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    1、非谓语动词最完整版非谓语动词一、 非谓语动词的概念动词的基本用法是作谓语。当句中已经有了谓语动词了,要选或要填的动词就只能用 非谓语形式了。二、 非谓语形式的三种形式及基本用法:1动词不定式:to do 表示目的和将来2、 动词的ing : doing 表示主动和进行3、 动词的过去分词:done表示被动和完成非谓语动词(一) 动词不定式一、不定式(to do)不定式由“to动词原形”构成,其否定形式是“not to动词原形”不定式可以带宾语或状语构 成不定式短语,没有人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化。不定式可作主语、宾语、状 语、表语和定语,但不能单独作谓语。不定式运用口诀:本领最多不定

    2、式,主,表,宾,补,定和状,样样成分都能干,只有谓语它不敢,大家千万 要当心,有时它把句型改,做主宾时用“ it”自己在后把身藏,七个感官三使役,宾补要把to甩开,疑问词后接上它,宾语从句可充当,逻辑主语不定式,不定式前 for sb,to前not是否定,各种用法区别开。1不定式的时态及语态时态主动被动意义例句语态一般to doto be done与谓语动词同时 发生或以后发生I m glad to see you.当不定式逻辑上 的主语是这个不 定式所表示的动 作的承受者时,不 定式须用被动形式。如:He asked to be sent to work in Tibet.This book

    3、 is said to have bee n tran slated intomany Ian guages.进行to be doi ng表示谓语的动作(情况)发生时, 不疋式表示的动 作正在进行He prete nded to be reading a book when 1 came in.完成to have doneto have bee n done先于谓语动作发生We seem to have met each other before.完成 进行to have bee n doi ng先于谓语动作发 生而又延续到谓 语动作发生后He is said to have been stu

    4、dying abroad , but I don t know which country he is study ing in.1.I am sorry to you so much trouble. ( 2008 江苏)A. have give n B. have bee n give n C. give D. givi ng答案:A简析:be sorry to have done sth意为 已经干了某事而遗憾 ” to have done是不定式的完成形 式,表示先于谓语动词的动作。 B,被动形式,不合题意。变式训练:2.The promisi ng young man is said

    5、 to two no vels.2.不定式的句法功能1)作主语:( 谓语动词一般用单数 )To finish the work in ten minutes is very hard. 在十分钟内完成这项工作很难。 动词不定式短语作主语时,常用 it 作形式主语,例如上面一句可用如下形式:It is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes. 练习:1. ( die ) for people is a glorious thing.2. ( talk ) with him is a great pleasure.3. ( see ) is to b

    6、elieve.4. (beat) in the home match was a disgrace to them.5.在一个小时之内记住所有这些单词是不容易的。 (翻译成英文)6.It is important to turn off the light when you leave the room.A. remember B . to remember C. of remembering D. remembering不定式的复合结构: for / of sb. to do sth.Its for sb.和 Its of sb.这样的句子中, 由于表语形容词性质的不同, 导致了不定式逻辑主

    7、语标志用 for 或 of 的区别。1)for sb. 句型中的形容词一般为表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式的形容词,如 easy,hard, difficult, interesting, impossible 等:例如:Its very hard for him to study two languages. 对他来说学两门外语是很难的。2)of sb 句型中的形容词一般为表示性格, 品德,心智能力, 表示主观感情或态度的形容词, 如 good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right 。例如:Its very nice of you to help me.

    8、你来帮助我,你真是太好了。 用 for 还是用 of 的另一种辨别方法:用介词 for 或 of 后面的逻辑主语作句子的主语,用介词前边的形容词作表语,造个句子。如果通顺用 of,不通则用for。例如:You are nice. (通顺,所以应用 of)。He is hard. (非所表达的意思,不通,因此用 for 。)1.It is great honor present at this meeting.A. for us to be B. for us to C. of us to beD. for your being2.It s kind so much of us.A. for y

    9、ou to think B. for you thinking C. of you to think D. of you thinking3.It s clever to make a mistake and correct it in no time.Afor her Bof her Cby her Dby herself 2)作表语:1.Her daughter swish is to become a singer.2.She seems to go with us.3.The boy seems to have been beaten.4.Her job is to clean the

