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    1、商务英语听说下册答案Unit TwoPage 261) AUD 100 per dozen EXW Guangzhou2) CAD 200 per kilogram FCA Guangzhou3) EUR 137 per set FOB Shanghai4) JPY 597 per unit FAS Shanghai5) HKD167 per piece CFR Hong Kong6) SGD463 per metric ton CIF Singapore7) USD 800 per set CPT Geneva8) SFr 2 629 per kilogram CIP Geneva9) US

    2、D 325 per set delivered at Sino-Mongolian frontier10) EUR 317 per piece DES Marseilles11) GBP 500 per unit DEQ London12) EUR 386 per metric ton Delivered at 5 Maple Road, Bonn, Duty Paid13) EUR 1 000 per metric ton delivered at 5 Maple Road, Bonn, Duty UnpaidListen to a passage and fill in the blank

    3、s1. An offer is a promise to supply goods on the term s and conditions stated. It can be a firm offer which a promise to sell goods at a sated price, usually within a stated period of time or a non-firm offer which is made without engagement and is subject to the sellers confirmation. Usually an off

    4、er will include the following: 1) name of the goods, 2) quality or specifications, 3) quantity, 4) details of prices, 5) discounts, 6) terms of payment, 7) time of shipment, and 8) packing so as to enable the buyer to make a decision. A buyer may reject the terms and conditions in the non-firm offer

    5、 and counter-offer his own terms and conditions. This process of offer-counter-offer-counter-counter-offer is the process of bargaining. Page 26-282. offer /goods / firm offer / non-firm offer/ quality or specification/ details of prices/ terms of payment/ packing/ buyer / counter-offer/ offer-count

    6、er-offer/ counter-counter-offer/ exporting/ revenue/ appropriate pricing / establish relevant market data/ a particular market area/ adjust prices/ supply and demand/ rising or falling/ profit margin/ the quality and quantity of products/ fluctuation 3. quotes a price/ taxes/ gross prices/ net price

    7、s/ legally biding/ when prices tend to / are subject to change/ hand the goods for certain time/ to protect their reputation/ discounts/ a trade discount/ a quantity discount/ a discount/ a loyalty discountPart IIIPages 35381.100 cases / 5 kilograms/ USD 25/ CFR European main ports/ September,2002/

    8、five days/ 2.50,000 tons/ USD 2253.200 kilograms/ USD 120/ FOB Shanghai4.subject to our final confirmation/ 8111 Pure Silk Fabrics/ 382913-AB/ 30*36/ 50,000 yards/ in wooden cases/ USD 3.7 per yard CIF London/ in three equal monthly installments/ March 23,2002/ be opened 30 days before the time of s

    9、hipment5.letter/ reply/ June 1/ offer/ 80 metric tons/ 2002 Crop/ USD 765 per metric ton/ June/ transshipment/ terms and conditions/ insurance/ 130%Listen to three paragraphs and fill in the banks1.counter-offer/ offer/ sellers/ consider/2. buyers/ bid/ price/ commodity/ made3.an intermediary/ the m

    10、oney/ two percent of commission/ price reduction/ special discount/ promoting and expanding sales/ excluded from the export priceTranslation1)A:这是我方1000箱茉莉花茶的报盘。A:Here is our offer for 1000 cases of jasmine tea.B:你方报价实在是太高了,我方很难销售。B:Well, your price is too high. Itll be very difficult for us to make

    11、 any sales.A:可你得知道近来茉莉花茶的价格看涨。A:You must be aware that the price of jasmine tea has been increasing.B:可是越南供货商的价格比你方的要低些。B:But Vietnamese suppliers give a lower price than yours.A:同行公认中国茉莉花茶质量上乘。A:Every one in the trade knows that Chinese jasmine tea is far more superior.B:我不否认中国茉莉花茶的质量,但市场竞争很激烈,许多供应

