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    1、大学英语四造句翻译beyond the reach of somebody 在某人伸手够不着的地方 Keep chemicals beyond the reach of children.fall in love with somebody开场爱上某人I think Im falling in love with your brother.flash a smile笑容一闪She flashed a sudden smile at him.lie in 在于The difficulty lies in providing sufficient evidence.make an attempt

    2、to do something努力, 试图The climbers will make another attempt to reach the summit today.end with 以完毕 The festival ended with fireworks.like clockwork 极有规律性和准确性地,顺利地The operation went like clockwork.loose end(s)尚待解决或解释的枝节问题There are some annoying loose ends in the plot. miscarriage of justice 审讯不公, 误判T

    3、his failure contributed to the miscarriage of justice.take on 开场具有或呈现(某种品质、形貌等),以相貌出现These insects can take on the color of their surroundings.without doubt 无疑地,确实地Without doubt,he is a genius .under arrest 被捕,在押A drug dealer was under arrest last night.back out 不履行,打退堂鼓,食言I hope I can depend on you

    4、 not to back out at the last moment.catch on懂得;掌握流行He doesnt take hints easily, but hell catch on eventually.fill in替代某人的工作Sally is off sick. Can you fill in for her for a few days?get through 干完,完成Lets start; there is a lot of work to get through.start over 从头开场If you make a mistake, just erase it

    5、and start over.try something out 试用,试验, 考验She knew I wanted to try the boat out on the weekend.with a vengeance 剧烈地,猛烈地It began to rain again with a vengeance. a pat on the back表扬,鼓励Alex deserves a pat on the back for all his hard work.attach importance to 认为重要I dont attach any importance to these r

    6、umors.be on to something 在做有重要意义会产生重要结果的事 Youre on to something, and all this is the result of it.follow up在之后再采取进一步行动 I followed up my letter with a visit. lift up 鼓舞,鼓励She really lifted up our spirits with those moving words.make a habit of 形成/养成的习惯 I dont make a habit of chatting to strange men a

    7、t parties.make somebodys day使某人(的日子过得)快活Hearing her voice on the phone made my day.pass along传递, 转交Please pass the picture along to the student.shy awayfrom由于害怕、心里不踏实或缺乏信心等回避做某事,躲开We frequently shy away from making decisions.turn(a)round 使向好的方向开展Within three years she completely turned the company a

    8、round.walk of life社会,阶层行业,职业In my job I see people from every walk of life.act on 根据行事Police say they acted on information received.be/become accustomed to (doing)习惯于Im not accustomed to being interrupted.blurt out突然说出,脱口而出Peter blurted the news out before we could stop him.get out of hand无法控制Deal w

    9、ith the problem before it gets completely out of hand.if only但愿就好了只要,就好了(后面的从句用虚拟语气)If only I knew what they are going to do.make of理解,解释What do you make of this message?move on更换目前的工作、班级、活动等而开场另一项John wanted to move on from thePostto a bigger paper.once too often(指冒险犯规等) 次数太多;屡次三番,引来恶果Hes insulted

    10、me once too often.tear off撕掉The boys tore off their clothes and jumped into the water.to this day至今To this day, I still dont know why he killed himself.go into 参加,从事Bob wants to go into the army.take someone/something seriously认真对待,认为重要I always take you seriously.as a matter of fact 事实上,其实As a matte

    11、r of fact , i just arrived yesterday.Call on 教学生答复下列问题The teacher always called on her first.Carry over (在不同情况下)继续存在,保持下去Attitudes learned at home carry over on to the playground.Fall behind 落后She started falling behind in her schoolwork.Putaway 放好,收好Its times to put these toys away.Up to 知直到Weve ke

    12、ep our meetings secret up to now.At a disadvantage 处于不利地位Anyone who cant use computer is at a disadvantage these days.Be in a majority 占少数Boys are in a majority at the dance class.Be typical of 具有的典型特点,代表了This dish is very typical of china.Burn to death be Burn to death 烧死Many people were burnt to d

    13、eath last night.For ages 很长的一段时间,好久I havent seen you for ages.Go too far 走得太远,做得过分This time he had gone too far on the issue.Make a thing of认为很重要My parents always make a thing of my getting good grades.A bunch of 一群束、串She went to the park in a bunch of friends.Go beyond超越,超出Their friendship had gone

    14、 beyond friendship.Light up 照亮,变得亮堂The candles light up the room.Pull together 把重新组织好,整顿Data exists but it needs pulling together.Put together 装配,组装I cant work out how to put this table together.be up to由做主,取决于,是职责胜任,适于密谋Im afraid Tim just isnt up to the job.involvein 使某人参与,使某人参加Dont involve me in s

    15、olving your problems.sacrificefor 为牺牲Its not worth sacrificing your health for your career.for the sake of为了起见He moved to the seaside for the sake of his health.not in the least 一点也不,绝对不It doesnt matter in the least if youre a bit late.on occasion 有时,间或He has, on occasion, made small mistakes.time a

    16、nd again屡次,一再Ive told her time and again not to bring that dog in here.date back to可追溯到This church dates back to the 13th century.feed back 反响,反响The information is fed back to the government department.in the hope that因为希望 I didnt phone till four oclock in the hope that youd be finished.proceed to 往

