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    1、高中英语状语从句讲解汇总在句子中起状语作用的从句叫状语从句。状语从句可位于主句之前,也可位于主句之后。状语从句可以分为时间状语从句、地点状语从句、条件状语从句、让步状语从句、原因状语从句、目的状语从句、结果状语从句、方式状语从句、比较状语从句等。一,方式状语从句引导状语从句的连词和词组有:as,as if,as though等。留意:as if/though从句经常用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反。She always talked to me as if she were mysister.有时从句也可用称述语气,表示所说情况是事实或实现的可能性较大。He treats me as if I am

    2、 a stranger.从句有时可以省略某些成分。The wounded soldier cried as(he were)in great pain.as if/though也可以引导表语从句。.When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it_.N95A.breaks B.was broken C.were broken D.had been broken【简析】当as if引导虚拟语气的句子时,假如主句与从句的谓语动词同时发生,从句用一般过往时;假如从句谓语动词发生在主句谓语动词之前,从句用过往完成时。该题主句与

    3、从句的谓语动词同时发生,表示与现在事实相反,故答案为C。二,比较状语从句引导比较状语从句的连词和词组有:than, asas, not soas, the+比较级, the+比较级等A hare can walk faster than a tortoise runs.She is as tall as her mother (is).留意:有时在than从句中,若有省略,所使用的代词的格不同,含义不同。She respects him more than I.她比我更尊敬他。She respects him more than me.她尊敬他甚于尊敬我。比较while, when, as 1

    4、)as, when (正当)引导短暂性动作的动词。例如: Just as / Just when / When I stopped my car, a man came up to me. 我一刹车,有一个人向我走来。 下。 2)从句表示随时间推移连词能用as,不用when 或while。例如: As the day went on, the weather got worse.日子一天天过去,天气越变越坏。 A, 形容词和限定动词连用时的比较Its darker today than it was yesterday 今天比昨天天色昏暗。 He doesnt pay as much tax

    5、as we doas us 他没我们交的税款多。 He spends more than he earns 他花的比挣的多。 注意:that形容词是一种口语形式,表示“那么”: Will it cost100? No,it wont cost as much as(all)thatIt wont be(all)that expensiveIt wont be as expensive as that 要花100英镑吗? 不,花不了那么多。没那么贵。 that形容词结构有时用于口语中表示very(很)的意思。 B, 副词和限定动词连用时的比较 He didnt play as well as w

    6、e expectedas well as you(did) 他打得不如我们预料的好你打得好。 He sings more loudly than anyone Ive ever heardthan anyone else (does) 他唱得比我听到的任何人唱得都响比任何人都声音响。 You work harder than he doesthan himthan I did at your age 你比他干得卖劲我在你这个年龄时干得卖劲。 C 形容词和不定式或动名词连用时的比较: 通常两者都可使用,但动词不定式常常用于特定的动作,动名词则用于一般情况 Its sometimes as che

    7、ap to buy a new one as(it is)(to)repair the old one Buying a new one is sometimes as cheap as repairing the old one 有时买一个新的跟修理旧的一样便宜。 He found that lying on the beach was just as boring as sitting in his office He found lying on the beach just as boring as sitting in his office. 他发现躺在沙滩上和坐在办公室里一样没趣烦

    8、人。 He thinks it(is)safer to drive himself than(to)let me drive He thinks that driving himself is safer than letting me drive 他认为自己开车要比让我开车更安全些。 D,上面C所述的这种比较句式中,如asthan前面用的是动词原形,则常在asthan后面用动词原形而不用动名词。与此相同,如asthan前面用的是动名词,则在其后面一般也使用动名词,而不用动词原形,见前面的例子。位于asthan之前的限定动词thisthatwhich后面多跟动名词,虽也可跟动词不定式: Ill

    9、 deliver it by hand;this will be cheaper than posting it 我自己送过去,这样比邮寄要便宜。 He cleaned his shoes,which was better than doing nothing 他把自己的鞋擦了,这总比无事可做好。 E,动词原形与would rathersooner连用Most people would rather work than starve 多数人宁可工作也不愿挨饿。 I would resign rather than accept him as a partner 我宁可辞职也不愿接受他为合伙人。

