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    人教版高考英语全套解析复习课时作业55 First aid.docx

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    人教版高考英语全套解析复习课时作业55 First aid.docx

    1、人教版高考英语全套解析复习课时作业55 First aid课时作业34Unit 5First aid.短语填空1Dont worry.There is _ programs for you to choose from.2Why hasnt she been here these days?She must have _.3He took off his wet clothes and _ the water _.4I know my golden watch is here somewhere,but I cant _ it right now.5Our teacher told us to

    2、 practice the English dialogue _.6_ villages were hit by the recent typhoon but I dont know the accurate number.7It wont _ whether you go today or tomorrow.8I like everything to be _,for which I am often praised.9When she left school,the schoolmaster _ her _ a Chinese painting.10The firefighters bro

    3、ught the heavy fire under control _ the workers.答案1.a variety of2.fallen ill3.squeezed.out4.put my hands on5.over and over again6.A number of7.make much difference8.in place9.presented.with10.with the aid of.单词拼写1You should _(对待)them with more consideration.2Although I_(倒)it carefully,I spilt some o

    4、f the oil.3The chemical companies are _(施毒于)our rivers with industrial waste.4The bell rang,the naughty boy _(挤)his book into his bag and went out of the classroom.5Her foot was very _(肿胀)after the accident.6What is the typical _(症状)of the A/H1N1 flu?7The cut on my leg _(流血)a lot when I was hurt yes

    5、terday.8The rule _(适用)to all of you.9I had previously_(帮助)him in building the school.10Apart from those three very cold weeks in January,it has been a very _(温和的)winter.答案1.treat2.poured3.poisoning4.squeezed5.swollen6.symptom7.bled8.applies9.aided10.mild.单项填空1_! There are some big stones on the road

    6、 because of the earthquake.Thank you. I will.A. Hold on B. Cheer up C. Go ahead D. Watch out解析题意:“当心!由于地震路上有很多石头。”“谢谢!我会小心的。”watch out“当心;小心”,用来提醒对方注意安全,符合题意。hold on“坚持;等一会儿”;cheer up“振作起来”;go ahead“继续”,用于鼓励对方。答案D2Eye contact is of great importance because wrong contact may create a communication _.

    7、A. barrier B. question C. conflict D. campaign解析题意:目光接触是非常重要的,因为错误的接触会造成交流的障碍。barrier“障碍;阻碍”,符合题意。question“问题”;conflict“冲突”;campaign“战役;运动”。答案A3He resigned for a(n) _ of reasons.A. various B. different C. variety D. amount解析 题意:他由于种种原因辞职了。a variety of“许多的;大量的”,符合题意。various“许多的;不同的”,其后直接接名词;an amount

    8、 of“许多的”,只能修饰不可数名词。答案C4With more advanced technology, this kind of machines helps _more juice.A. squeeze out B. take outC. break out D. put out解析题意:由于使用了更先进的技术,这种机器能榨出更多果汁。squeeze out“榨出;挤出”,符合题意。take out“拿出”;break out“(灾难、疾病等)突然爆发,发生”;put out“扑灭;出版;发行”。 答案A5My daughter always puts everything in her

    9、 bedroom_,so it looks very tidy and neat.A. in use B. in turnC. in return D. in place解析题意:我女儿总是把她卧室里的东西放得整整齐齐,因此卧室看起来整洁、干净。in place“在适当的位置;合适的”,符合题意。in use“在使用”;in turn“因此;反过来”;in return“回报;报答”。答案D6A number of students _ playing on the ground but I dont know what the exact number_.A. are;are B. is;i

    10、s C. are;is D. is;are解析题意:很多孩子正在操场上玩,但我不知道具体有多少孩子。a number of“许多的,大量的”,修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数;the number of“的数目”,修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。答案C7If you cant _ that book you have been looking for in the library, it must have been lent to others.A. have a hand in B. put your hands onC. put your hands to D. try your ha

    11、nds at解析题意:如果你在图书馆里找不到你一直在找的书,它一定是被借出去了。put ones hands on“找到”,符合题意。have a hand in“参与”;put ones hands to“着手;开始做”;try ones hands at“尝试”。答案B8Hundreds waited at the citys main hospital, where doctors were forced to_the injured in the open air because only one operating room was functioning.A. treat B. c