    10、 hall.练习:1.Her work is ( look )after the children.2.My aim is ( go ) to TsinghuaUniversity.3.She seemed ( think ) about theproblem.4.He appeared (wait) for a long time.5.The box seems (move).6.Whether China can launch Shen zhou 忸 successfully rema ins A.to see B.seeingC.to be seen D.being seen7.What

    11、 I would suggest is the job right away.A. to start B. starts C. of staring D. for staring3)作宾语: 常与不定式作宾语连用的动词有:affordaimagreearrangeaskdecidebothercarechoosedemanddesiredetermineelectendeavorhopefailhelplearnlong 渴望meanmanageofferplanpretendrefusetendundertakeexpecthateintend如果不定式(宾语)后面有宾语补足语,则用 it作

    12、形式宾语,真正的宾语(不定式)后置,放在宾语补足语后面,如:Eg.Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia.练习:1.They wanted ( get ) on the bus, didn t they?2.He said he wished (be )a professor.3.I agreed (go ) there with the doctor.4.They asked (send) to work here.5.He promised (wait) at the door when she came out.6

    13、.I would love to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone7.Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears everything.A. to tell B. to be told C. to be telling D. to have been told8.I didn t hear you come in last night.

    14、Thats good. We tired noisy.A. not to B. to be not C. to be D. not to be9.It s a new dictionary, he seems this book the other day.A. to buy B. buyingC. to have boughtD. to have been bought(但是要注意,高中阶段有些短语中的 to是介词to,现把介词to的短语归纳如下)be related to和有联系.His fear of people is deeply related to his unhappy chi

    15、ldhood.be addicted to沉溺于对上瘾.She is addictaded to drugs.be opposed to 反对She is strongly opposed to their plan.devote oneself to 献身于 She devoted herself to tennis in her teens.be devoted to 献身于,忠诚于,爱She is devoted to here husband.be admitted to 被录取 , 准进入Li Ming is admitted to Beijing University.Childr

    16、en under 18 are not admitted to the film.be attached to附属于,爱慕,爱恋,敬仰The middle school is attached toQing hua University 。这是清华附中。be adjusted to 适应She was soon adjusted to his way of lifeadjust to 适应She soon adjusted to his way of life.adsjust onself to 使适应She soon adjusted herself to his way of lifebe

    17、 adapted to 适应He is quickly adapted to a new circumstances. 他很快适应新环境。adapt oneself to 适应He is quick to adapt himself to a new circumstances 他很快适应新环境。be known to 为所知As is known to all,paper was first made in China.be married to 和结婚Tom has been married to Mary for 10 years.be sentenced to 被判处He was se

    18、ntenced to 10 years in prison. 他被判处 10 年监禁 .。be conn ected to禾和连在一起I was connected to the wrong person. 我的电话接错了人。be exposed to暴露于/遭受/接触The bicycle was exposed to the rain and wind.Ive been exposed to English for 20years. 我学英语已经 20 年了。be compared to 被比喻成Teachers are often compared to candles. 教师常被比喻成

    19、蜡烛。compareto把 比成People often compare children to flowers. 。人们常把孩子们比喻成花朵。 be/become /get accustomed to 惯于,有.习惯.You will soon get accustomed to the job. 你很快就会适应这项工作。be en gaged to禾和订婚Jack is engaged to Linda. 捷克和林达订婚了。get down to 着手做Let s get dow n to bus in ess .我们言归正传。lead to 导致All roads lead to Rom

    20、e. 条条道路通罗马。object to 反对He objects to beeing treated like a child. 他讨厌被当成小孩看待。put one s mind to 全神贯注于You should put your mind to studies. 你应专心学习。give rise to 引起The dirty enviroment gave rise to diseases. 那肮脏的环境引起了各种疾病。 look forward to 盼望I m looking forwad to seeing you. 我盼望与你见面。pay attention to 注意Ple

    21、ase pay attention to your pronunciotion. 请注意你的发音。stick to 坚持He always sticks to his promise. 他总是遵守诺言。attend to 处理 ,照料Attend carefully to what she is saying. 注意听她说话。see to 负责Will you see to the plants while I m away. 我不在时请您帮我照料这些植物。con tribute to对做贡献The construction of a highway will contribute to th

