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    1、丽声拼读故事会英文161-1 Top CatI am top cat.Am I top cat?I am! I am!I am top cat.Am I top cat?I am! I am!Pop!Am I top cat?1-2 Sam“s PotTom got a pot.Pam got a pot.Sam got a pot.Pat, pat, pat!Tap, tap, tap!Tap, tap, tap!Tom got a mop!1-3 Bob BugBob is a bug.Bob Bug has a mum.His mum is big.Bob has a dad.His d

    2、ad is fit.Bob has a cup.It has a lid.Sip, sip, sip!Bob has a cot.His cot has a rug.Mum! Dad!A big bad rat!Bob bug has a hug.1-4 Dig, Dig, Dig!Dig, dig, dig!Tim and his dog had fun.Dig, dig, dig!Tim dug up a lot jof mud.Dig, dig, dig!His dog dug up a rag.Dig, dig, dig!Tim dug up a bus.Dig, dig, dig!A

    3、 lid!Dig, dig, dig!A big tin!And in it.lots of bugs!1-5 Sam“s PotSit, Zak, Sit!Zak did not sit. Zak ran.Sit, Zak. Sit!Zak ran and ran!Zak ran in the fog.A red van hit him.Jen and Zak went to the vet.Zak had a bad cut.He had to get a job.Will Zak get better?Yes.Zak did get better.wag.wag.wag1-6 Mum B

    4、ug“s BagMum Bug has a red bag.The bag has a zip.Mum can fit a pen in her bag.Mum can fit a pen and a fan in her bag.Mum can fit a penand a fanand a bun in her bag.Mum can fit a penand a fanand a bunand a pot of jam in her bag.Mum has a hole in her bag!The penand the fanand the bunand the jam get wet

    5、.Yak!Mum Bug gets a big bag.2-1 The Odd PetKim has a cat.Jim has a dog.But Viv has an odd pet.It is a zog! Not a cat, notThe zog is fat. It has tenIt can run and hop.It can sit and beg.The zog has lots of eggs!The zog sits on the eggs.It sits and sits.Tap, tap, tap!Tap, tap, tap!Lots of zogs!Can I h

    6、ave a zog?Yes, but not yet.Can I have a zog?Yes, but not yet.Now Kim has a cat and a zogJim has a dog and a zog.And viv has ten zogs!2-2 Miss MissBuzz off, Bill!I will tell Miss Hill!Miss! Miss! Bill has got myBuzz Off, Bill!Miss! Miss! Bill has got myBuzz Off, Bill!Miss! Miss! Bill has got myBuzz O

    7、ff, Bill!Miss! Miss! Bill has got myBuzz Off, Bill!Miss! Miss! Bill is in a meBrrrrrrrrrrrr!Yes! The bell!Miss Hill gets on the bus.Miss Hill gets off the bus.Buzz off, Ross!Mum! Mum! Ross has got my d2-3 This and ThatThis is Mr Chan“s shop.Mr Chan sells pens, pads anTim is in Mr Chan“s shop.Can I h

    8、ave that pen?Yes, Tim.This is Miss Thin“s shop.Miss Thin sells eggs, nutsTim is in Miss Thin“s shop.Can I have some carrots?Yes, Tim.This is Mrs Ship“s shop.Mrs Ship sells jugs, shellsTim is in Mrs Ship“s shop.Can I have this shell and tYes, Tim.This is Tim“s rabbit!2-4 Fish andChipsThis is Ron Rabb

    9、it.Ron has a job in a fish andThis fish is too hot!This fish is not hot!Cut up this fish!Fill up this cup!Whizz, whizz!Whizz, whizz!When will my fish come?Which is my fish?This is too much fish!Whizz, whizz!Whizz, whizz!I“m fed up with this job!This fish is too fat!This chip is too thin!This salad i

    10、s too wet!This bill is too much!This shop is shut!2-5 Singing DadDad is a singer.He sings all day long.Song, after song,after song, after song!He sings to the catand he sings to the dog.He sings in the sunand he sings in the fog.He sings in the shopsand he sings in the shed.He sings in the busand he

    11、 sings in his bed.He sings when he“s fishing.He sings when he jogs.He sings when he“s diggingand chopping up logs.Mum tells Dad off.“I“m fed up with that song.Mum never sings.but she hums all day long!2-6 Doctor DuckBob bug was in his cot.“Get up, Bob,“ said Dad.But Bob did not get up.“I am hot!“ he

    12、 said.“Bob is sick!“ said Mum.“Quick! I will ring Doctor“Mum is a fusspot,“ said DaMum Bug rang Doctor Duck.“Come quick!“ she said, “Bo“Quack, quack!“ said DoctorHe got his box of pills.“I will mix this pill up wi“Sip this,“ said Doctor Duc“Yuk,“ said Bob, but he had“Quack, quack!“ said Doctor“I wil

    13、l come back in six daWhen Doctor Duck came back,Bob was hopping and singingBut Dad Bug was in bed.“I am hot! I am sick!“ he s“Bad luck, Dad,“ said Mum.“Dad is a fusspot!“ said Bo3-1 The Big MatchHere come the fans.Here come the six ducks.Here come the six foxes.The duck fans quack.Ducks! Ducks! Duck

    14、s!The fox fans sing.Foxes! Foxes! Foxes!The ref rings a bell. The match has begun!The foxes and ducks kick the ball.Rick Duck gets the ball in.Yes!Max Fox gets the ball in.Yes!The ducks get the ball.Max Fox kicks Rick Duck!The duck fans quack.Get him off!The ref rings his bell.Get off, Max!Rick Duck

