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    1、中南大学网络教育课程考试英语下复习资料中南大学2015年6月网络教育课程考试复习资料英语(下) 一. 组合题 (共20题,共40分)1. A true apology is more than just acknowledgement(承认)of a mistake. Its recognition that something youve said or (1) has damaged a relationship and that you care enough about that relationship and want it repaired. Its never easy to

    2、acknowledge you are in the wrong. Being human, we all need the art of apology. Look back and think how (2) youve judged roughly(草率), said unkind things, pushed yourself (3) at the expense(在使某人受损的情况下)of a friend. Some deep thought in us know that when (4) a small mistake has been made, your feeling w

    3、ill stay out of balance until the mistake is acknowledged and your regret is (5). I remember a doctor friend, telling me about a man who came to him with (6) illnesses: headache, insomnia(失眠), stomachaches and so on. No physical cause could be found. Finally the doctor said to the man, “(7) you tell

    4、 me whats on your conscience(良心), I cant help you.” After a short silence, the man told the doctor that he (8) all the money that his father gave to his brother, who was abroad. His father had died, so only he himself knew the matter. The old doctor made the man write to his brother, making an (9) a

    5、nd enclosing(附寄)a check. In the post office, the man dropped the letter into the mail box. As the letter disappeared, the man (10) into tears. “Thank you, doctor, ” he said, “I think Im all right now.” And he was. (20分) (1) 1 (2分)A.done B.thought C.announced D.expected 标准答案:A (2) 2 (2分)A.long B.ofte

    6、n C.much D.soon 标准答案:B (3) 3 (2分)A.ahead B.away C.down D.off 标准答案:A (4) 4 (2分)A.still B.even C.only D.such 标准答案:B (5) 5 (2分)A.shown B.explained C.offered D.expressed 标准答案:D (6) 6 (2分)A.strange B.serious C.various D.much 标准答案:C (7) 7 (2分)A.Whenever B.Unless C.Suppose D.Although 标准答案:B (8) 8 (2分)A.sto

    7、le B.accepted C.seized D.wasted 标准答案:C (9) 9 (2分)A.order B.excuse C.agreement D.apology 标准答案:D (10) 10 (2分)A.joyed B.burst C.laughed D.cried 标准答案:B 2. In some cities, workholism(废寝忘食地工作)is so common that people dont consider it unusual. They accept the lifestyle as normal.Government workers in Washi

    8、ngton, D. C. for example, frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week. They dont do this because they have to; they do it because they (1) to. Workaholism can be a serious problem. Because true workaholics would rather work than do anything else, they probably have no idea of how to relax; that is

    9、, they might not enjoy movies, sports or other types of entertainment. Most of all, they (2) to sit and do nothing. The lives of workaholics are usually stressful(充满压力的; 紧张的), and this tension(紧张)and worry can cause (3) problems such as heart attacks and stomach diseases.Besides, typical workaholics

    10、 dont pay much attention to their families. Their marriages may end in (4) as they spend little time with their families. Is workaholism always dangerous? Perhaps not.There are, certainly, people who work (5) under stress. Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in wor

    11、k.They feel (6) is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and entertainment is the same thing. Their jobs (7) them with a challenge; this keeps them busy and creative. Why do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? There are several (8) to work.Of course, it provi

    12、des people with paychecks, and this is important.But it offers (9) financial securities.It provides people with self-confidence(自信心); they have a feeling of satisfaction when they have produced a challenging piece of work and are able to say “I (10) it”. Psychologists(心理学家) claim(声称; 认定) that their

    13、work gives people an identity(自身价值).After they take part in work, they get a sense of self and individualism. (20分) (1) 1 (2分)A.agree B.promise C.dare D.want 标准答案:D (2) 2 (2分)A.dream B.decide C.intend D.hate 标准答案:D (3) 3 (2分)A.physical B.cultural C.social D.mental 标准答案:A (4) 4 (2分)A.happiness B.sile

    14、nce C.failure D.surprise 标准答案:C (5) 5 (2分)A.sadly B.differently C.efficiently D.slowly 标准答案:C (6) 6 (2分)A.study B.family C.life D.work 标准答案:D (7) 7 (2分)A.equip B.pack C.provide D.fill 标准答案:C (8) 8 (2分)A.factors B.advantages C.steps D.ways 标准答案:B (9) 9 (2分)A.no more B.more or less C.no more than D.mo

    15、re than 标准答案:D (10) 10 (2分)A.valued B.failed C.caught D.made 标准答案:D 二. 组合题 (共10题,共30分)1. The Spanish man likes, among other things, to eat well. Besides the general meals of the daybreakfast, lunch and dinnerin Spain people like to eat “la merienda”, a snack in the afternoon which is taken in a bar

