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    1、英语英语阅读理解练习(英语)英语阅读理解练习一、阅读理解1阅读理解 Scrapbooking is a hobby. It was popular for more than 500 years. People called it a friendship book. They kept pictures, letters, poems and other things they wanted to remember.Today people collect many things in scrapbooks. Some people have funny collections, like

    2、the worlds most awkward ideas or pictures of the worlds most ugly dogs. Other people may collect stories about the bad weather.It is easy to get started. First, you should decide what you want to collect. Start with just one idea. Next, you will need a book with background paper, scissors and glue.

    3、You need the scissors to cut out the pictures or stories. You need the glue to stick them to the background paper.You can be busy and collect many things or lazy and collect few things. Itll be lots of fun to make your scrapbook and you can share it with your friends.(1)How long was scrapbooking pop

    4、ular? A.less than 500 yearsB.500 yearsC.over 500 yearsD.more than 550 years(2)What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word awkward? A.聪明的B.愚蠢的C.美妙的D.残疾的(3)How many items (物品) are mentioned to make a scrapbook? A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.(4)To make a scrapbook, what do you need first? A.Glue.B.

    5、Scissors.C.A book.D.An idea.(5)Whats the best title of the passage? A.ScrapbookingB.The History of ScrapbookingC.What Is a Scrapbook?D.How to make a Scrapbook【答案】 (1)C(2)B(3)C(4)D(5)A 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了剪粘书的通途,可以保存照片、信件、诗歌和其他他们想记住的东西。 (1)细节题。根 It was popular for more than 500 years可知它流行了500多年,故选C。 (2)词义猜测

    6、题。根据 pictures of the worlds most ugly dogs. Other people may collect stories about the bad weather 世界上最丑陋的狗的照片。其他人可能会收集坏天气的故事 可知awkward指愚蠢的,故选B。 (3)细节题。根据you will need a book with background paper, scissors and glue 你需要一本背景纸、剪刀和胶水的书可知3种物品被提到制作剪贴簿,故选C。 (4)细节题。根据 First, you should decide what you want

    7、 to collect. 可知要制作剪贴簿,你首先需要,故选D。 (5)主旨题。根据本文介绍了剪粘书的通途,可知 Scrapbooking适合做标题,故选A。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题,词义猜测题和主旨题四种常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案,词义猜测题需要根据上下文提炼相关信息锁定词意,主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。2阅读理解 Once there was an emperor. He had a beautiful garden. In the garden, there was a little nightingale(夜莺) singing very be

    8、autifully. One day, the emperor heard about this little birds beautiful voice. He asked his guards to bring her to him. When the emperor heard the nightingales voice, he said, Put her in a golden cage, so she can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her. The little bird was so unhappy about

    9、being kept in the cage that she stopped singing one day. The emperor was very angry. He ordered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for him. The bird could sing very beautifully too. The emperor was pleased. Soon the robot bird became old. It no longer sang beautiful songs. Just at tha

    10、t time, the emperor was ill and he became very weak. One morning, while lying in bed, the emperor wanted it to sing once again. But the robot bird could not sing any more. Suddenly, the nightingale landed on the window. She began to sing her most beautiful song. The emperor was very happy! He became

    11、 better and better each day. After the emperor was well, he changed a lot and became kind to his people. From then on, all his people cherished(爱戴) him for his love and kindness.(1)Why did the little bird stop singing? A.Because she was ill.B.Because she was not free.C.Because she was hungry.D.Becau

    12、se she was too excited.(2)What made the emperor become better and better? A.The robots beautiful voice.B.His mens voice.C.The little birds nice dance.D.The little birds beautiful song.(3)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A.A little nightingale lived in the emperors beautiful

    13、garden.B.The nightingale went on singing songs for the emperor after she was kept in a cage.C.One day, the robot bird was broken and it couldnt sing.D.The emperor gave up listening to songs after he got sick.(4)What can we learn from the passage? A.If we keep a bird, we can enjoy the beautiful songs

    14、.B.Dont make a robot because it can get broken easily.C.A bird can help people get away from illness.D.If we are kind to someone, he or she will be also kind to us.【答案】 (1)B(2)D(3)A(4)D 【解析】【分析】主要讲了国王因为小夜莺动听的歌声把小鸟关在笼子里,结果小鸟难过不再唱歌,国王让科学家做了一只机器小鸟,一天机器小鸟也不唱歌了,国王病了,原来的小鸟唱了最动听的歌,国王变得越来越好了,并且变得对他的人民友好了。 (

