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    GCT 英语第二部分 模拟试题二.docx

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    GCT 英语第二部分 模拟试题二.docx

    1、GCT 英语第二部分 模拟试题二GCT 英语第二部分 模拟试题二1.Only through diplomatic means_.A. a formal agreement can be reached B. can a formal agreement be reachedC. can be a formal agreement reached D. can be reached a formal agreementB本题为倒装句型语法考点。only -词放在句首起强调作用,其主句助动词与主语应颠倒位置。2._, Mozart had already written his first co

    2、mposition.A. His age was six B. By the age of sixC. He was six D. Six years oldB逗号前面为时间状语。此处只能用介词短语习惯表达法。A和c选项缺少时间连词When;D选项用法错误。3.Swimmers should avoid_ocean areas that are dangerous.A. enter B. to enter C. Entering D. be enteredC非谓语动词考点,动词avoid后面与动名词搭配。4.New Orleans is a city_older traditions can

    3、still be seen.A. those B. that C. which D. WhereD定语从句引导词考点。关键要明确前面修饰的名词是何性质。此处的city一词属于地点,应该用where引导。5.If it_more humid in the Desert of the Southwest, the hot temperatures would be unbearable.A. be B. is C. was D. WereD本题为虚拟语气考点。本句是与现在事实相反的假设,条件句与主句相对应,属于if it were.,sth. would be.句型结构。6.She was too

    4、 nervous to act_on such an occasion.A. originally B. specially C. extraordinary D. NaturallyD本题属于近义词区别。从上下文线索判断,D选项最为符合语境要求。全句意思为“她太紧张,在如此场合不能自然应对局面。”7.I have made a(n)_for you to see the doctor at 8 0clock tomorrow.A. appointment B. interview C. opportunity D. AssignmentA本题有两个方面的考虑因素:一是明确正确意思,二要选择正

    5、确搭配。只有A选项符合这两种要求。make an appointment意思为“约会”。 8.Mr. Smith can be quite sad_, though in public he is extremely cheerful.A. by himself B. in person C. in private D. as individualCA选项意思为“独自”;B选项意思为“亲自”;C选项意思为“私下”;D选项意思为“作为个人”。只有c选项与后半句的in public(在公开场合)在意思上相对应,所以c为正确答案。9.The man was under so much stress

    6、for such a long time that he finally_.A. broke down B. broke up C. broke out D. broke inA本题属于固定搭配词组的正确用法。A选项意思为“(身体)垮掉了”,最符合上下文的意思。其他选项意思不符合语境要求。10.It is a very important game, and it is advisable to_seats well in advance.A. book B. get C. provide D. takeA本题属于多义词考点。A选项的动词book在此处的意思为“预订,购买”。全句意思为“这场比

    7、赛很重要。还是要提前买票为好。” Alfred Nobel, a Swedish inventor contributed most of his vast fortune in a trust as a fund from which annual prizes could be awarded to individuals and organizations who had achieved the greatest benefit to humanity in a particular year. Originally, there were six classifications fo

    8、r outstanding contributions designated in Nobelswill including chemistry, physics, medicine, literature,and international peace. The prizes are administrated by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. In 1969, a prize for economics endowed by the Central Bank of Sweden was added. Candidates for the prize

    9、s must be nominated in writing by qualified authority in the field of competition. Recipients are selected by their respective institutions. The prizes are usually presented in Stockholm on December 10, with the King of Sweden officiating, an appropriate tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of

    10、 his death.Each one includes a gold medal, a diploma, and a cash award of about a million dollars.11.What does this passage mainly discuss? A. Alfred Nobel. B. The Nobel prizes.C. Great contributions to mankind. D. Swedish inventors.B本题为大意题,只需要参考文章的主题句(第1个句子)即可。同时,要明确主题句中的关键信息。此处的关键信息有两点:Alfred Nobe

    11、l和prizes,而B选项正好包含了这两点概念。12.Why were the prizes named for Alfred Nobel?A. He left money in his will to establish a fund for the prizes.B. He won the First Nobel prize for his invention.C. He is now living in Sweden.D. He serves as chairman of the committee to choose the recipients of the prizes.A文章的第

    12、一段中包含了关键词_contributed most of his vast fortune in a trust as a fund form. .designated in Nobel,s will.,与A选项意思和用词相近。所以,可以确认A为正确选项。其他选项的内容为错误信息或无关信息。13.How often are the Nobel prizes awarded?A. Five times a year. B. Once a year.C. Twice a year. D. Once every two years.B本题的依据信息为prizes的修饰词,在第2行可以看到这个修饰词

    13、为annual,意思为“每一年”,所以确认B为正确答案。14.A Nobel prize would NOT be given to_.A. an author who wrote a novel B. a doctor who discovered a vaccineC. a composer who wrote a symphony D. a diplomat who negotiated a peace settlementC本题为正误判断题型。只需逐项在文章中找到每一项选择内容的依据,确认没有依据的选项。在比处,只有c的内容在文中没有依据,其他选项内容都有出现的地方。15.Why ar