    16、or at home. “Ir de tapas” is another typical Spanish thing which consists in taking little portions of food which can consist of: fish, ham, cheese, always accompanied by wine or beer.In the evening, after having dinner, especially young people, go to bars and have some drinks with their friends. Th

    17、ey like spending all the night in the bars and then in the discos. Adults always prefer to take dinner with friends in a restaurant, especially at weekends, when they have more free time. All terraces are full during the warm seasons, until late at night. Spanish people enjoy talking in high voices

    18、and drinking a lot of beer and other drinks, which consist of whisky combined with some energy drinks.Moreover, Spanish people are the Europeans who eat the most fish, after Japan, the major consumer of fish in the world. The majority of Spanish fishermen are in the northCantabria, Asturias, Galicia

    19、 and Cataloniaand in the southAndalucia and Canarias. That is why, in the Spanish cuisine there are many dishes based on fish. Concerning the Spanish way of eating, we have to mention that Spanish people usually take dinner late at night, at 10 p.m. This is because they would work until 8 or 9 in th

    20、e evening, as they start working later in the morning and have a break of almost two hours at mid-day, for their siesta.To conclude, we should say that it is worth tasting all the Spanish dishes and especially the ones based on fish, because they are delicious. And the most interesting of all, like

    21、in all countries, is that each region has its special foods and ways how to serve them. Likewise, drinks are also different from one place to another, and are related to each regions customs and character. (15分) (1) In Spain people like to eat “la merienda”, which is _. (3分)A.a snack in the afternoo

    22、n taken in a bar or at home B. a snack at noon taken in a bar or at home C.a snack in the evening taken in a bar or at home D.The Scottish may seem a little more intense than the English. 标准答案:A (2) “Ir de tapas” is composed of _. (3分)A.pork, ham, cheese, accompanied by wine and beer B.fish, ham, bu

    23、tter, accompanied by wine and beer C.fish, bacon, cheese, accompanied by wine and beer D.fish, ham, cheese, accompanied by wine and beer 标准答案:D (3) _ is the major consumer of fish in the world. (3分)A.Spanish people B.Japanese people C.Chinese people D.American people 标准答案:B (4) Spanish people often

    24、have supper_. (3分)A. late at night, at 10 a.m. B.late at midnight, at 11 p.m. C.ate at night, at 10 p.m. D.late at noon, at 11 a.m. 标准答案:C (5) Of all the Spanish dishes, the most delicious are _. (3分)A.the ones based on vegetables B.the ones based on fish C.the ones based on hams D.the ones based on

    25、 beefs 标准答案:B 2. Sending text messages from your mobile phone while driving is more dangerous than driving under the influence of drink or drugs, a study by Britains Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) has found.The reaction time of people texting as they drove fell by 35 percent, while those who ha

    26、d drunk the legal limit of alcohol, or taken cannabis, fell by 21 percent and 12 percent respectively, according to the study.The study, which was commissioned by the motoring group RAC Foundation, also found that while texting the drivers ability to stay in lanes or keep a safe distance from the ve

    27、hicle in front was worse than those who were under the influence of cannabis.“This research shows how dangerous it is to text while driving,” TRL Senior Human Factors Researcher Nick Reed said in a statement.He pointed out that drivers who texted were distracted by taking their hand off the wheel to

    28、 use their phone, by trying to read small text on the phone display and by thinking about how to write their message.“The combination of these factors resulted in the impairments to reaction time and vehicle control that place the driver at a greater danger than having drunk alcohol to the legal lim

    29、it for driving,” Reed told reporters.One conclusion researchers made about why texting is so dangerous is the length of time it takes to write a message while driving.The TRL said that writing a text message behind the wheel took 63 seconds, in which time a car travels half a mile within town centre

    30、 speed limits and over a mile within motorway speed limits.Nearly half of all 18-24 year-olds admitted to texting as they drove, a separate survey by the RAC Foundation discovered.The TRL study selected 17 people from the 18-24 year-old age group to take part in a simulated road test, in which they

    31、were asked to read, write, and ignore texts on a variety of roads.“Almost all the participants in this study shared the same view that drink-driving was the most dangerous action on the road,” RAC Director Stephen Glaister said.He said the research clearly showed that a driver who is texting is significantly more impaired than a driver at the legal limit for alcohol.“No responsible driver would drink and drive,” Glaister said in the statement. “We need to make sure that text fans understand that texting


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