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    1、打电话常用英语Dialogue B(A:Jim Brown B:Receiver)A:HelloThis is Jim Brown of the Export DepartmentMay I speak to MrWang?B:Im sorry,but he is out of the office right nowA:When will he be back?B:He should be back at any momentA:I wonder if you could give MrWang a message for me?B:Yes,certainlyJust a minuteIll

    2、 get a pen(Pause) Okay,please carry onA:There will be a very urgent meeting at three oclock and I would like MrWang to attend itB:Okay,an urgent meetingthree oclockMay I ask what its regarding?A:YesIts regarding the foreign exchange market and our sales strategy this yearB:Shall I tell MrWang to pre

    3、pare any material?A:Yes,thank youB:Ill let him know,MrBrownA:Thank you very muchByeB:ByeDialogue C(A:Mary B:Receiver C:Johns voice)A:HelloIs John in?B:No,can I take a message?A:NoI really need to talk to him personallyB:Would you like to leave a message on his voice mail,then?A:YesThank youB:Hold on

    4、 and Ill transfer you(Pause)C:Hi,this is JohnIm not available to take your call,but please leave your name,number and a brief messageIll get back to you as soon as possibleA:Hi,JohnIts Mary and I really need to talk to youI wont be able to go to the party with youPlease call me at 556-3243 when you

    5、get back转告消息Dialogue A(A:Robert B:Peter C:Mike)A:HelloB:HelloIs that Mike?A:No,this is Robert,his brother,speakingB:Oh hello,RobertThis is PeterHow are you?A:Fine,thanks,and you?B:Im very wellIs Mike there?A:YesIll go get himC:HelloMike speakingB:HelloMike?This is Peter speakingIm so glad Ive got ho

    6、ld of you at lastC:Were you trying to get in touch with me,Peter? Im off to-dayB:Thats good to knowListen,Mike,Ive got news for youC:What is it?B:My sister Jane is coming back from AmericaC:Thats greatWhen is she coming back?B:Next weekendC:Next weekend?OKAnd I want to know how long she will stay he

    7、re this timeB:About a week Lets get together tonight and plan a party for herC:All rightIll come to your place at 8 oclockB:GoodIll be waiting for youC:See you laterB:Good-byeDialogue B(A:Stan Summers B:Carl Mattlews)A:HelloB:HelloCan I speak to stan Summers,please?A:SpeakingB:OhMrSummerYou dont kno

    8、w me,but this is Carl Mat-tewsIm calling on behalf of Dave KennedyA:OhSo youre a friend of DavesHow is he anyway?B:oh,hes doing well and will be promoted againA:Thats good to hearCarl,what are you doing in New York?B:Dave and I are attending a conference at the Hilton untilThursdayAnd Dave is busy n

    9、owSo he gave me your tele-phone number and let me give you a callHe wants to know ifyou will have any time at all to got together tonight or Thurs-day eveningA:Well,tonight theres a banquet I have to go toBut Thursdayevening Im freeB:GoodThursday eveningAnd what time would suit you best?A:Seven-thir

    10、ty would be good for meB:Yes,thats fineSo thats 730 pmon Thursday at HiltonIll book the tableAnd my rooms 2120Daves is 2122Youcan call us from the lobby and Ill come downA:FineIm looking forward to it!B:Me,tooSee you on Thursday,thenA:Please say hello to Dave for me and thank you so much for call-in

    11、g meGood-byeDialogue C(A:Roland B:MrZhang)A:HelloMay I speak to MrZhang?B:Yes,speakingA:Hi,MrZhangThis is RolandMiss Lee telephonedShe askedme to ask you if you would be able to meet her today at 330pmB:Sorry,but Ill have a meeting thenPlease tell me her call num-ber and Ill explain it to her person

    12、allyA:Miss Lee said she would not be in her office this afternoon,butyou can page herB:What is the number of her beeper?A:Its 6594968-99806B:FineThanks for the messageGood-byeA:Bye长途电话Dialogue A(A:Operator B:Helen Kent C:Edna)A:HelloOverseas operator May I help you?B:Yes Id like to make a collect ca

    13、ll to Japan.A:Your name, please?B:Its Helen Kent.A:Who would you like to talk to?B:Id like to talk to Mr. Edna Kent.A:Is that Mr. Edna Kent?B:Thats right.A:What number are you calling from, please?B:From code 513, 432-6748A:And the number in Japan, please?B:Country code 81, area code 138, and the nu

    14、mber is 846-8972.A:Hold the line, please. Ill put your call through.C:Hello. This is Edna.B:Mom. Its Helen. Hows everything going?C:Fine. How are you?B:Very good indeed.C:Hows the weather there?B:Its sunny and bright. Dole and I just came back from the sight-seeing. We spent two days on the beach. T

    15、hen we went downtown, doing some shopping and visiting the museums and places like that, and things we havent see there.C:Oh, great!B:We had a very very good time Mom, is Dad in?C:No, he went out to the club and wont be back until late afternoon What time are you going to come back?B:Probably early

