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    届二轮复习阅读理解专题 记叙文类型10篇训练之五19页word版答案含有解析.docx

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    届二轮复习阅读理解专题 记叙文类型10篇训练之五19页word版答案含有解析.docx

    1、届二轮复习阅读理解专题 记叙文类型10篇训练之五19页word版答案含有解析2019届二轮复习阅读理解专题记叙文类型10篇训练之五 一Everybody hates it,but everybody does it. A recent report said that 40% of Americans hate tipping. In America alone,tipping is a 16 billionayear industry. Consumers acting politely ought not to pay more than they have to for a given

    2、service.Tips should not exist. So why do they? The common opinion in the past was that tips both rewarded the efforts of good service and reduced uncomfortable feelings of inequality. And also,tipping makes for closer relations. It went without saying that the better the service,the bigger the tip.B

    3、ut according to a new research from Cornell University,tips no longer serve any useful function. The paper analyzes numbers they got from 2,547 groups dining at 20 different restaurants. The connection between larger tips and better service was very weak. Only a tiny part of the size of the tip had

    4、anything to do with the quality of service.Tipping is better explained,by culture than by the money people spend. In America,the custom came into being a long time ago.It is regarded as part of the accepted cost of a service. In New York restaurants,failing to tip at least 15% could well mean dissat

    5、isfaction from the customers. Hairdressers can expect to get 15%20%,and the man who delivers your fast food 2.In Europe,tipping is less common. In many restaurants the amount of tip is decided by a standard service charge. In many Asian countries,tipping has never really caught_ on at all. Only a fe

    6、w have really taken to tipping.According to Michael Lynn,the Cornell papers author,countries in which people are more social or outgoing tend to tip more. Tipping may reduce anxiety about being served by strangers. And Mr. Lynn says,“In America,where people are expressive and eager to mix up with ot

    7、hers,tipping is about social approval. If you tip badly,people think less of you. Tipping well is a chance to show off.”语篇解读本文写了英国人给小费这一习俗,每个人都讨厌它,但是每个人都这样做。这里说了小费的由来和意义。11This passage is mainly about _.Adifferent kinds of tipping in different countriesBthe relationship between tipping and customCth

    8、e origin and present meaning of tippingDmost American people hate tipping答案C解析主旨大意题。本文主要讲给小费的由来及现实意义。故选C。12Which of the following best explains the underlined phrase “caught on”?ABecome popular. BBeen hated.CBeen stopped. DBeen permitted.答案A解析词义猜测题。 根据划线词后一句“Only a few have really taken to tipping.”

    9、可以推测catch on为“受欢迎”之意。所以选A。13Among the following situations,in your opinion,who is likely to tip most?AA Frenchman just quarreled with the barber who did his hair badly in New York.BAn American just had a wonderful dinner in a wellknown restaurant in New York.CA Japanese businessman asked for a pizza

    10、 delivery from a Pizza Hut in New York.DA Chinese student enjoyed his meal in a famous fast food restaurant in New York.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第三段第二、三句“In America,the custom came into being a long time ago. It is regarded as part of the accepted cost of a service”可知,美国人有给小费的习俗。故B选项最适合。14We can infer from this

    11、 passage that _.Atipping is no longer a good way to satisfy some customers themselves Btipping is especially popular in New YorkCtipping in America can make service better nowDtipping has something to do with peoples character答案D解析推理判断题。由最后一段首句中“countries in which people are more social or outgoing

    12、tend to tip more”可知付小费与人们的性格有一定关系。故选D。 二Its that time of year when people need to lock their cars. Is it because there are many criminals stealing cars? Not indeed. Rather,its because of goodhearted neighbors who want to share their harvest.Sharon recently has a good year for tomatoes. She and her f

    13、amily had eaten and canned so many that theyd begun to feel their skin turn slightly red. Thats when she decided it was time to share her blessings. Eventually she found a neighbor willing to have the tomatoes.“Feel free to take whatever you want,” Sharon told her. Later that day,Sharon found that h

    14、er garden has indeed been harvested. She thought it a good way to help someone and the food didnt go to waste.A few days later,the neighbor knocked at the door,holding a loaf of bread: “I want to thank you for all of the tomatoes,and I have to admit that I took a few other things and hoped you would

    15、nt mind.” Sharon couldnt think of anything in her garden that had been worth harvesting and said so.“But you did,” the neighbor said.“You had some of the prettiest zucchini.”Sharon was confused. She hadnt even planted any zucchini. But her neighbor insisted that there were bright green zucchini. Sha

    16、rons curiosity got the better of her and she had to go to see where the zucchini had grown. When the neighbor pointed at the long green vegetables,Sharon smiled.“Well,actually,those are cucumbers that we never harvested,because they got too big,soft and bitter.”The neighbor looked at Sharon,shock wr

    17、itten all over her face. She hesitated a few times,and then smiling,held out the bread,part of a batch (一批生产量) she had shared all over the neighborhood,“I brought you a loaf of cucumber bread. I hope you like it.”语篇解读莎伦家的西红柿获得丰收,由于自家吃不完便让邻居自己到园子里摘,邻居摘西红柿的同时也摘了自认为是西葫芦的又软又苦的黄瓜,并做成面包送给了邻居们。15What might

