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    高考外研版英语一轮复习讲义 第1部分 必修2 Module 4 Fine ArtsWes.docx

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    高考外研版英语一轮复习讲义 第1部分 必修2 Module 4 Fine ArtsWes.docx

    1、高考外研版英语一轮复习讲义 第1部分 必修2 Module 4 Fine ArtsWesModule 4Fine ArtsWestern,Chinese and Pop Arts(对应学生用书第50页)单词拼写应用.考纲单词会拼写要识记1scene n 景色;风景2alive adj. 有活力的;有生气的3aim vi. 以为目标;打算;意欲4stand vt. 忍受5destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏6artist n. 艺术家7contemporary adj. 当代的8drawing n. 图画9aspect n. 方面10style n. 风格11unusual adj. 不寻常的;非

    2、凡的.派生单词能辨别1like n爱好;嗜好dislike n憎恶;不喜欢2colour n色彩,颜色colourful adj.彩色的colourless adj.无色的;苍白的3delight n高兴 v使高兴delightful adj.令人愉快的;可爱的delighted adj.高兴的4paint vt.绘画;(用颜料)画painter n画家painting n绘画;油画5tradition n传统;习俗traditional adj.传统的;习俗的6observe vt.观察;注意到observer n观察者observation n观察;观测;观察力7reality n真实;现

    3、实;逼真realise vt.领悟;了解;实现;实行realistic adj.现实主义的;写实主义的8adopt vt.采纳;采用adoption n收养,领养;采用9exhibit v展览exhibition n展览10express v表达expression n表现;表达.语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1In reality,I have realised that I must stop daydreaming and be realistic(realise)2To our delight,the delightful picture drawn by my brother m

    4、ade all the judges delighted,so he got the first prize.(delight)3He expressed in his speech that he would support us and the expression on his face suggested that he meant what he said.(express)4. After many years of observation, he has observed that lions have their unique way to communicate.(obser

    5、ve)5Tom,an adopted child,was adopted at the age of four and his success in life was largely due to the adoption(adopt)拓展联想前缀a表语形容词大全alive 有活力的asleep 睡着的awake 醒着的alike 相似的afraid 害怕的alone 单独的ashamed 羞愧的否定前缀un形容词一览unusual 不寻常的unfit 不合适的uncomfortable 不舒服的unfriendly 不友善的unfortunate 不幸的untidy 不整洁的unsucces

    6、sful 不成功的短语多维应用.短语回顾会默写1be/get tired of 对厌烦2be fond of 喜欢;喜爱3tell by 从可以看出4put off 推迟;延期5take turns 轮流6a series of 一系列的7give up 放弃8develop an interest in 对产生兴趣.语境应用(用上述短语的适当形式填空)1I like listening to classical music while my sister is fond of pop music.2(2017海口高三调研)More and more people in cities want

    7、 to live in the countryside because they are tired of the noisy life and fast pace of life.3We will put off going to that country for sightseeing until the situation there becomes stable.4If friends can take turns listening to each other well,life will be better.5I could tell by the look on her face

    8、 that something terrible had happened.拓展联想一样的“喜欢”;不同的表达be fond of. 喜欢be crazy about. 痴迷be addicted to. 入迷care for 喜欢 take delight in 以为乐enjoy doing 喜欢做have a fancy for. 喜欢句式结构仿写教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.considersb./sth.(to be)adj./n.认为是This is a painting by the Spanish artist,Pablo Picasso,considered to be th

    9、e greatest western artist of the twentieth century.1.我们认为汤姆是他们班里最聪明的学生。We consider Tom(to be)the cleverest boy in their class.2.with宾语宾语补足语Cubist artists painted objects and people,with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time.2.在老师的鼓励下,他取得了很大的进步。With his teacher encouragin

    10、g him,he made great progress.3.What.make of.?What.think of.?对有什么看法?What do you make of (it)?3.你认为他提出的这个建议如何? What do you make of the suggestion he has put forward?(对应学生用书第52页)精讲4个考纲单词 alive adj.活着的;有活力的,有生气的,活跃的高考佳句Most of us,if we know even a little about where our food comes from,understand that e

