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    1、人教版英语高考一轮复习人教版必修四综合测试温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。阶段评估检测(二)(必修2)(120分钟120分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。AOld Falls MoviesJune 28thBeauty & the BeastDisneys classic takes on a new form, with a widened fair tale and a

    2、n all-star cast. A young prince, imprisoned in the form of a beast, can be freed only by true love. What may be his only opportunity arrives when he meets Belle, the only human girl to ever visit the castle since his being turned into a beast. July 12th The Emoji(表情)MovieThe Emoji Movie unlocks a se

    3、cret world inside your smartphone. Hidden within the messaging app is Texttopolis, a city where all your favorite emojis live with only one facial expression except Gene who has multiple expressions. Determined to become “normal” like the other emojis, Gene asks Hi-5 and Jailbreak to help through th

    4、e apps on the phone to find the code that will fix him. July 19th Jumanji: Welcome to the JungleIn a new Jumanji adventure, four kids discover an old video game and are drawn into the games jungle setting, becoming the adult avatars(化身). To beat the game and return to the real world alive, theyll ha

    5、ve to find a map and change the way they think about themselves or they be stuck in the game forever. August 9thPeter RabbitPeter Rabbit, his three sisters and their cousin Benjamin enjoy troubling Mr McGregor in his vegetable garden until he dies. When one of Mr McGregors relatives moves in, he fin

    6、ds much more than he bargained for. What follows is a battle of wills between the new Mr McGregor and the rabbits. However, something happens and his feelings towards them begin to change. 【文章大意】本篇为广告文体, 介绍了四部六、七、八月间电影档期上映的四部电影。1. When can the audience see a film about true love? A. On July 19th. B.

    7、 On June 28th. C. On August 9th. D. On July 12th. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。文章第一部分介绍了六月28日上映的电影美女与野兽, 而在文章中也提到了. . . can be freed only by true love, 由此可知, 这是一部爱情故事, 故关于真爱的电影要选在6月28日观看。故选B项。 2. How is Gene special? A. He lives in a secret world alone. B. He can help others through an app. C. He is the favorite em

    8、oji of the world. D. He has more than one facial expressions. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的. . . a city where all your favorite emojis live with only one facial expression except Gene who has multiple expressions可知, Gene不同于其他的表情, 他具有多种表情。3. What should adventurers do to win in the game in the movie on July 1

    9、9th? A. Dress up as adults. B. Discover an old video game. C. Draw a map about the jungle. D. Think about themselves differently. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据广告部分第三段中To beat the game and return to the real world alive, theyll have to find a map and change the way they think about themselves or they be stuck in t

    10、he game forever可知, 孩子们要活着回到真实的世界中来, 必须要找到地图, 改变自己的思维方式。 BIn the summer of 2017, I joined the British Red Cross at 15. After several days of training, I was attending my first event as a fully qualified Red Cross volunteer. Though Id passed my first aid course with flying colors, I was nervous before

    11、 the event began. Theres quite a difference between the classroom and the real thing! Two experienced adult volunteers would be working with me. Rosie was taking part in the under-16s event, wearing full protective clothing just in case. All these precautions (预防措施) didnt help when her competitor mi

    12、sjudged a move and delivered a violent blow to her head. Rosie was lying on the ground. As we approached we could see she was conscious. Brian, my colleague took the lead. “Hey there, stay nice and still for me. ”I helped, painfully aware that hundreds of sets of eyes were following our every move.

    13、However, I soon forgot all about this as I focused on the task at hand. Rosie was complaining of pain in her neck. Brian found there were no other injuries and an ambulance was called. I was still holding her head and doing my best to comfort her. The ambulance arrived and took Rosie to hospital. Te

    14、n years on Ive met many more people like Rosiein need of help. Ive moved on from a trainer to a trainer. When a call comes in, that slight feeling of nervousness is still there. However, it is the feeling of making a difference, being there during a painful moment in someones life. 【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。作者主

    15、要讲述了做急救志愿者的经历。4. What does the underlined part “with flying colors” probably mean? A. Slowly. B. Successfully. C. Poorly. D. Carefully. 【解析】选B。词义猜测题。根据第一段“I was attending my first event as a fully qualified Red Cross volunteer. ”可知, 几天的培训之后, 作者成为了一名合格的红十字会志愿者。由此可以推断作者顺利地通过了急救课程考核, 故答案选B。5. How was R

    16、osie injuried? A. She was hit by mistake. B. She didnt take precautions. C. She made a wrong move. D. She was not herself and fell off. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。由第三段“her competitor misjudged a move and delivered a violent blow to her head”一句可知, Rosie的对手做出了误判, 给了她头部狠狠一击。因此正确答案选A。6. How did the author help Rosie?