    15、1)细节题。根据The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped singing one day.可知小鸟被关在笼子里不高兴,所以停止唱歌,故选B。 (2)细节题。根据Suddenly, the nightingale landed on the window. She began to sing her most beautiful song. The emperor was very happy! He became better and better each day.可知小鸟动听的歌

    16、曲让国王好起来,故选D。 (3)细节题。根据In the garden, there was a little nightingale(夜莺) singing very beautifully.可知小夜莺住在花园里,故选A。 (4)细节题。根据全文可知国王在小夜莺的帮助下慢慢好起来,最终对人民友好,所以我们可以学到如果我们对他人友好,他人也会对我们友好,故选D。 【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。3阅读理解 Confidence is very important in daily life. It is helpful to develop a healthy a

    17、ttitude. If people are more confident, they are much happier. And they can have more chances to be successful. Here are some suggestions to be more confident. Speak loudly! When you are not confident, you cant do what you want to do well. You speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear

    18、 you. Try to speak loudly in order that people can hear you clearly. The high voice can help you become more confident. Play sports! Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed. A strong body helps you full of confidence. Encourage yourself! Write down a list of things you did during th

    19、e day to see how many things you have done well. Give yourself praise for the good things youve done. Keep a hobby! If you like drawing, draw as much as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you perfect. And it will make you happy and confident.(1)What does It mean in the first paragraph? A.Attitu

    20、de.B.Confidence.C.Happiness.D.Sadness.(2) can make you perfect, happy and confident. A.A hobbyB.SportsC.EncouragementD.Labour(3)What can make you tired but strong according to the passage? A.Travel.B.Exercise.C.Hobbies.D.Reading.(4)Which suggestion is NOT mentioned in the passage? A.Speak loudly.B.E

    21、ncourage yourself.C.Make progress.D.Keep a hobby.【答案】 (1)B(2)A(3)B(4)C 【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述信心的重要性,就如何提高信心给出了一些建议。 (1)词义猜测题。根据Confidence is very important in daily life. It is helpful to develop a healthy attitude.可知,信心在日常生活中很重要,它对发展健康的态度很有益。it在此处指代confidence,信心,故选B。 (2)细节题。根据a hobby can make you perfect.

    22、 And it will make you happy and confident.可知,爱好可以是你完美,it会使你开心自信,故选A。 (3)细节题。根据Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed.A strong body helps you full of confidence.可知,体育锻炼使你累但是强壮,故选B。 (4)细节题。文章提到了Speak loudly!Play sports! Encourage yourself!Keep a hobby!但是没提到Make progress,故选C。 【点评】考查阅读

    23、理解能力,细节题和词义猜测题是阅读理解题中常考题型。细节题要从文中寻找答案;词句猜测题需要联系上下文,推出词句的意思。4阅读理解 Chip was in the first grade when I arrived at his school as a counselor(辅导员). It was shocking to me that he was described as an angry, uncontrollable and evil(道德败坏的)boy. How could such a little boy, after being in school only one year,

    24、 be considered evil?Over the next several months, I came to know Chip well enough to see that he was neither evil nor uncontrollable. But, one day, Chip threw a chair at his teacher and was sent to my office. I asked him what made him do this. He replied that his teacher hated him. He felt there was

    25、 no way to ever get her to like him. I asked him if he would tell his teacher this. He nodded, and we called her into my office. When the teacher came, . He then said that he knew he was a very, very bad boy, and he didnt think anyone could ever like him. His teacher listened to him with heartfelt c

    26、ompassion. Then she gave him a big warm hug, telling him she didnt hate him at all and, actually, she cared very much about him. Only sometimes Chips behaviour really scared her. It was clear to both Chip and me that she really meant it. I put my left arm on his shoulders and the right hand on his h

    27、eart. I told him how wonderful and lovely I saw him to be. I praised how special and brave he was to express his hurt feelings. As I was speaking to him, his whole body came to rest on my right hand next to his heart. It was a moment in time unlike anything I had experienced before. From then on, Im

    28、 pleased to see his behaviour improved through the rest of school years. A childs mind is clear and sensitive(敏感的). He receives whatever others say without protection. It is as easy to consider someone hopeless as it is to consider him able in his own special way.(1)The first paragraph mainly tells

    29、us . A.Chip was very popular at schoolB.the teacher didnt care about Chip at allC.Chip had no way to get others to like himD.the writer thought differently about Chip(2)Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in the passage? A.she couldnt control her feelingsB.I advised her to b


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