    14、e the awards presented on December 10?A. It is a tribute to the King of Sweden.B. The Central Bank of Sweden administers the trust.C. That date was established in Alfred Nobels will.D. Alfred Nobel died on that day.D首先明确题干上的关键词December 10,再在文章中找到出现此信息的依据句(倒数第2个句子),明确这个句子的关键信息词on the anniversary of h

    15、is death,就可以确认D为正确答案。其他选项属于无关信息或错误信息。Developing countries are unusually vulnerable to cigarette advertising. Until recently, some of them sold tobacco only through government monopolies, with little or no attempt at persuasion. And because most of these countries dont have effective anti-smoking cam

    16、paigns, many of their people are surprisingly innocent of the link between tobacco and disease. In Manila, we even found cigarettes sold at a snack bar operated by the local Boy Scouts.Many governments, moreover, are reluctant to wage anti-smoking wars because theyre addicted to tobacco taxes. Argen

    17、tina gets 22. 5 percent of all tax revenue from tobacco; Malawi, 16. 7 percent.Into this climate of naivety and neglect, American tobacco companies have unleashed not only the marketing wizardry (麾术) that most of us take for granted, but other tactics they wouldnt dare use here.Tobacco spokesmen ins

    18、ist that cigarette advertising draws only people who already smoke. But an ad executive, who worked until recently of the Philip Morris account, speaking on condition of anonymity , disagrees. You dont have to be a brain surgeon to figure out whats going on.Just look at the ads. Its ludicrous (荒唐的)

    19、for them to deny that a cartoon character like Joe Camel isnt attractive to kids. 16.People in developing countries are easily influenced by cigarette advertising because _.A. they dont know the relationship between tobacco and diseaseB. they have a strong inclination to smokeC. they have been forbi

    20、dden to smoke by the governmentsD. there were no institutions which persuade them not to smokeA答对本题,需要正确理解第1段第3句话( And because most of these countries dont have effective anti-smoking campaigns, many of their people are surprisingly innocent(无知)of the link between tobacco and disease.).17.Many gover

    21、nment didnt launch anti-smoking campaigns because_.A. tobacco taxes take up a large part of their revenueB. they are unusually subject to cigarette advertisingC. they dont think tobacco can do harm to peoples healthD. they are innocent of the link between tobacco and diseaseA本题应参考第2段第1句话(Many govern

    22、ments,moreover,are reluctant to wage anti-smoking wars because theyre addicted to tobacco taxes.)。意思为“很多政府不愿意采取反对吸烟的政策原因是他们习惯了烟草的税收。”18.According to an executive on the Philip Morris account,_.A. cigarette advertising only appeals to the young menB. cigarette advertising appeals to adultsC. cigarett

    23、e advertising is attractive to people who already smokeD. cigarette advertising also appeals to kidsD回答本题,需要理解文章第4段,特别是最后一句。appeals to kids惠思为“对孩子有吸引力”。19.The word anonymity in the last paragraph may best mean_.A. publicity B. fame C. hidden name D. SecretCspeaking on condition of anonymity意思为“以匿名为条

    24、件”。本题可以按常理进行推断得出正确选择项。20.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. Smoking and Tobacco Taxes B. Smoking in Developing CountriesC. Smoking and Cigarette Advertising D. Tobacco IndustryC本题考察对文章主旨的理解。文章讲的是烟类广告与吸烟的关系。重点参考文章主题句第1个句子的中心信息:cigarette advertising。I hear many parents complain

    25、ing that their teenage children are rebelling. I wish it were so. At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be leaming to stand on your own two feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they d

    26、isagree with their parents. Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching at one anothers hands for reassurance.They claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. But somehow they all end up just by lis

    27、tening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in this way is that the crowd is doing it.It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. These days every teenager can

    28、 leam from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be. And many of todays parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children. All this adds up to a greater barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.But the barrier is worth climbing over. The pa

    29、th is worth following. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come-with the people who respect you for whom you are. Thats the only kind of popularity that really counts.21.The main purpose of this passage is to tell_.A. readers how to be popular with people aroundB. teenagers how to learn to d

    30、ecide things for themselvesC. parents how to control and guide their childrenD. people how to understand and respect each otherB本文的目标阅读对象主要是青少年,强调青少年应Find yourself. Be yourself的观点。22.According to the author, many teenagers think they are brave enough to be themselves, but, in fact, most of them_.A.

    31、have much difficulty understanding each otherB. lack confidenceC. dare not cope with problems single-handedD. are very much afraid of getting lostB本题依据句为第1段最后一句(.most of them are clutching at one another,sb hands for reassurance),即说明他们缺乏自信。23.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. There is no popularity that really counts.B. What many parents are doing is in fact hindering their children from finding their own paths.C. It is not necessarily bad for a teenager to disagree with his or her classmates.D. Most teenagers are not actually rebelling.A文中最后明确指出:Find yourse


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