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    1、牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit4词汇及语法练习无答案8B Unit 4Comic strip & Reading一、词汇运用1.1thi nk I n eed a chair to 够至 U )the book on top of the shelf.2.How ma ny 小说)has Mo Yan writte n so far?3.Ma ny people thi nk the thi ngs made in 德国)are of very high quality(质量).4.Hav ing a good 知识)about Ming Dyn asty helps you un ders

    2、ta nd this book.5.Timmy spe nt so much 多余的)time on games that he failed the exam.6.How much have you known about the famous 法 国的)writer Victor Hugo?7.The 丑陋的)appeara nee does nt mea n everythi ng to a man.8.The film I saw yesterday really 感动)me.二、 动词填空1.- you (see)the filmThe Hunchack of Notre Dame?

    3、-Yes,I (see)it last month.2.When did you begin (collect)stamps?3.1didnt know George (swim)so fast.4.My father seldom (go)to the local theatre to watch films in the past.5.The Class 1,Grade 8 students (plan)to have a class trip these days.6.Our Physics teacher (work)in the factory for two years befor

    4、e he cameto our school.7.Nancy (be)interested in playing chess since five years ago.8.1met Maggie when she (choose)books in the school library.三、 单项选择( )1.Mr Lee is so forgettable(健 忘的)that he ofte n his keys somewhere.A.forgets B.missed C.left D.leaves( )2.Peter often spends much time books about f

    5、ood.A.to read B.will read C.reading D.is reading( )3.Mr Wang his hometown for 15 years.A.has left B.has been away C.left D.has been away from( )4.Usually reading a novel a long time.So I often read one at weekends.A.takes B.spends C.costs D.wants( )5.Wendy reads as as she can in her free time.She en

    6、joys reading.A.much B.more C.most D.many( )6.-How many books written by Voctor Hugo have you read,James? - .A.None B.No one C.Not any one D.Nothing ( )7.Mum,how can I the box on the top of the shelf?A.reach B.arrive at C.arrive D.reach to( )8.My classmate Antonio has interest in reading science book

    7、s.A. not B.doesnt C.no any D.no四、完成句子1.这是一本有关德国和法国在二次世界大战中的书。This is a book about War II.2.我的一些同学喜欢看科学家们写的书。Some of my classmates enjoy .3.你喜欢在周末看什么类型的电视节目 ? at the weekend?4.他不够高,无法够到书架上的那些书。He the books on the bookshelf.5.你决定好如何处理这些旧书了吗 ?Have you decided these old books?6.读书可以增长我们的知识。 our knowledg

    8、e. 课堂练习:一、词汇运用1.Why dont you put the ladder (紧靠) he wall,George?2.As we know,the elephant is the largest animal to live on 陆(地 ).3.After (绑 )his horse to the tree,he began to have a rest.4.The animals with more than two 胃)are called ruminants反刍动物)。5.Dont wake me up (直至U 为止)you finish cooking the din

    9、ner.6.He was so careless that he cut one of his (_手指) with a knife.7.How could you find such a (极小的)grasshopper蚱蜢)in the grass?8.We finally (设法完成) to get there in time before dark.9.Teachers always tell us to go (_径直地) back home after school is over.10.To my surprise,one of the jeeps 冲(撞) t h ro u g

    10、 h the big trees.11.The prices of many things have 上升)a lot since ten years ago.12.Dont you think these two jackets are the same 尺_(寸 )?二、动词填空1.All the students (be) very bus preparing for the coming test since last week.2.I (wake)up very late because I went to bed too late last night.3.The children

    11、 (make)a lot of excited noise after they heard the exciting news.4.Gulliver kept (swim)for a long time before reaching the beach.5.Isaw them (come)into the theatre with some drinks and snacks.6.The maple 枫树)leaves (turn)beautifully red whe n autu mn comes.7.Mike (choose) presents when I met him in t

    12、he supermarket last Sunday.8.-Mum,I think I (have) a high fever.I feel quite cold.-Poor thing!Let me take you to see the doctor.9.Will you please continue (work)in the garden after dinner?10.The Class I students (practice) the song these two weeks for the comingcompetition.三、单项选择( )1.Im sorry that I

    13、 write to you earlier because I have been very busy.A.wont B.didnt C.dont D.havent( )2.Gulliver was tired out the time he finally reached the beach.A.in B.on C.by D.for( )3.He woke up because he felt moving on bis leg.A.everything B.nothing C.something D.anything( )4.It was but I tried my best to do

    14、 it.A.hard work B.a hard work C.work hard D.hardworking( )5.Dont make the same mistake ,will you?A.any long B.any much C.no more D.any more( )6.Because people were making a lot of noise ,I had to aloud.A. say B.speak C.talk D.tell( )7.Do you know what to the young man? Why is he so sad?A.was happeni

    15、ng B.will happen C.was happened D.has happened( )8.He looked the street and saw some boys playing games.A.out B.of C.out of D.out at( )9. the bad weather,some of my classmates did not come to school on timeas usual. A.Because of B.Because C.As D.So( )10.You can pass the test you work hard every day.

