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    1、09年高二英语下册期中联考试题09年高二英语下册期中联考试题高二英语试题说明:1、本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分,共120分,考试时间100分钟; 2、选择题的答案必须用铅笔转涂到答题卡上,用其它笔色涂卡者不计分;3、第二卷必须用钢笔或圆珠笔书写,否则不计分.第卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:单项填空 (共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)1. The material appears to be iron at _ first sight because of its color, but actually it is made of _wood

    2、.A. 不填;不填 B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. 不填;the2He sat down suddenly, as if he didnt _ his legs to support him. A. advise B. trust C. promise D. persuade3I think it _ have been Jack that parked the car like that, as he is always doing so. A. should B. would C. need D. must4. The event was organized by tw

    3、o people, _ is a professional. A. neither of them B. neither of whom C. both of them D. both of whom5. Why not stay for lunch? My mom is making hamburgers and fries. - _. I love hamburgers and fries.A. Not at all B. Thats rightC. Never mind D. Good idea6. _ hearing that a new novel about Harry Porte

    4、r was published, the boy rushed at once to the bookshop. A. At B. On C. In D. With7. In my opinion, _ to worry about the present situation; everything will be all right. A. it is no need B. there is no wonder C. it is no wonder D. there is no need8. Never have I seen a man as _ as my boss he always

    5、wants all the money in the world! A. generous B. unrest C. greedy D. willing9. After she graduated from college in 2005, her parents insisted _ abroad to further her education. A. her going B. on her going C. that she went D. that she must go 10. He was disappointed to know that the plan, which he _

    6、 after careful consideration, was not well received at the meeting. A. put away B. put forward C. put off D. put out11. Being a shy man, he dared not even speak loudly _, not to mention making a speech. A. in public B. in common C. in a hurry D. in a word12. The manager has been recovering gradually

    7、 since the operation, and it wont be long _ she comes back to work. A. since B. after C. before D. when13. We are taking measures to protect these species, but it _ to be seen how effective such measures will be. A. remains B. is remained C. remained D. will be remained14. Albert Einstein, _ life ha

    8、d once been very hard, was given the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921. A. of whom B. for whom C. for whose D. in whom15.- May I remind you that a Mr. Smith is waiting outside, sir? - Oh, thats right. I _ about it. A. forget B. forgot C. had forgotten D. have forgotten第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)It w

    9、as cold and windy outside. I was sitting in my nice warm car at a stoplight crossing listening to the radio, and I thought positively, “Life is 16 .Now this was a long light. As I 17 I noticed a couple at the bus stop. They looked cold and poor. This couple 18 to be doing their best to keep warm. I

    10、said to myself, “Oh, those poor people in that punishing 19 .”But then I saw their faces. They were hudding (挤在一起), 20 they were also laughing. They looked to be 21 a good joke, and suddenly, instead of pitying them, 22 them. They didnt seem to notice the wind. They werent looking at my 23 thinking,

    11、 “I wish I had that.”At that moment, I realized I had 24 things were all bad for them, but they werent and I understood we all have the 25 to make moments of happiness happen.Now maybe thats easy for me to say. I feel 26 to have fans around the world, a house with a roof, and a wife who 27 my shortc

    12、omings. But I must say I felt this way 28 when I was working at Long John Silvers, where I worked as a 29 .In the beginning it seemed like a dead-end job. But I had a job 30 and I should be happy for that. After two weeks 31 , I knew everything about cooking, and it 32 my mind from worry. The job al

    13、lowed me to dream about what my life could become. Things 33 all right.I believe this is something we all can do . Try to be happy 34 the context of the life were actually living. Happiness is not a(n) 35 to be longed for . Through the power of our own minds, We will be happy. 16. A. hard B. real C.

    14、 good D. unbearable 17. A. turned B. waited C. searched D. followed 18. A. happened B. prepared C. decided D. seemed 19. A. rain B. darkness C. poverty D. wind 20. A. although B. but C. if D. because 21. A. breaking B. forgetting C. finding D. sharing 22. A. helped B. disliked C. envied D. called 23

    15、. A. dress B. wealth C. car D. happiness 24. A. assumed B. complained C. ignored D. admitted 25. A. right B. power C. business D. sense 26. A. important B. necessary C. impossible D. lucky 27. A. cares for B. looks up to C. puts up with D. gets along with 28. A. only B. even C. hardly D. once 29. A.

