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    版高考英语一轮复习 分餐化素养积累 第一周讲义.docx

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    版高考英语一轮复习 分餐化素养积累 第一周讲义.docx

    1、版高考英语一轮复习 分餐化素养积累 第一周讲义第一周 周一一、背表达词汇写作有米下锅1aboard prep. 在(船、飞机、火车 等)上,上(船、飞 机、火车等)2about adv. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;在各处; 在四处3above prep. 在(或向)上面adj. 上面的adv. 在(或向)上面4abroad adv. 到(在)国外5absorb v. 吸收;吸引;使专心6academic adj.& n. 学业的,学术的; 高等院校教师7accent n. 口音,腔调8accept vt. 接受9account n. 账户;说明;理由v. 认为;说明;总计有10ache

    2、 vi.& n. 痛;疼痛11acre n. 英亩12across prep. 横过,穿过13able adj. 有能力的ability n. 能力,才能disabled adj. 丧失能力的; 残疾的disability n. 伤残14absence n. 缺席absent adj. 缺席的15absolute adj. 绝对的;完全的absolutely adv. 绝对地;完全地16accident n. 事故accidental adj. 意外的accidentally adv. 意外地17achieve v. 实现;完成achievement n. 成就;功绩18accuracy n.

    3、 准确(性)accurate adj. 准确的19act n. 行动;行为v. 行动;扮演action n. 行为;行动;活动20active adj. 积极的;主动的actively adv. 积极地activity n. 活动二、记阅读词汇读文不再生涩1abandon v. 放弃;抛弃2abnormal adj. 不正常的;反常的3abolish v. 废除;废止4abortion n. 流产;中止5abrupt adj. 突然的;唐突的6abstract adj.& n. 抽象(的)7abstraction n. 抽象概念8absurd adj. 荒谬的9abundant adj. 丰富

    4、的10abuse v. 滥用,虐待11academy n. 专科院校,学院12accelerate v. 加快,加速13acceptable adj. 可接受的;受欢迎的14access n. 通道,入口;使用 (或见到)的机会v. 存取;使用15accessible adj. 可接近的,可进入的16accommodation n. 住宿;调节17accompany v. 陪伴;陪同18accomplish v. 完成,实现19accountant n. 会计师;会计20accumulate v. 积累;积聚三、背常用短语读写高人一截1be about to do sth. 正要做某事2abo

    5、ve all 最重要的是;尤其3at home and abroad 在国内外4be absorbed in 专心于5be absent from 缺席的;不在的6according to 根据,按照7have access to 有机会进入;接近 (或进入)的方法8by accident 偶然,碰巧9take action 采取行动take measures 采取措施10account for (数量上、比例上) 占;是的 原因;解释;说明take sth. into account 考虑到;顾及on no account 决不;绝对不四、背写作佳句考场顺手就写学校生活(一)心态和情绪1Wh

    6、at I want to tell you is that it is common for Senior Three students to have an experience of depression.我想告诉你的是高三学生有情绪低落期是正常的。2Your attitude towards your grades has a great effect on your study, and confidence is the key to success.你对成绩的态度会对你的学习有很大的影响,自信是成功的关键。3(2015湖南高考满分作文)What impressed me most

    7、was that I failed in an English exam, feeling extremely upset and disappointed.令我印象最深的是,我在一次英语考试中失败了,感到非常沮丧和失望。4(2014四川高考书面表达)On the one hand, I have strong belief that I will do well in the exam; on the other hand, I feel a bit nervous, though its not difficult.一方面,我非常自信能在这次考试中做好;另一方面,我有点紧张,尽管考试并不难

    8、。五、练语基小题巩固今日所学.根据提示填空1Judging from his accent (口音), he must come from Guangdong.2The teacher recommended that everyone (should) take a(n) active (积极的) part in the English activity.3I was_about_to_leave (正要离开) when I witnessed a terrible accident (事故), which almost scared me to death.4On hearing the

    9、news that our team achieved great success, all of a sudden we had a sense of achievement.(achieve)5I can remember few occasions when he was_absent_from_class (旷课) in primary school.6Before the Hope Project was carried out in this poor area, children had_no_access_to_education (无法接受教育).补全句子1(2017北京高考