    12、ure C. deal D. solve解析题意:数百人等在这个城市的主要医院里,在那里医生被迫在外面治疗伤员,因为只有一间手术室能用。treat“治疗”,符合题意。cure“治愈”;deal“交易”;solve“解决”。答案A9These ideas are often difficult to _ in practice.A. appear B. admit C. attach D. apply解析题意:这些想法通常很难运用到实践中。apply.to“将应用于”,符合题意。appear“出现”;admit“承认;容许;接纳”;attach“系上;附加”。答案D10Your contribu

    13、tion makes a_. We are all grateful to you.A. sense B. difference C. matter D. use解析题意:你的贡献非常重要。我们都很感谢你。make a difference“有区别;有影响”,是固定短语,符合题意。答案B11The thunder and lightening has stopped, but it continues to _. I dont know how to return home.A. rush B. press C. pour D. push解析题意:雷和闪电是停了,可又下起了倾盆大雨。我不知道怎

    14、么回家。pour“倒;灌”,此处指下起大雨,符合题意。rush“冲”;press“压”;push“推”。答案C12I will explain the answer to you, _.Thank you, but Id like to work it out by myself.A. if necessary B. if notC. if any D. if so解析题意:“如果有必要的话,我给你解释一下这个问题吧。”“谢谢,不过我想自己解出来。”if necessary“如果有必要的话”,符合题意。if not“如果不”;if any“如果有”;if so“如果是这样的话”。答案A13_,

    15、 it took about four months to finish the repairs of Jianghan Bridge.A. As expected B. As to expectC. As expecting D. As being expected解析题意:正如被期望的那样,江汉大桥的修缮工作花了四个月的时间完成了。as expected是as it is expected的省略,意为“正如被期望的那样”。答案A14Now that there is much difficulty in finding a satisfying job, why dont you do a

    16、(n)_job to support you for the time being?A. thorough B. temporaryC. accurate D. essential解析题意:既然找一份令人满意的工作有很多困难,为什么目前不找一份临时的工作来养活自己呢?temporary“临时的;暂时的”,符合题意。thorough“彻底的;详尽的”;accurate“准确的;精确的”;essential“最重要的;不可缺少的”。答案B15Everything in need for the party is _.You can put yourself at ease.Ain place Bi

    17、n dangerCin trouble Din cash解析in place在适当的位置。in danger处于危险中;in trouble处于困境中;in cash用现金。答案A.完形填空(2010湖北高考)The passengers on the bus watched with sympathy as Susan made her way carefully up the steps.She paid the driver and then,using her hands to _1_ the seats,settled in one of them. It had been a ye

    18、ar since Susan became blind.As the result of an accident she was suddenly thrown into a world of _2_.Susans husband Mark watched her _3_ into hopelessness and he was _4_ to use every possible means to help his wife. Finally,Susan felt ready to _5_ to her job,but how would she get there?She used to t

    19、ake the bus,but she was now too _6_ to get around the city by herself.Mark _7_ to ride the bus with Susan each morning and evening _8_ she could manage it by herself. For two weeks,Mark _9_ Susan to and from work each day.He taught her how to rely on her other _10_,specifically her hearing,to determ

    20、ine where she was and how to adapt to her new _11_. At last,Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip _12_.Monday morning arrived.Before she left,she hugged her husband _13_,her eyes filled with tears of gratitude(感激)She said goodbye and,for the first time,they went their _14_ ways.Each day w

    21、ent perfectly,and a wild excitement _15_ Susan.She was doing it! On Friday morning,Susan took the bus to work _16_.As she was getting off the bus,the driver said,“Miss.I sure _17_ you.”Curious,Susan asked the driver _18_. “You know,every morning for the _19_ week,a finelooking gentleman in a militar

    22、y uniform has been standing across the corner watching you until you enter your office building safely.”the bus driver said. Tears of happiness poured down Susans cheeks.She was so lucky for he had given her a gift more powerful than _20_.That is the gift of love that can bring light where there is

    23、darkness.1A.touch BgrabCcount Dfeel解析根据第二段第一句可知,Susan已经失明一年了,因此在公交车上她必须用她的手摸索着找到座位坐下来。答案D2A.weakness Bsickness Cdarkness Dsadness解析上文提到Susan双目失明了,这句解释说“一起意外的事故把她突然投进了黑暗的世界”。只有darkness与上文语境吻合。答案C3A.run Bsink Cjump Dstep解析根据下文内容可推断,Susan突然失明后,曾一度陷入绝望之中,这也符合人之常情。答案B4A.inspired Bdetermined Chonored Dple

