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    1、北师大版高中英语必修四重点词汇汇总必4重点单词和短语汇总Unit10put off 推迟,延期归纳拓展:put aside 忽视,不理睬,储存He put aside his book and began to listen to me. 他把书放在一边,开始听我讲话。put away 将收起,储存(钱)Put away the tools after work, will you? 工作结束后请把工具收拾好。put down 放下,记下,镇压put forward 提出(意见,建议等)He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting.

    2、他在会议上提出了一个很好的建议。put on 穿上,戴上,上演(戏剧)put up 举起,张贴,提供食宿put up with 忍受,容忍2. defeat vt. 战胜,击败,难住易混辨析:win: 主要指通过努力,斗争,比赛等而获得胜利。She was determined to win. 她决心要赢。beat: 指在游戏,竞赛或战斗中“打败”对手,宾语是指人的名词。可与defeat互换。I finally beat her in that match. 在那场比赛中我最终打败了她。defeat: 多指在战争,比赛,竞选或辩论中战胜对手,侧重胜利的暂时性。Our men were heav

    3、ily defeated in the battle. 我军在此战役中受到重创。3. earn vt. 挣得,赚得常用结构:earn sb. Sth. 为某人挣得earn the name of 赢得的(美)名earn money 挣钱,赚钱earn a living 谋生,活命earn good money/earn well 赚大钱earn a fortune 赚得很多钱,发大财4. determine vt. 确定,决定,下定决心归纳拓展:determination n. 决心,(正式)决定determined adj. 有决心的,意志坚定的,坚决的常用结构:determine sth.

    4、 决定/确定某事determine to to do sth. 决定做某事determine sb. to do sth. 使某人下定决心做某事determine on/upon (doing) sth. 决定(做)某事be determined to do sth. 决心做某事He was determined to cut through the difficulties. 他下决心要克服困难。determine that/be determined that 决心/决定做某事5. achieve v. 完成,达到,成功归纳拓展:Achievable adj. (指目的)可完成的,可达到的

    5、Achievement n. 完成,达到,成绩,成就常用结构:achieve success 获得成功achieve ones goal 实现某人的目标We want to achieve our goals only through democracy. 我们要只通过民主来实现我们的目标。achieve/attain ones aim 达到目的achieve ones ambition 实现抱负achieve ones purpose 达到目的6. concerned adj. 忧虑的,担心的归纳拓展:concerning prep. 关于concern n. 负责的事,担心,关心常用结构:

    6、be concerned about/for 关心,挂念,担心be concerned with 关切的,感兴趣的,关心的Im not concerned with what our enemies know. 我不关心我们的敌人知道什么。have no concern for 漠不关心Were all concerned for her safety. 我们都为她的安全担忧。have no concern with 和毫无关系as far as sb. Be concerned 就而言,依某人之见7. make sure 弄明白,确保归纳拓展:make sure of 尽力做到,保证,查明无

    7、误,确信,有把握for sure 肯定,确定I think he lives there but I couldnt stay for sure. 我认为他住在那儿,但我不敢确定。be sure of/about 确信,对有把握I am pretty sure about one thing it will probably be the most worthwhile. 有一点是可以肯定的-它将是我做过的一件最值得做的事。be sure that 确信,肯定8. turn ones back on 不理睬,拒绝归纳拓展:turn against 背叛,反对turn away 拒绝,走开tur

    8、n down 拒绝turn up 出现,露面turn out 生产,出现,证明是,结果是turn to (sb.) 转向(某人),向(某人)求助turn over 翻过来,翻阅9. where引导定语从句易混辨析:Where: 相当于“介词+先行词”,在从句中作地点状语。Which: 指代先行词,在从句中作主语,宾语等。10. that+同位语从句原文再现:There are certainly no signs that Charles was a rich man. 归纳总结:此句中的that引导同位语从句,说明signs的内容。英语中表示抽象意义的名词如:news, idea, prop

    9、osal, fact, thought, question, problem, doubt, hope, wish, suggestion, advice等可跟同位语从句,解释说明其具体内容,that只起到引导作用,不作句子的任何成分,也不能省略。例:I have no idea that you were here. 我不知道你在这里。11. pleased adj. 高兴的,满意的归纳拓展:please v. 使满意,使愉快pleasing adj. 令人愉快的pleasant adj. 令人愉快的,吸引人的常用结构:be pleased to do sth. 乐意做某事He respon

    10、ded that he would be pleased to attend the meeting. 他回答说,他很高兴出席这次会议。be pleased with sb. / ath. 对满意的be pleased at sb. / sth. 对感到高兴的be pleased to sb. /sth. 使某人感到愉快的12. be/get tired of sth. / doing sth. 厌倦某事/做某事When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. 当一个人厌倦了伦敦的时候,他也厌倦了生活。13. give away 赠送,分发

