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    1、中英文船舶营运企业安全管理手册资料YANTAI HAIRONG SHIPPING SERVICE COMPANY安全管理手册System Safe Management manual编号File No.:FG-SSM-001版号Version:R2.0安全管理手册System Safe Management manual页数Total Pages:38生效日期Valid From:2016-02-25修改记录 Amendment Record修改号生效日期修改页码修改标识审核批准No.DatePageMeasureAuditApprove拟制Draw Up: 赵富亭审核Audit: 陈建新审核

    2、Audit: 安全管理手册目录Index of System Safe Management manual十四 核发临时证书 Issuance of Temporary Certificate.36十五 审核 Audit38十六 证书格式 Form of Certificates.38安全管理手册实施声明Statement On Implement SMS本公司的安全管理体系(SMS)是依据国际安全管理规则(ISM CODE)的要求,参照国际海事组织、主管机关、船级社和海运行业组织所建议的适用规则、标准和指南,并结合本公司的实际情况而建立的。As per requirement of ISM

    3、Code, we, YANTAI HAIRONG SHIPPING SERVICE COMPANY, establish our SMS referring to rules, standard and guide proposed by IMO, Administration, Classification and other maritime organization and combining with our companys speciality.本手册真实的描述了安全管理体系,是全体员工工作的法规性、纲领性文件,用以统一、协调全公司的各项安全管理活动,现批准实行。全体员工必须克尽职

    4、守,严格地按照安全管理手册规定的内容实施。The Manual actually includes all points of SMS and provides appropriate guideline for the company standard and corresponding managements aspect of safety and pollution prevention. I, as the General Manager of the company, hereby approve the manual become effective. All staff of

    5、the company should comply with it.本手册亦可作为主管机关审核使用。The Manual is also for Administration auditing reference.本手册自2016年02月25日起实施。The Manual will come into force from June 02, 2012总经理:陈建新 General Manager: CHEN JIANXIN 批准日期:2016年02月25日 Date: FEB. 25, 2016前言Preface本安全管理手册是根据1974年国际海上人命安全公约第九章附件国际船舶安全营运及防污

    6、染管理规则(简称国际安全管理规则或ISM CODE)和国际有关法规,同时参考国际海事组织、主管机关、船级社和海运行业组织所建议的适用的规则、指南和标准建立起来的公司安全管理体系的总体描述。The manual incorporates the text of ISM Code of SOLAS Chapter IX, together with relevant regulations of International Convention as well as rules, standard and guide proposed by IMO, Administration, Classif

    7、ication and other maritime organizations.它是阐明建立安全管理体系的目的、安全和环境保护方针、安全管理目标和为达到上述目的、方针、目标公司应采取的措施,用以指导员工熟悉公司安全管理体系(SMS)、执行安全管理体系文件,保证公司安全管理体系持续有效运行的法规性、纲领性文件;同时也是为船旗国主管机关和港口国政府了解公司安全管理体系提供的必备文件。The manual declares the purpose of SMS, safety and environment protection policy, objectives and procedures

    8、to provide appropriate guide to all staff for further familiarity and implement of SMS ensuing its constantly effective. Meanwhile, the manual is the necessary document on purpose of auditing of Flag Administration and Port State Control.本安全管理手册由公司总经理批准发布实施。The manual approved by General Manager com

    9、es into effect.公司概况Company BriefYANTAI HAIRONG SHIPPING SERVICE COMPANY始创于2014年。YANTAI HAIRONG SHIPPING SERVICE COMPANY established in 2014.YANTAI HAIRONG SHIPPING SERVICE COMPANY主要经营管理国际航线的杂货轮。公司现设有ISM部、机务部、航运部、人事部四个船舶管理部门。YANTAI HAIRONG SHIPPING SERVICE COMPANY consisting of ISM, Technical, Shippi

    10、ng and Manning Department,which is dealing in management of ocean general cargo ships .公司地址Address:NO.175 NANDA ST. YANTAI, CHINA电话Office Phone:+86-535-6265575;传真Fax:+86-535-6265515电子邮件Email: *定义Definitions1.国际安全管理规则ISM CODE系指由国际海事组织大会通过的,并可由该组织予以修正的国际船舶安全营运和防止污染管理规则简称国际安全管理规则。ISM CODE means adopted

    11、 by the IMO Assembly, as amended.2.主管机关Administration系指船旗国政府。Administration means the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.3.公司Company系指船舶所有人,或已承担船舶所有人的船舶营运责任并在承担此种责任时同意承担本规则规定的所有责任和义务的任何机构或个人,如管理人或光船租船人。本手册所指“公司”系YANTAI HAIRONG SHIPPING SERVICE COMPANY。Company means the Ow

    12、ner of the ship or any other organization or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the ship owner and who on assuming such responsibility has agreed to take over all the duties and responsibility imposed by the Code.

