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    1、英语四级听力真题包括2021 年 12 月英语四级听力真题及答案2021 年 12 月英语四级听力真题及答案【短对话听力原文】1. M : take a look at this cater. Maybe we can find some gifts for Jean s new house.W: Ok, but remember we can afford a lot.Q: what does the woman mean?2.W: I am absolutely going nowhere about this statistics.M:How about going through th

    2、em with you?Q:what does the man mean?3. M : are you just starting the record, aren Let s begin on Page 55.t you ?W:Sorry. I am afraid I can begin right now.Q:What mean from the conversation?4. W:remember. Carls arriving is at 226W: thanks to reminding me. I thought it would be sometime in July.Q:wha

    3、t are the speakers talking about?5.M : please excuse me for not attending the meeting yesterday. I am afraid I forgot to check the schedule.W: that s all right. We have to rearrange the meeting at weekend. And everything went wrong.Q:what does it mean from the conversation.6.W: I didn t fall sleep a

    4、t least to 5 tomorrow. Q: what do we learn from the conversation?7.,M : I got some bad news today. The star we are in is going to fallW: I am going to let you go.Q: What does the woman want to know?8 W: whats wrong? You smell like a fish.M:.Q: what s man mean?长对话Conversation 1M:That s Marria s famil

    5、ies and we want to be engaged.W:It s wonderful, Erik! Congratulations!M: I really like her families, too, very nice. MsComona speaks four languages and Mr. Comona a diplomat. Infact, he gives the speech at the Saturday morning.W: OH, that s was N s father? I heard the speech.M: You did?W: Well, I he

    6、ard part of it and listened to it for ten minutes, and then I fell asleep. I saw it was in class. Anyway, tell me about your weekend.M:Saturday evening we saw a play. And Sunday afternoon we saw the soccer game. Then Sunday night we all went out for dinner. Marria, her parents, and me. That was the

    7、first chance we had to talk.W:Would you know this?M: That s first I was. We didn t say much. Mr. Comonatold some good stories about his experiences as a diplomat and he asked about my hobbies.W: And what did you say?M: Well, I didn t tell him about my flying lessons. I told him about my chess play a

    8、nd my classical music collection.W: Good idea! Her parents really approval of you.Dont they?M: I guess so. Marria called this morning and said,My father told me he ll like you sunny right nowW:That was great.M: Not exactly. I want to get married after I graduated school in about three years.Q9: what

    9、 does the conversation about Marria s father?Q10:What does Marria and Erik do last Sunday afternoon?Q11:What do we learn from Marriamorning?Conversation 2s phone call thisM:Youre going to wear out computers keyboard.W:Oh, hi!M: Do you have any idea what time it is?W: About ten or ten thirty?M: It s

    10、merely midnight.W: Really? I didn t know it was so late.M: Dont you have an early class to teach tomorrow morning?W: Yes, at seven o clock, my computer class. The students go to work right after their lesson.M: Then you ought to go to bed. What are you writing anyway?W:An article, I hope I can sell.

    11、M:Oh, another view of newspaper pieces. What one about?s thisW:Do you remember the trip I took last month?M:The one up to the Amazon?W: Well, that s what I m writing about. The new high way and the changes is making in the Amazon valley.-W:It should be interesting.W:It is. I guess that s why I forgo

    12、t all about thetime.M:How many articles have you solve now?W:About a dozen so far.M:What kind of newspapers by them?W:The paper is carrying a lot of foreign news. They usually appear in the big Sunday editions where they need a lot background stories to help develop the space between the ads.M:Is th

    13、ere any future in it?W: I hope so. There s a chance I may sell this article to a news service.M:Then your papers will be published in several papers winter.W: that s the idea. And they might even be able to do other stories the on a regular basis.M:That would be great.Q12: what is the woman s occupa

    14、tion?Q13:what is the woman writing about?Q14:where did the woman s articles usually appear?Q15:what does the woman expect?【短文理解听力原文】Passage 1Body language, especially gestures, varies amongcultures. For example, a node of the head means “yes tomost of us. But in Bulgaria and Greece a node means “noa

    15、nd a shake of the head means “yes. Likewise, a sign forOK, forming a circle with our forefinger and thumb, means zero in France and money in Japan. Waving or pointing to an Arab business person would be considered rude because that is how Arabs call their dogs over. Folded arms signal pride in Finla