    17、下进展(另一件事)Lets proceed to the next item on the agenda.to the point 切题 His argument was short and to the point.drop out退学,退出The boys dropped out of school and went to work.follow ones lead以某人为典范You say what you think is best. Ill follow your lead.give of(oneself, ones time/money, etc.) 献出来帮助别人You shou

    18、ld freely give of yourself.take too far / go too far做得过火Hes taking that joke too far and becoming rude.have a fit大吃一惊;大发雷霆,发怒My father would have a fit if he found out about this.look up to尊敬Ialways looked up to Bill for his couragemeasure up to符合,到达His performance failed to measure up to his parent

    19、s expectations.put/place somebody on/upon a pedestal 把某人当偶像崇拜 You shouldnt put him on a pedestalhe doesnt deserve it.take the place of someone / take someones place代替No one could take the place of her mother.you name it凡你能说得出的Clothes, furniture, booksyou name it, they sell it!and the like诸如此类,等等 He

    20、was interested in natural disasters, such as volcanoes, earthquakes and the like.look to 指望,仰仗,期待We looked to her for a solo (独唱).measure somebody/something against拿与比She measured the shoe against the footprint.on the surface在外表上,在外表上On the surface this seems like a difficult problem.on top of除以外,以及

    21、On top of borrowing $80, she asked me to lend her my car.be bound up with与有亲密关系Marks problems are all bound up with his mothers death when he was ten.be up against面临,必须对付困境或对手He was up against a lot of problems with his previous e in for criticism/blame挨批评/指责The police came in for a lot of criticism

    22、 for excess brutality.go for争取获得, 选择喜欢,被吸引 Do you go for modern music?in shape处于良好的安康状况Plenty of physical exercise will help you keep in shape.dawn on (someone)突然意识到It dawned on me that Joanna had been right all along.go well with一致,相配Your new shoes go well with your dress.sign up签(报)名参加We will not

    23、have the picnic unless more people sign up.strike someone as在某人看来似乎This activity strikes me as a waste of time.all manner of各种各样的,形形色色的We would discuss all manner of subjects.end up完毕,告终Hell end up in prison if hes not careful.feed on由助长以为食物Hatred feeds on envy.in question正被讨论的,议论中的That is not the s

    24、ubject in question.may well很可能Your job may well involve some traveling.on the strength of基于,由于的影响I bought the book on the strength of your recommendation.reduceto 使某人陷入某种通常指更坏的状态或状况中 将某事物概括或简化成某种形式Laziness has reduced him to a beggar.The report can be reduced to three main points.strike terror/fear

    25、into someones heart使人感到恐惧、害怕The word “cancer still strikes terror into many hearts.bring something under control控制住He struggled to bring his boat under control in the first race. bear in mind记住,考虑到well certainly bear your application in mind.make sense有道理,符合情理It would make sense to leave early.in th

    26、is light 从这一角度看Viewed in this light, the problem seemed less important.by virtue of 由于,凭借He got the job by virtue of being the only one to apply.Capitalize on充分利用,尽量获利Ecuador has capitalized on its natural beauty to attract tourism.Range from something to something 涉及,包含Courses range from cookery to

    27、 computing .Line up 排队The teachers lined us up against the cement wall.Short cut 快捷方法,捷径Fame can be a short cut to love and money.Strike a chord 引起共鸣,打动His writing strike a chord in the hearts of the rebellious students.大学英语四 汉译英句子Unit 11. 还在小时候,布利茨恩(Blizten)就会戏弄祖母,把她的拖鞋挪走。 Even when young, Blizten

    28、would tease Grandma by carrying her slippers away. 2.这个笑话的幽默之处在于第二位男士说他的妻子不是一位贵妇。 The humor lies in the fact that the second man is saying that his wife is not a lady. 3.一个真正有幽默感的人在任何聚会上都常常是注意力的焦点。The truly humorous individual is often the focus of attention in any gathering.4. 双关语与其他幽默形式相比需要更细微、更巧妙

    29、的语言技巧。 Puns require more subtle and sophisticated language skills than other humor forms.5.读者的乐趣就在于追随故事里隐含的线索。The fun for the reader is in following the clues hidden in the story.6.大多数侦探小说使读者感到不安,而不是慰藉。 Instead of being comforting, most detective novels unsettle their readers.7.在一场谋杀案打乱了人们的生活之前,这是一个

    30、安定、可预测的世界。 This is a world which is safe and predictable until a murder shatters peoples lives. 8. 毫无疑问,音乐会继续发挥它的诱惑力。 There seems no doubt that music will continue to exert its attraction. Unit 2 The Power of Words1因为那时我是个十几岁的小伙子,所以他的话最鼓舞人心了。Because I was a teenager then, his words couldnt have been

    31、 more inspiring.2每当我疑心自己不是当作家的料时,便会重温他的便笺。Whenever I doubted I had the right stuff to be a writer,I would reread his note.3毫不奇怪,他的朋友圈子就像附近的伊利Erie湖那么大。Not surprisingly, he has a body of friends as big as nearby Lake Erie.4我得知汤姆养成了一个给各行各业的人写快捷的便笺的习惯。I learned that Tom made a habit of writing a quick note to pe


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