    13、“Company” appeared in this manual is YANTAI HAIRONG SHIPPING SERVICE COMPANY.4.船舶Vessel系指本公司经营,管理的所有国际航运船舶。Vessel means all international trading vessels under operation and management of YANTAI HAIRONG SHIPPING SERVICE COMPANY.5.安全管理体系(SMS)Safe Management System系指能使公司人员有效实施公司安全和环境保护方针所建立的文件化、结构化的管理

    14、体系。SMS means a structured and documented system enabling Company personnel to effectively implement the Company safety and environmental protection policy.6.指定人员Designated Person系指岸上同最高管理层直接联系的某个人或几个人,其责任和权力是监控各船营运的安全和防止污染事务,并保证按要求提供充足的资源和岸上支持。本公司指定人员为安全经理。Designated Person means a person or persons

    15、 ashore having direct access to the highest level of management. The responsibility and authority of the designated person or persons should include monitoring the safety and pollution prevention aspects of the operation of each ship and ensure that adequate resource and shore-based support are appl

    16、ied. As required, DP is called Safety Controller in our company. 7.不符合规定的情况Non-conformity 系指客观证据表明不满足安全管理体系所规定的要求,或对人员、环境、船舶及货物的安全会造成危险或损害的可观察到的情况。Non-conformity means an observation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfillment of a specified requirement, or perhaps threaten to the safety

    17、of life, environment, ship, and cargo.8.重大不符合规定的情况Major Non-conformity 系指对人员或船舶安全构成严重威胁或对环境构成严重危险,并需要立即采取纠正措施的可辨别的背离,此外,还包括未能有效和系统执行国际安全管理规则的有关条款。Major non-conformity means an identifiable deviation which poses a serious threat to personnel or ship safety or a serious risk to the environment and req

    18、uires immediate corrective action ; in addition , the lack of effective and systematic implementation of a requirement of the ISM Code is also considered as a major non-conformity.9.险情Hazardous Occurrence系指如果进一步发展会造成事故的情况(事故前兆)。Hazardous occurrence means it may become to accident if developing furth

    19、er more. (Portent of accident).10.事故Accident 系指造成人员伤亡或造成环境、船舶或其货物损害的事件。Accident means something happened to cause people injured or environment, ship or cargo damaged. 11.审核Audit 系指调查并确认某一活动或操作是否符合安全管理体系所规定的要求。Investigate and verify some operations whether comply with the rules of ISM.12.客观证据Objecti

    20、ve Evidence系指以观察、衡量或测试为基础并能被审核的,有关安全或安全管理体系要素存在和实施的量或质的信息记录或事实声明。Objective evidence means qualitative or quantitative information, records or statements of fact pertaining to the existence and implementation of an SMS element, which is based on observation, measurement or test and which can be verif

    21、ied.13.符合证明(DOC)Document of Compliance系指发给符合国际安全管理规则要求的公司的证明文件。DOC means a document issued to a company that complies with the requirements of the ISM Code.14.安全管理证书(SMC)Safety Management Certificate系指发给船舶以表明其管理符合已认可的安全管理体系(SMS)的证书。SMC means a document issued to ship, which signifies that the compan

    22、y and its shipboard management operation is accordance with the approved safety management system.15.安全记录Safety Record系指为已完成的安全和防污染活动或达到的结果,提供客观证据的文件。Safety Record means some documents showing objective evidence for the results of completed safety and pollution-prevention activity 16.管理复查Management

    23、Review是由最高管理者就公司的安全和环境保护方针、目标对现行的安全管理的符合性、持续有效性和总体适合性,包括安全和环境保护方针、目标所作的正式而系统的全面检查和评价。Its a systemic and comprehensive that the highest level management carry out review and evaluation to verify whether companys safety and environmental-protection activities comply with efficiency of SMS.17.内部审核Inter

    24、nal Audits 是指由公司内部审核员所进行的为判断安全管理体系是否符合ISM规则,安全管理活动和有关结果是否符合安全管理体系规定和计划安排,以及这些安全管理体系规定和计划安排是否得到有效实施并适合达到安全和防污染目标的系统而独立的审查。Internal audit is a independence audit carried out by company internal auditor so as to verify whether SMS comply with ISM CODE, whether safe management activity and relevant resu

    25、lts comply with SMS and arranged plan and whether SMS and arranged plan also reach to requirement of safety and pollution-prevention. 18.程序Procedure系指为完成某项活动所规定的途径。Procedure means the access to achieve some safety managements.19.操作文件Operational Document系指为完成某项专门活动所制定的详细的作业文件。Operational document mea

    26、ns a document established just for carrying out some works in safety.20.观察项Observation系指在安全管理审核期间所得出的并由客观证据所证实的陈述。它也可以是审核员对SMS提出的如果不改正可能会导致不合格的陈述。Observation means a statement of fact made during a safety mananement audit and substantiated by objective evidence. It may also be a statement made by th

    27、e Auditor referring to the SMS which, if not corrected, may lead to a non-conformity in the future.21.周年日Anniversary Day系指与DOC或SMC证书的到期日相应的每年的日期。Means the day and month of each year that corresponds to the date of expiry of the relevant DOC or SMC.22.公约Convention系指经修正的1974年国际海上人命安全公约Mean amended 一 总

    28、则General1.公司建立安全管理体系的目的Purpose of SMS Establishment保证海上安全,防止人员伤亡,避免对环境,特别是海洋环境造成危害以及对财产造成损失。The purpose of the Code is to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment, in particular to the marine environment, and to property.2.公司的安全管理目标

    29、Purpose of Safe Management提供船舶营运的安全做法和安全工作环境;Provide safe practices for ship operation and a safe working environment;针对已认定的所有风险,制订防范措施;Establish safeguards against all identified risks;不断提高岸上及船上人员的安全管理技能,包括安全及环境保护方面的应急准备。Continuously improve safety-management skills of personnel ashore and aboard s

    30、hips, including preparing for emergencies related both to safety and environmental protection.3.本公司安全管理体系的保证The Safety-Management System Reference符合强制性的规定及规则;Compliance with mandatory rules and regulations; and对国际海事组织、主管机关、船级社和海运行业组织所建议的适用的规则、指南和标准予以充分考虑。That applicable codes, guidelines and standards recommended by the Organization, Administrations, classification societies and maritime industry organizations are taken into account.4.适用范围Application 本公司安全管理体系相关的所有部门和经营、管理的船舶及人员。The requirements of this Code applied to all department


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