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    1、外研版新标准一起小学英语六年级下册M4教学设计英语(新标准)(小学一起)六年级下册M4教学设计教材分析本模块的主要内容是说明原因,寻求帮助。Unit 1的课文情景是Simon的妈妈去超市采购,为Daming的生日聚会做准备。回来时,Simon妈妈叫人帮忙拿东西,Daming赶来帮她拎蛋糕,结果Simon妈妈不小心将橘子滚落到地上,气球也飞走了。Daming让Simon赶快过来抓气球,可是已经来不及了,Simon的妈妈让孩子们看看气球,哇!原来气球上写着:Daming,生日快乐。Unit 2的课文情景则是一位女士在请求帮助。她拿不了所有的东西,鸡蛋碎了,苹果和可乐也滚落了一地,谁能帮帮她呢?本模

    2、块的学习重点是进一步复习强化现在进行时态,巩固can的用法,并学会如何寻求帮助。教师要重点帮助学生加深对can的理解,帮助学生掌握can表示“天生的或后学到的能力”的用法。教师注意给有困难的学生更多的练习机会,并帮助基础较好的学生有所拓展。本模块的任务是设计自己无法独立完成的任务,并请同伴帮忙共同完成。提醒学生,每个人都会遇到自己一个人无法完成的事情,我们应该学会合理地向他人寻求帮助,并学会善意地,不图回报地帮助别人。模块教学目标Unit 1:(一)Knowledge targets:Ss should be able to listen, speak, read and write the

    3、key words: grab, carry, need, fly, away. To understand and use the sentences: Who can help me?I cant carry all these things. Sorry, I cant. Im on the phone. I can help you. I can carry the box. The oranges are falling. Of course the Ss should understand the meaning of the dialogue.(2)Ability targets

    4、:After the lesson, the students are able to talk about present progressive tense. And say some sentences: Who can help me?I cant carry all these things. Sorry, I cant. I can help you.(3)Emotion targets:1. Learn to help each other.2. Learn to refuse when you cant help others in need.Unit2:(一)Knowledg

    5、e targets:Ss should be able to listen, speak, read and write the key words: fall, down, broken, stairs, mess. To understand and use the sentences: Who can help me?I cant carry all these things. Sorry, I cant. Im. I can help you. What a mess! Of course the Ss should understand the meaning of the dial

    6、ogue.(2)Ability targets:After the lesson, the students are able to talk about present progressive tense. And say some sentences: Who can help me? I cant carry all these things. Sorry, I cant. I can help you.(3)Emotion targets:1. Learn to help each other.2. Learn to refuse when you cant help others i

    7、n need.教学重点及难点Unit1:1. Key points:1) Ss are able to use these words: grab, carry, need, fly away.2) Ss are able to use the basic sentences: Who can help me? I cant carry all these things. Sorry, I cant. Im on the phone. I can help you. I can carry the box. The oranges are falling. 2. Difficult point

    8、s:1) Students can spell the key words correctly.2) Students can retell the dialogue with the help of mind map in class.3) Students can use present progressive tense correctly.Unit2:1. Key points:1) Ss are able to use these words: fall down, broken, stairs, mess.2) Ss are able to use the basic senten

    9、ces: Who can help me?I cant carry all these things. Sorry, I cant. Im. I can help you. What a mess!2. Difficult points:Students can spell the key words correctly.Students can use what they have learnt in this module skillfully in class.Students can use present progressive tense correctly.教学辅助In this

    10、 class, I will use: pictures, CD-ROM, PPT, and Score board (记分牌)教学策略思维导图学习法、情景导入法、任务教学法教学过程第一课时教学设计教材分析Unit 1的课文情景是Simon的妈妈去超市采购,为Daming的生日聚会做准备。回来时,Simon妈妈叫人帮忙拿东西,Daming赶来帮她拎蛋糕,结果Simon妈妈不小心将橘子滚落到地上,气球也飞走了。Daming让Simon赶快过来抓气球,可是已经来不及了,Simon的妈妈让孩子们看看气球,哇!原来气球上写着:Daming,生日快乐。通过学习,让孩子们学会帮助别人,学会有困难如何求助,

    11、在自己有事的时候如何拒绝别人。课时教学目标(一)Knowledge targets:Ss should be able to listen, speak, read and write the key words: grab, carry, need and fly away. To understand and use the sentences: Who can help me? I cant carry all these things. Sorry, I cant. Im on the phone. I can help you. I can carry the box. The or

