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    1、一年级下英语教案1Module 1Unit 1 Wheres the cat?Aims:1. Can listen , speak , read the new words “ eleven, twelve, orange, know, other” 2. Can listen , speak and read the key sentences :Where is the cat?Is it under the bed?Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.3. Review numbers1-10, prep “in, on, under” . 4. Understand th

    2、e text and imitate the text. 5. Ss can get the main idea of the text and follow the tape correctly. Focus:1. Can listen , speak and read the key words and say the key sentences correctly. 2. Understand the usage of “ in, on, under” and imperative in the text. 3. Can get the main idea of the text and

    3、 follow the tape correctly. Difficulty:1. Can use “in, on, under” to describ the picture.Aids:SB, AB, teaching picture, word cards, recorder Procedure:Step One Warm Up1Greetings! T: Hello , everyone . How are you ? 2Sing a song. .3. Revision. (1) Review no.1) play a game. 1,2, how many.2) Do a math

    4、game.a. 1+( )=8 2+7=( )b. 1+10=? Teach “eleven”11+1=? Teach “twelve”Drill the words, read individual or in group.3) Review in, on, underT say, Ss put the objects.T: Put the pen in the pencil_box.Ss put, and say,in the pencil-boxStep Two Lead in & Present1. T show the picture and describ each picture

    5、.2. Listen and focus on “how many times did you hear cat & cats?”3. T show an orange cat, “ wheres the orange cat? I dont know! Is it on the bed? Or under the bed? Lets listen!”Ss listen and answer, “ its under the bed!”T drill “under, in, on”4. T: What about other cats? (Teach” other”)Ss listen and

    6、 imitate the text 3 times.5. Practise SB Activity 2.Look and describ, listen and imitate, drill in pairs.Step Three Consolidation1. T puts, Ss describT put the pen, Ss say “ its on the book.”Work in pairs2. Memory game.1)T put sth on the desk, give 1 mins for Ss to memorize. 2)Ss guess, “is it in/on

    7、/under ?” T & S answer, “ Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.”3. Do AB P2 E1. Listen and match.4. Do AB P4 E1. Listen and judge.Step Four Assignsment1.Imitate the text 5 times.2.Desing a room on the paper, talk in English.Board designModule 1Unit 1 Wheres the cat?Wheres the orange cat? I dont know!Is it under

    8、 the bed? Yes, it is.教学后记Module 1Unit 2 How many green birds?Aims:1. Can listen , speak , read the new words “so, tree, many, bird, lets ” 2. Can understand the text and repeat.3. Can ask and answer with the key pattern:How many green birds? Twelve green birds.4. Learn the chant.Focus:1. Can listen

    9、, speak and read the key words and say the key sentences correctly. Difficulty:1. Can use “in, on, under” to describ the picture.Aids:SB, AB, teaching picture, word cards, recorder Procedure:Step One Warm Up1. Greeting and sing a song! 2. Describ the picture of the room.3. Revision no. (1) flash gam

    10、e to review 1-12.(2)Guess how many sweets in the hand?T hold some sweets in the hand, then get Ss to guess how many.Ss guess, the count together.T : Lets count! 1, 2, 3Step Two Lead in and Present1. Look at the picture and answer.How many birds? How many green birds? Ss look and answer.2. Listen and

    11、 repeat two times.3. Pair works to practise the text.4. Do SB Activity 2.(1) Review the colors.(2) Practise in pairs.Step Three Consolidation1. T show more pictures about some animals.to drill the pattern.How many? .2. Do AB U1 E3 . Count and write the numbers.3. Point, ask, and answer.4. Do AB U2 E

    12、1. Listen and judge the pictures.5. Learn the chant.Step Four Assignsment1. Listen and repeat the text.2. Preview next module.Board Design:Module 1Unit 1 How many green birds?One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.教学后记:Module 2Unit 1 That is my father.Aims : 1. Can

    13、 listen , speak , read the new words “father, mother, grandpa, grandma, sister, brother, friend”2. Can listen, speak and read the key sentenses:This is my father. That is my mother.3. Can understand the text and imitate.4. Can introduce by “this is/that is”Focus:1. Can listen , speak and read the ke

    14、y words and say the key sentences correctly. Difficulty:1. Can find the different between “this” & “that”.Aids:SB, AB, teaching picture, word cards, recorder Procedure:Step One Warm Up1. Greeting and sing a song.2. Review “this/that is a”S mime, the other guess “whats this?”Step Two Lead in and Pres

    15、ent1. T present the task, how to introduce others.T show a photo of family.Get Ss to guess who are they.T: This is my father. After the lesson, we know how to introduce people, like family members.2. T show picture, “Sam and Amys family is having a picnic, and their friends, Daming, Lingling are the

    16、re, too. Lets listen what are they talking about.3. Ss listen, and say, Sam is introducing his family.4. T show picture to teach new words.(1) T teach “father”, invite Ss to do mime father.Ss read in individual or in pair.(2) The same to teach “mother” (3) T: Who is fathers father.-Teach “grandpa”.(

