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    1、中国成语故事英语翻译参考中国成语故事英语翻译参考中国成语故事玩火自焚中英文版During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), prince Zhou Xu of the State of Wei killed his brother and became the new emperor. Zhou Xu was a tyrant. He oppressed his people and indulged in wars of agGREssion. By launching wars, he tried to divert the people

    2、s attention and reduce their discontent with him in order to consolidate his dictatorship.The Duke of the State of Lu leant about Zhou Xus usurpation of state power and his ambitious plan, he asked a senior official, “What do you think about Zhou Xus move? ”The official answered, “He indulges in war

    3、s , bringing his people much disaster. He wont get their support. And hes capricious, so few of his close friends follow him. He can never achieve his success. In addition, war is like fire. If one launches wars endlessly without restraint, hell eventually burn himself. ”Sure enough, the people of W

    4、ei with the help of the State of Chen overthrew Zhou Xu and killed him in less than a year.Later, people use it to mean that those who do evil will finally ruin themselves.春秋时期,卫国的王子州吁杀死了他的哥哥卫桓公,成为了卫国的国君。州吁是个暴君,他压迫百姓,到处侵略别的国家。他想利用战争来分散百姓的注意力,减少人们对他的不满,巩固他的专政。鲁国的君王知道州吁篡夺了王位,还想吞并其他国家,就问他手下的一名官员:“你认为州吁

    5、的目的能达到吗?”那位官员说道:“州吁到处打仗,给人民来了灾难。人民不会支持他。他这个人又反复无常,身边没有什么亲信。他不可能实现自己的野心。而且,战争就象火。无休止地打仗,最后,火会烧到自己身上。 ”果然,不到一年,卫国人民就在陈国的帮助下推翻了州吁的统治,并处死了他。后来,人们用这个成语来比喻干害人的勾当,最后受害的还是自己。中国成语故事四面楚歌中英文版At the end of the Qin Dynasty(221-206 B.C.) the State of Chu and the State of Han fought for control for the country. Xi

    6、ang Yu, the king of Chu, was besieged(包围) at a place called Gaixia by the Han army led by Liu Bang. Xiang Yu was in a desperate situation, with little food and only a few soliders. At night, the surrounding Han troops started to sing Chu folk songs. Xiang Yu was very surprised at this, and said:“Has

    7、 Liu Bang occupied the whole of Chu? How can he have drafted so many Chu people into his army?” Then he fled together with the remainder of his forces.This idiom is used metaphorically to mean to be in a helpless and critical situation, surrounded by the enemy on all sides.项羽和刘邦原来约定以鸿沟(在今河南荣县境贾鲁河)东西


    9、边。以后人们就用“四面楚歌”这个词,形容人们遭受各方面攻击或逼迫,而陷于孤立窘迫的境地。凡是陷于此种境地者,其命运往往是很悲惨的。例如某人因经常与坏人为伍,不事生产,游手好闲,但后来却被那些坏人逼迫得无以为生,而求助于别人时,别人又因他平日行为太坏,绝不同情理睬,这人所处的境地便是“四面楚歌”。中国成语故事不合时宜中英文版In the State of Lu, there was a couple of husband and wife, the former being an expert shoemaker and the latter a skilled hand in wearing

    10、taffeta. One day after consultations they decided to go to the state of Yue to earn a livelihood. The neighbors advised them not to go when they learned about their plan. “Dont go there,” said one neighbor, “If you go, you can never earn a livelihood.”“We cannot understand you,” interrogated the cou

    11、ple, “We have a find command of our art, how could we not earn our living with our work? Dont make a fool of us, please.”“Indeed, you have your skill,” explained the man, “But have you taken notice of the fact that shoes are made for people and the silk taffeta are for hat-making? The people of Yue

    12、dont wear shoes, for they are barefooted. Again, they like to have their hair spread out over their heads and they never use hats. To whom should you sell your shoes and hats then?” Experienced though you are in the arts, yet the arts you have mastered are useless there.“After this explanation, the

