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    1、考研英语作文范文职业道德22019考研英语作文范文“职业道德”(2)导读:本文 2019考研英语作文范文“职业道德”(2),仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。导语】不积跬步,无以至千里,不积小流,无以成江海。马上就要考研了,整理为大家整理了2019考研英语作文范文,提高自己的知识储备,为考试加分!希望广大考生能取得好成绩。职业道德_娱乐界的道德规范 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefl

    2、y,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your comments.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.范文:When answering the question of how to be a good actor, those from the 30s held the principle that one needed to learn how to be a man of integrity before acting, and those from the 60s thought it w

    3、as most important to learn from life, while contemporary actors believe that the decisive factors include a pretty face and being good at publicity.From the picture, we can see clearly that the ethics of the entertainment circles have gone through a tremendous transformation since the 1930s. No doub

    4、t, the artist aims at criticizing this abnormal phenomena in the entertainment industry. It is quite surprising that currently, many actors and actresses do not earn their fame through hard work but scandals, particularly sexual ones. Acting ability is no longer the most important determinant of an

    5、actors success, which has been replaced by personal appearance, figure, fashion, and other factorsall of which are superficial elements.Such a trend is definitely detrimental to long-range development of the industry and the actors personality. The vogue may be translated into negatively impact on t

    6、he young generation which composes a large portion of groupies. In my opinion, it is the common responsibility of government and the whole society to restore ethos of the 30s and 60s into the entertainment circles.译文:当回答如何做一个好演员这个问题的时候,三十年代的演员坚持“先学做人,再学做事”的原则,六十年代的演员认为应该“深入生活、提高修养”,而现在的演员则认为关键的因素在于“

    7、漂亮脸蛋、善于炒作”从这幅图中,我们可以清楚地看到娱乐界的道德规范自从上个世纪30年代以来经历了巨大的变化。毫无疑问,画图者意在批评一个发生在娱乐圈的不正常现象。令人惊讶的是,现在许多演员不是通过努力工作来赢得名声,而是通过各种丑闻尤其是性丑闻。此外,演技不再是一个演员取得成功的重要决定因素,而是演员个人的外表、身材、时尚等,这些都是很肤浅的因素。但是,这种趋势必然会对娱乐业和演员的个性发展产生长期的不利影响。而且这种风气可能会影响到年轻一代,他们大多都是明星的崇拜者。我认为,政府和社会应该共同承担起责任,使得30年代和60年代的风气重新回到演艺界。闪光词汇及词组:principle: n.

    8、原则integrity: n. 正直contemporary: adj. 当代的decisive: adj. 决定性的publicity: n. 媒体炒作ethics: n. 道德规范entertainment circle: n. 娱乐界go through: 经历criticize: v. 批评abnormal: adj. 不正常的,反常的scandal: n. 绯闻determinant: n. 决定因素replace: 替代figure: n. 身材vogue: n. 风气,时尚be translated into: 把转变成compose: v. 组成portion: n. 部分et

    9、hos: n. 道义,风气万能句型:From the picture, we can see clearly thatNo doubt, the artist aims atSuch a trend is definitely detrimental to a long-range development of职业道德_工地上的分秒必争(7) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) ex

    10、plain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.范文:Traditional wisdom has it that slow and careful work yields perfect results. But nowadays many companies force workers to finish their tasks as fast as they can, even by lengthening the working hour

    11、s. As is shown in the picture, workers in a construction site have to keep on working untilmidnight.Such a practice is very harmful. First, it cannot ensure the quality of the project. Overworking makes workers feel exhausted, some of whom might be absent-minded and fail to fulfill their tasks with

    12、adequate energy. Second, workers are not provided with satisfying working conditions. In the picture we find no lights or other facilities for lighting, and the workers work by the moonlight and thus are very likely to have accident. Thirdly, it goes against Chinas Labor Code which prohibits employe

    13、rs from forcing workers to work more than eight hours per day without overtime pay.Therefore, we have every reason to take immediate measures against this negative practice. The government should strictly enforce the Labor Code, as well as take workers rights into serious consideration. Working cond