    24、ased解析根据下文内容可知,Susan的丈夫Mark一直深爱着妻子,亲眼目睹她的绝望,Mark下定决心用尽可能所有的方法来帮助妻子重新找回快乐和幸福。be determined to do sth.“下定决心做某事”,其中的determined可被理解为是表示状态的形容词。答案B5A.return Badjust Ccontribute Dstick解析根据上下文内容可知,Susan已经调整好了心态,决心重返工作岗位,接下来的问题就是如何去上班。return to“返回到”;adjust to“调整,调节”;contribute to“促成,导致”;stick to“遵守,坚持”。答案A6A

    25、.tired Bastonished Cdepressed Dfrightened解析过去Susan乘坐公共汽车去上班,但现在她眼睛看不见东西,心里很恐惧,不敢独自在城市里走动。tired“疲倦的;困倦的”;astonished“惊讶的”;depressed“精神不振的,忧伤的,消沉的”;frightened“害怕的,恐惧的”。答案D7A.volunteered Battempted Ccontinued Dstruggled解析 Mark深爱着妻子,他自愿每天陪着妻子乘坐公交车上下班。volunteer“自动提供,自愿效劳”;attempt“试图;尝试”;continue“继续”;strug

    26、gle“奋斗;努力”。答案A8A.when Bas Cuntil Dafter解析Mark陪妻子上下班的行为一直持续到Susan能独自搭乘公交车为止。when“当时候”;as“由于,因为;当时”;until“直到”;after“在以后”。答案C9A.drove Bdirected Caccompanied Dsent解析这一段详细描述了Mark陪同妻子上下班的过程。drive“驾车”,与上文内容不符;direct“指示方向,指引”;accompany“陪伴,陪同”;send“送,寄;派遣”。答案C10A.feelings Borgans Cskills Dsenses解析既然视力丧失了,那么就

    27、得依靠其他感觉器官来判断位置。feeling“感觉,感触;知觉”;organ“器官;机构”;skill“技能,技巧,手艺”;sense“感官”。答案D11A.position Benvironment Cstatus Drole解析Susan双目失明了,但她的职位、身份、职责并没有改变,她所需要适应的是对她来说变得陌生的环境。 答案B12A.on her own Bin person Cto her benefit Don foot解析根据上下文内容可知,Susan最终决定独自乘公交车去上班了。on ones own“独自地;独立地”;in person“亲自,直接,当面”;to ones b

    28、enefit“有益于某人”;on foot“步行;进行起来”。答案A13A.politely Bcalmly Cbriefly Dtightly解析该句描述Susan离家前告别丈夫的情景,因为她对丈夫充满感激和深情,所以她紧紧拥抱丈夫。politely“有礼貌地”;calmly“平静地;冷静地”;briefly“简洁地;简短地”;tightly“紧紧地;坚固地;牢固地”。答案D14A.opposite Bseparate Cfixed Dlonely解析因为Susan决定自己去上班,不用丈夫护送了,所以第一次,他们各自走各自的路。opposite“相反的”;separate“各自的;分离的”;

    29、fixed“固定好的;缚牢的,绑紧的”;lonely“孤单的,孤独的”。答案B15A.took charge of Btook place of Ctook advantage of Dtook hold of解析每天独自上下班情况都很顺利,Susan觉得非常兴奋。take charge of“掌管,负责”;take advantage of“利用;占便宜”;take hold of“控制住,吸引,对有影响力”。答案D16A.as usual Bas a rule Cas well Das a consequence解析星期五早晨,Susan像往常一样乘坐公共汽车去上班。as usual“像往常一样”;as a rule“通常,一般说来”;as well“也,还有”;as a consequence“因而,结果”。答案A17A.respect Benvy Cknow Dsupport解析根据下文内容可知,事实上,在Susan独自上班的这段日子里,她的丈夫一直默默地跟在她身后,直到她安全到达办公大楼。知道真相的司机很羡慕Susan有一个这样细心体贴的好丈夫。答案B18A.what Bhow Cwhy Dwho解析根据下文司机的回答可知,Susan觉得


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