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    高中英语 备考期末牛津译林版必修一Unit1 Back to school基础夯实训练含答案.docx

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    高中英语 备考期末牛津译林版必修一Unit1 Back to school基础夯实训练含答案.docx

    1、高中英语 备考期末牛津译林版必修一Unit1 Back to school基础夯实训练含答案Unit1 Back to school基础夯实训练【单句语法填空】1They are unlikely to have changed their (think) so soon.2The pub was full of colorful local (character)3Its (amaze) how quickly people adapt to the environment.4This job could be done (equal) well by a computer.5She nea

    2、rly lost (she) balance as the bus suddenly moved forward.6The role will be the biggest of his acting career.7Please dont me of anything dangerous anymore.8As you get older,your changes.9Its time you started acting like a adult.10The rent was to half his monthly income.11We need to learn (advance) te

    3、chnology from others.12He is good at his job but he seems to lack (confident)13Every employee must make his or her personal (contribute) to improving safety.14What will happen to you if you dont eat a (balance) diet?15 (fortunate) for me,my friend saw that something was seriously wrong.16One of my (

    4、goal) is to get the team to the finals.17They held him responsible the failure of the plan.18There is still room for (improve) in your work.19The teacher should treat each pupil as individual.20Going away to college has made me much more (dependent)21The company needs to (提高) performance in all thes

    5、e areas.22I didnt have any (信心) in myself.23Were going (自主的)from the university and setting up our own group.24I had an (机会)to go to New York and study.25Some families dont have the (资源)to feed themselves adequately.26The Great Wall is a famous tourist (attract)27He remembered our names from ten yea

    6、rs agoisnt that just (amaze)?28They should not be too (alarm) by the press reports.【选词填空】Apositive;opportunity;acquire;effort;challenge;attitude;improve;tough;facility;remind1She has a good knowledge of English.2Dont be too on himhe was only trying to help.3Passengers are that no smoking is allowed

    7、on this train.4You could use the money to your home.5Peoples towards US foreign policy has become increasingly critical.6I didnt really feel like going out,but I am glad I made the 7She tried to be more about her new job.8The hotel has special for welcoming disabled people.9Youll have the to ask any

    8、 questions at the end.10It is an enormous but we hope to meet it.Bbe responsible for;make a great difference;lie in;make the most of;last but not least;in time;take advantage of1We should the Internet.2A false step will 3Your problem lacking efficient methods.4 ,more exercises help us keep healthy a

    9、nd fit.5A child ran across the road in front of my car,but I managed to stop my car 6Please these if you have any questions or doubts!7Mike designing the entire project.【语法练习】*分析下列句子成分1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . *分析下列句型1I will spend the summer holidays in the countryside. 2All this will be interesting

    10、and good. 3In the countryside I can enjoy a comfortable and quiet life. 4I can hear birds singing in the green trees. 5The best fish swim near the bottom. 6My father bought me a new bicycle. 7The whole class laughed. 【根据汉语及句型提示完成句子】1我每天起得很早。(SVA) 2我们完成了作业。(SVO) 3学生们走出了教室,又唱又跳。(SVA) 4他在英语上快速的进步使我们很惊讶

    11、。(SVOC) 5这个报告听起来很有意思。(SVP) 6汤姆已经离开了。(SV) 7今天下午我想同你谈谈。(SVOA) 8奶奶昨晚给我讲了一个有趣的故事。(SVIODO) 9我要你把真相告诉我。(SVOC) 10他的计划是在这个城市找到一份工作。(SVP) 【连词成句】1help,our,the,need,sick,old,the,and 2plane,takes,8,the,off,at,oclock 3Angela,first,leave,was,to,the 4must,secret,we,it,a,keep 5she,us,an,sang,song,English 6look,thin

    12、gs,the,after,boys,their,must 7begins,eight,the,English,at,class,oclock 8man,the,too,motorbike,the,on,travelling,fast,was 9school,her,boy,of,to,he,take,out,asked,the, 10very,old,was,tired,man,the,feeling 11have,yellow,the,turned,leaves 12him,all,considered,honest,us,of 13the,would,me,you,dictionary,p