    17、 A. She took her to hospital. B. She checked her injuries. C. She did something for her pain. D. She held her head and calmed her. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“I was still holding her head and doing my best to comfort her. ”一句可知, 作者托住Rosie的头部, 并不断地安慰她。故答案选D。7. What do we know about the author now? A. She of

    18、ten receives first aid training. B. Shes working as a professional doctor. C. She feels a sense of achievement about her work. D. Shes no longer nervous when performing first aid. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。由最后一段的末句可知, 作者在急救工作中感受到了一种可以帮助别人的成就感。因此正确答案选C。CA primary school in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, has announced

    19、 it no longer requires parents to sign their childrens homework, which was aimed at getting parents to supervise their children after school. China Youth Daily comments: Putting an end to the requirement that parents sign off on the homework of their children eases the burden on many parents, as oth

    20、erwise they would have to do primary school homework after a hard days work. But there are worries that if parents stop having to sign off on their childrens homework, the children will not get good grades. However, the most efficient way for children to study is to develop their willingness to lear

    21、n and do their own studies. When doing homework, students practice and hopefully apply what they have learned. It is true that teachers are supposed to check students homework and identify their mistakes. But some parents correct their childrens mistakes by themselves when signing off on it. It is t

    22、he duty of students to do their homework, be responsible for their studies and correct their mistakes. Parents supervising their homework, checking their answers and dealing with the harder problems, will only make children less aware of their mistakes and encourage them to wait for their parents he

    23、lp when they face any problems. Children have to manage their own learning and develop the ability to study by themselves, as competence will not be achieved if a student simply repeats strict tasks in which he is assisted in school by teachers and at home by parents. A delayed satisfaction experime

    24、nt conducted by Walter Mischel in the 1960s proved that children with better self-discipline performed better in their studies and interpersonal relationships. There is little doubt that parents supervision can make childrens homework better. But it does not give children the chance to practice thei

    25、r ability to solve problems independently. 【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文, 论述了叫停家长给学生家庭作业签字的硬性要求是否有利。8. Why does the author mention the primary schools announcement in the first paragraph? A. To express his doubts. B. To introduce the topic. C. To present an argument. D. To clarify his writing purpose. 【解析】选B。写作目的题

    26、。第一段以浙江省金华一所小学宣布, 不再要求父母给他们孩子的家庭作业签字引出本文说明的亟待讨论的话题: 是否应该叫停家长给学生家庭作业签字的硬性要求。9. In the authors opinion, stopping signing kids homework mainly aims to _. A. ease the burden on many parentsB. practice and apply what the kids have learnedC. increase the kids awareness of being responsible for their studi

    27、esD. shift the responsibility of supervising kids homework on to teachers【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据文中第三段第一句 “It is the duty of students to do their homework, be responsible for their studies and correct their mistakes. ”可知, 作者认为做作业、对学习负责和纠正错误是学生的职责。所以作者认为叫停签字是为了增强学生对自己学习负责的意识。10. Which of the following can be

    28、an effect caused by parents stopping signing off? A. Childrens grades will definitely decrease. B. Children will lose confidence when facing any problems. C. Children will simply repeat rigid tasks so as to practice themselves. D. Children will try to deal with their problems and mistakes by themsel

    29、ves. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“But it does not give children the chance to practice their ability to solve problems independently. ”可知, 叫停家长签字, 学生会拥有更多的机会自己独立解决问题。A选项: 没有家长签字, 学生成绩一定会下降, 这种说法太绝对。B项没有体现。C项并非是叫停家长签字所带来的结果。11. What is the authors attitude to parents stopping signing kids homework? A. Suppo

    30、rtive. B. Indifferent. C. Neutral. D. Opposed. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段以及文中相应的描述, 作者认为“毫无疑问, 家长的监督可以使孩子的家庭作业变得更好。但是这并不能给孩子练习独立解决问题能力的机会。”, 所以对于这种要求作者的态度是支持的。DIt is unavoidable that in near future intelligent autonomous vehicles will replace a considerable percentage of cars that we now have on the road

    31、s. Ford is developing a fully-autonomous vehicle without a steering wheel(方向盘)or gas and brake pedals; the software and sensors will do all the work; the vehicle will take you where you want to go at the push of a button, the auto industry giant announced on Thursday, Aug. 17th, 2017. The car maker

    32、expects the vehicle to be ready by the end of 2021 and says thats an important step toward improving road safety and transforming mobility for millions of people. Although five years seems far off, for Ford, its a blink of an eye. Thats OK because the car-maker has been working on autonomous driving for more than 10 years and it has a lot more to accomplish in the next five. Ford h


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