    16、next week. But Im not sure.C:Ok, take care of yourself.B:Well, Mom, say Hi to every body. Say love to Daddy. Bye.C:Have a nice stay, bye.Dialongue B(A:Operator B:Mr. Ma)A:Operator.B:Hello. Id like to make a call to Australia.A:You can call direct if you like.B:Oh, can I?A:Yes, please.B:Could you ple

    17、ase tell me the international prefix and the country code for Australia?A:Yes, The code for Australia is 61 and then dial the city code and the number. Start with the international code which is 00.B:What time do the special rates apply?A:Between six in the evening and eight in the morning,sirB:I wo

    18、nder if I can charge this call to my hotel roomA:CertainlyTell me the room number and your name,please?B:This is MrMa in room 215A:OK,MrMaIll tell the front desk clerk the charge after-wardsB:Thanks very much for your helpA:Youre welcomeByeB:ByeDialogue C(A:Operator B:Ron Smith C:Marilyn Peters)A:Lo

    19、ng DistanceMay I help you?B:YesId like to place an overseas call to LondonCan I dial di-rect?A:No,sirIm afraid notB:Oh,I seeHow about the charges?A:The charges vary according to the types of call you makeThecheapest is a station-to-station call,then a person-to-person callThe mini charge will apply

    20、for the first three minutes,theneach additional minute will be chargedB:Oh,let me think of itCould you put through a collect call forme?A:CertainlyWho are you calling?B:Its a MrsPetersMarilgyn PetersA:And whats the number you are calling?B:Its London,9981-6432A:And your name and number?B:My names Ro

    21、n Smith and the phone number is 356-2210A:Hang up and Ill call you back in a few minutes(Pause)HelloThis is the operatorYou have a collect call from a MrRon Smith in ChicagoWill you accept the charges?C:Yes,I will(Ring)B:Yes,it isA:I have your call on the lineGo ahead,pleaseB:Thank you very much打错电话

    22、Dialogue A(A:A young man B:Receiver)A:HelloCan I talk to Miss Anna Li,please?B:I beg you pardon?Miss who?A:Miss LiAnna LiB:Im sorry,but I dont know that nameYou must have thewrong numberA:Come onI know Annas thereLet me talk to herB:SorryTheres no one named Anna hereAre you sure you havethe right na

    23、me?A:SureB:What number are you trying to dial?A:Its 423-6681Isnt it right?B:NoIt isntIts 423-6631A:Im sorry to have bothered youB:No problemDialogue B(A:Operator B:Zhou Qiang)A:OperatorCan I help you?B:Id like to make a person-to-person call to Beijing,ChinaThenumber is 6634-6972,and I want to speak

    24、 to MrQinA:To MrQin at 6634-6972?B:Yes,thats rightA:May I have your name and telephone number?B:My name is Zhou Qiang,and the phone number is 756-3284A:MrZhou,will you hold the line,please?(Pause)MrZhou,there is no Qin at that numberWill you check thenumber again,please?A:What the number I gave you,

    25、operator?B:Its 6634-6972A:Oh,Im sorryIt should have been 6634-6672,not 6972Ivegiven you a wrong numberB:Are you sure this time?A:YesB:OKLet me try againA:Thank youDialogue C(A:Mrs Charles B:Clerk)A:HelloThis is MrsCharlesId like to buy a new carCouldyou offer me a new type of the car,please?B:Oh,Mad

    26、am,buy what?A:A new carAnd Ive got a small family,two children,and I havent got a lot of money andB:Oh,oh,Madam,MadamIm afraid you have the wrong num-berA:Isnt this the car store?B:NoIts Mikes Sporting GoodsA:Oh,sorryDo you know the number for a car store,then?B:NoI dontI suggest you look in the pho

    27、ne bookA:Im sorry to have bothered youB:No problem分机、占线Dialogue A(A:Operator B:Mary C:Jim)A:HelloDodge AutomobilesHow may I driect you call?B:Could I have extension 239,please?A:Im sorry the numbers engagedWould you care to wait,please?B:Sure(A few minutes later)A:The line is free nowIll put you thr

    28、oughC:HelloThis is JimWhom am I speaking to,please?B:Its MaryC:Oh,MaryB:Where were you last night,Jim?I waited for you for almost anhourC:Oh!Im sorryI completely forgotB:You forgot!What did you do last night?C:I stayed inI was studyingB:No,you werentI saw you at a quarter past seven and youwere with

    29、 another girlC:Im sorry,MaryIll explain everythingIt wont happen a-gainB:It certainly wontIm never going to see you again(Maryhangs up the receiver)Dialogue B(A:Susan B:John C:Operator D:Mike)A:Do you mind if I use your phone?B:No,not at allGo aheadIts over there in the cornerA:I wonder if I could m

    30、ake a long distance call?B:Of course(Pause)A:HelloId like the extension 4130,pleaseC:Sorrythe number is busy nowWill you please hold the line?A:No,Ill try agian later(A few minutes later)A:Hello,operatorExtension 4130Would you put me through a-gain,please?C:OK,the line is freeJust a moment(Pause)Well,its ringing,go ahead,pleaseA:Hello,Mike?Its Susan speakingThe line was very busy,andit took me quite a long time getting to y


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