    13、ass,please 14successfully,have,they,plan,the,out,carried 15sun,east,the,in,rises,the,red 16and,makes,five,nine,four 17I,advise,tomorrow,would,waiting,until 18I,book,interesting,found,the,very 19meeting,going,held,room,tomorrow,be,morning,the,is,to,in,321 20she,the,into,pieces,cut,cake,two 【语篇语法填空】AH

    14、igh school is a world full of 1. (challenge),such as a new environment,new knowledge and new ways of 2. (think)If you work hard to rise 3. the challenges,you have the opportunity 4. (acquire) great knowledge and enjoy personal growth.At senior high school you should try your best to discover your po

    15、tential.To 5. (full) realize your potential,you ought to make 6. most of your school resources.Of equal importance 7. (be) good study habits,useful skills and a positive attitude.As a senior high school student,you must be an active and responsible student.8. time you will find yourself growing into

    16、 a wellrounded individual.Its very important for you to make a 9. (continue) effort to train your mind and develop your character.High school will help you grow,realize 10. (you) great potential and become confident.BEasy Ways to Build VocabularyIts not all that hard to build an advanced and large v

    17、ocabulary. Like many things in life, its 1._ ongoing process, and the best part of the process is that theres enough room for improvement,2._ means youll just keep getting better and better.Of course you have to work at it. You wouldnt think that a few 3._ (month) of exercise in your teens would be

    18、enough 4._ the rest of your life, and thats also true for building your vocabularyyou have to keep at it daily, and pretty soon you will find that you have an excellent vocabulary.One of the 5._(effect) ways to build vocabulary is to read good books. You need to 6._(real) read at least one good book

    19、 a week, preferably a classic. This isnt as hard as it 7._(sound), and it is far better than any other method because you improve your vocabulary while 8._(read) an interesting piece of literature. Another nice thing is that you learn both new words and 9._(they) use unconsciously,meaning that you w

    20、ill tend to use the words 10._(learn) this way in conversations almost automatically.参考答案:【单句语法填空】1.thinking2.characters3.amazing4.equally5.her6.challenge7.remind8.attitude9.responsible10.equal11.advanced12.confidence13.contribution14.balanced15.Fortunately16.goals17.for18.improvement19.an20.indepen

    21、dent21.improve22.confidence23.independent24.opportunity25.resources26.attraction27.amazing28.alarmed【选词填空】A:1)acquired2)tough3)reminded4)improve5)attitude6)effort7)positive8)facilities9)opportunity10)challengeB:1.make the most of2.make a great difference3.lies in4.Last but not least5.in time6.take a

    22、dvantage of7.is responsible for【语法练习】*分析句子成分1)主语谓语宾语状语2)主语定语系动词表语3)谓语宾语状语4)主语谓语宾语宾补状语5)状语主语谓语主补*分析句型1.SVOA2.SVP3.SVOA4.SVOC5.SVA6.SVIODO7.SV【根据汉语提示完成句子】1)Every day I get up early.2)We have finished our homework.3)The students walked out of the classroom,singing and dancing.4)His rapid progress in En

    23、glish made us surprised.5)The report sounds interesting.6)Tom has left.7)I want to talk with you this afternoon.8)Grandma told me an interesting story last night.9)I want you to tell me the truth.10)His plan is to find a job in the city.【连词成句】1.The sick and the old need our help.2.The plane takes of

    24、f at 8 oclock.3.Angela was the first to leave.4.We must keep it a secret.5.She sang us an English song.6.The boys must look after their things.7.The English class begins at eight oclock.8.The man on the motorbike was travelling too fast.9.He asked her to take the boy out of school.10.The old man was

    25、 feeling very tired.11.The leaves have turned yellow.12.All of us considered him honest.13.Would you please pass me the dictionary?14.They have carried out the plan successfully.15.The red sun rises in the east.16.Four and five makes nine.17.I would advise waiting until tomorrow.18.I found the book very interesting.19.The meeting is going to be held in Room 321 tomorrow morning.20.She cut the cake into two pieces.【语篇语法填空】A:1)challenges2)thinking3)to4)to acquire5)fully6)the7)are8)In9)continuous10)your B:1an2which3months4for5effective6really7sounds8reading9their10learned/learnt


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