    11、very bite put into our mouths was formerly alive.(2015浙江高考)我们大多数人,如果对食物来源多少知道一点点的话,就会懂得吃的每一口食物先前都是有生命的。come alive 变得有趣(有生气,逼真);活跃起来keep.alive 使生存下去bring.alive 使变得活跃 You will be surprised to see that she is still alive at such an old age.看到她这么大年纪了还如此精神你会感到惊奇的。His humourous story brought the atmospher

    12、e of the meeting really alive(live)他的幽默故事使这次会议的气氛变得真正活跃起来了。名师点津alive作表语、补语或后置定语。除了表示“活着的”外,还表示“有活力的,有生气的”;live表示“活的”,通常作前置定语修饰动物。除了表示“活的”外,还表示“现场直播的”;living作表语或定语。指“所有的生物”要用“all living things”;表示“活着的人”,要用“the living”。选词填空alive/ living/live 【导学号:44040029】I watched a live TV program.There was a boy li

    13、king all living things.He kept a live fish in a small jar.Later on he decided to free it and kept the fish alive in the river. observe vt.&vi.看到,观察,注意到;遵守(法律,习俗等);庆祝(节日等)一词多义写出下列句中observe的含义Observe carefully if any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab.(北京高考)观察Rules should be worked out an

    14、d strictly observed.(2016江苏高考)遵守Could you tell me how you usually observe Thanksgiving Day in your country?庆祝I observed him put the watch into his pocket.注意到observe sb.doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事observe sb.do sth. 看到某人做了某事observe sb./sth. done 注意到某人/物被When I passed by his house,I observed him playing(play)

    15、 in the yard.当我经过他的房子时,我看到他正在院子里玩耍。The man was observed to enter(enter) the bank by the police.警方注意到那个男子进入了银行。名师点津observe sb.do sth.结构如果改成被动语态,应补上省略的to,即sb.be observed to do sth.。 链接写作普通表达:The teacher observed that a student was playing games on a phone in his class.高级表达:The teacher observed a stude

    16、nt playing games on a phone in his class.(observe宾语宾补) adopt vt.采纳,采用;收养经典例句Having no children of their own,they decided to adopt an orphan.(牛津词典)他们因没有亲生儿女,所以决定领养一个孤儿。(1)adopt an idea/a plan 采纳意见/计划adopt measures 采取措施(2)adopted adj. 领养的adoption n. 采用,采纳;过继The government will adopt new measures to fi

    17、ght against drunk driving in 2019.2019年政府将采取新的措施来打击酒后驾驶。She treated her adopted(adopt) son as if he were her own child.她对待养子好像他是自己的孩子一样。If you can not have children of your own,why not consider adoption(adopt)?假如你自己不能生育,何不考虑收养一个呢?名师点津adopt和adapt词形相近。adapt意为“适应;改编,改写”。 链接写作 【导学号:44040030】我们采取了许多措施来保护

    18、野生动物。We have adopted many measures to protect wild animals.我们可以看到,野生动物的数量正在增加。We can see that the number of wild animals is increasing.用分词作状语连接句Having adopted many measures to protect wild animals,we can see that the number of wild animals is increasing. stand vt.忍受;经受vi.站立;处于(某种状态)n看台,立场;支架一词多义写出下列

    19、句中stand的含义I cant stand working with him because he always tries to finish the work in his own way.忍受John opened the door.There stood a girl he had never seen.(陕西高考)站立The room is empty except for a bookshelf standing in one corner.(山东高考)位于;坐落(1)cant stand sth./(sb.) doing sth. 不能忍受某事/(某人)做某事(2)stand

    20、by 袖手旁观;支持(某人)stand for 代表,象征stand out 显眼,突出I cant stand people smoking(smoke) while they are eating.我无法忍受人们吃饭时吸烟。How can you stand by when she needs help?当她需要帮助时你怎能袖手旁观呢?In China,Chinese knotting stands for friendship,love and good luck.在中国,中国结代表友谊、爱和好运。What was it that made the young man stand out

