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    1、广东汕头市届普通高中毕业班教学质量监测英语试题及答案汕头市2021届普通高中毕业班教学质量监测英 语第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共1 5小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ANOTED GLOBAL UNIVERSITIES University education is something that remains embedded(嵌入)within us till our last breath. Here are some famous universities with wonderful aca

    2、demic research performance and global reputations.Harvard UniversityFounded in 1636, Harvard has the largest endowment(捐赠基金)in the world, with over 20% international students. Its library is the largest academic one in the world, possessing around 19 million volumes at its over 70 libraries. For Har

    3、vard undergraduates, the majorssocial sciences, biology/biological sciences, history, math and psychology, are their top choices.Tsinghua University Tsinghua traces back to 1911, whose international students come from over 100 countries. Recently, 41% of the universitys non-Chinese students were und

    4、er graduates. It offers various subjects: science, engineering, literature, arts, history, philosophy, economics, management, law, education and medicine, with around 200 student groups, such as the Zijing Volunteer Service.University of Oxford The exact date of its founding is unknown, but it trace

    5、s back to at least 1096. More than half of Oxfords graduates conduct research as part of their studies. Research at Oxford takes place in its academic divisions: humanities, mathematical, physical and life sciences, medical sciences, and social sciences.University of MunichFounded in 1472, its home

    6、to the social science and humanities disciplines, while its HighTech Campus is home to the natural and life sciences. It has 18 academic divisions, including faculties of business administration, medicine and social sciences and offers over 200 degree programs.1Which majors are the most popular with

    7、 Harvard undergraduates?ASocial sciences and education. BBiological sciences and history. CPsychology and law. DMath and arts.2Which university is home to social science and humanities disciplines?AHarvard University. BTsinghua University.CUniversity of Oxford. DUniversity of Munich.3Which is the yo

    8、ungest among these four noted universities?ATsinghua University. BUniversity of Oxford.CHarvard University. DUniversity of Munich.BShay cannot learn as other children do. When a child like Shay comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes, in the wa

    9、y other people treat that child. Seeing some boys playing baseball, Shay wondered if he could join in. His father knew it difficult, but he also understood if Shay were allowed, it would give him a sense of belonging.Thankfully, Shay was admitted by one boy, whose team was losing by one run(跑垒分), to

    10、 play in the outfield. Though no hits came his way, Shay was still ecstatic just to be in the game, grinning(咧着嘴笑) from ear to ear as his father waved to him. Eventually, the potential winning came while Shay was scheduled to be next at bat. At this juncture(关头), let Shay bat and give away their cha

    11、nce to win the game?Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat. Everyone knew the hit was impossible. Shay didnt even know how to hold the bat properly. The pitcher(投手)moved in some steps to throw softly so Shay could hit it, but Shay swung clumsily and missed. The pitcher took more steps forward to throw

    12、 softly again. This time, Shay made it, hitting a slow ground ball back to the pitcher.The pitcher picked up the ball and could have easily thrown it to the first baseman. Shay would have been out and that would have been the end of the game. Instead, the pitcher threw it on a high arc(弧)to right fi

    13、eld, far beyond the reach of the first baseman. Everyone started yelling, “Shay, run to first!” Never in his life had Shay ever made it. He scampered(惊慌奔跑) down the baseline, wide-eyed and frightened. “Run to second!” Meanwhile, the first baseman had the ball, who could have thrown it to the second

    14、baseman, but he also intentionally threw the ball higher and farther over the third basemans head. Run to third! the boys from both teams were screaming, “Shay, run home !”That day, Shay was cheered as the hero who hit the grand slam(全垒打) and won the game for his team. In the stand, a mans face was

    15、flooded with tears.4According to Shays father, what could Shay get from playing baseball with the boys?ATrue human nature. BPeoples presents. CA sense of belonging DPhysical exercise.5What does the underlined word ecstatic in Paragraph 2 probably mean?AShy. BPuzzled. CThrilled DEmbarrassed.6Why did

    16、the basemen throw the ball high and far?ATo win the game. BTo make Shay run longer.CTo create a high and beautiful arc. DTo assist Shay to hit the grand slam. 7What can we learn from Shays story?ANever say die. BSharp tools make good work.CEvery dog has its day. DKindness is not a science, but an ac

