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    届新九年级暑假英语阅读复习教材首字母填空教师版 中考暑假班教材.docx

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    届新九年级暑假英语阅读复习教材首字母填空教师版 中考暑假班教材.docx

    1、届新九年级暑假英语阅读复习教材首字母填空教师版 中考暑假班教材中考首字母填空课堂讲义首字母填空是考察学生包括语法知识、词汇运用、上下文理解以及主旨把握在内的综合能力,对大部分学生来说,这也是出错率最高的一道题目。中考首字母填空共考查7个题目,每空2分,考查各种词性的单词。要求所填单词在意义和语法上都要正确,即写对单词,也要写对单词的形式。请同学们一定要重视动词的时态和语态,名词的单复数形式和代词不同的格。首字母填空解题思路和技巧: 第一步:通读全文,初步理解大意。 第二步:词性分析(一)概述:考查实词(动词、名词、形容词和副词)为主,虚词(连词和介词)为辅。所考单词为教育考试院词汇手册范围内,

    2、不会超纲,也无侮辱性词汇。(二)词性判断方法:1、句子缺动词:每个句子(包括从句及并列句)都应该有且仅有一个动词。 Hobbies can r_ pressure. (reduce)2、句子缺形容词:一般出现在系动词后或者名词(代词)前。 Using iPads is especially h_ to students who are learning a language at different paces. (helpful)3、句子缺名词/代词:动词前(主语)及动词后介词后(宾语)位置。 Twice a year parents are invited to have at_ of t

    3、he food. (taste) They make promises to t_ to make changes in their lives over the coming year, such as to lose weight, to stop smoking, to get a new job. (themselves)4、句子缺副词:句子主要成分完整,且语义上修饰动词/形容词。一般出现在句首,句尾或者是句中实义动词前/助动词后。 Many students bring food from home, u_ sandwiches. (usually)5、句子缺介词:一般出现在名词前或

    4、者是动词后。 I realized Ive seen the world in a different light t_ my darlings eyes. (through)6、句子缺连词:句子中出现了两个谓语动词。 People can download a 1 GB movie within 6 minutes in South Korea, b_ in China it would take half an hour. (but)练习时间:判断下面空格缺单词的词性。 It was 3:21 a.m. when ten-year-old Glenn Creamer was woken u

    5、p by the smell of burning. Except for the cracking(爆裂声) of flames somewhere below, there was not a sound in the two-floor house. But he 1. _ at once what was happening. 2. _ his father was away on night duty at a local factory, Glenn was worried about the safety of his other, his 14-year-old sister

    6、Karen and his 12-year-old brother Todd. He ran downstairs through the smoke-filled house to push and pull at Karen and Todd until they sat up. Then he helped them 3. _ the safety of the garden. There, his sister and brother, taking short and quick breaths and coughing, couldnt move any more. The ten

    7、-year-old raced back into the house and upstairs into his mothers room. He found it 4. _ to wake her up and there was nobody to help Glenn carry her to the garden. But the boy kept calm. As a fireman said later, “He acted with all the self-control of a trained adult.” On the bedroom telephone, lucki

    8、ly still working, Glenn called 5. _ father. After Glenn made sure his father would telephone the firemen and ambulance service, he got on with the task 6. _ saving his mother. First he filled 7. _ bucket with water from the bathroom and threw water over his mother and her bed. In this way, she would

    9、 be kept away from the fire before the firemen arrived. Then, with a wet cloth around his head he went back to the garden. He could hear the fire engine coming up, but how would the firemen find his mother 8. _ the smoke-filled house where fire had almost covered the ground floor? Fetching a ball of

    10、 string(绳) from the garage, Glenn raced back into the house 9. _ rushed upstairs to his mothers room. He tied one end of the string to her hand. Then he began to run back. He laid out the string as he went through the hall and back out into the garden. Minutes later he was telling fire Chief John Co

    11、ughlan, “The string will lead 10. _ to mother/can help you find mother.” Mrs. Creamer was carried to safety as the flames were breaking through her bedroom floor.注意:学生只需要判断出词性即可:1. v. realized2. conj. As3. prep. through4. adj. impossible5. pron. his6. prep. of7. article a8. perp. in9. conj. and10. p

    12、ron. you 第三步: 词意判断(一)概述:根据上下文逻辑(包括句内逻辑、句间逻辑以及篇章逻辑)、重点词汇来判断词意。常见逻辑关系词 - 句间逻辑:类型常考逻辑关系词对立关系让步:although, though, even though, even if, despite, in spite of “虽然,尽管,即使,即便,不管”转折:but, however, yet, while,instead of, not. but“然而,但是”并列递进 并列:and, and also, or, similarly, as well as, neithernor, eitheror, not

    13、onlybut also, the sameas; on one handon the other hand, for one thingfor another, oneanother, someothersstill others “和或也, 一方面另一方面”递进:also, then, besides, in addition, furthermore, moreover, whats more “还,甚至,并且,另外” 因果因为:because, for, since, as, due to, thanks to, because of, now that, for this reaso

