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    1、小升初英语衔接班备课教学教案学案资料16页相当经典后有各阶段测试题带答案 第一章 字母和语音1字母 字母的分类: ei:_ i:_ ai:_ e:_元音字母:_ 辅音字母:_ 半元音字母:_字母的读音: ei bi: si: di: i: ef di: eit ai dei kei el em en u pi: kju: _: es ti: ju: vi: dblju: eks wai zi:zed _自我检测:、写出与下列单词发音相同的大小写字母。1. eye_ 2. bee_ 3. see_ 4. you_5. why_ 6. are_ 7.tea_ 8. queue_、翻译句子。1.我是

    2、一个学生。 _2.星期二,我们上体育课。 _3.她身高132厘米。 _4.约翰和汤姆一起爬长城。 _5.常见字母缩略词:6.TV电视 CCTV中国中央电视台 UK英国 PC个人电脑 PRC中华人民共和国 WC厕所 UN联合国 USA美国 Dr博士、医生 HK中国香港 CD光盘 cm厘米 mm毫米 km千米 kg千克 A.M.(a.m.)上午 Thur.星期四 Fri.星期五 Sat.星期六 Jan.一月 Feb.二月 Mar.三月 Apr.四月 May五月 Jun.六月 Jul.七月 Aug.八月 Sept.九月 7.Oct.十月 Nov.十一月 Dec.十二月2音标辅音(28个):清辅音:/

    3、p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ / /s/ / /ts/ /t/ /tr/ 浊辅音:/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ / /z/ / /dz/ /d/ /dr/ 鼻辅音: /m / /n/ / 半元音: / j / / w / 类似拼音的辅音: / h / /r/ /l/ 元音(20个):单元音 长元音: /i:/ /:/ /u:/ / :/ /:/ 短元音: / / / / / / /e/ 双元音: /a/ /e/ / / /e/ / / /a/辅音字母在单词中的读音:Bb /b/ book Cc/k/ clock, /s/ rice Dd/d/ duck Ff/f/ fish Gg/g/ gi

    4、rl Hh / h / home Jj /d/ juice Kk /k/ sockLl /l/ ruler Mm/m / mouse Nn /n/ nine Pp /p/ peachQq /kw/ quite Rr /r/ red Ss /s/ snake Tt /t/ teaVv/v/ visit Ww /w/ week Xx /ks/ box Yy /j/ yellow Zz /z/ zoo元音字母在单词中的读音:AaEeIiOoUu开音节/e/ name/i:/ he/a/ like/ home/ju:/ cute闭音节/ bag/e/ bed/ sit/ dog/bus, /put自我

    5、检测:选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。 ( ) 6. duck A. park B. dad C. bed( ) 7. long A. ruler B. right C. tea( ) 8. quite A. red B. peach C. queue( ) 1. name A. cake B. have C. hat ( ) 2. big A. bike B. pig C. like ( ) 3. bed A. pen B. he C. cake( ) 4. home A. hot B. hope C. dog( ) 5. bus A. cute B. put C. cut ( ) 1

    6、3. book A. good B. cook C. room( ) 14. year A. pear B. hear C. there( ) 15. play A. eight B. boy C. Her ( ) 9. yellow A. by B. juice C. yes( ) 10. good A. girl B. quickly C. fish( ) 11. bird A. turn B. morning C. car( ) 12. teeth A. bread B. head C. sea 第二章 词汇同音词:9.我们的( )小时( ) 10. 知道( )不( ) 11.天气( )

    7、不管( ) 12. 太阳( )儿子( ) 13. 四( )为( )14. 星期( )弱的( ) 15. 高的( )你好( ) 16. 遇见1. ( )肉( )太,也( )二( )到,往( ) 2. 买( )再见( )通过( )3. 右边( )写( ) 4. 这( )听( ) 5. 那里( )他们的( )6. 大海( )看( ) 7. 哪儿( )穿( ) 8. 我( )眼睛( ) 19. 双( )梨( ) 20. 亲爱的( )鹿( )17. 是( )啊( ) 18. 洞( )全部( )缩略词:you are=_ it is=_he is=_ they are=_ she is=_ we are=

    8、_who is=_ when is=_ where is=_ what is=_Is not=_ can not=_ are not=_ do not=_has not=_ does not=_ have not=_ will not=_I am=_ that is=_ 重点短语:13. do housework 14. see a doctor 15. just do it16. take some medicine 17. cook the meals18. sweep the floor 19. wash the windows 20.make the bed1. good job 2.

    9、 all right 3. living room 4. help yourself 5. baseball player 6. this way7. just a minute 8. weather report 9. a pair of 10. have to 11. do homework 12. read books30.eat breakfast 31.have English class 32.play sports33.climb mountains 43.go shopping 44.play the piano21.set the table 22. wash the clo

    10、thes 23. do the dishes24.put away the clothes 25. have a try 26. play chess27.trash bin 28.in front of 29.do morning exercises57.write a letter 58.write an e-mail 59.speak to63.watch insects 64.pick up leaves 65.write a report45.visit grandparents 46.go hiking 47.play with48.fly kites 49.make a snow

    11、man 50.plant trees51.draw pictures 52.cook dinner 53.answer the phone54.see you later 55.listen to music 56.clean the room71.75.get off 76.look for 77.next week 78.this morning79.go to the cinema ic book 81.a lot of65.pet shop 83.ride a bike do an experiment 66.catch butterfly 67.over there68.have a