    11、,泄露The major gave away the prizes at the school sports day. 市长在学校运动会那天颁发了奖项。归纳拓展:give back 归还,送回,恢复give in 屈服,让步give off 发出(光,气味等)give out 分发,散发,发表,用完,耗尽give out 放弃,戒除14. aware adj. 知道的,意识到的归纳拓展:awareness n. 认识,觉察,意识常用结构:be aware of sb. / sth. 知道/觉察到/意识到某人/某事物They should be aware of their rights. 他们

    12、应该知道他们的权利。be aware that 知道/意识到/明白15. feel like 感觉好像,想要归纳拓展:feel at home 感觉自在,无拘束,觉得舒适feel oneself 感到有精神16. so that 因此,以便归纳拓展:in order that 为了,以便in case that 以防,以备in fear that 以免,唯恐in order to do that 为了做某事so as to do sth. 以便,为了17. drop out 退出,退学常用结构:drop by/in/round 顺便访问drop in on sb. 顺便拜访某人drop sb.

    13、 a line 给某人写封短信drop off 打瞌睡18. notfor anything 绝不,无论如何不经典例句:I would not give up for anything. 我绝不放弃。19. greedy adj. 贪婪的,贪心的常用结构:be greedy for 贪欲,贪婪with greedy eyes 用贪婪的木光20. bargain vi. 讨价还价 n. 便宜货归纳拓展:bargain (with sb.) over/about/for sth. 与某人讨价还价,协商成交条件,谈判I bargained with him with the used car. 我为

    14、那辆二手车和他讨价还价。bargain for sth. 预料,准备bargain that 提出条件,保证into/in the bargain 此外a good/bad bargain 买的便宜/贵21. cash 现金,现款经典例句:Excuse me, but Ive no cash on me. Can I pay by cheque? 对不起,我身边没带现钱,能不能用支票支付。常用结构:pay in cash 以现金支付pay cash 付现金cash on deliver 货到付款cash down 现款交易22. enthusiastic adj. 很感兴趣的,热情的归纳总结:

    15、enthusiasm un. 热心,热情,积极性 cn. 热衷的事物enthusiastically adv. 热心地,狂热地常用结构:be/become enthusiastic for/about sth. 对热情The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. 老师们非常热情友好,教室里的设备让人惊讶。23. ashamed adj. 羞耻的,惭愧的常用结构:be ashamed to do sth. 做某事感到惭愧/羞耻be ashamed that 感到惭愧/羞耻be ash

    16、amed of sth./sb./oneself 为而惭愧,羞耻You should be ashamed of your behavior. 你应该为自己的行为而感到羞耻。be/feel ashamed for 为感到惭愧/羞耻24. annoy vt. 使烦恼,打扰归纳总结:annoyance n. 烦恼annoying adj. 令人恼火的annoyed adj. 恼怒的,烦恼的be annoyed at/by/about sth. 因为某事而感到烦恼/生气The manager was annoyed by the noise of his employees. 经理被他的雇员们的吵闹

    17、声弄得很烦躁。get/be annoyed with sb. 生某人的气25. comment v. & n. 评论常用结构:comment on/upon sth. 对某事加以评论I wont comment on what people say. 对人们说的话我不作评论。make comments on 对加以评论no comment 无可奉告without comment 不加评论Unit111. affair n. 事情,事件常用结构:foreign affairs 外交事务settle ones affairs 安排好某人的事情mind ones own affairs/busine

    18、ss 少管闲事2. stand for 代表,支持The initials, WWF, stand for World Wide Fund for Nature. 缩略词WWF“世界自然基金会”。归纳拓展:stand by 袖手旁观,支持(某人)He could not stand by and watch the boy being beaten. 他不能袖手旁观这个男孩被打。stand out 显眼,突出stand out ones hands/head 手/头倒立stand on ones feet 独立,自食其力3. be made up of 由组成,构成归纳拓展:make up 编

    19、造,虚构,组成,化妆,和解make up for 补偿,弥补make up with sb. 与某人和好make up for lost time 弥补失去的时间温馨提示:consist of与be made up of意思相同,但前者不能用于被动语态或进行时态。The medical team was made of twelve doctors. 医疗队由十二名医生组成。The society consists of 30 members. 这个协会由30个会员组成。4. in detail 详细的Well discuss the problem later in detail. 我们以后

    20、再详尽地讨论这一问题。归纳拓展:in brief 简单地说,总之in name 名义上in order 按次序,秩序井然5. demand vt. & n. 要求,请求常用结构:demand to do sth. 要求做某事He demanded to be told everything. 他要求什么事都得让他知道。demand + that从句(should+动词原形)in demand 有需要meet/satisfy the demand 满足需要,符合要求make demands on 对提出要求6. debt n. 债务,欠款常用结构:be in sbs debt 欠某人情I am

