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    1、必修三unit5能力达标训练.单项填空1(2010银川一中二模)_ Saturday,rather than _ at home,I preferred _.AIt being;stay;to travelBBeing;to stay;to travelCHaving been;stay;travel DIt was;to stay;traveling解析句意:这是星期六,我宁愿外出旅游,也不愿意呆在家中。“_ Saturday”是原因状语,由于这一部分具有完整的句意,所以要用独立主格结构形式。后面部分是prefer to do rather than do 句式,意为“宁愿做某事也不愿意做某

    2、事”。答案A2The professor left word with the secretary _ he would be present at the meeting on time.Awho BthatCthis Dit解析句意:教授给秘书留下口信,他要按时出席会议。_ he would be present at the meeting on time是同位语从句,对word的内容进行解释,所以要用that引导。答案B3Mr.Jones has _ himself to be one of the foremost doctors treating cancer patients.A

    3、checked BshowedCrealized Dconfirmed 解析句意:琼斯先行已证实了自己是一名治疗癌症方面一流医生。此句要用confirm表示“权威性的确认或证实”。答案D4Michael,now in hospital,says he regrets drinking and smoking.Well,no one knows the value of health _he has lost it.Asince BwhenCafter Duntil解析句意:“密歇尔,现在住院了,他说他后悔以前也吸烟也饮酒。”“唉,直到失去健康才了解了健康的价值。”此句要用until构成not.

    4、until.句式。答案D5Its high time that he _ the university in Beijing.I think so.After all,the new term will begin soon.Aleaves Bleaves forCleft Dleft for解析句意:“该到了他动身去北京上大学的时候了。”“我也这样想,毕竟,新学期就要开始了。”Its time that.从句中习惯要用一般过去时表示现在或将来要做的事情。left for后接宾语the university,表示“动身去”。答案D6On that rainy night,he walked _

    5、as the small town which was 20 miles_ to call a doctor in.Aas far;far Bas far;awayCso far;far away Das far;far away 解析句意:在那个雨夜,他行走到远达一个20英里远的小城镇去请医生。as far as在此句中表示“远至”;away被20 miles修饰,表示距离,意为“20英里远”。答案B7As a candidate,you must make a good _on everyone you meet if you want to win the election.Adecis

    6、ion BsituationCimpression Dposition解析句意:作为候选人,如果你想赢得竞选的话,就要给任何一个人留下好的印象。decision决定;situation形势;情形; impression印象;position位置;职位。答案C8It is 900.The store _ closed.Why?Sorry,I dont know.Ais remained BremainsCwas Dhad解析本题为时态与动词用法的综合考查题。由时间It is 900可知应使用一般现在时态,remain系动词,不能用被动语态。答案B9Remember the first time

    7、we met,Jim ? Of course I do.You _ in the library.Awere reading Bhad read Chave read Dread解析句意:“吉姆,你还记得我们第一次见面的时候吗?”“我当然记得了,你当时在图书室读书。”此句要用过去进行时表示当时正在进行的状态。答案A10About 698,000 laptops were sold in China in_ second quarter,_12.1 percent increase from a year ago.Aa;a Bthe;aCthe;the Da;the解析第一空表示“在第二季度”,

    8、序数词前用定冠词,而第二空中心词是increase,此处用作可数名词,其前用不定冠词。答案B11The production in this special economic zone increases faster than_ in the other parts of the country.Athat BoneCthey Dthose解析此句中应该用that代指the production,属特指用法。答案A12In India more than one hundred languages are spoken,_ which only fourteen are recognized

    9、 as official.Aof BwithCin Dwithin 解析句意:在印度有一百多种语言被使用,其中仅有十四种被确认为官方语言。此题考的是介词定语从句的形式,which的先行词应为More than one hundred languages,即Only fourteen of them are recognized as official。答案A13Something has gone wrong with the new camera.It _ not work.Ashall BwillCwould Dmay解析will not如果以物作主语时,可表示“不起作用”。would指过

