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    1、高考英语语法精讲精练专题十二非谓语动词2019-2020年高考英语语法精讲精练专题十二非谓语动词非谓语动词是高考必考点,2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲附录语法项目表中对非谓语动词列了三项:动词不定式、动名词和分词(包括现在分词和过去分词)。 2015年高考全国卷第68题和70题(语法填空)分别考查了过去分词conducted和现在分词living做后置定语。2016年高考全国卷第66题和67题(语法填空)分别考查了过去分词表示被动和动名词做宾语。2017年高考全国卷第63题和68题(语法填空)分别考查了动词不定式做宾补和动名词做宾语。非谓语动词包括动词不定式、动名词和分词,其中分词

    2、又包括现在分词和过去分词。 非谓语动词可以充当除了谓语之外的其他成分,如下表: 主语宾语表语定语状语补语不定式动名词分 词动词不定式一、动词不定式的形式主动被动一般式to do to be done否定式not to donot to be done完成时to have doneto have been done进行式to be doing无2、动词不定式的用法 动词不定式可以充当谓语之外的所有句子成分,动词不定式可以带宾语或状语构成不定式短语,没有人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化。 1作主语 (1)动词不定式作主语,一般表示具体的某次动作,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:To see is t

    3、o believe.To master English is of great importance. (2)不定式或不定式短语作主语时,常用it作形式主语,构成“It is + adj+for sb.+to do”结构,或It is +adj+for sth +to be done。例如:It is impossible for him to give up smoking. It is not easy to find your way in the mountain.It is difficult for the problem to be solved.It is impossible

    4、 for my question to be answered in his absence.2.作宾语 (1)动词不定式作宾语时,常跟在某些及物动词后面,常见的有:agree,dare,decide,expect,help,hope,learn,manage,offer,pretend,promise,refuse,want, intend, fail, wish, choose等。例如:I mean to go there at once.We must learn to tell friends from enemies. (2)不定式短语作宾语时,如果还带有宾语补足语,往往把不定式短语

    5、放在宾补之后,而用it作形式宾语。句型为“主语+find (feel, think, believe, consider,etc) +it+形容词/名词+to do sth”。例如:I think it necessary to report the thing to the teacher.I find it interesting to work with him. (3)动词不定式还可以用作介词except、but和besides的宾语,如果介词前为动词do的某种形式,则后面接不带to的不定式,否则带to。cannot choose but、cannot help but和cannot

    6、but后的不定式也省略to。常用句型有:There is nothing to do but+do 例如:There is nothing to do but wait.do nothing but/except+do 例如:We can do nothing but wait.cannot help/choose but+do 例如:We cannot choose but wait.have no choice but to do 例如:We have no choice but to wait.3作表语 动词不定式作表语,常放在系动词之后,表示将来的动作,主语常常是表示意向、打算、计划的

    7、词,如wish,task,purpose,duty,job等。例如:To teach is to learn.My job is to help the patient.【注意】如果在主语中(通常在主语从句或修饰主语的定语从句中)有实义动词do时,作表语的动词不定式省略to。例如:All I want to do now (What I want to do now) is fill my stomach.4.作定语 不定式可以放在名词、代词、序数词、the only和形容词最高级等后面作定语。常被不定式修饰的名词有:chance,need,promise,time,opportunity,w

    8、ay等。不定式常表示将来的动作。(1)不定式与被修饰的名词往往构成逻辑上的关系。如果不定式与该句的主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系,则不定式用主动形式;如果不定式与该句的主语不构成逻辑上的主谓关系,则不定式用被动形式。例如:He is not a man to tell lies.There will not be enough space to stand in on the earth. - I will go home tomorrow,do you have anything to be taken to your parents? -No,thanks.(2)作定语的不定式与所修饰的名词之间

    9、是动宾关系, 而且不定式动词又是不及物动词时,应在该动词上加上一个介词。例如:He has a nice pen to write with.He is looking for a room to live in.It is said that the best way to travel by is on foot.5作状语 不定式作状语时,可表示目的、原因、结果或条件。例如:Im very glad to hear the news. (原因)不定式作目的状语时,常可构成in order to, so as to 例如:He got up early so as not to be lat

