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    1、05英语词汇142012-2013学年度?学校5月月考卷试卷副标题题号一二三四五六七八九总分得分第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明评卷人得分一、单项选择(题型注释)1Though your status is permanent, your identification card is only for 20 years and has to be renewed regularly. Avalid Bconvenient Ctemporary Dsecure2When it comes to second hand cars, one has to be as as possible

    2、 about the source and the condition of them. Acautious Bpatient Curgent Dcasual3He was arrested but was release very soon because of a lack of that he was guilty. Adoubt Bconclusion Cevidence Dbelief4When a couple falls into a divorce or separation, their child often has to make a big in his or her

    3、life.Apromise Bbreakthrough Ctarget Dadjustment.5Studies show that people are more to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours Alikely Bpossible Cprobable Dsure6Leave it to me! I feel much more _ about myself and my abilities these daysAconfident Benergetic

    4、 Cgenerous Dcurious7Mum _ my suggestion while Dad spoke _ my idea Aturned off, in favour of Bturned down, in favour of Cturned down, in need of Dturned on, in hope of8Your essay _ beautifullyIs it the one I saw you writing yesterday? Ais read Bwas read Creads Dread9Panasonic plans to lay off 35,000

    5、employees globally within 2 years The cuts _ 9% of the companys staff Amake up Btake over Chold back Dcome out10The police said the hackers were just looking to show off and get as much _ as possibleAattitude Bflame Cattention Ddislike11How long _it _to go there by train?A. do, take B. does, take C.

    6、 does, spend D. does, play12If you dont get up early, you II _the bus. A. not miss B. miss C. catch D. lost13Please _ the tigers. Its dangerous to take photos with them. Oh, I see. Thank you. A. keep off B. take off C. get off D. turn off14-Whats wrong with him? -The picture he came across_ his memo

    7、ry of a sad story in his childhood. A. set off B. took off C. gave off D. put off15You have nothing to_ by refusing to listen to our advice. A. catch B. earn C. gain D. grasp16The chairwoman hated his_, so she just stood at platform, _ him. A. cutting off; glancing at B. cutting down; staring at C.

    8、cutting in ; glaring at D. cutting out; watching17After the operation, Bill has been doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _.A. ability B. strength C. energy D. mind18At the meeting, the old man _ some good advice about bringing down the market price of housing.A. came about B. came along

    9、 C. came up with D. came out1921st Century is _ a newspaper. It helps us to improve our English a lot.A. no less than B. no more thanC. less than D. more than20Tom went to his teacher for _ on how to work out the problem.A. an advice B. advice C. advices D. the advices21So you didnt say hello to him

    10、 last night?Well, I stopped and smiled when I saw him, but he_ me and walked on. A. ignored B. refused C. asked D. missed22If better use is _ your spare time , you will make greater progress.A. used for B. spent C. made of D. taken23The engine of the bus was out of order and the bad weather _ the wo

    11、rries of the passengers . A. added up B. added to C. made of D. resulted from24Have you _ your father to give up smoking ? No. I _ . but he wouldnt listen .A. suggested , persuaded B. persuaded , tried C. agreed, tried D. advised, persuaded25As we know, a schedule may be more appropriately expnessed

    12、 and analyzed if it is put a graph.Ain the direction of Bin the process ofCin the form of Din the shape of26Like most simple puzzles, it is easily , but putting it back together is something else. Ataken apart Bbuilt up Cset off Ddealt with27I wasnt complaining. I expressed my surprise because I had

    13、 never seen this happen in that case before. Amostly Brarely Cnearly Dmerely28In 1979, Adrian was so badly affected by his wifes death the he tried to drown his sorrow with alcohol. Adrown Baccumulate Csettle Dannounce29Bending down, he the footprints that hadnt been blown away in the wind, concludi

    14、ng that they belonged to a wolf. Aignored Binspected Cexpanded Ddefended30The kitchen is often the busiest room in a household, so its important to make sure it well. Asmoothes Bfunctions Cpays Dmeasures31I often the words I don t know in the dictionary or on the Internet.A. look up B. look at C. lo

    15、ok for D. look into32A good idea _ to him, and he knew _ to do next. A. happened , what B. appeared ,how C. occurred ,what D. arrived ,how33To be able to catch up with the other students, he needs _ hard work; he needs your encouragement, too. A. other than B. rather than C. less than D. more than34

    16、The Libyan people have suffered to the fullest extent the chaos caused by war. China _ Libya to give peace a chance.A. suggests B. considers C. imagines D. urges35 Anything to drink? What about coffee? Er I think Ill have a cold drink coffee. A. other than B. more than C. less than D. rather than36H