    18、 happen if a car were left unlocked in Sharons neighborhood at harvest time?AIt could be stolen.BIt might be loaded with vegetables or fruits.CNeighbors might borrow it.DIts owner would be warned by the guards.答案B解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Rather,its because of goodhearted neighbors who want to share their har

    19、vest.”可知,这里的harvest指的是自家种的蔬菜瓜果之类的东西,锁车是因为热心肠的、想要分享他们的收获的邻居可能会往车里装蔬菜瓜果。故选B。16How did Sharon feel when she found her garden harvested?ADelighted. BConfused.CAnnoyed. DSurprised.答案A解析推理判断题。第二段提到Sharon找到了一个愿意摘走她的西红柿的邻居,并让邻居随便摘取,再根据“She thought it a good way to help someone and the food didnt go to waste

    20、.”可知,当Sharon 发现有人去过她的园子摘西红柿时,她应是感到高兴的。17Which is TRUE about the loaf of bread?AIt was baked for Sharon only.BThe neighbor had tasted it.CIt was made from zucchini.DIt might not taste good.答案D解析推理判断题。由倒数第二段可知,邻居摘走的并不是西葫芦,而是Sharon一家不想摘的黄瓜,因为黄瓜长得太大、太软而且味道太苦了;再根据最后一段中的“I brought you a loaf of cucumber b

    21、read.”可知,邻居正是用这些黄瓜做的面包,由此可推知,这种黄瓜面包可能不好吃。故选D。三Ive been really lucky this year. Not only did I have the opportunity to live in France,but I was able to see some other countries with my girlfriend. Now she is studying in Essen,a large city in Western Germany. I recently went to stay with herit was my

    22、first visit to Germany! Essen is a very large city. It has all the conveniences of any large city so I felt immediately at home. I loved the variety of shops,restaurants,shopping malls,cocktail bars,nightclubs,parks and even a lake. There is also a citywide network of trams,which makes getting aroun

    23、d a piece of cake!I found the people to be really friendly,and most Germans speak very good English which made life easy for me. I was surprised by the casual attitude to alcohol in Germany,where it seems normal for people to drink beer on the street,or on the tram. My girlfriend and I visited two f

    24、amous local cities,Dsseldorf and Cologne,which are both on the Rhine River. Dsseldorf is an urban metropolis with a great variety of restaurants. We took a boat tour on the river and went up the Rhine Tower,a really tall building which offers great views across the city. Cologne,as you might know,is

    25、 world famous for its perfumes. The cathedral there is an unmissable landmark. We made the effort to climb to the top of one of the cathedrals towers. The spiral(螺旋的) stairs seemed endless,but it was worthwhile for the impressive sights from the top.We also went in a cable car over the river and tas

    26、ted a German delicacy called “Spaghettieis” which is ice cream with strawberry sauce! I also got to try the famous German sausage. I must admit,I really enjoyed the food! The only disappointment was the grey and rainy weather,which proves that Britain does not have the worst weather in Europe! 11Why

    27、 did the writer feel lucky this year?AHe will have a chance to live in Germany.BHe met his girlfriend in France by chance.CHe got an opportunity of learning in Germany.DHe was able to live in France and visit other countries.答案D解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Not only did I have the opportunity to live in France,bu

    28、t I was able to see some other countries with my girlfriend.”可知,作者认为自己今年幸运是因为他不但有机会在法国生活,而且也能和女朋友一起参观几个其他的国家。故选 D项。12What do Dsseldorf and Cologne have in common?AThey are both famous for unique perfumes.BThey both serve traditional German sausage.CThey both have many towers with a long history.DThe

    29、y both offer wonderful views from the tower top.答案D解析推理判断题。根据第二段最后五句可知,两座城市都能让人从塔顶欣赏到美景。故选D项。13According to the writer,which country has the worst weather in Europe?ABritain. BGermany.CFrance. DItaly.答案B解析推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“The only disappointment was the grey and rainy weather,which proves that Brita

    30、in does not have the worst weather in Europe!”可知,作者对德国阴沉、多雨的天气感到失望,并表示这证明了英国不是欧洲天气最糟的国家。由此可推知作者认为在欧洲天气最差的国家为德国。故选B项。14What can be the best title of the passage?AAn Unforgettable TripBA Guide to GermanyCMy First Visit to GermanyDA Brief Introduction of Germany答案C解析标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了作者第一次去德国旅游的经历以及对

    31、这个国家的印象,故C项最能概括文章的大意。四There are many people who could be Olympic Champions.Id estimate(估计) five million people could have beaten me in the polevault(撑杆跳高) on the years when I won it,at least five million.Men were stronger,bigger,and faster than I could have done it,but they never picked up a pole,ne

    32、ver made the efforts to vault their legs off the ground to try to get over the bar.Greatness is all around us.Its easy to be great because great people will help you.What was fantastic about all the conventions(大会)I went to was that the greatest in the business would come and share their ideas,their methods and their techniques with everyone else.I have seen the grea


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