    12、商实际上还在削价,以获得更大的市场份额。B:I dont deny the quality of your jasmine tea. But competition is keen. Many suppliers are in fact cutting their prices to try to get a large market share.A:迄今为止,我方的商品能够应付这种竞争,我们手头已有很多订单,还会有客户向我们下订单。这一点可以说明我公司的产品具有竞争力,我方的报价是有吸引力的。A:So far, our product can handle the competition w

    13、ell. Weve had many orders and more are coming. It just shows that our product is competitive and our price is attractive.2)A:这是我公司的报价单,所有的价格以我方最后确认为准。A:Here is our price list. All the prices are subject to our final confirmation.B:顺便问一下,你们给佣金吗?B:By the way, do you allow any commission?A:我们报的是离岸价净价,按

    14、照惯例是不给佣金的。A:Well, our prices are quoted on an FOB net basis. As a rule, we dont allow any commission.B:可是你知道我们是佣金商,我们是靠获取佣金来做买卖的。给予我们一定的佣金将有助于推销你方的产品。B:But you know, were a commissioned agent. We do business on a commission basis. Commission transactions will surely help to push the sales of your pr

    15、oducts.A:可你方的订购数目不大。A:Yet your order is really not large enough.B:那么在你们眼里订购多少才算大额订单呢?B:What quantity would you consider to be a large order?A:至少总额达到50万美元。A:USD 500 000 or above.B:噢,这可是一大笔。先生,这是我们头一次做买卖,能否灵活一点给我们更优惠的条件?这样我们或许能建立长期的贸易关系。B:Wow, really substantial. Well, Mr. Chen, this is our first tran

    16、saction. Can you be more flexible and offer us more favorable terms? It might be possible for us to establish a long-term relationship.A:好吧。如果你方的订货总额达到40万美元,我方可以给予你们3%的佣金。A:OK. We would grant you a 3% commission if you place an order of USD 400 000.B:你们给予我们特殊的照顾,我们很感激,可我们通常从欧洲供应商那里得到5%的佣金。B:We appre

    17、ciate your concession very much. However, we can usually get a 5% commission from our European suppliers.A:格林先生,其实我公司的报价已经够优惠的了。我们是为了能够与你方建立长期的贸易关系才破例给予你们3%的佣金。我们只能做到这一步。A:Mr. Green, our price itself is already favorable. It is for our long-term business relationship that we make this exception. Thi

    18、s is the best we can do.B:既然如此,我们只能接受这个条件了。B:All right, well have to accept it.3)A:怀特先生,这是我公司5000吨一级红豆的报盘,每公吨CIF5%鹿特丹价175美元。A:Mr. Wright, here is our offer for 5000 metric tons of Grade A red beans, USD 175 per metric ton, CIF 5% Rotterdam.B:先生,你方所报价格偏高,以这样的价格成交是不可能的。B:Your price is on the high side

    19、, Mr. Zhang. Its impossible for us to conclude any transactions at this price.A:我不知道你为什么会这样说。坦率地说,如果你不是我公司的长期客户,我公司是不会给你方报这么低的价格的。我敢说你从别的供应商处是得不到这么优惠的报价的。A:I dont know why you think so. Frankly speaking, we wouldnt quote you such a low price if you were not our regular customer. I bet you cant get s

    20、uch a favorable price from other suppliers.B:我昨天收到了泰国一家供应商的报盘,他们的价格比你方报价低3%。B:We got an offer from a Thailand supplier yesterday. Their price is 3% lower.A:你得从商品的质量这个角度去考虑价格。同行们都公认中国一级红豆的质量是一流的。一级产品的价格当然比二流产品的价格要高些。此外,目前一级红豆的需求量很大,世界各地的客户都向我公司订货。大多数进口商都认为我方的报价是合理的。相信你方以这个价格进货一定会赢利。A:You must take th

    21、e quality of the red beans into consideration. Every one in this trade is well aware that Chinese Grade A red beans is of superior quality. So the price of Grade A commodities of course must be higher than those of inferior quality. Besides, there is a strong demand for Grade A red beans. A lot of o

