there is a transfer of knowledge and attitude from the parent brand to the brand extension, as well as development of a perception of fit based on the number of shared associations between the parent and the extension. Hence, brand extension evaluation (that is process one) is a function of t

    10、he extent to which consumers know and like the parent brand and the level of perceived fit between the parent brand and the extension. This process is represented in the process one of Figure 1.As regards the impact of brand extensions on the parent brand (that is process two), past investigations a

    11、ssume that brand extensions possess the capability to change the consumers existing mental schema of the parent brand. The book-keeping model of schema change has been put forward as one explanation of how brand extensions impact parent brand knowledge structures. According to this model, each piece

    12、 of new information (for example a brand extension) leads to an incremental modification of the consumers mental brand-knowledge structure, regardless of the similarity of the new information.The review of the feedback literature reveals that parent brand evaluations post extension launch are mainly

    13、 explained by a construct representing parent brand knowledge, a measure of similarity / fit between the parent brand and the brand extension and some measure of brand extension success / evaluation. This basic framework is represented in the process tow of Figure 1. Despite several investigations i

    14、nto brand extension feedback, the literature remains fragmented and lacks a cohesive framework that investigates major influences on the parent brand simultaneously.The proposed model and its constructsThe proposed model is presented in Figure 2.The following sections discuss each of the models cons

    15、tructs along with their hypothesized effects.Parent brand image and its effectsIn essence, a brand extension feedback process model includes a construct that represents the strength of the parent brands existing knowledge in consumers minds.Brand extension models require the inclusion of a variable

    16、related to measuring the existing strength of the parent brand schema, as it is the raison deter of brand extensions to capitalize on the parent brands name. Perceived parent brand image was chosen because it represents the number and strength of associations that consumers possess in the existing m

    17、ental schema about the brand, and thus best represents consumers brand knowledge.Brand image is defined as the collection of both product and non-product associations in consumer memory, and is developed through a synthesis made by the consumers of all the various brand signals such as brand name, v

    18、isual symbols, the products it endorses, advertisements, other communications and even its reputation. These associations possess the capability to effect brand extension evaluations.Favorable brands result in greater positive attitudes among their consumers, which, in turn, facilitate the acceptanc

    19、e of new products bearing the favorable brand name owing to a transfer of attitude from the parent to the extension. The cue utilization theory lends further support to the effect of parent brand image on brand extension attitude, whereby the parent brand name on the brand extension serves as an ext

    20、rinsic quality cue. Given that quality cues are determined through the senses before consumption, brand image as an extrinsic cue plays a more important role when consumers have had no prior experience with the brand extension or when the extension is new to the market. In this situation, the brand

    21、acts as an implicit cue for the quality of the new product. Thus, the following hypothesis is proposed:Hypothesis 1: Parent brand image positively affects attitude towards the brand extension.Hypothesis 2: Perceived parent brand image positively affects perceived brand extension fit.Hypothesis 3: Pa

    22、rent brand image positively affects parent brand attitude change.Hypothesis 4: Brand extension fit with the parent brand positively affects attitude towards the brand extension.Hypothesis 5: Brand extension fit with the parent brand positively affects parent brand attitude change.Hypothesis 6: Attit

    23、ude towards brand extension positively affects parent brand attitude change.Attitude towards the brand extension and its effects Apart from parent brand image and perceived fit, attitude towards the brand extension was chosen as the third variable in the model. The rationale behind its inclusion was

    24、 that a measure of brand extension success or failure creates vital initial reactions towards the parent brand. Ample evidence in the feedback literature lends credence to the importance of this variable given that the feedback process originates only after the extension is launched in the market an

    25、d receives initial evaluations from consumers.Parent brand attitude change As regards the choice of the dependent variable, parent brand attitudes were chosen as the evaluative dimension because of their key importance in developing overall brand equity. Choosing parent brand attitudes as the depend

    26、ent variable is in congruence with most of the feedback literature. However, despite the substantial literature investigating the impact of brand extensions on parent brand attitudes, there still remains a lack of clarity on the nature of impact and hence a need to clarify the issue. The focus of th

    27、is study is to investigate the impact on the change in parent brand attitudes, as feedback effects have been conceptualized as a change in the mental schema of the parent brand. Thus, the dependent variable in the study is labeled parent brand attitude change.RESEARCH DESIGNA self-administered quant

    28、itative survey of 387 young male subjects (all 18 25 years of age) from a university college in the capital city of New Delhi was conducted by handing out the survey during lectures. Missing data made up less than 3 percent of the usable responses, and was replaced by the mean-substitution method. T

    29、he sample size selected was well above 200, which is generally considered a minimum requirement for conducting a structural equation modeling analysis. It was ensured that the chosen sample matched the target market for the chosen industry, that is, young urban men in the 18 25 year age group (that

    30、is generation Y) belonging to middle-to upper-income households.Stimulus selectionA real brand and its hypothetical extension were chosen as stimulus in this research, which was in line with prior brand extension literature. The Indian mens fashion footwear sector was chosen for the study owing to i

    31、ts high popularity among young male consumers belonging to upper-middle to upper-income households. This segment closely matched the sample chosen in this study. Another consideration in stimulus selection was that only well-known brand names be examined for their potential to be extended, as fictit

    32、ious brands do not carry well-formed associations and feelings that are requisite for brand extensions. Therefore, to arrive at a well-known parent brand, a few exploratory informal discussions were held with small groups of subjects, with 8 10 participants in each. The participants were asked to me

    33、ntion their favorite brand from those they had previously purchased. The popular Indian fashion footwear brands that were most mentioned by the groups were Lee Cooper, Provogue, Woodland and Red Tape. All four of these brands were suitable for the study of brand extensions because they met the pre-requisite of being


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