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    1、语言学教学大纲语言学课程教学大纲课程名称:语言学英文名称:Linguistics课程类型:专业基础课程总学时:36 考核方式:考试成绩评定:平时测验+课堂表现+作业+出勤:40%,期末考试:60%授课对象:英语专业先修课程:基础英语$教材:新编简明英语语言学教程,戴炜栋编著,上海外语教育出版社,2002年。参考书:现代语言学,何兆雄编著,外语教学与研究出版社,1999年。 语言学教程,胡壮麟编著,北京大学出版社,1991年。一、课程目的和任务该课程是英语专业(本科)的一门专业必修课。开设在三年级下学期。本课程向学生介绍语言学领域的重要研究成果,包括语音学、词汇学、句法学、语义学、语用学的基本理


    3、点】1教学重点:音位学,语用学,社会语言学,语言学与外语教学2教学难点:句法学,语义学,心理语言学第一章 绪论$【目的要求】1掌握语言学的概念、语言的概念及其甄别性特征。2熟悉语言学研究中的几对基本概念。3了解语言学研究的各个语言层面以及语言学的各个分支。【重点、难点】1教学重点:语言学的概念、语言的概念及其甄别性特征。2教学难点:语言学研究中的几对基本概念。【教学方法与教学手段】%讲授式、讨论式【教学时数】2学时【思考与练习】1How do you interpret the definition of linguistics: Linguistics is the scientific s

    4、tudy of language2What are the major branches of linguistics What does each of them study3What characteristics of language should be included in a good , comprehensive definition of language4What are the main features of human language that have been specified by C. Hockett to show that it is essenti

    5、ally different from animal communication system】第二章 音系学【目的要求】1通过语音学部分的学习,了解各种发音器官及其作用,英语的元音和辅音的发音方式和特点,分清宽式标音法和窄式标音法的区别。2通过音系学部分的学习,理解音系学和语音学的联系和区别,熟悉音系学中的一些基本概念和规则。【重点、难点】1教学重点:英语语音学的发音特征和音系学中的基本概念。2教学难点:发音器官的构造,音系学中的音素、音位和音位排列规则。|【教学方法与教学手段】讲授式、讨论式【教学时数】4学时【思考与练习】1What is voicing and how is it cau

    6、sed2Explain with examples how broad transcription and narrow transcription differ3How are the English consonants classified4What criteria are used to classify the English vowels、5How do phonetics and phonology differ in their focus of study6What is a phone How is it different from a phoneme How are

    7、allophones related to a phoneme7Explain with examples the sequential rule, the assimilation rule, and the deletion rule.第三章 形态学【目的要求】1熟悉语素的概念,包括语素的类型、常见词根和词缀的意义,加强对英语派生词和复合词的理解和运用能力。2了解构词的形态规则。【重点、难点】1教学重点:语素的概念和基本构词法。2教学难点:词的形态变化与意义变化。【教学方法与教学手段】讲授式、讨论式【教学时数】4学时【思考与练习】1. Think of three morpheme suf

    8、fixes, give their meaning, and specify the types of stem they may be suffixed to. Give at least two examples of each. 2Think of three morpheme prefixes, give their meaning, and specify the types of stem they may be prefixed to. Give at least two examples of each. 第四章 句法学【目的要求】1掌握句法的定义和短语的构成因素。2学会对短语

    9、以及句子进行分析,把握转换规则。【重点、难点】1教学重点:对短语和句子进行分析。2教学难点:转换生成语法分析。【教学方法与教学手段】讲授式、讨论式【教学时数】4学时【思考与练习】1Draw phrase structure trees for each sentence.a)b)The jet landed.c)Marie became very ill.d)What will you talk aboute)The apple might hit the man.f)He often reads detective stories.2Draw a tree structure for eac

    10、h of the sentences.a)Jim has washed the dirty shirts and pants.b)Helen put on her clothes and went out.c)Mary is fond of literature but tied of statistics.d)The detective went out and the mysterious man came in.e):f)Crusoe knows that spring will come and the snow will melt. 3Draw the deep structure