    10、 三,引导时间状语从句的连词和词组有:引导时间状语从句的连词和词组有:when,while,as(与同 时), before,whenever,since(自从),once,till,until,immediately,as soon as, the moment,every time, after,by the time, hardlywhen(一就),no soonerthan等。Some one called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _I could answer the phone.N2000A.asB.si

    11、nceC.untilD.before【简析】有人半夜给我打电话,但是我还未来得及接,电话便挂断了。可见答案为D,before含义为“在之前”。2.Why do you want a new job_youve got such a good one already?N98 A.thatB.whereC.whichD.when【简析】答案为D。此处when引导一个时间状语从句,其含义为“既然”,相当于since。该句句意为:既然你已有了这样一份好工作,为什么还想要一份新工作呢?3.Im going to the post office._youre there,can you get me so

    12、me stamps?N99A.AsB.WhileC.BecauseD.If【简析】根据上下文可知B为最佳答案。While指的是“在一段时间内”,表示从句的动作与主句的动作同时发生,并且有延续的含义,因此从句所用的谓语动词经常是延续性的。由于yourethere表示“当你在那里”,它和买邮票的动作同时进行,故选用While。As意为“一边一边”,分歧题意。4.Mother was worried because little Alice was ill,especially_Father was away in France.N94A.asB.thatC.duringD.if【简析】连词as可作

    13、“与同时”讲,此时相当于when或while,引导一个时间状语从句,表示一个持续性的动作,侧重表示主句与从句的动作同时发生。故答案为A,句意为:妈妈着急由于小爱丽斯病了,尤其是当时她爸爸还远在法国。during也表示“在期间”,但它是介词,不能引导一个从句。5.What was the party like?Wonderful. Its years_ I enjoyed myself so much.M93A.afterB.beforeC.whenD.since【简析】该题考查句型“Itis/was+一段时间+since从句”的用法。留意since从句的谓语动词常是短暂性的动词,如:Itstw

    14、oyearssincehejoinedthearmy.(他参军两年了。);若谓语动词是延续性的,翻译时应用它相反的含义,如该题中的enjoy便是延续性动词,所以该句句意为:我有好几年没有这么开心地玩了。故答案为D,since表示一段时间的出发点,意为“自从”。6, we had hardly got home when it rained.我们刚到家就下起雨来了.四,地点状语从句 地点状语从句通常由where, wherever 引导。例如: Where I live there are plenty of trees. 我住的地方树很多。 Wherever I am I will be th

    15、inking of you. 不管我在哪里我都会想到你。 五,原因状语从句 比较because, since, as和for: 1)because语势最强,用来说明人所不知的原因,回答why提出的问题。当原因是显而易见的或已为人们所知,就用as或 since。例如: I didnt go, because I was afraid. 我不去是因为我怕。 Since /As the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journey. 天气那么糟,旅行推迟了。 2)由because引导的从句如果放在句末,且前面有逗号,则可以用for来代替。 He is

    16、 absent today, because / for he is ill. 他今天缺席,因为他病了。 He must be ill, for he is absent today. 他一定病了,所以今天缺席。 六,目的状语从句 表示目的状语的从句可以由that, so that, in order that, lest (以免,唯恐), for fear that(以免,唯恐), in case(以防,万一)等词引导。例如: You must speak louder so that /in order that you can be heard by all. 你必须大点声,别人就能听见

    17、了。 He wrote the name down for fear that(lest) he should forget it. 他写下了这个名字以免以后忘记。 Youd better take more clothes in case the weather is cold. 最好多穿点衣服,以防天发冷。 七,结果状语从句 结果状语从句也叫程度状语从句,常用的连词词组有:sothat,suchthat,so that等。留意:so that既引导结果状语从句,也引导目的状语从句,如何区别呢?一是根据上下文的含义区别。二是从形式上加以区别。so that引导结果状语从句时,从句前经常用逗号