    10、书面表达)我真诚地希望你将会考虑我的建议。I sincerely hope that you will take_my_suggestions_into_account.(account)I sincerely hope that you will take_account_of_my_suggestions.(account)I sincerely hope that you will take_my_suggestions_into_consideration.(consideration)2她躺在沙发椅上专心致志地看书。She lay on the settee, absorbed_in

    11、_her_book.3我想出去吃饭,但另一方面我又想省钱。Id like to eat out, but_on_the_other_hand I should be trying to save money.第一周周三一、背表达词汇写作有米下锅1actually adv. 实际上;事实上2address n. 住址;地址3admire v. 钦佩,羡慕4adopt v. 采用;采纳;收养5adult n. 成年人6adventure n. 冒险;奇遇7advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议8advise v. 忠告,劝告,建议9affair n. 事件,事情10affect vt. 影响;感动1

    12、1actor n. 男演员actress n. 女演员12adapt v. 使适应;改编adaptation n. 适应;改编本13add v. 增加;添加;补充addition n. 增加;添加;补充14addict n. 对入迷的人v. 使入迷;使上瘾addicted adj. 上了瘾的;入了迷的addiction n. 瘾;入迷15adjust v. 调整;(使)适合adjustable adj. 可调整的adjustment n. 调整;适应16admit v. 承认;容许;接纳admission n. 承认;准许进入17advance v. 前进;促进;提前n. 前进;进步advan

    13、ced adj. 先进的;高等的18advantage n. 有利条件;优点disadvantage n. 不利条件;缺点19advertise v. 做广告advertisement n. 广告;启事advertising n. 广告(业)20afford v. 买得起;负担得起affordable adj. 支付得起的affordably adv. 支付得起地二、记阅读词汇读文不再生涩1accuse v. 控告;控诉2accustomed adj. 惯常了的,习惯了的3acknowledge v. 承认;确认;答谢4acquaintance n. 交情;熟人5acquire v. 获得,取

    14、得6acute adj. 敏锐的,十分严重的7adequate adj. 足够的8adequately adv. 充足地9administration n. 执行;管理10admirable adj. 令人钦佩的11adolescence n. 青春期12adolescent adj.& n. 青春期的;青少年13adore v. 热爱;爱慕14advocate v. 支持,提倡15aeroplane nC (英)飞机16agency n. 代理机构17agent n. 代理人;经纪人18aggressive adj. 侵略的;挑衅的19alarm n. 警报;惊恐vt. 使警觉;使惊恐20a

    15、lbum n. 相册;影集三、背常用短语读写高人一截1accuse sb. of (doing sth.) 指责/控告某人(做某事)2be accustomed to (doing) sth. 习惯于(做)某事3make ones acquaintance 结识某人4add up 合计,把加起来add .to . 把加到(进)里add to 增加5be addicted to 对上瘾6in addition 此外,而且7give sb. some advice on . 关于给某人一些建议8adjust (oneself) to 适应9adapt (oneself) to 适应10in adv

    16、ance 提前四、背写作佳句考场顺手就写学校生活(二)课外活动1Please actively take part in afterclass activities, which will not only make your school life colorful, but also improve your learning.请积极参加课外活动,这不仅使你的校园生活丰富多彩,而且还可以促进你的学习。2As far as Im concerned, taking an active part in afterschool activities is of great benefit to

    17、us students.就我个人而言,积极参加课外活动对我们学生非常有益。3After class we enjoy all kinds of activities, such as having sports, doing experiments or surfing the Internet.放学后,我们进行各种各样的活动,如进行体育活动、做实验或上网。五、练语基小题巩固今日所学.根据提示填空1Although the lady looks elegant, actually (实际上) she is hard to get along with.2As a result, they ag

    18、reed to my advice (建议), and everything went well as planned.3Only very rich people can afford (负担得起) to buy the expensive private apartments and stay in the hotels.4As a teacher I have to adjust my teaching methods to meet the needs of the children who are not good at learning. Occasionally I fail t

    19、o make the adjustment,_so I still need to give it a try.(adjust)5I was ambitious to be_admitted_into_a_key_university (被重点大学录取)Therefore, I did everything in my power to review all the subjects.6If you are taking the exam in an unfamiliar place, visit it in_advance (提前).补全句子1很多孩子沉迷于上网, 以至于他们对学习失去了兴趣

    20、。(addict)Many kids become/are/get_addicted_to surfing the Net, so they have lost interest in study.Many kids addict_themselves_to surfing the Net, so they have lost interest in study.Addicted_to surfing the Net, many kids have lost interest in study.2我们习惯了一起工作。We were_accustomed_to working together.