    10、e. 不定式可以跟在表语的形容词之后作状语。例如:The question is difficult to answer.有些不定式短语可以做独立成份,通常放在句首,有时置于句中或句未,须用逗号的开,如:to begin with,to be honest,to tell you the truth等。例如:To be honest,my English is poor. 不定式作结果状语常用如下句型:Too + 形容词/副词 + to do sth 例如:He is too young to go to school.形容词/副词 + enough + to do sth 例如:He is

    11、old enough to dress himself.enough+名词 +to do sth 例如:I have enough money to buy a car.such +(形容词)名词 +as to do sth 例如:He is such a clever boy as to work out the question quickly.so + 形容词/副词 + as to do sth 例如:He is so clever a boy as to work out the question quickly.【注意】不定式作状语,其逻辑主语与句子主语必须一致。【注意】不定式可以放

    12、在only后面表示未曾预料的结果。例如:He hurried to the railway station,only to find that the train had left.I got to his house ,only to be told that he wasnt in.6.作补语(宾语补足语和主语补足语),有两种情况:(1)接带to的不定式作宾语补足语,这类动词或动词短语有:ask, tell, invite, force, get, beg, allow, help, wish, want, like, hate, prefer, expect, encourage, ad

    13、vise, persuade, instruct, permit, request, order, warn, cause, urge, call on, depend on, long for, wait for等,构成V+sb.+to do结构。例如:I didnt mean you to hear it.We are longing for the new term to begin. (2)在感官动词(see, hear, feel, listen to , notice, watch, observe等)和使役动词(let, have,make )后的补足语中,不定式不带to。但这类

    14、句子变成被动语态时,必须带to。(注意:let, have不用于被动语态)例如:I saw him play in the park.He was seen to play in the park.The boss made those men work day and night.Those men were made to work day and night. 注意:tell、advise等动词后面可以接“连接代词或连接副词+to do”作宾语补足语。例如:You did not tell me how to pronounce the word. 动名词主动语态被动语态一般式doing

    15、being done完成式having donehaving been done否定式not doingnot having donenot being donenot having been done动名词的基本形式是由动词末尾加-ing形式构成,动名词具有动词和名词的特点:动词的特点体现在它可以有自己的宾语、状语和补足语,有时态和语态的变化;名词的特点体现在它可以作主语、宾语、表语和定语。一、动名词的时态、语态和否定形式 动名词的时态有一般式和完成式;语态有主动和语态和被动语态;动名词的否定式是直接在其前面加上not。以do为例,列表说明如下:1、动名词的时态。动名词的一般式表示的动作通常

    16、是一般性的动作,即不是明确地发生在过去、现在或将来的动作,或者是与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生的动作;完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。例如:I am interested in playing basketball.He didnt mention having met you at the meeting.2、动名词的语态。如果句子的主语是该动名词动作的承受者,即句子的主语与动名词构成逻辑上的动宾关系,则动名词要用被动形式。例如:She didnt mind being left at home.(句子的主语she与动词leave构成动宾关系,且动作基本同时发生。)I fo

    17、rgot having been told about it. (句子的主语I与动词tell构成动宾关系,且动作已经完成。)二、动名词的语法功能1.作主语:动名词做主语可以放在句首,有时候也可以用it做形式主语,常常构成一些固定句型,如:Its a waste of time doing.;Its no use/good doing.例如:Teaching is my full-time job.Writing an English composition is not easy. Its a waste of time arguing with him.Its no use taking t

    18、his kind of medicine.2.作宾语: (1)作动词的宾语。只接动名词作宾语的常见动词有:resist、mind、suggest、delay、keep、look forward to、enjoy、include、appreciate、imagine、practice、finish、succeed in、consider、cant help、miss等。例如:I have just finished doing my home work. I suggested asking his brother for some money.He keeps buying expensive

    19、 maps. 【注意】以下几个动词或短语后面跟动名词作宾语和跟动词不定式作宾语意义不同:mean,remember,stop,forget,regret,try,go on。forgetregrettrygo onremembermean to do sth.停下来去做某事 stop doing sth.停止做某事例如:Please stop talking.Lets stop to have a rest.I regret telling him the secret.I regret to tell you that you have missed the exam. (2)作介词的宾语,

    20、常用于固定短语和句型中。如:be/get used to,devote.to.,look forward to,pay attention to,get down to,think of,be proud of,prevent.from.,keep.from.,be engaged in,feel like以及have some/no/any difficulty(trouble) in, have fun(pleasure) in, have a good(hard) time,there is no need/use/good/harm/hurry(in)等。例如:We are think