    10、去。答案B14Do you have any idea_ is actually going on in the classroom?Athat BwhatCas Dwhich解析what引导同位语从句,从句中缺少主语,要用what引导。答案B15Lucys new job paid twice as much as she had made _ in the restaurant.Aworking BworkCto work Dworked解析此题考查分词作状语。句意:露西的新工作付给她的工资是原来在餐馆工作时的两倍。此题要用现在分词working作时间状语,与主语Lucy是主动关系,相当于

    11、时间状语从句when she was working in the restaurant。答案A.完形填空I had just walked in the door after dropping off the costume I had made for a friends daughter when I noticed the light blinking on my answering machine.It was my friend saying,“I know you worked hard on the _1_ and it looks very nice,_2_ Janet do

    12、esnt like all those sequins (亮片)Could you _3_ them?” I groaned._4_,I started to call her backuntil I suddenly _5_ Grandma and what she had once done for me long ago when I visited her in New York City.Once,Grandma _6_ to curl my hair.When she finished she sighed with delight.She was so _7_ that she

    13、had me stand on a chair to look in the mirror.I looked _8_.“You can go out and play now,” Grandma said,_9_.I nodded and _10_ walked down the stairs.I looked out of the small window in the door and could see the neighborhood kids playing hopscotch (跳房子游戏)I knew everyone would _11_ the curls.I went _1

    14、2_.I could hear my heart pounding with every step.I began to feel sick.I knocked on Grandmas door.When she opened it,I said in a scared _13_,“Grandma,my hairs too curly.” She _14_ said a word.She placed a comb in water,combed out all the curls,and then stood me back on the _15_ so I could see in the

    15、 mirror.Afterwards I went off to play.It was when Grandma took out the curls that I knew she loved me.She had put my _16_ before hers.And that is the kind of love I try to _17_ today.That memory was fresh in my mind.I _18_ my friend back.“Id be _19_ to change the costume,” I said._20_ would have bee

    16、n,too.1A.clothingBsweaterCcostume Dshirt2A.and BbutCsince Dwhile3A.repair BstopCignore Dchange4A.Annoyed BSurprisedCExcited DSatisfied5A.turned to Bthought ofCcalled on Dagreed with6A.required BadvisedCdecided Dprepared7A.proud BhesitantCnervous Dcertain8A.sweet BcuteCridiculous Dattractive9A.starin

    17、g BwavingCfrowning Dsmiling10A.quickly BslowlyCcheerfully Dcalmly11A.laugh at Bthink highly ofCcomplain about Dbe jealous of12A.in BoutCdownstairs Dupstairs13A.voice BsoundCnoise Dmanner14A.ever BneverCseldom Dsimply15A.bed BcouchCsofa Dchair16A.attitude BfeelingsCposition Dopinion17A.put on Bput aw

    18、ayCpass on Dpass away18A.called BsentCgot Dbrought19A.sorry BgladCinterested Ddisappointed20A.My friend BJanetCGrandma DEveryone1C由上文“the costume I had made.”可推知。2Blooks very nice与doesnt like语义上构成转折关系,所以要用but。3D由上文Janet不喜欢服装上的亮片以及最后一段第19空后的change the costume可知。4A与上文groaned相对应,作者对朋友要求改服装表示不满,故选A。5B正要

    19、打电话时想起了祖母。6C由下文可知,是祖母一厢情愿帮我把头发卷起来,作者并没有表明自己的态度,所以可排除A与B;这里不强调准备工作,所以也不能选D。7A由上文的delight可推知,祖母对自己的“杰作”非常满意,以此为荣,故选A。8C由下文作者要求祖母改变发型才愿意出门玩可知,作者对这一发型并不满意,所以这里应该用贬义词,故选C。9D此处与上文的delight,proud相对应。10B由于对发型不满意,作者下楼也磨磨蹭蹭。11A此处要结合上下文语境,尤其是第8空一起考虑,由于发型ridiculous,所以就会引来大家的嘲笑。12D由上文walked down the stairs以及下文作者敲