    16、nd, but disrespect in Fiji. The number of bows that the Japanese exchange on greeting each other, as well as the length and the depth of the bows, signals the social status each party feels towards each other. Italians might thinkyour bored unless you use a lot of gestures duringdiscussions. Many Am

    17、erican men sit with their legs crossedwith one ankle resting over the opposite knee. However, thiswould be considered an insult in Muslim countries, where onewill never show the sole of the foot to a gust. Likewise,Americans consider eye contact very important, often nottrusting someone who is afrai

    18、d to look at you in the eye. Butin Japan and many Latin American countries, keeping the eyeslowered is a sign of respect. To look apart in the eye isconsidered a sign of ill breeding and is felt to be annoying.Q16: What gesture do Bulgarians and Greeks use to express negative responses?Q17: What is

    19、likely to offend Arab business people?Q18: What is considered impolite in Muslim countries?Passage 2Today I m going to talk about tents. Camping is stillone of the cheapest ways of having a holiday. And each year,over 3 million people take camping vocations, either here inBritain or aboard, mostly o

    20、n the continent. Obviously,camping can t be as comfortable as living in a permanenthouse, but modern tents can be very comfortable indeed, withwindows, bedrooms, kitchens and sitting rooms. The mostpopular tent sold in Britain is the frame tent with 2bedrooms and sleeping accommodation for 4 people.

    21、 There isusually an outer tent of water-proofed fabric and a lighterinner tent or tents with a built-in ground sheet. The outertent fits over the frame work. This is made of metal poleswhich are fitted together. The inner tent is attached to thisframe. Generally, the inner tent is about half the are

    22、a ofthe outer tent. The other half of the outer tent is theliving area. This doesn t usually have a ground sheet but you can buy one to fit, though it costs extra. The ordinary 4bed frame tent doesn t usually have a separate kitchen area, but the larger ones often do. You can buy a kitchen extension

    23、for many tents, and it s worth buying one if you plan to stay camping in one place for more than a few days.19.What does the speaker say about camping?20.What does the passage tell us about the most popular tent sold in Britain?21.What does the speaker suggest buying if you plan to stay camping in o

    24、ne place for more than a few days?Passage 3Andorra, one of the smallest countries in the world, is located high in the mountains between France and Spain. The country covers only 179 square miles. That is less than half the size of New York City. High, rocky mountains surround Andorra. Until the 193

    25、0s, travelers had difficulty inreaching the country. Up until that time, people in Andorralived in the way they had lived for centuries. Most Andorransworked as farmers. Things did not change quickly. When roadswere built from France and Spain to Andorra in the 1930s,life picked up speed. Tourist be

    26、gan to visit the smallcountry. These tourists brought in a lot of money to spendwhile visiting. Many people in Andorra found new jobs inshops or hotels. These changes helped to keep young people inAndorra. There were many more jobs than before the roads werebuilt. Today tourists provided 80 to 90 pe

    27、rcent of Andorra s income. More than a million people visit each year. They cometo view the rough mountains. They enjoy the quiet way of life. Most people are also interested in the ancient buildings. There are many shops for tourists to browse in, clothes, watches, wines and other items are sold at

    28、 low prices in Andorra. Import fees are low, so tourists enjoy the inexpensive shopping. Most of the businesses in Andorra are owned by its citizens. There are not many foreign businesses. Some Andorrans still farm and raise sheep and cattle. But most are now involved with the tourist trade.22.How b

    29、ig does the speaker say Andorra is?23.What can be said about Andorra before the 1930s?24.What event changed the situation in Andorra?25.What do most people do in Andorra do nowadays?【听力填空原文】DictationCompound DictationDont take may English courses, they won t help youget a decent job. Sign up for man

    30、agement classes, so you will be ready to join the family business when you graduate. Sound familiar? Many of us have heard suggestions like these put forward by parents or others close to us. Such comments often seem quite reasonable. Why then should suggestions like these be taken with caution? The reason is they relate to the decisions you should make. You are the one who must live with their consequences. One of the worst reasons to follow a particular path in life is that other people want you to. Decisions that affect your life should be your decisions. D


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