    12、anges are falling. Of course the Ss should understand the meaning of the dialogue.(2)Ability targets:After the lesson, the students are able to talk about present progressive tense. And say some sentences: Who can help me? I cant carry all these things. Sorry, I cant. I can help you.(3)Emotion targe

    13、ts:1. Learning to help each other.2. Learn to refuse when you cant help others in need.教学重点与难点1. Key points:1) Ss are able to use these words: grab carry need fly away.2) Ss are able to use the basic sentences: Who can help me?I cant carry all these things. Sorry, I cant. Im on the phone. I can help

    14、 you. I can carry the box. The oranges are falling. 2. Difficult points:Students can spell the key words correctly.Students can retell the story with the help of mind map.Students can use present progressive tense correctly.教学辅助In this class, I will use: pictures, CD-ROM, PPT, and Score board (记分牌)教

    15、学策略思维导图学习法、任务教学法教学内容教学活动设计意图教师活动学生活动Step 1:Pre-task preparation (3 minutes)1. have a chant 2. answer this question1. Play a chant.T: What is the girl doing? Lets enjoy it.T: I hope you studyEnglish hard in this class.1. Listen and say some words of the chant.2. Answer this question.用chant导入,有旋律的chan

    16、t比较容易抓住学生的注意力。训练学生通过听力捕捉信息的能力。借助chant的语境,激活旧知,并回答相应的问题,进入课文。Step 2:While-task procedure(25 minutes)1. Read a story about Damings birthday.呈现故事,提出问题。T: Lets read a story about Damings birthday.Q: Is Daming going to have an America birthday party?How do you know that?What is Simons mum doing?Watch the

    17、 CD-ROM. Try to answer the questions.e.g.: (Yes, he is.)(She is buying things for Damings birthday party.)让孩子们通过看故事,回答老师的问题,了解这个故事大体讲了什么事情,让孩子们初步感知课文内容。2. 呈现图二,补充板书上的思维导图。T: Later. What happened? 呈现图二,补充板书上的思维导图,我会根据孩子们的回答将思维导图逐渐完成。在老师的引导下完成黑板上的思维导图。分角色朗读第二段。本课的主要内容是用思维导图让孩子们逐一完成,掌握本课的主要内容,可以让孩子们自己梳

    18、理课文的主要内容,并在学完之后能转化为自己的东西。3. 呈现Part 3。Q: Can they carry all these things?Do they need Simons help?呈现part3,在ppt上做标注,帮助孩子们理解。Does Simon grab the balloons?Answer the questions.继续补充思维导图。Learn the word grab.Simon cant grab the balloons. Theyre flying away.They say: (Happy Birthday, Daming!)通过问答的方式,让学生理解本课

    19、的第三部分,并学习新词grab。Step 3:Post-task activities.(11 minutes)1. Play the CD-ROM.2.A new story to Ss.1. Listen and repeat.2. Read and act out in groups.3. Retell the story with the help of the mind map on the blackboard.4. A new story about Poor Ben.孩子们在学习完课文后必须进行听音模仿跟读,加深印象。黑板上的思维导图作为辅助,学生们一起复述,牢固掌握课文。给孩

    20、子们呈现一个新的故事,在读故事的时候练习本课的重点内容。起到复习巩固的作用。Step 4:Summary(1 minute)引导孩子说说本节课所学到的功能,以及有困难如何求助,在自己有事的时候如何拒绝别人。告诉孩子们要学会帮助别人,授人玫瑰,手有余香。通过板书的思维导图,带领学生再次回顾形容词,以及整体关注话题点如何描述物品,明确本课时话题。引导学生思考和体会:仔细观察,你会发现更多。提出下课时的学习内容,渗透模块统整的理念,让学生初步了解模块话题。Homework:1. Please recite or retell Module 4 Unit 1.2. Finish P22 Part4.板

    21、书设计:第二课时教学设计教材分析Unit 2的课文情景是一位女士在请求帮助:她拿不了所有的东西,鸡蛋碎了,苹果和可乐也滚落了一地,谁能帮帮她呢?通过学习,让孩子们学会帮助别人,学会有困难如何求助,在自己有事的时候如何拒绝别人。课时教学目标(一) Knowledge targets:Ss should be able to listen, speak, read and write the key words: fall down, broken, stairs, mess. To understand and use the sentences: Who can help me? I cant