    22、e growth of the surburbs. 建造高速公路有助于郊区发展。make contributions to 对做贡献He has made great contributions to a space deveiopment programme. 他对太空发展计划有很大的贡献。apply oneself to 致力于He applied himself to the study of genes. 他致力于基因研究。come close to 几乎 ,将近He came close to being killed in the accident. 他差一点在事故中丧生。repl

    23、y to 回答She never replied to my letter. 他从不回复我的信。add to 增加The news added to his an xiety.这消息增加了他的忧虑。add up to 加起来These figures add up to fifty. 这些数字总计为 50。in addition to 除之外 (还 )He speak s Frensh in addition to English. 他除了讲英语之外还会说法。turn to 转向 ,求助于He has turned to keep ing sheep.他已转行养羊。feel up to 能胜任

    24、He doesn t think he feels up to the job. 他认为他不胜任这项工作。look up to 向上看,尊敬We should look up to our parents. 我们应该尊敬父母。admit to 承认He admmited to having broken the glass. 他承认打烂了玻璃。belong to 属于The computer belongs to me. 这台电脑时我的。take to 喜爱 ,开始I took to her at once 我立刻喜欢上了她。She has taken to drinking recently

    25、. 他最近喜欢喝酒。cling to 附着 /坚持The little boy clung to his mother s skirt in fear 那男孩害怕得紧紧抓住他母亲的裙子。fall to 开始After supper we fell to discussing politics. 。 晚饭后我们开始讨论政治。respond to 回答He didn t respond to my question.他没有回答我的问题。accustom oneself to 使习惯于Children are quick to accustom themselves tonew surroundin

    26、gs. 孩子们很快就会适应新环境。get to 到达某地When did you get Shanghai? 你和时到的上海 ?set an example to给树立榜样Lei Feng set a good example to us.雷锋为我们树立了好榜样。refer to 谈到 ,参考 ,查阅If you have any question please refer to the guidebook. 如果你有问题请参阅旅游指南。take /make a trip to 到 .地方去I ll make a trip to the seaside tomorrow. 明天我要到海边去。j

    27、ointo把和连接起来The railway has joined Beijing to Zhuhai. 这条铁路把北京和珠海连接起来了do a kindness to 帮助某人He did me ma ny kindn esses .他帮过我很多忙。turn a blind eye to 对视而不见Don t turn a blind eye to that. 不要对那事视而不见。turn a deaf ear to 对充耳不闻He turned a deaf ear to my advice. 他对我的建议充耳不闻。 point to 指向He pointed to the door. 他

    28、用手指着门 .(让人出去 )。show honour to向表示敬意We all showed honour to the hero. 我们都向那位英雄表示敬意。put an end to 结束They should put an end to that ridiculous war 他们应该终止那场荒谬的战争。 bring an end to 结束They should bring an end to that ridiculous war 他们应该终止那场荒谬的战争。 drink(a toast)to 为干杯Let s drink to Paul s health.让我们为保尔的健康干杯。

    29、propose a toast to 提议为干杯I propose a toast to Paul s health. 我提议为保尔的健康干杯。set fire to 防火烧 .The enemy set fire to the ship. 敌人放火烧了那条船。happe n to发生了事What has happened to your mother?你妈妈怎么了 ?occur to 被想到 ,被想起It occurred to me that I had forgotten to take my medicine. 我突然想起我忘了吃药了。 total up to 总计达His debt

    30、totalled up to 1,000,000.yuan. 他的债务总计达一百万元。get close to 接近It is too hot .He can t get close to the fire. 太热了他不能接近大火。hold to 坚持 抓住 .Everyone should hold to the rule. 每人都应该遵循这规则。help oneself to 随便用Help yourself to the sweets. 请随便吃糖。hold on to 抓住 , 固守。The little girl held on to the tail of his coat 。那小女孩抓住他外套的下摆。do harm to 对有害处Smoking does harm to health 。抽烟有害健康。do wrong to 冤枉Great was done to him in the past。过去他受了很大的冤枉。date back to 追朔到This temple date back to the SongDydasty 。这庙宇宋代就有了。when it comes to 谈到 .时when it comes to studying English ,he thinks it easy 。谈到学英语时他认为容易。g


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