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    1、山东省临沂市中考英语模拟试题中考英语模拟试卷、单选题(共15题;共15 分)1. Look! A car hit a bike at the street corner.to the police?Yes. Shall we report theB.A. gameC. performa neeexhibiti onD. accide nt2. What him last n ight?He had an accide nt on the way home.A. took place toB.took placeforC. happenedtoD. happe ned for3.Jack at

    2、6: 50.A. gets dressedB. putsonC. dressesD.wears4.L inda did nt get upso she missed the first bus this morning.A.e no ugh slowlyB.slowly eno ughC.early eno ughD.eno ugh early5. my shoes?They are un der the sofa.A.Where B. WheresC.Whereare D. What are6.We must be in the library.A.no isy B. terribleC.

    3、importa ntD.quiet7.Fan Bingbing is CHRISTOPHER BU ( 紫禁城礼服)and selected( 挑选)“the best dressed、阅读理解(共 4题;共43分)A16阅读理解1Last year I spe nt my whole win ter vacati on in the US with my host family. The mostunforgettable experienee I had there was joining the Boy Scouts (童子军)of America. It was therethat I

    4、 got to face a great challe nge: camp ing in the rain.2One Saturday, we went hiki ng in the rain for more tha n six hours. Whenwe fin ally reachedthe camp ing site, my shoes, my clothes, my bag and all the things in side it were totally soaked.3Then, an eve n worse thing happe ned. Our guide teacher

    5、 stepped out and said: “ Todayshiking is a test. Were not going back hom e tonight! We have to live here tonight! ” Soon webega n to accept the truth and went to work. We just covered ourselves with a kind of plasticsheet and lay down by the campfire. While sleeping, I woke up several times. But to

    6、my surprise, I adapted ( 适应)to the environment quickly. Many others did nt even fall asleep.4The sun fin ally rose and our hope return ed. The bus came at 6 am and sent us back to our lovely home.5Many in China say that childre n in the US were born with an adve nturous spirit. ButI thi nk they were

    7、 born with no thi ng differe nt. In stead, they make differe nces by facing troublespositively. The camp ing adve nture was a gift they gave themselves. Many Chin ese childre n are over-protected when they are growing up. Therefore, when facing troubles, how can it be possible for us to react positi

    8、vely?(1)How is the passage organized?A./B. /C. /D./(2)Whats the meaning of the un derl ined word“ soaked ” in paragraph 2?A.dirtyB. broke nC. wetD. tidy(3)During the camping, the writer .A.could nt fall asleep like othersB.compla ined all the time and refused to accept the teachers testC.arran ged e

    9、veryth ing well and soon adapted to the environmentD.enjoyed sleep ing outside and had a deep sleep(4)Which is the best title for the passage?A.The Boy Scouts of AmericaB.My Experie nee in the Boy ScoutsC.An Un forgettable Day with My Host FamilyD.The Differe nces betwee n America n Childre n and Ch

    10、in ese Childre n17.根据短文内容,完成任务。 BSally is an En glish girl. She is my En glish teacher, Mrs Brow ns daughter. She isonly five years old. She does nt go to school. She likes play ing pin g-p ong. Her favorite ping-pong player is Zhang Yining. Sally is in the ping-pong club. She goes to the ping-pong

    11、club every day. She plays ping-pong for two hours there. Sally has a sister. Her name is Maria. She is in our class. She likes singing. (A) She wants to join the music club, she sings every morning. (B)Her favorite singing star is Song Zuying. Maria says she wants to be a singing star like Song Zuyi

    12、ng.(1)Sally is an English teacher.(2)Sally and Maria are sisters.(3)Sally is in her sisters class.(4)把(A)划线的句子翻译成汉语。(5)把(B)划线的句子翻译成汉语。18.阅读短文B,回答问题。 CWe are in a world full of competiti on. Our pare nts compete (竞争) with others in theiroffices, our brothers and sisters compete with others in their c

    13、olleges, and we compete with our classmates in school. Many of us give up in the face of competiti on. Why cant we do better tha n others? One importa nt reas on is that we have no self -con fide nee.In fact, every one is born equal. You can do what others do. Although your classmates maybe better t

    14、ha n you in some ways, you may be better tha n them in other ways. So every one has hisor her own adva ntages. Dont look at things from a sin gle point of view. Try to discover yourown advantages, and believe that you can do better than others in those ways.Competition is not so terrible. Dont be af

    15、raid of it. And dont be afraid of thoseclassmates who are better tha n you. Remember that the first step to success is self-c on fide nee.Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful.(1)阅读短文B,根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词。1e : havi ng the same rights or being treated the same as other people.2a : a thi ng t

    16、hat helps you to be better or more successful tha n other people.(2)阅读短文B,进行同义句转换Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful.You be successful you believe in yourselves.(3)根据短文B内容简答问题What can you lear n from the passage?19.阅读理解 DSeveral days ago , Brenda had a car accident . As a result . one

    17、of her legs had to be cutoff . She became quiet and did nt talk to anyone“ I wish I could bring her friends to visit her, ” Bren das mother said to the nurse .Its just too long a bus trip .” Dont worry, ” the nurse smiled . I have a plan .”Later that day . the nurse told Brenda it was movi ng day .