    14、itions should also be improved so as to prevent workers getting physical injuries or harm. Only by these means can we avoid producing poor-quality products and maintain worker health.译文:老人们经常说,慢工出细活。但是现在很多公司都迫使工人尽快完成他们的任务,即使是通过延长工作时间来完成。就像这幅图中所显示的那样,一个建筑工地的工人们不得不工作到深夜。这种做法是非常有害的。首先,这不能保证工程的质量。过度的工作量

    15、使工人们精疲力竭,他们可能变得工作时心不在焉、无法用足够的精力来完成任务。第二,工人们也没有得到令人满意的工作环境。在图中还没任何灯光和其他照明设施,工人们就着月光工作,因此很容易发生危险。第三,这种做法也违反了中国的劳动法,该法律禁止雇主迫使工人工作超过八小时而不支付加班费。因此,我们有足够的理由尽快采取措施来治理这种不好的做法。一方面,政府应该严格执行劳动法,并认真考虑工人们的权利。另一方面,应该通过改进工作环境防止对工人们造成身体上的伤害。只有通过这些方式,我们才能防止造成低质量的工程,并保持工人们的健康。闪光词汇及词组:lengthen: v. 延长,使变长construction s

    16、ite: 建筑工地exhausted: adj. 精疲力竭的absent-minded: adj. 心不在焉的adequate: adj. 适当的,足够的be likely to: 很可能prohibit: v. 禁止overtime pay: 加班费means: n. 方式,方法万能句型:Traditional wisdom has it that slow and careful work yields perfect results.Such a practice is very harmful.Therefore, we have every reason to take immedi

    17、ate measures against this negative practice.职业道德_“忧”质产品Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) suggest counter-measures.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.“忧”质产品范文:The above

    18、picture features a man who is quite bothered and dissatisfied with his new toothbrush, which is of poor quality. As the caption indicates, the toothbrush is not a product of good attributes, but of unsatisfactory ones. We can also guess that such a toothbrush may hurt the mans teeth as well as his m

    19、ood, inconveniencing him greatly.It is more than clear on this occasion that the cartoonist wishes to draw more attention to the problem of poor-quality products prevailing in our society. The harm of such a phenomenon is self-evident. On themicro level, consumers are vastly hurt by these products,

    20、which might even be life-threatening. On the macro level, if low-quality products continue to spread, they will damage the normal function and operation of a healthy market economy.Therefore, I strongly contend that immediate measures be adopted to address the quandary. First and foremost, the gover

    21、nment should make relevant regulations so as to severely punish manufacturers of poor products. Secondly, Consumer Association and other legal procedure should be further smoothed so that consumers possess the right channel to report related issues. Last but not least, enterprises and companies shou

    22、ld enhance their awareness of the importance of proceeding excellent commodities.译文:上图画出了一个男人对于他的新牙刷感到十分不满和烦恼,因为该牙刷的质量太差。正如标题所示,这支牙刷并不是优质产品,而是“忧”质产品。我们可以猜到这支牙刷不仅可能伤害这个人的牙齿,也破坏了他的心情,给他带来了很多不便。很清楚,作图者希望更多的人关注社会上泛滥的低质量产品的问题。这种现象的害处是不言自明的。从微观角度看,这类产品会极大地伤害消费者的利益,甚至可能威胁到他们的生命。从宏观角度看,如果低质量的产品继续传播到我们社会的每一个

    23、角落,就会破坏健康市场经济的正常功能和运行。因此,我强烈建议必须要采取紧急的措施来处理这个问题。首先,政府应该制定相关法规,严惩造假者。其次,健全消费者协会和其他的诉讼机制,以便消费者能够有一个顺畅的渠道来报告类似事件。最后,企业和公司要提高对生产优质产品重要性的认识。闪光词汇及词组:bother: v. 烦扰、打扰caption: n. 标题attribute: n. 特点、特征mood: n. 心情、情绪prevailing: adj. 流行的self-evident: adj. 不言而喻的,不证自明的vastly: adv. 广大地,很大程度上life-threatening: v. 威

    24、胁生命的spread: v. 传播quandary: n. 困境smooth: v. 使顺利channel: n. 渠道万能句型:The above picture featuresIt is more than clear on this occasion that the cartoonist wishes to draw more attention to the problem ofOn the micro levelOn the macro levelTherefore, I strongly contend that immediate measures be adopted to address quandary.


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