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    最新文档初一上学期英语范文模板 20页.docx

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    最新文档初一上学期英语范文模板 20页.docx

    1、最新文档初一上学期英语范文模板 20页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = 初一上学期英语篇一:初一英语期末试卷及答案金榜教育七年级英语二. 单项选择 (15分)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)21. You see, its my dream to buy _ iphone 4. Oh, you can ask your parents to buy _ for you.A. a; it B. an; it C. a; oneD. an; one22. Shall we go sho

    2、pping now? - Sorry, its not the right _. Im too busy.A. way B. weatherC. placeD. moment23. We Chinese like drinking wine made _ rice? Really? Its quite different from us.A. of B. from C. in D. for24. Please _ the lights when you leave the classroom. OK, I _.A. turn on; will B. turn off; will C. turn

    3、 on; do D. turn off; am25. Sorry, the price of the trousers is too _. OK. Would you like to have a look at a cheaper _?A. expensive; oneB. expensive; pair C. high; one D. high; pair26. I dont know _ for the party. You look so good now. I think the pink T-shirt _ the grey jeans very well.A. what to w

    4、ear; matches B. how to wear it; matchesC. what to wear; matchD. when to go; match27. I am going to Shanghai on holiday this weekend. Good luck _ your trip.A. on B. to C. withD. in28. Im getting fatter and fatter. I think you need to _ and take more _.A. have healthy diet; exercises B. on diet; exerc

    5、isingC. have a healthy diet; exercise D. having a healthy diet; exercises29. Mum, Im hungry. Can I eat something? - Hungry?! You have eaten _ and _.A. three bowls of noodle; two hamburgerB. three bowls of noodles; two hamburgersC. three bowl of noodles; two pieces of hamburgerD. three noodles; two p

    6、ieces of hamburger30. Tom, go and _ for the shoes. Why me? They are your shoes!A. spend B. cost C. takeD. pay31. Where is Alex? Mr. Lee _ him. Maybe he _ in the library. You can go to have a look.A. looks at; reads booksB. is looking at; is reading booksC. looks for; is reading books D. is looking f

    7、or; is reading books32. - _ do you go to the net bar(网吧)? - Never. I dont think a student should go there.A. How oftenB. How soonC. WhenD. How many times33. Angela, we are_. Would you like some? - _. I have to leave now.A. doing homework; Yes, go aheadB. playing cards; Yes, pleaseC. making some dump

    8、lings; No, thanksD. flying kites; Im afraid not.34. - _ do you wear, madam? - Size 8.A. How muchB. What sizeC. How big D. How much size35. Look! Here _ the bus. Lets _. Oh, no. Its No. 2 Bus. We should take No. 11.A. comes; get on it B. comes; get it on C. is coming; get on it D. come; get it on三. 完

    9、形填空 (15分)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)Man has five senses(感官): sight, hearing, _36_, taste and touch. They _37_ information for the brain(大脑). For example, the eyes collect information _38_ pictures and the ears collect information on _39_.Sight_40_ of a humans two eyes has an eyelid(眼皮) and an eyebrow(眉毛). Th

    10、ey protect the eyes. The eyes can only see with light. Light _41_ the picture of something into the eyes so the human can see it.HearingSounds travel _42_ the air like waves (波). They are called sound waves. Human ears _43_ cups. They catch these waves for the brain and the brain changes them into d

    11、ifferent sounds. Sound waves are much slower than light. So you always see lightning first and then you _44_ the thunder.(雷声) SmellHumans smell with their _45_. Most people can _46_ about 10,000 kinds of smell. This is amazing! But dogs can smell 1,000 times better than humans. Humans have five mill

    12、ion receptor cells (接受细胞). _47_, dogs have two hundred million!TastePeople can taste food because they have taste buds (味蕾) on their tongues. There are about 10,000 taste buds. Old taste buds die and new ones _48_ every two weeks. But when people get older, this happens less often.TouchThere are rec

    13、eptor cells for the sense of touch all over the body. This is different from _49_ four senses. Touch receptor cells are in the lowest part of the skin. They help the body to have all kinds of feelings like pain, cold and heat. Some parts of the body (like the fingertips) are more sensitive than othe

    14、r parts of the body (like the back) because they have more _50_ receptor cells. 36. A. listenB. touchC. smell D. see37. A. collectB. giveC. throw D. teach38. A. in B. through C. from D. on39. A. noisesB. voicesC. sounds D. feelings40. A. All B. EveryC. Each D. None41. A. carriesB. carryC. to carry D

    15、. carrying42. A. on B. in C. throughD. of43. A. are likeB. likeC. dont likeD. enjoy44. A. smellB. tasteC. hear D. touch45. A. eyesB. nosesC. ears D. hands46. A. tell B. speakC. talk D. explain47. A. However B. AndC. So D. But48. A. come across B. come in C. come through D. come out49. A. othersB. another C. the otherD. other50. A. touchB. smellC. hearingD. taste四,阅读理解 (30分)(共15小题;每小题2分,计30分)BIts Sunda


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