    20、祖母房间的门,可知作者返回了楼上。13A形容人说话的声音应该用voice;sound是大自然的一切声音;noise是噪音。14B下文提到了祖母梳头,没有提到祖母的任何言语,可知她没有说话,故选B。15D此处与第7空后的chair相对应。16B祖母没有对作者要求将发型梳回来表示不满,将作者的感受置于第一位,故选B。17C由下文可知作者决心以相同的态度对待朋友,将这种爱传递出去,故选C。18A此处与第4空后的call her back相对应。19B由上一段可推知作者通过回忆祖母,改变了自己的态度,化不满为乐意,故选B。20C这句话是省略结构,将其补全,即:_ would have been,too

    21、,if it were her.结合全文可推知,作者是说如果是祖母遇到这件事,她也会乐意这么做的,故选C。.阅读理解Vancouver is a young city,even by North American standards.It was not yet a town when British Columbia became part of the Canadian confederation (联盟)in 1871.The citys history,such as it is,remains visible to the naked eye:Periods of history a

    22、re formed in a neat pile from east to west along the waterfront,from cobblestone lateVictorian Gastown to shiny postmodern glass cathedrals(大教堂)of commerce.The Chinese,among the first to recognize the possibilities of Vancouvers setting,came to British Columbia during the 1850s seeking the gold that

    23、 inspired them to name the province Gumshan,or Gold Mountain.As laborers,they built the Canadian Pacific Railway,giving Vancouver a purposeone beyond natural scenery that Royal Navy captain George Vancouver admired during his lunchtime cruise(巡游)around its harbor on June 13,1792.The Canadian transco

    24、ntinental railway,along with the citys Great White Fleet of ships,gave Vancouver a full weeks edge over the California ports in shipping tea and silk to New York at the end of the 19th century.For its original people,the Coast Salish people,Vancouver was the sacred spot where the mythical(神话)Thunder

    25、bird and Killer Whale threw wind and rain all about the heavens during their brave battles.How else to explain the coasts changeable weather?Devotees of a later religious(宗教)tradition might worship in the bushes of Stanley Park or Christ Church Cathedral,the citys oldest church.Vancouver,with a larg

    26、e population of about 2 million,is developing.The mild climate,beautiful natural scenery and relaxed outdoor lifestyle is attracting many people to settle in British Columbias business center,and the number of visitors is increasing for the same reasons.Many people get their first sight of Vancouver

    27、 when catching an Alaskan cruise,and many return at some point to spend more time here.1It can be inferred from the passage that _.Athe cities in North America usually have a long historyBVancouver is a city with a history of less than 140 yearsCthe history of the city can be seen from the waterfron

    28、t Dthe history of the city can be seen from the shiny buildings2The Chinese came to British Columbia to_.Arecognize the possibilities of Vancouvers settingBlook for goldCname the province GumshanDbuild the Canadian Pacific Railway3What can be learnt from the passage?ATea and silk were often transpor

    29、ted from west to east at the end of the 19th century.BVancouver was a sacred spot for people all over the world.CThe mythical of the battles resulted in the changeable weather in Vancouver.DStanley Park was the oldest park in Vancouver.4Many people choose to live in Vancouver because of the followin

    30、g statements EXCEPT that_.Athe climate is mildBthe natural scenery is beautifulCthe outdoor lifestyle is relaxingDthey get their first sight when catching an Alaskan cruise1B温哥华在1871还不是一个城镇,从那时算起到现在具有140年的历史了。根据第一句话的语气判断,北美的城市历史都比较短,所以作者才这样说,即使依据北美的标准来看,温哥华也是一个年轻的城市,言外之意,更不用说按照其他地方的标准了。C项和D项可融合为:the history of the city can be seen from east to west along the waterfront,


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