    11、and surface structure trees for each of these sentences.a)The essay that he wrote was too long.b)The dog that he keeps bites.c)Herbert found the man she loved.d)The girl whom he often quarrels with majors in linguistics.第五章 语义学【目的要求】1掌握语义学的定义和词汇意义。2熟悉词汇之间和句子之间的语义关系。3了解语义研究的几种主要理论,以及意义分析的两种方法成分分析法和述谓

    12、结构分析 法。【重点、难点】1教学重点:词汇之间的意义关系,成分分析法和述谓结构分析法。2教学难点:句子之间的意义关系。【教学方法与教学手段】讲授式、讨论式【教学时数】4学时【思考与练习】1What are the major views concerning the study of meaning2What are the major types of synonyms in English3Explain with examples “homonymy”, “polysemy”, and “hyponymy”.4How can words opposite in meaning be c

    13、lassified To which category does each of the following pairs of antonyms belong north/south, vacant/occupied, literate/illiterate, above/below, doctor/patient, wide/narrow, poor/rich, father/daughter5Identify the relations between the following pairs of sentences.a)b)Toms wife is pregnant. Tom has a

    14、 wife.c)My sister will soon be divorced. My sister is a married woman.d)He likes seafood. He likes crabs.e)They are going to have another baby. They have a child.第六章 语用学【目的要求】1了解语用学和传统的语义学研究之间的关系,以及语境和话语意义的概念。!2理解言语行为理论和合作原则,学会用言语行为理论分析话语,能在实践中运用合作原则。【重点、难点】1教学重点:言语行为理论,合作原则。2教学难点:语境,话语意义。【教学方法与教学手段

    15、】讲授式、讨论式【教学时数】4学时【思考与练习】1What does pragmatics study How does it differ from traditional semantics2Why is the notion of context essential in the pragmatic study of linguistic communication3How are sentence meaning and utterance meaning related, and how do they differ4According to Austin, what are the

    16、 three acts a person is possibly performing while making utterance. Give an example.5What are the four maxims of the CP Try to give your own examples to show how flouting these maxims gives rise to conversational implicature第七章 语言变化*【目的要求】1了解语言变化的几个层面,包括语音变化,词素变化,句法变化,以及词汇变化。2了解语言变化的趋势,并理解其变化的原因。3会运

    17、用语言变化的原因分析其变化的趋势,特别是词素变化和句法变化。【重点、难点】1教学重点:语言变化的几个层面,。2教学难点:语言变化的原因。.【教学方法与教学手段】讲授式、讨论式【教学时数】2学时【思考与练习】1Look up the following words in a dictionary which provides the etymologies of words. In each case speculate as to how the particular word came to be borrowed from a particular language. size, skil

    18、l, royal, ranch, robot, potato, astronaut, emerald, pagoda, khaki, bulldoze, hoodlum2Give at least two examples showing the influence of American English on British English.3Find in any books, newspapers, or journals newly coined words in association with social and political needs, internet or comp

    19、uter language.,4With example, give some plausible explanations for linguistic change.第八章 语言与社会【目的要求】1了解社会语言学的定义与范畴,标准语,皮钦语和克里奥耳语。2熟悉语言变体。3领会双言和双语现象。【重点、难点】【1教学重点:社会语言学的定义与范畴,语言变体,双言和双语现象。2教学难点:皮钦语和克里奥耳语。【教学方法与教学手段】讲授式、讨论式【教学时数】2学时【思考与练习】1How is language related to society&2Explain with an example th

    20、at the evaluation of language is social rather than linguistic.3What are the main social dialects discussed in this chapter How do they jointly determine idiolect4What is register as used by Halliday Illustrate it with an example of your own.5What linguistic features of Black English do you know Do