    21、3在高中时迈克的妈妈为他做了几乎所有的事情,这让他难以适应大学的生活。(adapt)Mikes mother did almost everything for him when he was in high school, which_made_it_difficult_for_him_to_adapt_to_the_college_life.(定语从句)Mikes mother did almost everything for him when he was in high school, making_it_difficult_for_him_to_adapt_to_the_colle

    22、ge_life.(现在分词作结果状语)第一周周五一、背表达词汇写作有米下锅1afraid adj. 害怕的;担心的2after adv. 以后;后来prep. 在之后;在后面conj. 在以后3afternoon n. 下午,午后4afterwards adv. 后来;以后5again adv. 再一次;又一次6against prep. 对着,反对7age n. 年龄;时代8ago adv. 以前9ahead adv. 在前面,向前10aid n. 援助;帮助11air n. 空气;天空12airline n. 航空公司;航空系统13airmail n. 航空邮递14airplane n.

    23、(美)飞机15airport n. 航空站,飞机场16alike adv. 同样地;很相似地adj. 相像的;相似的17Africa n. 非洲African adj. 非洲(人)的n. 非洲人18agree v. 同意;赞成disagree v. 不同意;不赞成agreement n. 同意;协定;协议19agricultural adj. 农业的agriculture n. 农业;农学20aim n. 目标;目的v. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力aimless adj. 无目标的二、记阅读词汇读文不再生涩1alcohol n. 酒精;酒2alcoholic adj.& n. 酒精的;酒鬼3all

    24、ergic adj. 过敏的4alley n. 胡同,小巷5allocate v. 分配(给)6alongside prep. 沿着的边adv. 向前;一道,一起7alternative adj. 供选择的;可供 替代的n. 可能的选择8altitude nC (海拔)高度;高处9aluminium nU 铝10amateur nC 业余爱好者;业余运动员adj. 业余(爱好)的11ample adj. 足够的;丰裕的12ancestor n. 祖宗;祖先13anchor v& n. 抛锚;锚14anecdote n. 逸事;趣闻15angel nC 天使16ankle n. 踝;踝关节17a

    25、nniversary n. 周年纪念日18antarctic adj. 南极的19Antarctica n. 南极洲20antique n. 文物;古董三、背常用短语读写高人一截1one after another 一个接一个2in the afternoon 在下午3over and over again 反复4be against 反对5agree with 同意;与相符; (气候、食物等)适合6go ahead 用吧,去吧ahead of time 提前7by air 乘飞机8be aimed at 目的是;旨在9with the aid of 在的帮助下10have no altern

    26、ative but to do sth. 除了做某事别无选择四、背写作佳句考场顺手就写学校生活(三)活动的意义1It is an interesting and meaningful activity. When we are tired from studying, we can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature, breathe fresh air and relax ourselves.这是一项有趣且有意义的活动。当我们因学习而疲劳时,我们可以去一个美丽的地方欣赏大自然的美,呼吸新鲜空气、放松自我。2Not onl

    27、y can this activity improve my sense of responsibility, but it also educates me to cherish todays happy life.这次活动不仅提高了我的责任感而且教育我要珍惜今天的幸福生活。3Only then did I realize that it was by getting involved in the competition that I gained more selfconfidence and enjoyed the pleasure of teamwork.只有在那时我才意识到,正是通

    28、过参与比赛,我才获得了更多的自信并享受到了合作的乐趣。五、练语基小题巩固今日所学.根据提示填空1I always confuse John with his brother; they are so much alike (相像的)2The officials all agreed (同意) that increasing happiness would be a top target for the next fiveyear plan.3Her family went to see her off at the airport (飞机场)4As far as I am concerned,

    29、 I am_strongly_against_the_plan (强烈反对这个计划)5With_the_aid_of_our_teacher (在我们老师的帮助下), we finished the experiment successfully.6As you know, if you do the same thing over_and_over_again (反复), you will begin to do it automatically.补全句子1生活在校园里教会了大一学生如何和各种各样的人相处、关心他人。Living_on_campus teaches the college freshmen how_to_get_along/on_with all types of people and care for others.2琳达,一名交换生,过去的一年是在香港度过的,因此她看上去比同龄人更成熟。Having spent the past year as an exchange stud


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