    18、Before Brenda could refuse ,the nurse had taken her to another room filled with colorful flowers. “ Heres your new roommate, Annie, ” the nurse told a dark haired teenager on the other bed .Annie smiled . After the nurse left . she hopped(单脚跳)out of her bed and sat at the otherend of Bren das“ I los

    19、t one of my legs from bone cancer( 骨癌 ),” she said .“ What happened toyours? ” Brenda was so shocked tha t she could nt say a word Youre . ” Anniecontinued Youve still got your knee . They had to take mine . ”Annie hopped back to her bed . Id like to talk with you , but my Mends are coming anytime n

    20、ow, so I have to get ready, ” Annie said when she re ached up and took off her hair! Her head was completely bald( 秃的).“ Oh, I forgot to tell you , the medicine they gave me to kill the cancer also killed myhair, ” Annie said .When Annies friends came, she introduced Brenda to them all . Before long

    21、 . Brenda startedtalk ing with Annie and her friends . They did nt make her feel like a freak( 怪人)at all! By theBrenda felt greattime the nurse asked the visitors to leaveThe girls talked into the night and shared their dreams with each other . Whenit was timeto go to bed , Brenda said,“Good night ,

    22、 Annie. Cant wait until morning(1)What happe ned to Bren da?A. She lost aleg .B.She lost all hairC.She broke herD. SheB. moved her to a roomknee .got bone can cer .(2)In order to cheer Brenda up , the nurseA. in troduced some healthy kids to herfilled with musicrong .(5)Which of the following is TRU

    23、E according to the passage?B. Ann ieA. The nu rses pla n worked well .thought Brenda was a freakC. Annie dreamed of being a nurse in the future . D. Brenda did nt wanther mother to know that she was ill三、 任务型阅读(共 1题;共10分)20.任务型阅读Lets go to the petti ng zoo( 抚爱式动物园)!said Bo nk .First, lets get some f

    24、ood for the animals. ” said Lurk .Im so happy we can feed the animals . said Uzzle .Ill get carrots for the horses . said Lurk .Ill get cabbages for the chickens . said Uzzle .Ill get corn( 玉米)for the sheep , said Bonk .At the zoo , Bonk put some of the corn in his bag . His bag had a small hole( 洞)

    25、,but Bonkdid nt know about it . Bonk and his friends played with the ani mals and fed them . Bonk forgotabout the corn.On the way home, the corn dropped(落下)out . One of the sheep at the zoo followed the corn to Bon ks home . Before Bonk and his friends said goodbye to each other, they saw the sheep

    26、.How do we get him back to the zoo?asked BonkBonk and his friends did everyth ing . But the sheep just did nt move .Mr. Sheep? said Lurk . You n eed to go back to the zoo.The sheep did nt move .I know what will work!said Bonk . Bonk put the corn along the road to the pett ing zooand let the sheep ea

    27、t it . The sheep moved whe n he ate the corn . At last ,the sheep was back at the zoo .Baa!said the sheep .Youre welcome . said Bonk.根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。(1) How did Uzzle feel about feeding the animals at the petting zoo?(2) What animals did Lurk get the carrots for?(3) Why did the com drop out of Bonks

    28、bag?(4) When did Bonk and his friends see the sheep?(5) What did Bonk do to get the sheep back to the zoo?四、 选词填空(词汇运用)(共 2题;共17分)21.从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式完成句子always, usually, n ever, sometimes ,work,job(1) What do you do on Sun days?(2) I walk to school when its sunny.(3) My father gets up early every

    29、day, so he is late for work.(4) The sun( 太阳) rises( 升起)in the east( 东方)and sets in the west.(5) Tina finds a good . She very hard ( 努力地)every day.(6) Mary wants to be a sin ger. She thinks its an in teresti ng .22.根据短文内容。从方框中选择恰当的词语填空,有的需要变换形式both, outgoing, make sb. laugh, be friendly to, say, get

    30、good grades, friend, as long as, primaryschool, care aboutAs an English goes, A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.I have a good friend called Dale. He mea lot. Weknew each other when we were in Daleis very funny and he often As for study, we are hard-work ing and like to lear

    31、neveryth ing n ew. He is better at all the subjects and than I do. So he always tries hisbest (尽他最大的努力)to help me I have difficulties (困难).We our teachers andclassmates. r m a little bit shy in class, so its difficult for me to make friends with others. But Dale is He has more Mends tha n me. He always tells me are very importa nt.Dale makes me un dersta nd ( 理解)that life without frien dship is like the sky without th


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