    17、ow much is too much for a schoolbag? Experts say students should carry_ more than 10 or 15 percent of their body weight.A. no B. not C. any D. far37Joan saw her boyfriend off at the railway station. She waved until the train was _. A. in sight B. out of sight C. at first sight D. lost sight38Ive got

    18、 to the position _ hard work.A. by this means B. by all means C. by no means D. by means of39When Miss Smith asked me a few questions in class yesterday, my mind happened to be wandering. As a result, I had to give her awful _ responses. A. offbeat B. off-line C. offhand D. off-key40The art show was

    19、 being a failure; it was a great success.A. far from B. along with C. next to D. regardless of41.I should thank you that you should thank me.A.because B.rather than C.for D.as42On the contrary,I think it is Tom, you, to blame.A. more than; are B. less than; who are C. rather than; that is D. rather

    20、than;is43Mrs. Feng loves her students and is always creative in teaching English. No one doubts her _ as a teacher.A. competition B. competence C. compulsion D. complication44His oversight of the danger that resulted in two deaths and five wounded in the expedition was _ criminal. A. no less than B.

    21、 not less than C. nothing less than D. less than45Each day is a gift, and _ my eyes open, Ill focus on the new day and all the happy memories Ive stored away. A. as well as B. as much as C. as long as D. as far as46When he woke up the next morning, he discovered that the boat had, _, travelled to Ca

    22、lais. A. in the meantime B. as a matter of fact C. in other words D. on the whole47When you learn a foreign language, _you must forget your own one.A. above all B. after all C. in all D. at all 48In no country_ _Britain, it has been said? can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day

    23、 Aother than Brather than Cmore than Dless than49_ you can finish the task on time, it doesnt matter how you do it.A. so long as B. as soon as C. as well as D. so far as 50The hotel has been enlarged; _, its service is improving.A. as a result B. on the other hand C. in addition D. as well as51 You

    24、seemed to be impressed by his words.Not exactly so. It was his courage _ his words that really impressed me.A. rather than B. as well as C. but also D .together with 52. I think that this film is _ a film, it is also a good material for education. A. more than B. not less than C. at least D. far fro

    25、m 53The disaster-stricken village was inaccessible _ by helicopter, and the storm added to the rescuers difficulty.A. instead of B. other than C. rather than D. regardless of54Before going camping, we must discuss every thing-where to go, what to bring, when to start .A. such as B. for instance C. a

    26、nd so on D. take examples55I prefer to stay at home _ go to see a film. A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. less than56Tom was late for school _, which, of course, made his teacher very angry. A. more or less B. sooner or later C. here and there D. over and over again 58He appears to be str

    27、ong and healthy but, _ he suffers from a weak heart. A. as a matter of fact B. whats more C. accordingly D. no wonder59 He doesnt eat pork, but _ that hell eat just about anything.A. other than B. more than C. better than D. rather than 60Some animals _ the tiger, the lion and the wolf are meat-eate

    28、rs. A. such like B. such as C. for example D. including 第II卷(非选择题)请点击修改第II卷的文字说明参考答案1A【解析】词义辨析。 A有效地;正当的 B方便的 C临时的 D安全的。句意:尽管你的身份是永久性的,你的身份证的有效期仅仅是20年,故选A。2A【解析】词义辨析。 A谨慎的 B耐心的 C紧急的 D随便的。句意:当涉及到二手汽车,一个人必须对车的来源和他们的状况尽可能的谨慎点。故选A。3C【解析】考查词义辨析。doubt怀疑,conclusion 结论,evidence 证据,belief 信念,句意:他被逮捕了但是很快就被释放

    29、了因为缺乏他犯罪的证据。所以选C。4D【解析】考查词义辨析。Promise 诺言,breakthrough突破,target 目标,adjustment 调整,句意:当一对夫妇陷入离婚和分居的状态,他们的孩子在他的或她的生活中要做出很大调整。所以选D。5A【解析】考查sb. be likely to do sth.某人很可能会做某事。Possible和probable 不能用人作主语,be sure to do.肯定会,一定会,sure无比较级变化,所以不能和more连用。选A。6A【解析】词义辨析。A自信的 B精力充沛的 C慷慨的 D好奇的。句意:留给我吧!这些天我对自己和自己的能力相当自信

    30、。故选A。7B【解析】短语辨析。turned off,关闭;in favour of 支持;turned down,拒绝;in need of需要;in hope of希望。句意:妈妈拒绝了我的建议,而爸爸支持我的想法。所以选B。8C【解析】考查动词。英语中sell,read,write,wash等,当它们被用作不及物动词来描述主语特征时,常用其主动形式 表达被动意义,主语通常是物。选C。9A【解析】考查词组辨析。make up组成,构成;take over接收,接管;hold back阻碍,退缩;come out出现,出版。根据句意选A。10C【解析】考查名词。attitude态度;flame火焰,热情;atten


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