    21、ing of making a new plan for the next term.There is no need arguing with him.3.作表语:动名词作表语时,句子的主语常常是表示无生命的名词或what引导的名词性从句。作表语的动名词与主语通常是对等关系,表示主语的内容,主语与表语可互换位置。例如:My job is teaching. = Teaching is my job.Her full-time job is laying eggs. =Laying eggs is her full-time job.What I hate most is being laug

    22、hed at.4.作定语:动名词作定语表示性质或用途。a washing machine a machine for washinga swimming pool a pool for swimming 分词(现在分词和过去分词)过去分词只有一种形式,即done,没有其他变化形式,而现在分词有时态和语态的变化。如下表所示(以do为例)。分词的语法功能: 及 物 动 词不及物动词主 动被 动主 动一般式doing being done doing 完成式having donehaving been donehaving done1. 作定语:现在分词作定语,可以表示名词的用途,也可以表示主动意义

    23、或正在进行的动作或当时的状态,此时现在分词在意义上相当于一个定语从句。过去分词作定语表示被动或完成。一般而言,单个的分词作定语要放在被修饰词之前,分词短语作定语放在被修饰词之后。例如: a developing country a country which is developing a sleeping boy a boy who is sleepingThe man standing at the window is our teacher.Polluted air and water are harmful to peoples health.The building built la

    24、st year was a hospital.The meeting being held now is very important. 【注意】如果两个动词有先后,一般不能用现在分词作定语,而用定语从句,即现在分词的完成主动式having done以及完成被动式having been done不能作定语。如,我们不能说:I have heard of the accident having happened yesterday.而是用定语从句代替:I have heard of the accident that happened yesterday.再如,我们不能说:I didnt fin

    25、d my wallet having been stolen.而用定语从句:I didnt find my wallet which had been stolen.2. 作状语:现在分词作状语。表时间、原因、条件、结果、伴随(方式)等。 特点:1.分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语须与句子的主语一致. 2. 表示时间关系的分词短语有时可由连词while 或when 引导。3.如果主语不一致,要采用独立主格结构。现在分词的一般式doing和完成主动式having done作状语时,与句子的主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系。doing表示的动作和句子的谓语动词所表示的动作基本同时发生或现在分词的动作正在发生;h

    26、aving done则表示其动作先于句子的谓语动词的动作发生。例如:Hearing the bell,the students entered the classroom.(时间)Hearing the cry for help, he rushed out.(时间)While reading the book, he nodded from time to time.(时间)Having finished his work,he went home.(时间)Seeing from the hill, you can get the whole town.(条件)Not having rece

    27、ived an answer,he decided to write another letter.(原因)The students ran out of the classroom, talking and laughing .(伴随)Football is played all around the world, making it the most popular sport.(结果) 过去分词done和现在分词的完成被动式having been done作状语时,与句子的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系。而且表示的动作在句子的谓语动词之前就已经发生。例如:Given(=Having been

    28、given)a wrong number,I couldnt contact him over the phone.(原因)Having been warned many times,they became more and more careful in doing the job.(时间)Seen from the hill, the whole town is beautiful.(条件)Not satisfied with the result, we decided to do the experiment again.(原因)He entered the room,followed

    29、 by his girlfriend .(伴随)If allowed, he would eat all the food in the house.(条件)【注意】分词作状语时,如果分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致,则通常在它前面加上它的主语构成独立主格结构,即“n. + -ed/-ing”。(非谓语动词及其短语前面带有逻辑主语,逻辑主语的代词又是主格,故常称为“独立主格”。)例如:Her work finished(=After her work had been finished), she sat down for a cup of tea.There being no taxis(=

    30、Because there was no taxis), we had to walk.Weather permitting (=If weather permits), they will go on an outing tomorrow.An important lecture to be given tomorrow (=Because an important lecture will be given tomorrow), the professor has to stay up late into the night.He was lying on the grass,his ha

    31、nds crossed under his head(=and his hands were crossed under his head)有时也用with(without)+名词(或代词宾格)+分词的结构表示伴随状况的独立主格结构。例如:He fell asleep with the lamp burning.补充:其他形式的独立主格结构(n. +不定式; n. +介词短语; n. +形容词; n. +副词)例如:He is going to make a model plane, some old parts to help.The boy goes to the classroom,book in ha


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