    13、husband and wife now understood that anything that was not adaptable to the objective world would be useless and unpractical.鲁国有对夫妻,男的是鞋匠,鞋子做的很好;女的是织绢能手。有一天,他们商量想到越国去谋生。消息传到四邻后,有人对他们说:”不要到那儿去!否则你们一定无法生存的!“那对夫妇说:”我们不明白你的意思, 我们都有一套手艺,怎么 会生活不了呢?别胡说了!“ 那人说:”对呀,你们虽然都有一套手艺,可是你们要知道,鞋子是给人穿的,但越国人都赤脚不穿鞋子,你们织的

    14、丝绢原是做帽子用的,但越国人喜欢披着头发,不戴帽子,你们的本领虽大,手艺虽高,但你们做的鞋子、帽子去卖给谁呢?那对夫妇这才明白,凡事如果不合时宜,不适合客观环境就不中用了。中国成语故事南辕北辙中英文版Going South by Driving the Chariot NorthOnce a man wanted to go to the south, but his carriage was heading north. A passer-by asked him:“If you are going to south, why is your chariot heading north?”

    15、The ma answered, “My horse is good at running, My driver is highly skilled at driving a carriage, ad I have enough money.”The man didint consider that the direction might be wrong; the better his conditions were, ther further he was away from his destination.The idiom derived froim this story indica

    16、tes that ones action was the opposite effect to ones intention.南辕北辙从前有个人要到南方去,他坐的车子却向北方行驶。过路人说:“你去南方,车子怎么向北行驶呢?”他回答说:“我的马很能跑路,我的车夫驾车的技术也很高明,加上我又带了充足的路费。”这个人没有考虑到,方向弄反了,他的条件越好,离他要取得地方就越远。后来人们就把这个故事概括为“南辕北辙”。比喻一个人的行动和他的目的正好相反。中国成语故事邯郸学步中英文版Imitating Another without Success and Losing What Used to Be O

    17、nesOwn AbilityTradition has it that more than 2,oooyears ago,there lived a young man in the Shouling area of the State of Yan.As his name is not known ,we just call him Shouling young man for conveniences sake.self confident He was at a loss as to how to behave all the time.His family members advise

    18、d him to overcome this shortcoming,but he thought they were fond of poking their noses into his business and were unwilling to provide him with tuition fee.His relatives and neighbours sneered at him,saying that he would never be able to learn anything.Asthe days went by,he even began to doubt wheth

    19、er he should walk the way he did,for he felt more and more that his walking gestures were too clumsy and awkward.One day,he met some people on the road who werechattingand laughing.One of themsaid that people in Handan walked most gracefully.And thatwas just what he was most concerned about,so he hu

    20、rreed towards themand wanted to make further inquiries.To his surprise,when these people saw him,they stalked off laughing.He could not picture to himself in what way their walking gestures were graceful,no matter how hard he racked his parents one day.He went to Handanwhich was far away to learn ho

    21、w to walk.As soon as he arrived in Handan,he was daled to find that everything was novel.He learned from the children there how to walk,because he thought that the childrens walking gestures were lively and pleasing to the eye.He learnd from the old people there how to walk,because he thought the ol

    22、d peoples walking gestures were steady .He learnd from the women there how to walk,because he thought the women swaying walking gestures were beautiful.That being the case with him ,in less than half a month he even forgot how to walk.As he had already used up his traveling expenses,he had to crawl

    23、back home.Thisstory come from the article“Autumn Water”in The Works of Xhuang Zi(Zhuang Zi was a famous ancient Chinese philosopher of about 300B.c.).Later the set phrase“initating another without success and losing what used to be ones own ability”is used to refer to acts of copying others mechanis

    24、ally in disregard of specififc conditions.相传在两千年前,燕国寿陵地方有一位少年,不知道姓啥叫啥,就叫他寿陵少年吧!这位寿陵少年不愁吃不愁穿,论长相也算得上中等人材,可他就是缺乏自信心,经常无缘无故地感到事事不如人,低人一等衣服是人家的好,饭菜是人家的香,站相坐相也是人家高雅。他见什么学什么,学一样丢一样,虽然花样翻新,却始终不能做好一件事,不知道自己该是什么模样。家里的人劝他改一改这个毛病,他以为是家里人管得太多。亲戚、邻居们,说他是狗熊掰棒子,他也根本听不进去。日久天长,他竟怀疑自己该不该这样走路,越看越觉得自己走路的姿势太笨,太丑了。有一天,他在