    18、隔开;sot hat引导目的状语从句,从句中常使用may,might,can,could等情态动词。如:He got up early, so that he caught the first bus.(结果状语从句)He got up early so that he could catch the first bus.(目的状语从句)结果状语从句常由sothat 或 suchthat引导。sothat与suchthat之间可以转换。例如: The boy is so young that he cant go to school. 这男孩年龄太小,不能上学。 He is such a yo

    19、ung boy that he cant go to school 八,条件状语从句 连接词主要有 if, unless, as/so long as, on condition that 等。if 引导的条件句有真实条件句和非真实条件句两种。非真实条件句已在虚拟语气中阐述。 unless = if not. 例如: Lets go out for a walk unless you are too tired. 如果不太累,我们去散散步。 If you are not too tied, lets go out for a walk. 典型例题 You will be late _ you

    20、leave immediately. A. unless B. until C. ifD. or 答案A。句意:除非你立即走,否则你就回迟到的。可转化为 If you dont leave immediately, you will be late。B、D句意不对,or表转折,句子如为 You leave immediately or you will be late. 九,让步状语从句 1)though, although引导的让步状语从句,后面的从句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可连用。例如: Although its raining, they are still worki

    21、ng in the field.虽然在下雨,但他们仍在地里干活。 He is very old, but he still works very hard. 虽然他很老了,但仍然努力地工作。 Though he is very old, yet he works very hard. 虽然他很老了,但仍然努力地工作。 2) as, though 引导的让步从句必须表语或状语提前(形容词、副词、分词、实义动词提前)。例如: Child as /though he was, he knew what was the right thing to do. 虽然是个小孩,该做什么不做什么,他全知道。

    22、3) ever if, even though即使。例如: Well make a trip even though the weather is bad. 即使天气不好,我们也要去远足。 4) whetheror不管都。例如: Whether you believe it or not, it is true. 信不信由你,这确实是真的。 5)no matter +疑问词 或疑问词+后缀ever 。例如: No matter what happened, he would not mind. =Whatever happened, he would not mind. 不管发生什么,他不在意

    23、。 替换:no matter what = whatever no matter who = whoever no matter when = whenever no matter where = wherever no matter which = whichever no matter how = however 注意:no matter 不能引导主语从句和宾语从句。 (错)No matter what you say is of no use now. (对)Whatever you say is of no use now. 你现在说什么也没用了。(Whatever you say是主

    24、语从句) (错)Prisoners have to eat no matter what theyre given, (对)Prisoners have to eat whatever theyre given.囚犯们只能给什么吃什么。 1. . How long has this bookshop been in business? - 1982. A. After B. In C. From D. Since2. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially _ Father was away in France.

    25、A. as B. that C. during D. if3. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _ great it is. A. what B. how C. however D. whatever4. After the war, a new school building was put up _ there had once been a theatre. A. that B. where C. which D. when5. I am going to the post office. -

    26、youre there, can you get me some stamps? A. As B. While C. Because D. If6. You should make it a rule to leave things _ you can find them again. A. when B. where C. then D. there7. _ youve got the chance, you might as well make full use of it. A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as8. Well hav

    27、e to finish the job, _. A. long it takes however B. it takes however longC. long however it takes D. however long it takes9. Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _ I could answer the phone. A. as B. since C. until D. before10. The WTO cannot live up to its name _ it does

    28、 not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind. A. as long as B. while C. if D. even though11. The men will have to wait all day _ the doctor works faster. A. if B. unless C. whether D. that12. Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her? Yes, I gave it to her _ I saw her. A. w

    29、hile B. the moment C. suddenly D. once13. Americans eat _ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. A. more than twice B. as twice as many C. twice as many as D. more than twice as many14. How far apart do they live?-_ I know, they live in the same neighborhood. A. As long as B. As well as C.

    30、 As far as D. As often as15. A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners curiosity _ he reaches the end of the story. A. when B. unless C. after D. until16. Generally speaking, _ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken17. Dad, Ive finished my assignment.Good, and _ you play or watch TV, you mustnt disturb me. A. whenever B. whether C. whatever D. no matter18. Was his father


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