    15、 gets the ball in!Yes!The duck fans quack and sing.Up with Rick!The ducks win the match.3-2 The Shopping listYasmin and Dad went to the bank.Next, they went shopping.Yasmin held the shopping list.Yasmin and Dad went to a big shop.They got in the lift.A man got in with them.I like this pink belt.I li

    16、ke this golf ball.This is the best lamp.That cost a lot!Yasmin and Dad got back in the lift.The man got in with them.Yasmin and Dad went back home.Let“s unpack the shopping.A vest!Milk!A pump!That“s odd!3-3 Gran is crossThe twins go to visit Gran.Flick brings a pram.Fred brings his frog.Gran is on t

    17、he steps.Hello, Gran.Gran has a blck cat.Hello, Spot.Gran gets the twins a snack.Flick spills her drink on the cloth.Gran is cross.Fred drops his sandwich in the pram.Gran is cross.But spot the cat is glad.The frog jumps in the jam.Fred grabs him.Smash!Gran is cross.The frog jumps and jumps.Spot run

    18、s and runs.The frog jumps on the clock.Gran is cross.Stop!At the end of the day the twins go home.Gran is glad.The twins are glad.But Spot is sad.3-4 The trunk and the skunkI am a mammoth.I have big, thick legs.I can stamp on things.Stamp, tramp, crash!I have long tusks.I can dig with them.And I hav

    19、e a long trunk.I can do lots of things with my trunk.I can pick things up.I can lift things.I can drink.I can slosh my mum and dad!Stop that!And I can smell things with my trunk.I can smell good things.Sniff, sniff! Bananas!And I can smell bad things.Sniff, sniff! A skunk!This skunk stinks!I will sl

    20、osh him!Help!Slosh! That will get rid of the smell.Sniff, sniff.Oh no!The skunk still smells of skunk.3-5 The scrap rocketRon Rabbit is collecting things.Ron collects a tin, a tap,a pot and a lid.Ron collects a plug, a plank and a pump.Next, Ron collects a spring,a strap and lots of string.Clink cli

    21、nk!Bang bang!Prod prod!Twist twist!Crank crank!It“s a rocket!Lift-off!This is a thrill!But then.Splash!It“s not a rocket.It“s a submarine!3-6 Splash and SquelchWe like to swing.We like to whizz and spin.We like to yell in tunnels.We like to splish, splash and splosh.We like to run in the sun and dig

    22、 in the sand.We like to squelch in the mud and stamp on the twigs.We like to jump off a log and hit a stump with a stick.We like to hop like frogs and spring like squirrels.And when we get home.We like to flop.4-1 Queen Anneenas Feast.Queen Anneena had a feast.Fifteen queens came to the feast.Queen

    23、Jean had heaps of meat.Queen Nelly had heaps of jelly.But Queen Teeny Weeny did not eat.“Have some peas and beans,“ said Queen Jean.“No,“ said Queen Teeny Weeny.“Have some jelly and cream,“ said Queen Nelly.“No,“ said Queen Teeny Weeny.“What do you want to eat then?“ said Queen Anneena.“One green le

    24、af,“ said Queen Teeny Weeny.But was not a leaf to be seen!Queen Anneena sent King Kareem to the shop.He came back with one green leaf.Queen Anneena was happy to see Queen Teeny Weeny eat the leaf.“Do you want some tea and a sweet?“ she said.“No,“ said Queen Teeny Weeny.“I am going home to clean my t

    25、eeth.“4-2 Spike saysSpike is five.Spike says he can run for miles and miles.Spike says he has nine bikes.Spike says he can dive.He says he wins prizes for diving.Spike says he can drive.He says he wins prizes for driving.Spike says he can fight fires and feed wild lions.Spike says his mum is a spyan

    26、d his dad rides a crocodile.Spike says he can fly.He says he eats a pie in the sky every night.Spike says that he never, ever tells a lie.4-3 The wrong kind of knightNasim was a knight.But he didn“t like to ride and he didn“t like to fight.Nasim liked to read and write, and he liked to knit.One nigh

    27、t, there was a knock at the door.“I need you to fight a dragon!“ cried King Kareem.“But I“m the wrong kind of knight!“ said Nasim.“I don“t like fighting!“Never mind!“ cried the king.“Hurry up!“The dragon is in my bed!“ said the king.Nasim“s knees were knocking.He lifted the blanked and saw.a tiny dr

    28、agon.The dragon“s knees were knocking too.“I“m freezing,“ he said.“Fight him!“ cried the king.“No. I“m the wrong kind of knight,“ said Nasim,and he began to knit.Nasim was very quick at knitting.He knitted a vest, some socks and some long knickers.The dragon was delighted.“Thank you!“ he said, and o

    29、ff he went.“I think you were the right kind of knight!“ said the king.4-4 Moan moan moanMy goldfish never moans at me.She never says,“Don“t climb that tree.“She never tells me,“Don“t throw stones.“But Mum just moans and moans and moans.Don“t dig holes.Don“t pick that rose.Don“t untie your sister“s b

    30、ows.Hang that coat up.Dry that bowl.Don“t mix jam with soap and coal.Come on, slowcoach, hurry up.Eat that toast.Don“t drop that cup.Fold those clothes up.Blow your nose.Did you dry between your toes?Hold my hand to cross the road.Don“t eat that - you might explode!Go to bed.Don“t suck your thumb.I wish my goldfish was my mum.4-5 The snake and the drakeA duck and a drake had a nest by a lake.One rainy day, a snake came to the nest.The duck got away but


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