    16、 singer B. musician C. director D. cook 30. A. at most B. at least C. at last D. as well 31. A. effort B. consideration C. failure D. rest 32. A. prevented B. separated C. freed D. kept 33. A. turned up B. turned out C. took out D. came up 34. A. around B. against C. beyond D. within 35. A. position

    17、 B. situation C. reason D. activity第三部分:阅读理解:AOne of the most popular fast food restaurants in America is Taco Bell. While this restaurant may not serve authentic(真正的) Mexican food, that is perfectly okay with Americans. Americans have come to love the Americanized treats that Taco Bell has sold for

    18、 the past 40 years. Each year Americans crowd into Taco Bell restaurants and spend over6.2 billion.Glen Bell opened the first Taco Bell restaurant on March 21 , 1962 The first franchise(特许经营店) was sold in 1964. And 80% of Taco Bell restaurants are individually owned franchises.Taco Bell has more tha

    19、n 143,000 employees. This includes the employees in the company and individually owned restaurants. Surprisingly enough, this restaurant is a cut above the other fast food restaurants when it comes to their employees. Taco Bell not only offers benefits, but they also help employees to move up in the

    20、 company.Each year Taco Bell sells lots of food. In fact, they sell 2 billion tacos(墨西哥煎玉米卷) each year. Whats their key to success? Just look at their menu. Not only is their food tasty, but its extremely affordable as well.Taco Bell restaurants can be found in several cities across America. In fact

    21、, therere 5,800 restaurants. With all those restaurants, you can be sure that the company makes lots of money each year. In fact, company-owned restaurants make around 1.8 billion each year, while individually owned restaurants bring in another 4.4 billion.36. The passage mainly talks about _. A. a

    22、fast food restaurant in America B. the menu of Taco Bell restaurants C. why Taco Bell has so many franchises D. fast food restaurants in America37. The underlined part in Paragraph 3 probably means _. A. Taco Bell is smaller than other fast food restaurants B. Taco Bell pays its employees less than

    23、other fast food restaurants C. Taco Bell is better than other fast food restaurants D. Taco Bell makes bigger profit than other fast food restaurants38. What can we learn from the passage? a. Who opened the first Taco Bell restaurant. b. When the first Taco Bell restaurant was opened. c. The prices

    24、of food on Taco Bell restaurants there are in Asia. d. How many Taco Bell restaurants there are in Asia. e. How much money Taco Bell restaurants bring in each year. A. a, b, c B. a, b, e C. b, c, d D. b, d, e39. According to the passage, Taco Bell restaurants_. A. serve authentic Mexican food B. wer

    25、e set up in the past decade C. are mostly private franchises D. have a small number of employeesBTardiness (迟到) challenges teachers to help kids see themselves as members of a group in which their presence matters. Detention(放学后留下) can have some effect, but it strengthens students ideas that being l

    26、ate is a personal issue, not a group one. Motivating students to show up on time for whats going to happen in class tends to work much better in preventing tardiness. This issue requires balancing the rights of the individual with the rights of the group.Here, middle grades students point out what p

    27、articularly matters to them:Javier“Im not saying you have to threaten kids for them to show up on time for school. But my teacher gave me a detention because I was late three times. And that shamed me. I didnt want another detention. I just showed up on time every day.”Genesis“I think they should gi

    28、ve us more time to get to class. Sometimes kids have to use the bathroom, and they dont get out by the time theyre supposed to be there. But most teachers dont take excuses. Youre trying to explain to them and theyre like, I dont care. Youre late for my class, and you get a detention.”AmeliaTeachers

    29、 should do something good at the beginning of class to make kids want to come early. My teacher gives kids time to relax first, like if you answer a question. You get a prize. So kids come, because they dont want to miss the beginning of class.Carmela“I think talking about the problem is better with

    30、 the whole class. It can get chaotic(混乱的), but if you really want this to happen then it will work out. Because we realized how bad we had been and we found the problem, so we really try to work to become a better class.”40. According to the first paragraph, if a student is given a detention,_. A. h

    31、e will think that being late has nothing to do with others B. he will feel ashamed as a member of a class C. he will ask for the rights of a student D. he will be encouraged to care about his personal issues41. Who thinks that detention may be a useful way to prevent kids from coming late? A. Javier B. Amelia C. Genesis D. Carmela42. In the opinion of Gen


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