    25、路上碰到几个人说说笑笑,只听得有人说邯郸人走路姿势那叫美。他一听,对上了心病,急忙走上前去,想打听个明白。不料想,那几个人看见他,一阵大笑之后扬长而去。邯郸人走路的姿势究竟怎样美呢?他怎么也想象不出来。这成了他的心病。终于有一天,他瞒着家人,跑到遥远的邯郸学走路去了。一到邯郸,他感到处处新鲜,简直令人眼花缭乱。看到小孩走路,他觉得活泼、美,学;看见老人走路,他觉得稳重,学;看到妇女走路,摇摆多姿,学。就这样,不过半月光景,他连走路也不会了,路费也花光了,只好爬着回去了。指鹿为马中国成语故事中英对照Calling a Stag a Horse 指鹿为马In the reign of Empero

    26、r the Second of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.), the prime minister Zhao Gao, obsessed with ambitions, was planning to usurp the throne day and night. But he did not know how many of the ministers in the court were allowed to be ordered about by him and how many of them were his opponents. So he thou

    27、ght out a way to test how high his prestige among the ministers was and also to find out who dared to oppose him.秦二世时,丞相赵高野心勃勃,日夜盘算着要篡夺皇位。可朝中大臣有多少人能听他摆布,有多少人反对他,他心中没底。于是,他想了一个办法,准备试一试自己的威信,同时也可以摸清敢于反对他的人。One day when court was held, Zhao Gao let someone bring a stag to the court and, with a broad sm

    28、ile on his face, he said to Emperor the Second of the Qin Dynasty:“Your Majesty, here is a fine horse Im presenting to you.” Looking at the animal, Emperor the Second thought that it was obviously a stag and that it couldnt be a horse. So he said smilingly to Zhao Gao:“Mister Prime Minister, you are

    29、 wrong. This is a stay. Why do you say it is a horse?” Remaining calm, Zhao Gao said:“Will your Majesty please see more clearly? This really is a horse that covers a thousand li a day.” Filled with suspicion, Emperor the Second looked at the stag again and said:“How can the antlers be grown on the h

    30、ead of a horse?” Turning around and pointing his finger at the ministers, Zhao Gao said in a loud voice:“if our Majesty do not believe me, you can ask the ministers.”一天上朝时,赵高让人牵来一只鹿,满脸堆笑地对秦二世说:“陛下,我献给您一匹好马。”秦二世一看,心想:这哪里是马,这分明是一只鹿嘛!便笑着对赵高说:“丞相搞错了,这里一只鹿,你怎么说是马呢?”赵高面不改色心不跳地说:“请陛下看清楚,这的确是一匹千里马。”秦二世又看了看那

    31、只鹿,将信将疑地说:“马的头上怎么会长角呢?”赵高一转身,用手指着众大臣,大声说:“陛下如果不信我的话,可以问问众位大臣。”The nonsense of Zhao Gao made the ministers totally at a lose, and they whispered to themselves: What tricks was Zhao Gao playing? Was it not obvious whether it was a stag or a horse? But when they saw the sinister smile on Zhao Gaos face

    32、 and his two rolling eyes which were gaing at each of them, they suddenly understood his evil intentions.大臣们都被赵高的一派胡言搞得不知所措,私下里嘀咕:这个赵高搞什么名堂?是鹿是马这不是明摆着吗!当看到赵高脸上露出阴险的笑容,两只眼睛骨碌碌轮流地盯着赵高脸上露出阴险的笑容,两只眼睛骨碌碌轮流地盯着每个人的时候,大臣们忽然明白了他的用意。Some of the ministers who were timid and yet had a sense of right eousness did not dare to say anything, because to tell lies would make their conscience uneasy and to tell the truth would mean that they would be persecuted by Zhao Gao later. Some ministers with a sense of justice persisted that it was a stag and not a horse. There were s


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