    17、tion.CSome people have glibly(轻率地)called it the Chinese burger. But roujiamo, a food that has its origins in northern Chinas Shaanxi Province, is different from what youd order at Burger King, with a far longer 2,000-year-old history. Roujiamo is a thing of beauty a soft but chewy bun filled with sm

    18、all pieces of braised(炖)pork.Most amazingly, some customers might show their respect for the pork in this little bun, which was just bathed in the soup that is older than them. Among a sea of tough competition, Lijiarongxi, a restaurant recognized as the best roujiamo place in town, should owe its s

    19、uccess to the soup used to slow-cook its meat, which has been braised on the stove since the founder, Mr. Li, first braised it 27years ago. In fact, most restaurants of good fame have an exclusive heritage recipe(家传秘方)for their soups that often date back to decades ago. The soup in Fanji Roujiamo, o

    20、ne of Xians best-known roujiamo restaurants, is believed to be more than 80 years old!You might eat the bun quickly in seconds, but like all good things, it should be given time to enjoy. Chefs braise the pork in its decade-old soup for hours and let it sit overnight, making the meat more tender. Su

    21、ch tenderly cooked meat is what lends this dish the nickname lao han xi in Xianyang. Thats because the best roujiamo meat is so soft that it should melt in your mouth without having to chew it imagining the elderly customers in question, without a perfect set of teeth.Its also worth noting that like

    22、 most types of regional Chinese food, roujiamo varies depending on the city and community. Buns come baked or pan-fried, and for the meat, Muslim communities in Shaanxi often use beef, while people in Ningxia usually choose lamb.8What is right about roujiamo?AA soft but chewy bun with meat. BA pork

    23、bun with a history less than 2,000 years.CA kind of food ordered at Burger King. DA typical burger originating in Shaanxi Province.9What is the main factor that makes roujiamo amazing?AA sea of fierce competition. BThe softness of the meat.CThe soup used to braise the meat. DIts exclusive heritage r

    24、ecipes.10What does the nickname lao han xi suggest in Paragraph 3?AThe decade-old soup is so attractive that the old feel like bathing in it.BThe meat gets soft and is friendly for the old to eat, making them happy.CThe meat turns tough after being braised in its decade-old soup for hours.DThe meat

    25、melts in the mouth of the old, who sigh for not tasting it successfully.11What are the tones of the passage?AHumorous and affectionate. BRidiculous and religious.CSerious but affectionate. DHumorous but ridiculous. D In Judgement Day, one of the hit film series Terminator, a cyborg (生化人) played by S

    26、chwarzenegger could heal his skin wound magically, that is, he makes the skin repair itself in less than a second. Recently, according to Mirror, a smart electronic skin like it has been developed, which is as strong, stretchy and sensitive as humans.Previous attempts to electronically copy human sk

    27、in have fallen short. Making suitably flexible electronics that can perform delicate tasks while also enduring the bumps and scrapes of everyday life is challenging, and each material involved must be carefully engineered. The previous sensor layer was too weak or too strong, reducing its durability

    28、, sensitivity or flexibility, which makes it more likely to break.With the development of 2D sensors and hydrogel (水凝胶), scientists efforts paid off, linking sensor layer with skin functionally and durably. Study author Dr Jie Shen said, Hydrogels are more than 70 percent water, making them very com

    29、patible (相容的) with human skin tissues. By prestretching the hydrogel in all directions, applying a layer of nano(纳米)wires, and then carefully controlling its release, we created conductive pathways to the sensor layer that remained complete even when the material was stretched to 28 times its origin

    30、al size. Meanwhile, skin electronics kept changing at a spectacular pace.This e-skin can sense temperature and touch from up to 8 inches away, react to things in under one tenth of a second and repair itself more than 5,000 times. The new invention could help monitor a range of biological informatio

    31、n, including changes in blood pressure. While the first port of call is medical, the e-skin could benefit a wide range of products one day, such as monitoring the structural condition of furniture and planes.12Why is a cyborg in Judgement Day mentioned in Paragraph l?ATo introduce the topic. BTo inf

    32、orm the background.CTo advertise the hit film. DTo recommend Schwarzenegger.13What made the previous attempts fall short?AThe delicate tasks. BThe unsuitable sensor layer.C. The bumps and scrapes of everyday life. DThe compatibility with human skin tissues.14What can we infer about the e-skin from the last paragraph?AIt can sense and react exactly like humans skin.BIt may be used to check


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