    21、greatly in your debt for all these help. 我非常感谢你的这些帮助。be in debt 欠债,负债out of debt 不欠债pay off the debt 还清债务We should be able to pay off the debt within two years. 我们应该能在两年内还清债务。pay back the debt 还款7. belief n. 信仰,信心,信任常用结构:belief in sb./sth. 相信某人/某事in the belief that 相信beyond belief 难以置信的,不可思议的religio

    22、us belief 宗教信仰confirm ones belief 坚定信念contrary to popular belief 与普遍的看法相反8. announce vt. 宣布,宣告常用结构:announce sth. to sb. 向某人宣布某事We have announced her death to some friends only. 我们只向几个朋友通报了她的死讯。announce a decision/intension/plan 宣布一个决定/意图/计划announce that 宣布it was announced that. 宣布announce sb. / your

    23、self 宣布(某人)到达9. delighted adj. 高兴的,愉快的常用结构:be delighted at/with/by sth. 为某事高兴Were extremely delighted at your success. 我们因为你的成功而欢天喜地。be delighted to do sth. / that 很高兴做某事10. explode vt. (使)爆炸,爆发;激增,迅速扩大常用结构:explode with anger 勃然大怒,大发脾气explode with/into laugher 哄堂大笑explode with rate 勃然大怒归纳拓展:explosiv

    24、e adj. 爆发的,会爆炸的n.炸药explosion n. 爆炸,爆发;激增,突增11. evidence n. 证明,证据常用结构:evidence of 的证据,证词At present we have no evidence of life on other planets. 目前我们没有证据证明其他行星上有生命。evidence for 的证据,证词There is no evidence for these claims. 没有证据支持这些说法。in evidence 明显,显而易见give evidence 出庭作证12. arise vi. 发生,出现常用结构:arise o

    25、ut of/from sth. (因某事物而)产生,造成,引起Accidents arise from carelessness. 事故往往起因于疏忽。13. blame vt. 责怪,责备,指责,归咎于常用结构:blame sb. (for sth.) (因某事)责怪某人He will blame you for carelessness. 他会责备你的粗心大意。blame sth. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人Dont blame it on others. 别把这件事怪到别人头上。sb. be to blame (for sth.) 应对某事负责任,应受责备put/lay the bl

    26、ame (for sth.) on sb. 把某事归咎于某人14. attempt vt. & n. 尝试,试图常用结构:attempt to do sth. 试图/尝试/企图做某事The patient attempted to rise but fell back. 那个病人试着起身但倒下了。make an attempt to do sth. 试图/尝试做某事She made an attempt to cook the dinner. 她尝试着做这顿饭。make an attempt at (doing) sth. 试图做某事易混辨析:attempt: 常含有希望成功,但并不一定取得预

    27、期结果之意。try: 意为“尝试,试用”,含有通过各种方法,尽力把某事做好或达到目的之意。manage: 强调成功做成了某事。manage to do sth. = succeed in doing sth. 15. defend vt. 为边界,保卫,防护归纳拓展:defend sb./sth. from/against 保护某人(物)免遭Our duty is to defend the country against its enemies. 我们的职责是保卫国家不受敌人侵犯。defend yourself (against/from sth.) 为自己辩护,保护自己(免遭)Dont d

    28、efend yourself. 不要为自己辩护。16. in favor of 支持On the whole, Im in favor of the proposal. 总的来说,我赞成这个提议。归纳拓展:in memory of 为纪念in honor of 为纪念,为庆祝in search of 寻找in charge of 负责,主管in need of 需要,缺少in spite of 尽管,虽然17. concentrate on 集中精力于,全神贯注于Concentrate on the good things about the Internet. 专注于互联网的益处。常用结构:

    29、concentrate on/upon sth. 集中精力于,全神关注于concentrate ones attention/efforts/on 把注意力/精力/集中于concentrate oneself on 集中精力于18. pretend vt. 假装,装扮,谎称常用结构:pretend that 假装pretend to do sth. 假装做某事I dont pretend to know as much as he does about it. 我不会假装我对此事的了解有他那样多。pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事pretend to have d

    30、one sth. 假装已经做了某事pretend to be + n./adj. 假装19. respect v. & n. 尊敬,尊重常用结构:respect sb. / sth. for sth. (因某事物)尊敬或尊重某人/某事物We respect him for his wide range of knowledge. 他广博的只是让我们尊敬。respect oneself 自尊,自重send/give my to 带我向问好show/have respect for sb. 尊敬某人in respect of 关于,就而言20. turn up 出现,发生,开大(音量)归纳拓展:turn up 打开turn off 关掉turn down 拒绝,调小(音量)turn out 结果是,证明是turn over 翻过来,


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