    14、n “因为,由于”所以:thus, therefore, so, so.that, such.that, as a result “所以” 条件if, unless, as long as “如果,除非,只要,要是” 举例such as, for example, for instance, of (these, those, them), among (these, those, them) “例如,比如” 时间when,whenever,before,after,since,as,while,untiltill,as soon as,at the same time,every time,

    15、by the time 目的in order that, so that,so as to,in order to “为了,以便,以致于”类型常考逻辑关系词 对立让步:although, though, even though, even if, despite, in spite of “虽然,尽管,即使,即便,不管”转折:but, however, yet, while,instead of, not. but“然而,但是” 并列 递进 并列:and, and also, or, similarly, as well as, neithernor, eitheror, not onlybu

    16、t also, the sameas; on one handon the other hand, for one thingfor another, oneanother, someothersstill others “和或也, 一方面另一方面”递进:also, then, besides, in addition, furthermore, moreover, whats more “还,甚至,并且,另外” 总分such as, for example, for instance, of (these, those, them), among (these, those, them) “

    17、例如,比如” 第四步:验证语法。1、名词的形式(复数,所有格) And that day I thought a lot about making some c_ in my life, as I listened to her innocent(天真的)words that cut me like a knife. (changes)But as the nation pays more attention to c_ health, healthier foods have started t find their way onto school menus. (childrens)2、动

    18、词的形式(时态和语态即三单、过去时、现在分词、过去分词) It usually f_ with a response of “Im good, and you?” or “Im well, and you?” (follows) My daughter c_ her “conversation”, as I sat down on the floor.(continued)3、形容词/副词的形式(原级、比较级、最高级) If a student spends more time watching videos on an iPad, he will have f_ opportunities

    19、to have face-to-face communication with others. (fewer) 4、代词的形式(格、单复数、反身代词) The wind coming from the fan will blow away the empty boxes and leave the other o_ with soap. (ones)课堂练习Passage 1 (17年宝山一模) At times we all get angry when we are driving. It might be because we are stuck in a traffic jam or

    20、stuck behind a very s 81 driver. It might be because we think another driver has done something very stupid and dangerous. Whatever the reason, it seems that getting angry in a car is something which happens more and more often and there is now a special term f 82 it: road rage(路怒症). Some experts ev

    21、en think that road rage is a kind of mental illness! How can we recognize this illness of road rage? There are two kinds of road rage: aggressive (攻击性的) driving and aggressive reactions to the way other people are driving. Aggressive driving can take different f 83 : Driving much faster than the spe

    22、ed limit. Increasing your speed very quickly. Driving very close behind the car in front and sounding the horn (喇叭) or flashing the headlights. Changing lanes very suddenly and b 84 another car. Moving into a parking space where another car is trying to park.There are also different reactions to the

    23、 way other people are driving. These include: Making rude signs at people. Shouting at people and threatening them. Deliberately (蓄意地) driving into another persons car. Hitting somebody. Using a weapon such as a baseball bat, or even a gun or a knife. Road rage is c 85 not a joke. There have been in

    24、cidents (事件) of road rage which have led to serious injuries and even murder. Experts think that one reason for road rage as that films show a lot of examples of fast and aggressive driving such as car chases where this kind of driving seems to be positive. Experts also think that the punishments fo

    25、r dangerous driving are not serious e 86 . Experience shows that driving problems can be controlled, but it takes a long time. In the UK in the last 30 years, the police have been quite successful in r 87 the number of people who drink and drive. They are now working to stop people using mobile phon

    26、es when they are driving. Lets hope they can have the same success with road rage.81 slow 82 for 83 forms 84 blocking 85 certainly 86 enough 87 reducing Intensive Reading and Translation from English to Chinese:1. It might be because we think another driver has done something very stupid and dangero

    27、us.Translation: 可能是因为我们认为另一个司机做了什么愚蠢或者危险的事情。Language points:(上课拓展讲)表语从句;More examples:(Translation from English to Chinese)(每个语言点至少两个例句)1. My idea is that we should start making preparations right now. _2. The question is whether the film is worth seeing. _3. What I want to know is which road we sho

    28、uld take. _2. Whatever the reason, it seems that getting angry in a car is something which happens more and more often and there is now a special term f 82 it: road rage(路怒症).Translation: 无论原因是什么,开车生气看起来是一些越来越频繁发生的事情,并且现在有个特别的术语去表达它:路怒症。Language points:(上课拓展讲)动名词做主语;定语从句;More examples:(Translation f

    29、rom English to Chinese)1. Collecting information about childrens health is his job. _2. Fighting broke out between the South and the North._3. Have you got anything that belongs to me?_4. They are talking of the heroines and their deeds that interest them._3. There are two kinds of road rage: aggressive (攻击性的) driving and aggressive reactions to the way other people are driving.Translation: 有两种类型的路怒症:攻击性的驾驶和对其他人开车作出的攻击性的反应。Language points:(上课拓展讲)way的定语从句;reaction to对的反应1. I was impressed by the way in which she did it._


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