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    1、物流术语教学教材物流术语-中英文对照物流基础术语C筹措raise D第三方物流the third party logistics F反向物流reverse logistics分拨中心distributioncenter废弃物物流waste material logistics 服务serviceG供应链supply chain供应链管理supply chain management供应物流supply logistics 国际物流international logisticsH回收物流return logistics货物运输量freight volume货物周转量 turnover volum

    2、e of freight transport J军事物流militarylogistics 军事物资military material军事物流一体化integrationof military logistics and civil logistics 军事供应链military supply chain军地供应链管理military supply chain management精益物流lean logisticsP配送中心distributioncenter配送式保障distribution-mode supportQ企业物流internal logistics全资产可见性total as

    3、set visibility S生产物流production logistics社会物流external logistics; W物品goods 物流logistics物流活动logistics activity物流管理logistics management物流服务logistics service物流系统logistics system物流设施logistics establishment物流中心logistics center物流园区logistics park物流企业logistics enterprise物流作业logistics operation物流模数logistics mod

    4、ulus物流技术logistics technology物流成本logistics cost物流网络logistics network物流信息logistics information物流单证logistics documents物流联盟logistics alliance 物流作业流程logistics operation process物流场logistics field X销售物流distribution logistics项目物流project logistics虚拟物流virtual logistics; Y一体化物流服务integrated logistics service; Z

    5、战备物资储备 military repertory of combat readiness物流作业服务术语B搬运handling carrying保管storage包装package/packagingC仓储warehousing 仓储费用warehousing fee仓单storage invoice仓单质押融资 warehouse receipt hypothecating/depot bill pledge承运carriage承运人carrier储存storingD道路运输road transport订单满足率fill rate订货周期order cycle time定制物流custom

    6、ized logistics堆码stacking低NOX燃烧器 low NOX burnerE二次风secondary airF分类sorting 缝隙式燃烧器split burner风门damper沸点boiling temperatureG管道运输pipeline transport管板tube plate过热器superheater 共同配送jointdistributionH航空运输air transport货损率cargo damages rate货垛goods stackJ拣选order picking集货goods consolidation检验inspection基本运价fre

    7、ight unit price; K库存inventory库存成本inventory cost库存商品融资Inventory Financing库存周期inventory cycle time L零担运输sporadic freight transportation联合运输combined transport联合费率joint rate联合成本joint cost流通加工distribution processing; 理货tally M门到门服务door to door service煤粉管道pulverized coal pipingP配送distribution Q缺货率stock-ou

    8、t rateR燃烧室combustion chamberS三次风tertiaryair水路运输waterway transport甩挂运输drop and pull transport商品完好率rate of the goods in good conditionT托运consignment 铁路运输railway transport W物流客户服务logistics customer service物流运营服务logistics operation service 物流服务质量logistics service quality物品储备goods reserves; X销售包装 sales p

    9、ackage旋流式燃烧器 turbulent burnerY摇摆式燃烧器 tilting burner油枪 oil gun torch一次风 primary air运输 transportation运输包装 transportpackage Z直达运输 through transportation直流式燃烧器 direct-flow burner中转运输 transfer transportation整车运输 transportation of truck-load装卸 loading and unloading增值物流服务 value-added logistics service组配 as

    10、sembly物流技术与设施设备术语B包装材料 packages material标准箱 twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU) C叉车属具 attachments of fork lift trucks叉车 fork lift truck称量装置 load weighing devices车载式升降台 car-carrying LT 超市货架系统 shop tool rack system垂直式分拣系统 vertical picking system垂直输送机 elevator conveyors 垂直循环式 vertical circulating 侧面叉车 si

    11、de fork lift trucks 敞式货车 truck缠绕机 stetch wrapping machine触摸屏 teuchscreenD单元装卸unit loading & unloading单元拣选式unit-pick stocker AS/RS单轨输送机overhead onorail conveyors带式输送机belt conveyors 地面登车桥mobile yard ramps 电机减速机 motors电子标签拣选系统 digital picking system RF电动托盘堆垛车 electric pallet stacks 电动托盘搬运车 electric pal

    12、let trucks电瓶充电机 battery & charger电瓶叉车 electric fork lift trucks 堆块式分拣系统 uni sorting 低位拣选叉车 order picking trucks登高式手推台车 ascerding dispath trolley 吊货架储存系统 rack storage system吊索具 current collector sleaveF分拣输送系统 sorting & picking systemG高层货架 high level rack 高层拣选式 pick stocker AS/RS高架叉车仓库 rack fork stock

    13、er阁楼货架系统 rack mezzanine公共仓库 public warehouse公路集装箱中转站 inland container depot工业用门 industrial door 工业搬运车辆 industrial handling trucks工具柜 tool cabinet 工具车 tool wagon 工作台 work bench各类调速器 modulationspeed regulator 各类传感器 sensors固定平台搬运车 fixed platform trucks轨道台车分拣机 pallet rack system贯通货架系统 drive-in rack syst

    14、em 钢绳电动葫芦 electric wire rope hoists滚道传动元件 element of rolls滚道输送机 roller conveyors 杠杆式手推车 hand truck H货物编码 goods coding货架 goods shelf环保车辆 cleaning equipment 环链电动葫芦 electric chain blocks滑动式货架 slide rackJ集装运输 containerized transport集装化 containerization集装袋 flexible freight bags集装箱 container集装箱叉车 containe

    15、r FLT集装箱货运站 container freight station (CFS)集装箱码头 container terminal集装单元器具 palletized unit implants交割仓库 transaction warehouse交通枢纽 traffic hinge交叉带分拣系统 carbel sorting基本港口 base port拣选叉车拣选系统 OPTRF拣选系统 picking System 接近、限位开关 limit switch剪叉式升降台 aerial work LTK控湿储存区 humidity controlled space可编程序控制器 PLC 捆札机

    16、 strapping machine L冷藏区 chill space冷冻区 freeze space冷链 cold chain立体仓库 stereoscopic warehouse立体停车库 parking systems立体自动仓库 automated storage retrievel system梁式起重机 beam cranes链式输送机 chain conveyors链传动元件 element of chain零库存技术 zero-inventory technology零件盒 workingaccessoriesM码垛机器人 robot palletizer门式起重机 gantr

    17、y cranesN内燃式叉车 engine fork lift trucks P平托盘 flat palletsQ气力输送法pneumaticconveying system区域配送中心regional distribution center (RDC)全集装箱船full container ship起重机械hoisting machinery牵引车tow tractor 桥式起重机overhead travlling cranes 前移式叉车reach fork lift trucks轻型货架light duty rack QZQ(KBK)系统QZQ(KBK) system R 人力搬运车辆hand truck入出库输送机O/R conveying syste


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