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    1、考研资料英语真题1998年doc1998年 Part Structure and Vocabulary Section ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B , C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET I by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets w

    2、ith a pencil. (5 points) 1. I worked so late in the office last night that I hardly had time _ the last bus, A to have caught B to catch C catching D having caught 2. As it turned out to be a small house party, we _ so formally. A neednt dress up B did not need have dressed up C did not need dress u

    3、p D neednt have dressed up 3. I apologize if I _ you, but I assure you it was unintentional. A offend B had offended C should have offended D might have offended 4. Although a teenager, Fred could resist _ what to do and what not to do. A to be told B having been told C being told D to have been tol

    4、d 5. Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage _ avoided. A is to be B can be C will be D has been 6. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _ it comes to classroom tests. A before B as C since D when 7. Ther

    5、e are over 100 night schools in the city, making it possible for a professional to be reeducated no matter _ he does. A how B where C what D when 8. Ive kept up a friendship with a girl whom I was at school _ twenty years ago. A about B since C till D with 9. He wasnt asked to take on the chairmansh

    6、ip of the society, _ insufficiently popular with all members. A being considered B considering C to be considered D having considered 10. _ for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so thriving as it is. A Had it not been B Were it not C Be it not D Should it not be

    7、 Section BDirections: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the part of the sentence that is incorrect and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET I by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets. (5 points)11. According to Darwin, random changes t

    8、hat enhance a species ability for surviving are naturally selected and passed on to succeeding generations. A. a species B. for surviving C. are D. to succeeding12. Neither rain nor snow keeps the postman from delivering our letters which we so much look forward to receive. A. keeps B. which C. so m

    9、uch D. to receive13. If they will not accept a check, we shall have to pay the cash, though it would be much trouble for both sides. A. will not accept B. shall have C. the cash D. would be14. Having been robbed off economic importance, those states are not likely to count for very much in internati

    10、onal political terms. A. Having been B. off C. not D. very much15. The message will be that neither the market nor the government is capable of dealing with all of their uncontrollable practices. A. will be B. that C. their D. practices16. The logic of scientific development is such that separates g

    11、roups of men working on the same problem in far - scattered laboratories are likely to arrive at the same answer at the same time. A. such B. separates C. on D. far - scattered17. Yet not all of these races are intellectual inferior to the European races, and some may even have a freshness and vital

    12、ity that can renew the energies of more advanced race.A. intellectual inferior B. and C. a D. energies18. The more than 50,000 nuclear weapons in the hands of various nations today are more than ample destroying every city in the world several times over. A. The B. more than C. destroying D. over19.

    13、 The universe works in a way so far remove from what common sense would allow that words of any kind must necessarily be inadequate to explain it. A. remove B. would C. that D. it20. The integration of independent states could best be brought about by first creating a central organization with autho

    14、rities over technical economic tasks.A. could best be B. first C. with authorities D. technicalSection CDirections: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B , C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET I by blackening

    15、 the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points) 21. The machine needs a complete _ since it has been in use for over ten years. A amending B fitting C mending D renovating 22. There were many people present and he appeared only for a few seconds, so I only caught a _ of him. A g

    16、lance B glimpse C look D sight 23. I dont think its wise of you to _ your greater knowledge in front of the director, for it may offend him. A show up B show out C show in D show off 24. The returns in the short _ may be small, but over a number of years the investment will be well repaid. A interva

    17、l B range C span D term 25. A thorough study of biology requires _ with the properties of trees and plants, and the habit of birds and beasts. A acquisition B discrimination C curiosity D familiarity 26. She worked hard at her task before she felt sure that the results would _ her long effort. A jus

    18、tify B testify C rectify D verify 27. Im very glad to know that my boss has generously agreed to _ my debt in return for certain services. A take away B cut out Cwrite off D clear up 28. Some journalists often overstate the situation so that their news may create a great _. A explosion B sensation C

    19、 exaggeration D stimulation 29. According to what you have just said, am I to understand that his new post _ no responsibility with it at all? A shoulders B possesses C carries D shares 30. Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his _ to a certain book or article that has some bearing on

    20、the subject being studied. A comment B reaction C impression D comprehension 31. Please _ yourself from smoking and spitting in public places, since the law forbids them. A restrain B hinder C restrict D prohibit 32. Without telephone it would be impossible on carry on the functions of _ every busin

    21、ess operation in the whole country. A practically B preferably C precisely D presumably 33. Preliminary estimation puts the figure at around $110 billion, _ file $160 billion the President is struggling to get through the Congress. A in proportion to B in reply to C in relation to D in contrast to 3

    22、4. He is planning another tour abroad, yet his passport will _ at the end of this month. A expire B exceed C terminate D cease 35. All the off - shore oil explorers were in high spirits as they read _ letters from their families. A sentimental B affectionate C intimate D sensitive 36. Several intern

    23、ational events in the early 1990s seem likely to _ , or at least weaken, the trends that emerged in the 1980s, A revolt B revolve C reverse D revive 37. I was unaware of the critical points involved so my choice was quite _. A arbitrary B rational C mechanical D unpredictable 38. The local people we

    24、re joyfully surprised to find the price of vegetables no longer _ according to the weather. A altered B converted C fluctuated D modified 39. The pursuit of leisure on the part of the employees will certainly not _ their prospect of promotion. A spur B further C induce D reinforce 40. In what _ to a

    25、 last minute stay of execution, a council announced that emergency funding would keep alive two aging satellites. A applies B accounts C attaches D amountsPart Gloze TestDirections: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and

    26、 mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET I by blackening the corresponding letter it; the brackets with a pencil. (10 points) Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They, (41) that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the (4

    27、2) man. But they insisted that its (43) results during the period from 1750 to 1850 were widespread poverty and misery for the (44) of the English population. (45) contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650 to 1750, when England was still a (46) agricultural country, a period of gre

    28、at abundance and prosperity. This view, (47) is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists (48) history and economics, have (49) two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was (50) by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions

    29、for the majority of the populace. 41. A admitted B believed C claimed D predicted 42. A plain B average C mean D normal 43. A momentary B prompt C instant D immediate 44. A bulk B host C gross D magnitude 45. A On B With C For D By 46. A broadly B thoroughly C generally D completely 47. A however B

    30、meanwhile C therefore D moreover 48. A at B in C about D for 49. A manifested B approved C shown D speculated 50. A noted B impressed C labeled D marked Part Reading Comprehension Directions: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET I by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets. (40 points ) Passage 1 Few creations of big technology


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