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    九年级英语复习教材QA教师版 中考暑假班教材.docx

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    九年级英语复习教材QA教师版 中考暑假班教材.docx

    1、九年级英语复习教材QA教师版 中考暑假班教材中考阅读回答问题(Q&A)讲义 中考阅读回答问题体裁不一,包括记叙文,应用文,说明文和议论文。考察题型多样。考查学生对语篇章整体的把握能力;快速捕捉信息,准确理解特定信息及分析长难句的能力;通过原文提取有效信息并能够写出语法词汇正确句子的能力。中考阅读回答问题有六个题目,共12分;以细节题为主(一般每篇文章都有一个开放型题目)。 常考题型分类:1. what型问句;2. why型问句;3. how型问句;4. when,where,who,which+n, how+long/far/much/big/old型问句;5. 一般疑问句和反意疑问句;6.

    2、开放型题目;基本解题思路和技巧:1. 一般情况下,文章顺序就是题目顺序,因此,建议按照题目顺序做题;2. 理解主题或主旨:最好先精读文章第一/二段内容,了解文章的体裁和主题。3. 找到关键词:看题目,准确理解题目所表达的意思,找出关键词;4. 定位:带着关键词/问题去读文章,在文章中找关键词的出处,确定题目考查的内容;5. 精读理解:准确理解被定位内容,根据题目的设问方式组织答案的合适形式;6. 检查:注意答案的细节,比如时态和人称;讲义:1. what型问句:答案基本是句子或者名词(或者名词性短语);2. why型问句:答案一般是表示原因的介词短语或者原因状语从句;3. how型问句:答案一

    3、般表示程度的形容词或者副词,或者是表示方式的介词短语;4. when,where,who,which+n, how+long/far/much/big/old型问句:根据特殊疑问词的性质回答相应的介词短语,名词或者形容词和副词。5. 一般疑问句和反意疑问句:Yes/No, . 6. 开放型题目:陈述合理即可。课堂讲义Passage 1 (17年杨浦一模) Have you been to the school library lately? If you have, youve probably noticed that there is plenty of room for improvem

    4、ent. Something needs to be done to improve the school library.The government and school leaders are all calling for better readers. They say that kids these days just dont read enough! They say they watch too much television and play too many computer games. Well, if the adults want students to read

    5、 more, they need to do their part to help the kids read.When is the last time you spent time in the school library? Youve probably noticed that there isnt a very good selection of books. The collection of books is small, and the books on the shelves are old and outdated. The book have been falling a

    6、part(散开的)for a long time. It is not very fun to read a book that is missing pages or is torn or has dirty marks on it.Not only the books old, but they are also very outdated. There isnt a single book in the library that was written in the last 10 years. There have been so many new authors and new bo

    7、oks that are great! Why cant the students in this school have access to these great books? The school has got to put its money where its mouth is. If they want the students to read, give them better reading materials!88. The author wants the library to have more reading rooms, doesnt he?_解析:答案定位第一段

    8、“there is plenty of room for improvement” 这一句。所以答案为No,he doesnt.89. What takes away students reading time?_解析:答案定位在第二段第三句话“They say they watch too much television and play too many computer games.”所以该题答案为Watching TV and playing computer games.90. How are the books in the library?_解析:文章中关于图书馆中书的现状在第三

    9、段,答案定位在第三段第三句话,“The collection of books is small, and the books on the shelves are old and outdated. The book have been falling apart(散开的)for a long time” 总结一下,所以答案为The collection of books is small, and the books on the shelves are old and outdated. And they may be torn, have missing pages or dirty

    10、marks.91. What damage have the students done to some books in the library? (Give one example)_解析:在文章中第三段最后一句,a book that is missing pages or is torn or has dirty marks on it. 书丢失了几页,后者被撕破,或者被留下脏的污渍。由此可以推断出,学生对书的破坏可能是撕掉了书页,或者是把书本弄脏掉了。所以答案为The students tear the pages of the books/make the books dirty.