    12、 picnic 69.traffic light 70.post office82.get to 72.next to 73.after school 74.shoe store88. 90.have a toothache91.have a headache 92.have a sore throat 93.laugh at94.go fishing 95.go skiing 96.go ice-skating83.84.make kites85.collect stamps 86.pen pal e fromhave a fever 89.have a cold ( )4.English

    13、people use Mr,Mrs or Miss with _.A.the family name B.first name C.the middle nameD.the first name and the middle name( )5.The teachers name is Mary Joan Shute. Her students call her_.A.Miss Mary B.Miss Joan C.Miss Mary Joan D.Miss Shute ( )1.Most English people have _ names. A.one B.two C.three D.fo

    14、ur( )2.The family name comes _.A.first B.the first C.last D.No.1( )3._ is Jims family name.A.Jim B.Green C.Allan D.James自我检测:根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Most English people have three names:a first name,a middle name and the family name.Their family names come last. For example,my full name is Jim Allan Green.Gre

    15、en is my family name. My parents gave me both of my other names.People dont use their middle names very much. So “John Henry Brown”is usually called “John Brown”. People never use Mr, Mrs or Miss before their first names. So you can say John Brown, or Mr Brown; but you never say Mr. John. They use M

    16、r, Mrs or Miss with the family name but never with the first name.Sometimes people ask me about my name. “When you were born, why did your parents call you Jim?” they ask. “Why did they choose that name?” The answer is they didnt call Jim, they called me James. James was the name of my grandfather.

    17、In England, people usually call me Jim for short. Thats because it is shorter and easier than James.第三章 词法1、名词名词分类:专有名词; 普通名词:可数名词(个体名词;集体名词); 不可数名词(物质名词;抽象名词)可数名词的数:radio-_ zoo-_ man-_ woman-_foot-_ tooth-_ Child-_ ox-_sheep-_ deer-_ fish-_ Chinese-_ Japanese-_mouse-_map-_ brother-_ orange-_box-_ w

    18、atch-_ bus-_factory-_ baby-_ hobby-_knife-_ wolf-_ half-_tomato-_ potato-_ piano-_ photo-_名词所有格:汤姆的房间_ 教师节_ 妇女节_露西和莉莉共有的课桌_露西和莉莉各自的自行车_ 一个小时的车程_ 在格林家_房间的门_ 不可数名词的数: 一瓶水_ 一条新闻_ 一张纸_两杯茶_ 两副眼镜_ 许多工作_ 二、代词人称代词:单数复数我你她他它我们你们他/她/它们主格宾格代词的分类:人称代词;物主代词;反身代词;指示代词;不定代词;疑问代词;关系 代词;相互代词。反身代词:我自己你自己他自己她自己它自己我们自己

    19、你们自己她/他/它自己物主代词:单数复数我的你的她的他的它的我们的你们的他/她/它们的形容词性名词性自我检测:、选择填空1. -Are these your books, Mike? -Yes,_(we,you,they) are.2. This is _(I,my) book.3. -Whats this? -_(Its,Its) a pencil.4. We like _(he,his,him) very much.5. Is this guitar _(you,your,yours,yourself)?6. I made it _(myself,ourselves).7. _(It,It

    20、s,Its) eyes are big.8. Whats _ (you,your) name?9. This is a girl. _(His,Her) name is Mary. 、单项选择 1. _ is Peter. _ book is new. A. They; Their B. His; He C. He; His D. She; Her2. -Excuse _. Are you Mr. Li? Yes, _ am. A. me; I B. I; me C. me; me D. I; I3. That dress is _. A. herself B. hers C. she D.

    21、her4. Mr. Li teaches _ English. A. us B. we C. our D. ours5. Kate and Mike do _ homework at 7:00 in the morning. A. her B. his C. they D. their 疑问代词:谁(主格)谁(宾格)谁的哪一个什么指示代词:这个那个这些那些自我检测:、从括号中选出恰当的单词。1. _ girl is my sister. (That, Those)2. _ bag is it? (What, Whose)3. 不定代词:4. some, any, something, anyo

    22、ne, nobody, every, each, all, many, much, few, little等5. _ of the students are here. (Both, All)6. There is _ water in the bottle. (many, much)7. I have two holidays _ year. (every, each)8. _ is this in English? (Who, What)9. _ book is yours? (Which, Whom)10. There was _ bridge fifty years ago. (no,

    23、 any)11. I want to drink _ tea. (some, any)12. I have _ friends here. (few, little)、单项选择1. Tom, _ is my friend, Amy. A. it B. I C. this D. those2. _ are our books. A. This B. These C. That D The 3. _ skirt is yours? A. Which B. Who C. Whom D. How 4. I dont have _ questions. A. a B. any C. some D. mu

    24、ch5. There are _ eggs in the basket. A. few B. little C. a little D. a few6. There is not _ time left. A. much B. many C. a D. little7. I have _ apple. A. / B. the C. a D. an8. -_ is Betty? -She is Toms sister? A. Who B. Which C. Whose D. Where9. -_that in Picture Two? -Its an apple. A. Whos B. Whats C. Where D. Which10. -_ bike is it? -Its his bike. A. What B. Who C. Which D. Whose3. 4. There are much apples.All of the two boys are twelve. 、改错1. This are our desks. 2. I have any new pencils.5. -Which is the girl? -She is my sister. 3、形容词、副


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