    22、rders are pouring in from all over the world. Most of the importers think that our offer is reasonable. I believe youll make a profit buying at this price.4)A:贵公司所报价格比上一次高了5%。A:Your price is 5% higher than that of the last transaction.B:你知道近来产品成本大增,同时我公司在确定价格的时候把此类产品价格上升的趋势考虑了进去。B:You know productio

    23、n cost has increased a great deal recently. We also need to consider upward trends when we fix the price.A:可我方很难说服客户以这个价格购买此类产品。你方至少要在这个价格的基础上降价5%。A:But it will be very difficult for us to persuade our clients to buy at such a price. Youll have to reduce your price by at least 5%.B:你方的还盘大大超出了我方所能接受的

    24、围。我公司不能接受这么大幅度的削价。B:Your counter-offer is far beyond my reach. We cant stand such a big cut.A:我方的还盘是在比较了其他供应商的价格后做出的。我公司同时向几家供应商发出了询盘,你方的报价比其他供应商要高。A:We make this counter-offer based on the offers from other suppliers. We made enquiries to several suppliers at the same time and found that your price

    25、 is higher than the other suppliers.B:我们暂时把价格问题搁一下。能否先告诉我你方打算订购多少件货物?B:Could we just put this problem aside? Could you give me an idea of the size of your order first?A:这在很大程度上取决于你方的价格。如果你方能降价5%,我公司马上订10万件。A:It will largely depend on the price you offer. If you could make a 5% reduction, we would pl

    26、ace an immediate order of 100 000 pieces.B:这样吧,我们双方都作一些让步。我方降价3%,你方把订购量升为20万件。这是我方的最低价格了。B:All right. Shall we move together? Well reduce the price by 3% on the condition that you increase your order to 200000 pieces. This is our rock bottom price. A:好吧,就以这个价格成交。A:OK. Lets call it a deal.Unit ThreeP

    27、45-4611)Pillowcases Article NO.2012)2000 pieces3)No. Because Pillowcases Article NO.201 are the best selling goods. They are sold out fast every year.4)she has to pay a higher price in order to get 2000 pieces.2 Quotation of Nov.15/ samples/ quality / prices/ place a trial order/ ladies nylon pants/

    28、 20000 pcs/ USD 0.20/pc / USD 4000.00/ bags/ 500 pcs/ USD 1.00/pc /USD 500.00/ a good market/ place further and larger ordersP52-541. (2 本书无此部分录音)1)To check that the products are available and to confirm the order with the customer.2)No.3)The stock control system.4)You send an invoice to the custome

    29、r.31.Interest/ to make enquires/ place an order./ publicizing and promoting/ client/ delivery/ replacements/ after-sales service2. letters, faxes, and emails/ an formal order/ a firm order/terms and conditions/the article number/the port of destination/the payment terms/execute the order Translation

    30、 1)A:史密斯先生,我公司已收到你方的询盘,可是很遗憾,我方现在手中没货,你们得等两个月。A:Weve received your enquiry, Mr. Smith. But we are sorry to tell you that the goods you asked about are out of stock. Youll have to wait for two months.B:两个月太长了。我方的客户正急需这种产品。B:Two months is far too long. Our customers need the goods urgently.A:我也无能为力。我公

    31、司的产品以其优良的品质和公道的价格深受客户欢迎,因此需求量总是大大超过供应量。尽管努力加紧生产,可仍不能满足日益增长的需求。这样吧,我向你们推荐HRF-279型号的产品。A:Theres nothing we can do. Our products have been well received due to their high quality and reasonable prices. So demands often exceed supplies. Though we have tried to speed up production, we still cant meet the

    32、 increasing demand. So Id like to recommend to you the HRF-279.B:我们的客户熟悉GBS-112型号的产品,可对HRF-279型号的产品却不太熟悉。我不敢保证它在我方市场到底有没有销路。B:Our clients are familiar with GBS-112, but not HRF-279. How do I know that it will sell well in our market?A:你不用担心。近年来,HRF-279 在欧洲和东南亚销路不错,我相信它在你方市场站得住脚。A:Dont worry. The HRF-279 has been selling well in Europe and in Southeast Asian countries in recent years. Im sure it will have a ready m


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