    11、92. Whom does the author want to read the articleStudents, _,_etc. 解析:结合文章中第二段开头 “The government and school leaders are all calling for better readers.” 和左后一段结尾“If they want the students to read,give them better reading materials!”可以知道,本篇文章,作者的想要的阅读对象是政府和学校的领导者。所以答案为the government,the school leaders

    12、.93. What should be done to improve the library?_解析:文章中最后一段的最后一句话,作者直接说出要让孩子们能够更多的阅读机会们就要提高图书的质量,结合文章前半部分图书馆的图书现状,我们就可以从解决现状的措施来回答。所以答案为The school has got to put its money to improve the library, give the students better reading materials such as providing them with a bigger collection of books and

    13、up-dated new books.答案:88.No,he doesnt.89.Watching TV and playing computer games.90.The collection of books is small, and the books on the shelves are old and outdated. And they may be torn, have missing pages or dirty marks.91.The students tear the pages of the books/make the books dirty.92.the gove

    14、rnment,the school leaders.93.The school has got to put its money to improve the library, give the students better reading materials such as providing them with a bigger collection of books and up-dated new books.Intensive Reading and Translation from English to Chinese:1.The government and school le

    15、aders are all calling for better readers.Translation: 政府和学校的领导人正在提倡呼吁更好的阅读者。Language points: call for 要求;需求;提倡;邀请;为.叫喊More examples:1)Citizens call for open and responsible governance._2)People call for a completely secure system._2. Well, if the adults want students to read more, they need to do th

    16、eir part to help the kids read.Translation: 然而,如果大人们想让学生读更多的书,他们需要尽自己的职责去帮助孩子们阅读。Language points: do ones part 尽某人的职责More examples:1)Everyone should do his part in this team._2)Doing ones part is basic rule when you are at work._3.It is not very fun to read a book that is missing pages or is torn or

    17、 has dirty marks on it.Translation: 读一本缺失书页的书,或者是被撕烂掉,或者有脏的痕迹在上面不会是有乐趣的。Language points: it is +adj.+ to do sth. 做某件事情是.More examples:1)It is so horrible to climb a high mountain without companies._2)It is not wise to go outside now , its raining heavily._4.Why cant the students in this school have

    18、access to these great books?Translation: 为什么在这个学校的学生没有能够接触到这些好书的机会?Language points: have access to 可以利用;有接触(或进入使用)的机会或者权利。More examples:1)People do not have access to weapons in this country._2)Across the area, all students have access to and can use computers daily in their classroom._Word list:lat

    19、elyadv. 近来,最近fall apart破碎;崩溃improvev.提高;改善marksn.污点,斑点v.做记号,留下痕迹leadern.领导者,指挥者,领袖authorn.作者noticev. 通知;告诉;注意n. 通知,注意accessn. 使用;达到;入口v.存取;获取(尤指计算机数据)outdatedadj.过时的,陈旧的materialn.料子;材料adj. 物质上的,实体的Reflective thinking:_Passage 2 (17年虹口一模) One morning, Mrs. Santos was returning from the supermarket wi

    20、th her neighbor and her daughter, two-year-old Carmelita. They stopped on the stairway of their building at their fifth-floor flat. The neighbour opened her door first, and little Carmelita ran past her. Carmelita knew the flat well, since she had visited many times. The neighbor put down her keys a

    21、nd shopping bags, and turned back a moment to Mrs. Santos. At that moment, there was a sudden gust of wind and the door slammed shut. Carmelita was inside, alone. Then the neighbor remembered that she had left her kitchen window open. She and Mrs. Santos rushed to the Santos flat and telephoned the

    22、police. But there was no time to get help in opening the neighbouring flat. They could see that Carmelita was already leaning out of the kitchen window. She had climbed onto a chair, and soon she was climbing out onto the window sill(窗台板). Mrs. Santos called to Carmelita to go back inside. But the little girl did not understand the danger and only waved to her mother. Then she lost her balance and her feet slipped off the window sill. She managed to hold on for a while with her hands, but she began to be afraid. Her mother screamed for help


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