    21、you think Black English is an illogical and inferior variety of English Why (not)6What peculiar features does pidgin have7How do bilingualism and diglossia differ, and what do they have in common第九章 语言与文化【目的要求】1了解文化的概念,语言和文化的关系,以及萨皮尔-沃尔夫假说。2领会基本的文化差异,认识其在教学中的重要性。3了解文化重叠和文化扩散,学会跨文化交际。【重点、难点】1教学重点:理解语

    22、言和文化的关系,文化差异。2教学难点:萨皮尔-沃尔夫假说。 【教学方法与教学手段】 讲授式、讨论式、多媒体课件教学】【教学时数】2学时【思考与练习】1Try to sum up the relation between language and culture. Can you find similar relationship between local dialect and regional culture2What do you think of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis Give examples or proof to support your point of

    23、 view.3Can you find some loan words in Chinese from other languages Explain how they were used in the original language and how they are used now4Based on your own learning experiences, please illustrate to what extent it is necessary to learn its culture when learning a foreign language.5What do yo

    24、u think of linguistic imperialism and cultural imperialism Is it nonsense or something worth consideration-第十章 语言习得【目的要求】1领会儿童语言习得的理论和儿童语言发展的认知因素。2了解语言环境和关键期假说。3了解儿童语言习得的发展阶段和非典型发展。【重点、难点】1教学重点:儿童语言习得的理论,关键期假说。2教学难点:儿童语言习得的发展阶段和非典型发展。【教学方法与教学手段】讲授式、讨论式、媒体课件教学【教学时数】2学时【思考与练习】1Explain the terms: Langu

    25、age acquisition, Language Acquisition Device, Critical Period Hypothesis.2Among the language acquisition theories mentioned in this chapter, which one do you think is more reasonable and convincing Explain why.(第十一章 第二语言习得【目的要求】1了解第一语言习得和第二语言习得的联系。2了解对比分析和错误分析。3领会中继语和母语在第二语言习得中的作用。4理解第二语言学习模式和语言输入假设

    26、,以及第二语言习得的教育学含义。【重点、难点】、1教学重点:第二语言习得理论,错误分析,对比分析,个人差异,关键期假说。2教学难点:第二语言学习模式和语言输入假设。【教学方法与教学手段】讲授式、讨论式【教学时数】2学时【思考与练习】1To what extent is second language learning similar to first language learning Can you list some proof from your own learning experiences2Do you use Chinese in English learning and how

    27、 Try to observe yourself and pay attention to this, what conclusions can you reach about the role of Chinese in your English learning3Based on your own experience, give at least three examples which are related to overgeneralization and performance errors.4Identify personality factors that may contr

    28、ibute to the success of learning a second/foreign language.第十二章 语言与大脑【目的要求】1了解神经语言学和心理语言学的概念。2领会语言和大脑的关系,理解大脑对语言学习的作用。3了解失语症的几种类型。【重点、难点】1教学重点:大脑对语言学习的作用。2教学难点:神经语言学。【教学方法与教学手段】讲授式、讨论式【教学时数】2学时【思考与练习】1What distinguishes the human brain from a non-human brain2Describe the major symptoms of Brocas aph

    29、asia, Wernickes aphasia, and acquired dyslexia.3What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the techniques used to investigate the brain in terms of ethics, cost, intrusiveness and type of information yielded.三、各教学环节学时分配序号.章节教学内容 学时理论实验其他合计1Chapter 1 Introduction22Chapter 2 Phonology4(3Cha

    30、pter 3 Morphology44Chapter 4 Syntax4!5Chapter 5 Semantics46Chapter 6 Pragmatics,47Chapter 7 Language Change2;8Chapter 8 Language and Society29Chapter 9 Language and Culture2;10Chapter 10 Language Acquisition211Chapter 11 Second Language Acquisition212Chapter 12 Language and Brain213Revision2合计36四、说明在内容教学上,原则以新编简明英语语言学教程(戴炜栋编著)为蓝本,但不拘泥于一种教材,教师可根据语言学研究的发展和成果,博采众长,适量取舍和补充。内容的增减变化一般不超过30%。对语言学理论中的基本概念不作随意增减。在教学方法


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