    22、 carry all these things. Sorry, I cant. Im. I can help you. What a mess! Of course the Ss should understand the meaning of the dialogue.(2)Ability targets:After the lesson, students are able to talk about present progressive tense. And say some sentences: Who can help me? I cant carry all these thin

    23、gs. Sorry, I cant. I can help you.(3)Emotion targets:1. Learning to help each other.2. Learn to refuse when you cant help others in need.教学重点与难点1. Key points:1) Ss are able to use these words: fall down, broken, stairs, mess.2) Ss are able to use the basic sentences: Who can help me? I cant carry al

    24、l these things. Sorry, I cant. I. I can help you. What a mess!2. Difficult points:1) Students can spell the key words correctly.2) Students can use what they have learnt in this module skillfully in class.3) Students can use present progressive tense correctly.教学辅助In this class, I will use: pictures

    25、, CD-ROM, PPT, and Score board (记分牌)教学内容(含时间设置)教学活动设计意图Step 1:Pre-task preparation(5 minutes)Lead in:Show mind map on the ppt. Review Module 4 Unit 1 with students. Key points: The oranges are falling.The balloons are flying away.以思维导图做铺垫,帮助孩子们回忆Unit 1的内容。Step 2:While-task procedure(20 minutes)1. Sh

    26、ow pictures of P23 part 1to Ss.T: What happened in the pictures? Lead Ss to describe.e.g.: What did Sam and Amy see? What is falling down?Listen and repeat.2. Show part 2 to Ss. Please describe the picture with your partner.T: Boys and girls, this is a mistake. It isnt a panda. Its a panda kite. Ple

    27、ase look at this picture. What happened in this picture? Please talk about with your partner. Then I will check.Choose some Ss to answer the questions. Key points: The apples are falling down the stairs. The cola is falling, too. Write the sentences on the blackboard.T: So many things are falling do

    28、wn the stairs. Its a mess. Learn: stairs, mess.Listen and repeat.Try to imitate the CD-ROM.Ask and answer: T: Who can help the woman? Ss: I can. Sorry, I cant. (Why?) Because Im Choose about five Ss to answer the questions.3. Finish part 3 on page 24.T: Ok. Now lets have a look. Who can help the wom

    29、an, too? Listen, match and write the answer. Correct them later.通过读图,让孩子们猜测图中发生了什么事情,听并跟读一遍,验证自己的猜测是否正确。Unit 2的内容对于六年级的孩子们来说,掌握起来并不困难,所以第二部分进行同位合作,说说图片里发生了什么,进行反馈,教师稍作指导和纠正。让孩子们说说自己是否会帮助她,如果不能帮助说说原因,作为一个拓展。将本课的重点在书写中进行巩固练习。Step 3:Practice and consolidation.1. Retell the story together.2. Activity Bo

    30、ok P16 part1and part23. Sing the song of P24 part4 together.通过复述课文和完成课活上的练习,进一步巩固本课的内容。Step 4:Sum up(1 minute)引导孩子说说本节课所学到的功能,有困难如何求助;在自己有事的时候如何拒绝别人;学会帮助别人。Homework:1. Please recite or retell Module 4 Unit 2.2. Activity Book P17 part3.板书设计:第三课时教学设计教材分析学生通过学习本模块的前两课时,已经能够比较灵活地在进行时态和can的用法,并学会了如何寻求帮助,

    31、掌握了can表示天生的或后学到的能力的用法。课时教学目标知识目标:1. 全班学生能听说读写并在情境中运用词汇:grab,carry,need,fly away,fall down,broken,stairs,mess.2. 全班学生能朗读关于现在进行时态和寻求帮助的句子。3. 大多数学生能听、说、读、写:Who can help me? I cant carry all these things. Sorry, I cant. Im on the phone. I can help you. I can carry the box. The oranges are falling. What a mess!技能目标:1. 全班学生能在图片的提示下,进行模块的文本表演和复述。2. 大多数学生能在图片提示下,完成再构文本。3. 大多数学生能在自己有困难的时候向别人寻求帮助,并去帮助别人。情感目标:学生能知道有困难如何求助,在自己有事的时候如何拒绝别人;学会帮助别人。教育学生,赠人玫瑰,手有余香。教学重点与难点教学


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