    16、A.if only B.only before C.since D.only if( )11.Its amazing that he managed to swim the lake on such a cold day.A.through B.across C.to D.under( )12.Gulliver thought difficult for him to get away from those tiny men.A.its B.that C.it D.its( )13.Reading books will help you improve the knowledge of the

    17、 past.A.history B.geography C.health D.science( )14.Dont you think the man to be ill?A.looks like B.likes C.seems D.is seemed( )15.He asked us to guess what was in his _ hand at the beginning of the show.A.another B.the other C.the others D.other四、完成句子1.我不会讲法语。她五年前也不会,但她现在会了。I cant speak French.She

    18、it five years ago,but now she can.2.你明白他刚才说的话吗 ?Do you understand just now?3.我低下头,看到地上有本书。I a book the ground.4.他的手被绑在地上,不知道该如何挣脱。His hands the ground and he didnt know 5.他摔倒在地上,然后发现自己不能动了。He onto the ground and .6.他设法打破了窗户,逃出了火灾现场。He the fire.7.多么神奇呀!这只猴子只有我的小手指那样大小。How amazing!This monkey is .8.直到

    19、上周五,我才写完那个报告。I last Friday.9.她在比赛中不顾自己的病痛,奋力前游。She without thinking about her illness in the competition.10.在走了这么长的时间后,他们都筋疲力尽了。They were all for such a long time.课后练习:一、词汇运用1.Its hard to swim (cross) the river on such a cold day.2.She felt (happy)because her close friend didnt reply to her email.3.

    20、Gulliver suddenly felt something moving on his both (foot).4.During the Reading Week,we all read (many)books than usual.5.The teacher told us to work hard from the (begin)of the term.6.Are you sure about the (mean)of these words in the story?7.Ithink you were too (care).You made so many mistakes.8.T

    21、his article says the cloned sheep has four (stomach).Is it true?9.We can get (know)about many different things by reading books.10.Why is it so (noise)outside the house?Whats happening?二、单项选择( )1.Nancy was my English while you were on the playground.A.helped with B.helping with C.help in D.helping t

    22、o( )2.When saw Peter,he was standing the bookshelf,reading a book.A.with B.under C.against D.on( )3.If you can put your heart into it, will be impossible.A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything( )4.He was always telling not to be afraid of those tiny men.A.him B.he C.his D.himself( )5.Twenty m

    23、inutes later,an army of workers began to go the hall.A.in B.into C.out D.of( )6.People at the back cannot hear you clearly.You should aloud.A.tell B.say C.speak D.talk( )7.One of the twins was writing while was making a paper plane.A.another B.other C.others D.the other( )8.He asleep soon after he w

    24、ent to bed.A.felt B.fell C.fall D.feels( )9.You be very tired after such a long walk,I think.A.may B.need C.can D.must( )10.The mobile phone used to be as my hand.A.as same size B.the sane size C.the big D.as same( )11.Someone saw him out of the company. He catnbe in the office.A.coming B.came C.com

    25、e D.comes( )12.I think the fish for several days.They smell terrible.A.have died B.have been dead C.has died D.has been dead( )13.The government has found out where the rice came from.A.pollution B.polluting C.polluted D.has polluted( )14.There are so many kinds of cards.I really dont know .A.which

    26、to choose B.choose whichC.which to choose from D.choose from which( )15.The twins couldnt wait the TV as they thought the basketball match was Still .A.to turn on; playing B.turning on;playingC.opening;on D.to turn on;on( )16.-Are you sure you can the cinema ? -Of course.A.arrive in;on time B.arrive

    27、 at;on timeC.get to;at times D.reach to;in timeGrammar & Task一、词汇运用1.Peter is (想知道) which of the books is suitable for us teenagers to read.2.Would you like to (推荐) a good place to spend our coming holiday.3.This magazine says (_ 法国的) food is famous all over the world.4.Have you read any (评论) about

    28、this book,Daniel?5.We must (归还 )the books to the library on time.6.(小说) written by Mo Yan may be too difficult for pupils to understand.7.Enough sleep and exercise is good to our 健(康 ).8.AII the other ani mals in the yard made fun of the 丑陋的)duckli ng(小鸭).二、动词填空1.Mrs Wu (buy)some books for us to rea

    29、d yesterday.But I (not decide) which (choose).2.1really didnt know how (restart) this mobile phone.Could you help me?3.1heard Billy (teach)himself Germa n and succeeded成 功)in pass ing the exam.4.Nobody was sure where (find)the missing dog at that time.5.You must (renew)the book if you cant finish (r

    30、ead)it this week6.My sister and I (have)to stay at home because of the heavy rain last Sunday.7.Wed better (not leave)until the boss (come)back.8.The TV report says the police (try)their best (search)for the fivetourists trapped (困住的)in the mountain these days.三、单项选择( )1.Your friend James is seldom

    31、late for class, ?A.doesnt he B.isnt he C.does he D.is he( )2.Which country are you going ,Jessie?A.to move B.to move to C.moving to D.to moving to( )3.We find a hotel first because it was getting dark.A.might B.had to C.have to D.could( )4.- can we keep the two books? -Only two weeks.A.How much B.How many C.How long D.How often( )5.Project Hope always ties its best to help to for school for poor students.A.pay B.spend C.cos


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