    21、 among the candidates?是什么使得这个年轻人在这些候选人中脱颖而出的呢?名师点津stand意为“忍受”时,常与can,could连用,用于否定句和疑问句,其后常接名词、代词或动词ing形式。不能用于进行时态。reality n真实;现实教材原句Xu Beihong believed that artists should show reality,but not just imitate it.徐悲鸿认为艺术家应该展示现实,但不应该仅仅是模仿现实。(1)in reality 事实上turn sth.into a reality 把变成现实(2)实现某人的梦想/目标:real

    22、ize ones dream/goalachieve ones dream/goalones dream/goal comes trueCheer up and face reality.God helps those who help themselves.振作起来,面对事实,自助者天助之。In reality,things always happen out of expectation.现实中,事情总是出乎意料地发生。 链接写作努力工作,你的梦想迟早会变成现实的。Work hard,and your dream will be turned into a reality in time.

    23、Work hard,and your dream will become a reality in time.Work hard,and your dream will come true in time.Work hard,and you will realize/achieve your dream in time.诠释2个核心短语 put off推迟;延期高考佳句We will put off the picnic in the park until next week,when the weather may be better.(2016天津高考)我们将把去公园的野餐推迟到下周,那时

    24、天气可能更好。put forward 提出(意见、建议) put on 穿上;上演put away 放好(某物),储存put up 举起;张贴,搭建,供膳宿put down 放下;写下;镇压My mother opened the drawer to put away the knives and spoons.我妈妈打开抽屉把刀子和勺子收好。The students have put forward a lot of questions that need to be solved at once.学生们提出了许多需要马上解决的问题。 take turns轮流,依次经典例句You cant

    25、both use the bike at once Youll have to take turns.你们不能两人同时用这辆自行车得轮流使用。(1)take turns doing/to do sth. 轮流做某事Its ones turn (to do sth.) 轮到某人(做某事)了 (2)by turns 轮流着in turn 反过来;依次We took turns doing the driving on the way up to Canada.(朗文辞典)在去加拿大的途中,我们轮流开车。I think its my turn to drive(drive) the kids to

    26、school this week.我想这周该轮到我开车送孩子们上学了。People try to avoid transportation delays by using their own cars,and this in turn creates further problems.人们试图开私家车来避开交通堵塞,但反过来这种情形带来了进一步的问题。 链接写作为了节省开支,我们轮流开车送孩子们去上学。In order to save money,we take turns to drive/driving the kids to school(take turns)In order to s

    27、ave money,we drive the kids to school by turns(by turns)突破1个高考句型(教材P38)What do you make of (it)?你认为它怎么样?句中What do you make of.?意为“你觉得怎么样?”其中make of表示“了解;理解;认为”。表示“你认为怎么样?”的句型还有:What do you think of.?Whats your opinion of.?How do you like/find.?How do you feel about.?What do you make of the high hous

    28、ing price now?你对现在的高房价怎么看?What do you think of the house?你认为这个房子怎么样?Perfect! Its everything weve been looking for.非常好!这是我们一直所寻找的一切。How do you feel about/find/like Tokyo,the host city of the 2020 Olympic Games?你认为2020年奥运会的主办城市东京怎么样? 链接写作 【导学号:44040031】你觉得中国新歌声第二季怎么样?Whats your opinion of Sing! China?

    29、(opinion)What do you make of Sing! China?(make of)How do you like/find Sing! China? (like/find)What do you think of Sing! China? (think of)多角快练练单词 练短语 练句型(对应学生用书第54页).单句语法填空1It looked as if he was dying,but his faint pulse proved that he was still alive(live)2Readers are required to observe(observe)

    30、 the rules of the library and mind their manners.3He is a tall and distinguished looking man who stands out in any crowd.4(2017四川南充模拟)Do you like working as a waiter?Yes,but I get tired(tire) of standing the whole day.5Have you heard the sports meeting might be put off?Yes,it all depends on the weather.6Her childhood dream became a reality(realize) when she broke the 800m race world record in the Olympic Games.7He i


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