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    1、淮阴师范学院跨文化交际课程期末复习第一部分Chapte 1 Introduction to Intercultural communication.Defining intercultural communicationIntercultural communication (ICC) is the term first used by Edward T. Hall in 1959 and is simply defined as interpersonal communication between members of different cultures.Intercultural co

    2、mmunication can include international, intcrethnic, interracial, and interregional communication.Intercultural communication as a phenomenon has the following features:First of all, it is a universal phenomenon.Secondly, the communication between cultures has been going on for thousands of years.Thi

    3、rdly, intercultural communication is a common daily occurrence.II. The Rapid Increase of Intercultural CommunicationFrom an intercultural perspective, there are four crucial developments for the rapid increase of intercultural communication:1.Improvements in transportation technology2.Developments i

    4、n communication technology3.Changes in mass migration patterns4.Globalization of the world economyIII. The Development of Intercultural Communication Study1. The development of Intercultural communication study in the U. S.Its easy to understand why the field of ICC has continued to prosper in the U

    5、nited States considering the following reasons: The country is a land of immigrants from many diverse cultures; There arc thousands of new immigrants entering the country every year; The U. S. has large numbers of foreign studenLs and tourists; and The American involvement in the global economy2. In

    6、tercultural communication studies in ChinaThe conceptual areas covered in those researches were mainly concerned with:1)Verbal communication (the relationship between language and culture: vocabulary, syntax, pragmatic rules, discourse pattern and translation);2) Non-verbal communication;3) Comparat

    7、ive study of customs and behavior patterns in China and other countries;4) Cultural differences in business management; and5) Traditional Chinese value orientations and their impact on modernization, etc.IV. The Complexity in Learning Intercultural Communication1. The multidisciplinary nature and el

    8、ements of intercultural communication studyJames Alutis summarized the multidisciplinary nature of ICC as LAPSE :L- Linguistics and languageA - AnthropologyP- Psycholinguistics and PsychologyS - Sociolinguistics and SociologyE - Education and EnglishIn addition to the above named disciplines, ICC is

    9、 also related to several other disciplines, such asC- Communication studiesC - Cultural studies, etc.Elements of ICC StudyCondon ( 1974) highlighted three areas as most problematic in intercultural exchange: language barrier, different values and different cultural patterns of behavior. More specifi

    10、cally. Bell (1992 ) identified the following barriers to communication;Physical time, environment. comfort and needs, and physical medium;Cultural ethnic, religious, and social differences;Perceptual viewing what is said from your own mindset;Motivational the listeners mental inertia;Experiential la

    11、ck of similar life happenings;Emotional personal feelings of the listener;Linguistic different languages spoken by the speaker and listener or use of a vocabulary beyond the comprehension of the listener;Nonverbal nonword messages; andCompetition the listeners ability to do other things rather than

    12、hear the communication2. Potential problems in learning intercultural communicationCommunication barriers are obstacles to effective communication.Bama suggests that there are six main stumbling blocks which often cause difficulties in intercultural communication;1) People tend to assume that there

    13、are more cultural similarities between themselves and people of other cultures than there actually arc, and this can lead to misunderstanding.2)Language differences, obviously, are often a source of misunderstanding.3)People of different cultures often misinterpret each others non-veibal communicati

    14、on.4)People often have stereotypes and preconceptions about foreigners that lead to misunderstanding.5)People often evaluate what foreigners do and say before really understanding what they mean.6)When people interact with foreigners, they often have feelings of anxiety or stress, and this can lead

    15、them to jump to inaccurate conclusions. (One source of this stress is sometimes cultural shock. )Specifically, its generally agreed thai the potential problems in intercultural communication arc mainly the following:Avoidance of the unfamiliar Uncertainly reduction Withdrawal Stereotyping Prejudice

    16、Racism Misuse of power Culture shock Ethnocentrism Culture shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse.people normally go through four stages ( the U-Curve): honeymoon phase, culture shock phase, recovery phase and adjustment

    17、 phase.Chapter 2 Basic Communication TheoriesI. Communication Definedwe can see that the basic assumption is; Communication is a form of human behavior derived from a need to connect and interact with other human beings. Therefore, communication can simply refer to the act and process of sending and

    18、 receiving messages among people.the definition advanced by Samovar and Porter ( 1997) is preferred here: Communication occurs whenever meaning is attributed to behavior or the residue of behavior. II. Needs and Functions of Communication1. Maslows hierarehy of needsOne much-used version of needs is

    19、 that of Abraham Maslow, in which he describes people as being driven by sets of needs in a hierarehy, from the most basic at the bottom to the most refined at the peak of a triangle.Basic needs are about food, shelter and sex. Just above that come the needs of safety having a roof over ones head an

    20、d knowing that one belongs to some group like family. Then there are the social needs for things like love and friendship, which urge us into relationships. These are followed by ego and esteem needs, which are about us as individuals wanting self- respect, recognition, even power. Finally, at the t

    21、op of the triangle comes the most sophisticated need for self-actualization. This is about self-fulfillment, about finding and being oneself.2. Functions of communication Practical function. Social function. Decision making function Personal growth functionIII. The Classification of CommunicationFro

    22、m the above discussion we can see that communication occurs when there are at least two or more people. there is some contact between communication. there is a language shared by communicators. there is an exchange of infommlion that has taken place.IV. The Process of Communication1. Components of c

    23、ommunicationSamovar and Porter (1997) further define communication as a dynamic transactional behavior-affecting process in which people behave intentionally to induce or elicit a particular response from another personSome people say eight specific components adding encoding and decoding. sender/be

    24、havior source encoding message medium/channel decoding recipient (receiver)/responder noise feedback2. Models of communicationAlthough there arc many models to describe the act of communication. three arc used here to illustrate the process; the linear, the circular, and the contextualized models.V.

    25、 The Characteristics of CommunicationThese eight ingredients of communication make up only a partial list of the factors that function during a communication event. Communication is Dynamic. Communication is Irreversible. Communication is Symbolic. Communication is Systemic. Communication is Self-re

    26、flective. Communication is Interactive. Communication is Complex. Communication is Learned.VI. The Challenge of Effective Communication in Interpersonal EncountersEfficient communications between people of the same cultural background are extremely important, let alone intercultural communication be

    27、tween people of different cultural backgrounds.Chapter 3 The Nature of Culture.Definitions of Culture According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, culture is the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. It refers to intellectual perspective, such as music

    28、, art exhibition, dance, etc. When you talk about Picasso. Beethoven etc. , you are talking about culture; Samovar & Porter( 1996) define culture as the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts

    29、of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving. ( p. 36 ) We find this definition more suited to our purpose of studying intercultural communication. Simply put, culture is a system of meaning. Bu

    30、t the most widely acccpted definition is: Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that arc shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people. (Hall. 1983, p.230) More recently, Gary P.

    31、Fcrraro (1998, The Cultural Dimension of International Business, New York: Prcnticc-Hall, Inc. ) offers a briefer definition; Culture is everything that people have, think, and do as members of their society, (p. 16)II. Basic Functions and Source of CultureDressier and Cams( 1969) offer tthe followi

    32、ng as the functions of culture:1. Culture enables us to communicate with others through a language that we have learned and that we share in common.2. Culture makes it possible to anticipate how others in our society are likely to respond to our actions.3. Culture gives us standards for distinguishing between what is considered right or wrong, beautiful and ugly, reas


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