    17、4) The same to teach “grandma, sister, brother”. .(5) Drill the words.1)Ss stick a man and woman on the board. Ss Listen and point.T: Grandpa.Ss point to the man.2)T show pictures and Ss quick answer.5. T introduce Amy, Sam, Daming to prompt “brother, sister, friend”. T: This is Amy. Shes Sams siste

    18、r. (Teach “sister”)6. Listen and imitate the text.7. Practise SB A2, focus on “this”/”that”.Step Three fulfil the Task1. T introduce the family photo first.This is my father.2. Ss introduce the photo in pairs.3. Do AB U14. Do AB U2. Listen and judge.(1) T hide one part of photo, get Ss to guess, “Th

    19、is is my father/mother”T: “Is this your father?” Then show the answer.(2) Do the exercise on the book.Step Four Assignsment1. Imitate the text five times.2. Introduce the family photo to your family.Board Design:Module 2Unit1 That is my father. grandpaThat is my mother. grandmaThis is your sister.Th

    20、is is my brother. This is my friend.教学后记:Module 2Unit 2 Hes a doctor.Aims : 1. New words: doctor, pupil, hes=he is, shes=she is2. Key sentences: Shes a teacher. / Hes a doctor.3. Can use the key pattern to introduce others job.Focus:1. Can listen , speak and read the key words and say the key senten

    21、ces correctly. Difficulty:1. Can find the different between “he” & “she”.Aids:SB, AB, teaching picture, word cards, recorder Procedure:Step One Warm Up1. Greeting and sing a song.2. Review “father, mother”3. Introduce the “family tree”.Step Two Lead in and Present1. T put the signal object,“教鞭, 白大褂,

    22、书包”, T choose one, and say “Im a teacher.” Invite Ss to do like this.2. T prompt, “shes a teacher.” Whats the difference when we introduce the female and males job. Lets listen and find.3. Present the text.(1)T: Amy is introducing her family to Lingling, lets listen.T prompt father, mother, Sam, Amy

    23、, and stick it on the board.(2)Ss listen and focus on “whatre they?”Teach “doctor, pupil”Ss listen and match.Prompt “shes a ”/”hes a ”4. Listen and repeat.Step Three Consolidation1. Drill he and she T point , Ss quick respond.2. Practise SB A2.3. Do AB E2, match and say.4. Do AB E3, listen and numbe

    24、r.5. Learn the chant.Step Four Assignsment1. Review module 2.2. Do AB E1, draw your family and say.Board DesignModule 2Unit 2 Hes a doctor. father mother Hes a doctor. Shes a teacher. brother me Hes a pupil. Im a pupil, too.教学后记Module 3Unit 1 This is her bag.Aims : 1. Can listen, speak, and read new

    25、 words: his, her, bag, coat, their2. Can listen, read the key sentences: This is her bag. This is his hat.3. Can use the key pattern to introduce others job.Focus:1. Can listen , speak and read the key words and say the key sentences correctly. Difficulty:2. Can find the different between “his”, “he

    26、r”, & “their”.Aids:SB, AB, teaching picture, word cards, recorder, card of bag, coat. Procedure:I Warm Up1. Greeting and sing a song.2. Introduce sth their own.Ss:This is my pen.II Present the task. T: How to introduce others job. After the lesson, we can do it.III. Task Cycles.Task1: Present the te

    27、xt.1. Lingling and Daming find sth at Ms Smarts office, doctors, and classroom, but they are not there, where are they? Lets listen and find.2. Listen and find, “Theyre watching the play of clown.”(Teach “clown”)3. T show “bag, coat, schoolbag” and teach.T: “ Whose is this?”Prompt “ This is Ms Smart

    28、s bag. This is her bag.”The same to prompt : This is his coat.4. Teach “their”T point to ones bag. “This is his schoolbag.”T point to more bags, “Theyre their schoolbags.”5. Listen and imitate.6. Practise SB A2.Task2: Know how to use the key pattern1. Find and Answer.(1) S1: This is my ruler. (Then

    29、put it on the desk, others look carefully and memorize the owner.)(2) invite 3-4 to introduce like this.(3) invite another S to point and introduce “this is her ruler.”2. Practise SB introduce others things in group.3. Do AB E2 listen and match, then point and say.IV Assignsment1. listen and imitate

    30、 the text.2. Practise AB E1.Board Design:Module 3Unit 1 this is her bag. Ms Smart This is her book. Doctor This is his coat. Pupils Their shool bags!教学后记Module 3Unit 2 My mother is a nurse.Aims : 1. Can listen, speak, and read new words: nurse, dress, driver, bus.2. Can listen, read the key sentences: My mother is a teacher. This is her dress. Is he a doctor? No, he isnt.3. Can use the key pattern to introduce others job and things.Focus:1. Can listen , speak and read the key words and say the key sentences correctly. Difficulty:2. Can describ other s job an


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